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Colin Hopkins

From: David Hay <>

Sent: Wednesday, 20 December 2017 8:43 AM
To: Colin Hopkins; 'Laura Laurenson'
Subject: Brookby Quarry - Confirmed Amendments to the s127 Application

Importance: High

Good‐morning Colin and Laura 
I understand from my phone conversation late yesterday with Colin that if the applicant confirms the changes 
proposed below then he can finalise his report and get it back to Council for signing prior to Friday.  Laura, I have 
had no luck getting hold of you and would appreciate if you could give me a call for a two‐minute discussion to 
confirm Council can then sign it off. 
The applicant now agrees to the proposed changes they have outlined below and wish Council to proceed now with 
finalising the consent so that it can be given effect to immediately to meet the projected demand for product during 
David Hay 
Planning Consultant 
Resource Management Practice 
Phone: 09 425-9844 
Mobile: 027 425-0234
Skype: osbornehay01 
Postal: PO Box 16, Warkworth 0941
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email or its attachments. In that case please let us know immediately by reply email and then delete this email from your system.While we use standard virus
checking software, we accept no responsibility for viruses or anything similar in this email or attachments. We also do not accept responsibility for any
changes to, or interception of, this email or any attachment after it leaves our information systems. 
From: David Hay []  
Sent: Tuesday, 19 December 2017 12:11 p.m. 
To: 'Colin Hopkins' <> 
Subject: Brookby Quarry ‐ Possible Amendment to the s127 Application 
Good‐morning Colin, 
Further to our phone conversation this morning, we understand that Council has no concerns with the revised 
increase in truck movements (which have been reduced from that originally applied for in terms of Monday to 
Friday) but is still seeking internal advice about the increased load out hours and Council may be forming the view 
that truck movements along public roads can be limited in terms of hours or permitted load out hours.  As you are 
aware, I strongly disagree with this suggestion and I am unaware of anything in the AUPOP which may support such 
a limitation. 
As Council is fully aware, there continues to be a very strong demand for rock particularly from infrastructure 
projects.   As agreed this morning I have discussed with our client the further refinement of the application so that 
the load out hour changes originally sought are withdrawn at this stage.  The applicant is agreeable to this change 
on the basis that Council will confirm today that the consent for increased movements will now be granted and this 
consent will be granted by the end of this Friday.   I understand you were to now confirm this internally with Laura.  I 
cannot stress strong enough the need for our client to have this consent by Friday to meet the current rock demand 
that will continue over the Christmas break. 
If there is agreement on this, then the revised conditions being sought are as follows (changes highlighted in 10(a) 
and no changes now sought for Condition 20).   I consider that Condition 20A should still be deleted as this avoids 
trucks parking on Twilight Road and the removal of this condition itself will not result in trucks turning up earlier, 
rather it will just change where they park while waiting for the load out activities to commence. 
Possible Revised Amendment To Changes Sought: 
Land Use Consent P42476
Condition 8 add (under list of documents referred to):
 August 2017 S127 Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects, prepared by Osbornehay and dated
August 2017.
Condition 10:

(a) There shall be no more than 120 300 truck movements (60 150 in and 60 150 out) per hour with a total not
exceeding 902 truck movements (451 in and 451 out) per day on weekdays, Monday to Friday, being just under
86 truck movements per hour averaged over 10.5 hours.
(b) For 30 weekdays (Monday to Friday) per year, the total daily truck movements can be increased so they do not
exceed a maximum of 1320 (660 in and 660 out) and 120 truck movements per hour, provided that this does not
occur more than two weekdays in any one week. The consent holder shall keep records of any days when
increased truck movements occur in reliance on this condition 10(b) and shall make those records available to
the Council in accordance with Condition 17(ii).
Note: For the purposes of this condition, the term “year” shall be interpreted as meaning the 12 month period
commencing from the date this consent is deemed to take effect or any consecutive 12 month period thereafter.
(c) On Saturdays, there shall be no more than 20 truck movements (10 in and 10 out) per hour between the hours
of 7am and 12pm for six months after the commencement of this consent. Between six months and 18 months
of the commencement of the consent, there shall be no more than 30 truck movements (15 in and 15 out) per
hour. Thereafter, On Saturdays, there shall be no more than 40 truck movements (20 in and 20 out) per hour,
until such time as sealed shoulders are provided on Brookby Road (from Whitford Park Road to Alfriston-Ardmore
Road) and Whitford Park Road (from Brookby Road to Sandstone Road) to the satisfaction of the Southern
Manager, Resource Consents. Following the provision of sealed shoulders on Brookby Road and Whitford Park
Road to the satisfaction of the Southern Manager, Resource Consents, quarry truck movements shall be no more
than 82 per hour (41 in and 41 out) on Saturdays. The maximum number of trucks on Saturdays shall therefore
(i) 100 truck movements during the first six months after the commencement of this consent;

(ii) 150 truck movements between six months and 18 months after the commencement of the consent;
(iii) Thereafter, 200 440 truck movements until such time as sealed shoulders are provided on Brookby
Road (from Whitford Park Road to Alfriston-Ardmore Road) and Whitford Park Road (from Brookby Road to
Sandstone Road);
(iv) Once shoulders are provided on those roads, 410 902 truck movements.
Note: The restrictions on truck movements specified above in conditions 10(a) to (c) are derived from an analysis
of truck noise effects on Kimptons Road and the 50 km/hr maximum speed established by condition 14 below.
Condition 11:
11 There shall be no more than 4870 truck movements per week (Monday to Saturday) until appropriate width sealed
shoulders are provided on Brookby Road (from Whitford Park Road to Alfriston-Ardmore Road) and Whitford
Park Road (from Brookby Road to Sandstone Road) in accordance with condition 10(c) above. Once shoulders
have been provided, there shall be no more than 5120 truck movements per week (Monday to Saturday).
Condition 13:
13 The maximum size of any truck transporting aggregate from the Quarry along Kimptons Road shall be 50 tonnes
(gross laden weight).
Condition17(ii) bullet point 3:
 Details of any days in the previous month when increased truck movements occur in reliance on condition 10(b)
together with a running total for the year to date.
Condition 20:
20 The hours of load out activities and associated “quarry truck movements” shall be as follows:

Monday to Friday 7.00am to 5.30pm

Saturday 7.00am to 12.00pm

20A No quarry trucks shall enter Kimptons Road before 6.30am Monday to Friday, or before 6.45am on Saturdays.
David Hay 
Planning Consultant 
Resource Management Practice 
Phone: 09 425-9844 
Mobile: 027 425-0234
Skype: osbornehay01 
Postal: PO Box 16, Warkworth 0941
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email or its attachments. In that case please let us know immediately by reply email and then delete this email from your system.While we use standard virus
checking software, we accept no responsibility for viruses or anything similar in this email or attachments. We also do not accept responsibility for any
changes to, or interception of, this email or any attachment after it leaves our information systems. 

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