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Minutes of the Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council meeting on the 13th November 2017 at the Public


171113-1 Present
Steve Capstick (chairman), John Heap, Alison Nelson, Ruth Rigg, John Shorrock, Arthur Robinson (clerk), Peter
Thornton (SLDC) and nine parishioners

171113-2 Apologies
Stan Collins

171113-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting

The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 25-09-2017 as a true and accurate record [see
the document on the parish website]

171113-4 Chairmans announcements

a) SLDC is holding a final consultation about its Local Development Management Policies. They can be read
and commented on at until 5pm on the 14th December. The Parish Council
submitted comments some time ago.
b) The September meeting of CCC recommended that the path through Old Croft farmyard be added to the
Ordnance Survey map as a public right of way. The order to add the path to the map will now be 'made' and
publicised (by notices in a local paper) and will be subject to a period of 28 days when formal objections may
be submitted. If no objections are submitted the order will then be 'confirmed' and the section of path comes
into being. However, if an objection to the 'made' order is submitted to CCC then the order must be passed
by CCC to the Planning Inspectorate who are then charged with considering the whole application again,
along with the objection, either by means of written representations, a hearing, or a public inquiry. It is then
the decision of a planning inspector whether the order is confirmed or not.

171113-5 Declaration of interests none

171113-6 Open session

a) It was reported that two footpath signs near Greenmoor Bank and Middleshaw Head incorrectly state that the
paths go to Millholme. They go to Old Croft. The signs could be easily adapted to state Footpath only.
b) There is an ancient milestone at Crosslands which is a listed building. It has been knocked over. CCC has
now been informed.
c) Beckside and Popplemire Lanes have many pot holes. They have now been reported to CCC.
d) The street light at St.Johns is not working. It has now been reported.

171113-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2017/0937 Erection of a detached domestic outbuilding for storage of vintage tractors at Helm View,
Ellenwray . The Parish Council had no objection to this development.
SL/2017/0425 and 0426 Battery storage facility and gas-fired power station at Greenmoor Bank, Old Hutton.
The Parish Council strongly opposed these applications at its meeting on 13-06-2017. Because new
documents have been submitted by Statera, the Parish Council will be formally consulted again before SLDC
Planning Committee discusses the applications on 4th January 2018. The Parish Council unanimously re-
affirmed its opposition to the developments. John Heap agreed to speak at the Planning Committee on behalf
of the Parish Council. The plan by the Action Group to call a meeting in early December of those interested in
speaking on particular topics was welcomed.

b) The progress of the following application was noted:

SL/2017/0768 Single storey extension at Oakfield Farm. The Parish Council decided to support this
application. Permission granted on 26-10-2017.

171113-8 Payment of accounts

Payment of the following amount was authorised:
179.66 to Old Hutton Church for grass cutting and painting of railings

171113-9 Financial report

On 02-11-2017 the current account balance was 1939.13 of which 107.49 is budgeted for the broadband project
and 259.17 VAT refund to be claimed.

171113-10 Correspondence
21-10-2017 from Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd a copy of a letter to Burgess Roughton Consulting
Engineers demanding payment of 2464.48 plus VAT, the outstanding retention amount from the Old Hutton footway.
171113-11 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish
On 13-11-2017 62 live services and 21 connections had been completed in the Old Hutton network. B4RN reported
that many of those with just connections were waiting for their current contracts to end before taking the B4RN
service. Fibre was blown along the route from Old Hutton to Gatebeck crossroads in the previous week and fibres
were being joined to add more homes and businesses to the network. About one mile of spur duct remains to be laid
in the parish. Work is now being concentrated in New Hutton where six miles of trunk have still to be installed.

171113-12 Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 25th January 2018 at the Public Hall.

Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone 01539-725955 e-mail

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