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Analyzing Novel Questions (2001-2014):

2001 A character you like/admire (character)

2002 What important lesson did you learn? (moral value)
2003 A character you sympathies. (character)

2004 Choose an event which you find to be the most memorable. (Plot)
2005 Love is important in a family. How is this shown in the novel you have studied? (Theme)
2006 The writer describes the main character as a very determined person. (character)
Write about:
~some instances that show the character’s determination
~how the determination affects his/her family
2007 Write about a character that you look up to. (character)
2008 Describe what happens at the end of the novel. (Plot)
Explain why you find the ending either happy or sad
2009 Write about a difficult decision made by one of the characters,
with close reference to the text, do think this was the right decision. (character)
2010 Write about an important incident in the novel. (Plot)
2011 Write about a part of the story that you like the most. (Plot)
2012 Write an event that makes you angry
Sample answers/framework for Step by Wicked Step:

1. Compare two characters.

State your novel (Step by wicked step)
Brief synopsis
The characters~ Richard & Colin
Content paragraphs:
1. Their love for their dad
E1 Similarity: Both missed their fathers
E1 Contrast:
Richard- His father died
Colin-mother moved away with father’s knowledge
E1 Contrast:
Richard-lost his father forever
Colin- still searching for his stepfather
2. Ignored by their mothers
E2 Similarity: Both did not get any attention from their mothers
E2 Contrast:
Richard- His mother did not defend him when Reverend Coldstone treated him badly
Colin-his mother is not aware of how much he missed his dad because she is too busy
working at the canteen and doing household chores
E2 Similarity: Both of them did not feel their mothers’ love.
3. Running away
E3 Similarity: Both of them decided to ran away to make things work
E3 Contrast:
Richard- ran away from home with the hope that he would make life more pleasant for everyone
Colin-plans to run away to find his stepfather
E3 Contrast:
Richard- realize that running away does not solve any problems
Colin-he does three paper rounds to save money to search for his stepfather
~the two characters suffered much pain and sorrow- no one cares about them/how they felt/ no
one advise them
~running away does not solve problems, in fact it can affect the people around
~ we need to think wisely before making a serious decision in life.

2. How a character has changed due to certain events that have taken place in his/her life.
State your novel (Step by wicked step)
Brief synopsis
The character: Colin

1. Colin changed into a very unhappy and lonely boy

E1 He had to join a new school when his mother moved out of their home with him
E1 He has to go thru unpleasant experiences, got ignored, the students had their own set of
E1 His mother busy with her job (at the canteen) and with her household chores, had no time to
listen to his problems.

2. Colin becomes a dreamy boy which causes him to have less focus in class/did badly in school.
E2 he missed his dad very much
E2 every –he would night he would take the tobacco tin out of the toe of his boot and put it
under his pillow
E2 he would hum their (colin & dad) favourite song & stay awake for hours talking to his dad.
He pretended that his dad was there.

3. Colin becomes resourceful

E3 It has been 5 years, 8 months & 7 days since he was separated from his dad
E3 He secretly writes his dad’s name & his old address on the forms at school
E3 he tries to save money- he does three paper rounds to earn money to search for his dad when
he is older.
~At first Colin responded negatively to the changes in his life-sad, dreamy, moody,
~finally he decided to do something worthy to search for his dad.
~His love and longing for his dad motivated him to become optimistic, resourceful and patient in
his mission: search for his dad.

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