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Minutes of the New Hutton Parish Council meeting on Monday 7th September 2020 held via Zoom

200907-1 Present
Pat Bell, Hazel Hodgson, Henry Robinson, Martyn Welch (chairman), Arthur Robinson (clerk) and two parishioners

200907-2 Apology
Kath Twist

200907-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting

The chairman signed the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 19-08-2020 as a true and accurate record [see the
document on the website]

200907-4 Chairman’s announcements

Cumbria CC has agreed to submit a proposal which, if supported by Government, would see the creation of a single
new unitary council for the whole of Cumbria. CCC would give more powers to Cumbria’s many and varied local
communities over what happens in their area through stronger town and parish councils and building on the existing
strengths of locality working.

200907-5 Declaration of interests

Hazel Hodgson in respect of item 11b

200907-6 Open session

a) The large and deep pothole at the top of Cross Brow on New Hutton Lane has not yet been repaired in spite
of CCC Highways being notified several times.
b) A temporary barrier has been at the bridge on the A684 near Butterbent for many months.
c) A drain was opened opposite Oak Barn some time ago but the work has not been finished. A channel was
also dug across Mill Lane at the Millholme end to take away water and there, also, the work has not been
completed by CCC.
d) Footbridges across St Sunday’s Beck at Bleaze and Whitrigg Moss will be replaced on 08-09-2020.

200907-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2020/0600 - Replace existing garden shed/potting shed with a garden studio for crafts at 4 Kinn Barns.
The Council had no objections but recommended screening with bushes or trees.
b) The progress of the following applications was noted:
SL/2020/0258 – Re-orientation of garage/workshop opening and change to garage door at Paddock View.
The Council had no objections at its e-meeting on 24-04-2020
SL/2020/0434 and SL/2020/0507 – Addition of a porch to the front of 1 Hayclose. The Parish Council was not
against these applications in principle but felt that they might not meet the criteria for a listed building.

200907-8 Payment of accounts

Payment of the following amounts was authorised:
£4.00 to L.A.Robinson for envelopes for the Parish Field vote
£257.60 to Zurich for insurance from 13-10-2020 to 12 10-2021

200907-9 Financial report

The Community Account balance is £3166.13 and the Business Saver Account remains at £512.79.

200907-10 Correspondence none

200907-11 Possible tree planting on the parish field

a) The totals of votes cast to determine whether trees should be planted on the Parish Field were: yes = 84; no =
79. (yes = 51.5%; no = 48.5%). 54.9% of the electorate voted which is a high response rate.
b) Because of the very close result, the Parish Council decided to explore the implications of planting trees on
only part of the field (possibly the wetter part) and to consult the residents of the parish further in spring 2021.
(proposed by Martyn Welch, seconded by Pat Bell)

200907-12 Date of the next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be near the end of October.

Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone – 01539-725955 e-mail –

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