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The Egg Chair

Autor : Arne Jacobsen

An : 1958
The Egg chair, a fost proiectat într-un stil tipic Jacobsen, acesta regăsindu-se in forma scaunului.
Teoria că stilul scaunului a fost inspirat, este discutabilă, deoarece scaunele au identitatea lor
proprie. Scaunele au fost mult mai apreciate din punct de vedere estetic, decât din punct de
vedere al confortului oferit. Cele din ediţia limitată au fost lustruite la mână, ele fiind
achiziţionate de cei care apreciază valoarea si eleganţa unui corp de mobilier.

Fotoliul Egg Sursa :

Fotoliul Egg a fost proiectat de Arne Jacobsen in 1958, in Danemarca, pentru designul interior al
hotelului Radisson Blu Royal d
in Germania și
are mai mult de 50 de ani. Acesta este fabricat de
compania “
Republica lui Fritz Hansen

. Oul a fost proiectat într-un stil tipic Jacobsen, folosindu-se materiale de ultima generatie.
Cooperarea dintre Arne Jacobsen și Fritz Hansen datează din 1934.
In 1952 a fost lansat scaunul Ant, urmat de Seria 7 în 1955. Aceastea au propulsat numele lui
Fritz Hansen în istorie mobilier. Arne Jacobsen a fost foarte productiv, atât ca
arhitect și ca
t si ca
designer. La sfârșitul anil
or '50 Arne Jacobsen proiecta pt Royal Hotel în Copenhaga, fotoliul Egg, Swan, canapea Swan
și seria 3300
. Arne Jacobsen a fost și este un
designer de admirat. În timp ce
clădirile proiectate de
Arne Jacobsen au
fost mai puțin apreciate, mobilierul și alte lucrări de p
roiectare au devenit patrimoniu na
țional și internațional.
Versiunea originala cu semnatura designerului costa undeva la 5000$, iar o replica de calitate
undeva la 1000$. Culoarea initiala a fost verde, insa acum se gaseste in mai multe culori.

Pe schetlet din otel, simpaticul fotoliu in forma de ou are spatele inalt si curbat. Are un impact
deosebit, fiind impozant, dar in acelasi timp creeaza o atmosfera de intimitate. Este potrivit
pentru spatiile moderne, deschise, cu tavan inalt, cum ar fi un loft, o biblioteca, dar si intr-un
spatiu retras, mai intim
The Egg a fost proiectat de Arne Jacobsen și la fel, ca și celelalte două, are mai mult de 50 de ani. Este un
scaun foarte celebru și deși nu-i chiar tânăr nu-și arată vârsta, ba dimpotrivă, se potrivește de minune
spațiilor amenajate în stil contemporan și nu se împacă prea bine cu stilul vintage sau retro.

Citeste mai mult pe:


Arne Jacobsen

Arne Jacobsen (1902-1971) este un architect si designer danez care a realizat prototipuri pentru
mobilier, textile, tapet, obiecte de argint . Interesul sau pentru designul de produs a aparut
datorita conceptului Gesamtkunstwerk - “Arta şi tehnica, o noua unitate”, care este definit prin
preocuparea constanta de a privi o constructie ca un tot unitar. Fiecare detaliu, incepand cu
partea de arhitectura, continuand cu amenajarea spatiului (mobilier, corpuri de iluminat, piese de
decor), trebuie sa faca parte dintr-un concept cu o viziune clara. Prin urmare, designul propus de
Arne Jacobsen este puternic influentat de ideologia modernsita, in special de miscarea care are la
baza forma organica. Imbratisand filosofia designului organic modernist, Arne Jacobsen a creat
piese cu linii clare si curate. Viziunea lui imbina functionalitatea, proportiile umane si esteticul,
creatiile sale fiind reprezentative pentru designul anilor 50 Cele mai faimoase lucrari ale lui Arne
Jacobsen sunt scaunele Egg, Swan, Ant, Grand Prix, canapelele Swan si Seriile 3300.

Charles& Ray Eames

Sotii Charles Ormond Eames (1907-1978) si Bernice Alexandra ’’Ray’’ Eames (1912-1988) au
transformat pasiunea pentru proiectare in ‘’designe icons’’, munca lor fiind o combinatie intre
arta si stiinta, , procesul creatiei si implementare, stil si functionalitate. Filosofia sotiilor Charles
si Ray Eames, “Detaliile nu sunt doar detalii, cu ajutorul lor se defineste un produs”, a
revolutionat designul de produs, atat prin materialele folosite (cum ar fi lemnul curbat si fibra de
sticla turnata), cat si prin conceptul propus, acela de a indeplini nevoile practice ale oamenilor
obisnuiti si de a aduce o mai mare simplitate si placere in vietile noastre. Pe langa mobilier
acestia au inventat jucarii, au amenajat spatii, au realizat filme, au creat planoare si fuselaje
pentru marina americana in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial. “Stilul Eames” ce s-a
dezvoltat timp de patru decenii, jucaus, fuctional si sofisticat , este la fel de actual si in ziua de
azi, graitoare fiind piesele care i-au facut celebrii: DSR Chair, Lounge Chair and Ottoman, La
Chaise, Eames Lounge Chair Wood, Wire Chair si ESU 426-C Storage.

Eero Aarnio

Proiectantul si profesorul Eero Aarnio (1932-) este unul dintre cei mai inovatori designeri ai
secolului XX, punandu-si amprenta in amenajari de interior, design industrial, grafica si
fotografie. Scopul lui Eero Aarnio a fost sa creeze piese de mobilier cu un design usor
identificabil, munca sa fiind caracterizata de un puternic efect psihologic asupra celor care o
privesc si acelor care ii utilizeaza piesele, stimuland imaginatia si provocand dialogul. De-a
lungul anilor Aarnio a experimentat diverse materiale printre care fibra de sticla, spuma si
polietilena. Designul propus este unul cu forme organice, in culori puternice trecand dincolo de
barierele proiectarii traditionale si conventionale, graitoare fiind scaunele Ball Chair, Bubble
Chair, Pastil Chair si Tomato Chair. Creatiile sale sunt expuse in muzee din intreaga lume,
printre care Victoria and Albert Hall Museum din Londra, MoMA din New York, Vitra Design
Museum din Weil am Rhein, Germania si in Centre Georges Pompidou din Paris.

Le Corbusier

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris “Le Corbusier” (1887-1965) a fost un architect, urbanist si

designer de mobilier, un pionier al miscarii moderniste. Fascinat de teoriile Sectiunea de Aur
Sirul Fibonacci a dezvoltat aceste principii in tratatul “Modulatorul” din 1950. Acest tratat are la
baza studiul proportiilor umane, adaptand astfel proiectele sale de arhitectura si de mobilier
dimensiunilor corpului uman. Le Corbusier spunea ca “mobilierul este o extensie a membrelor
noastre”, propunand un design care sa se adapteze perfect functiilor corpului, de unde au rezultat
dimensiuni standard pentru anumite corpuri de mobilier. Studiile sale teoretice ce au urmarit o
imbunatatire a stilului de viata au fost implementate in piesele de mobilier pe care le-a proiectat:
LC2 Chair, LC3 Sofa, LC4 Lounge Chair, LC6 Dining Table.

Gerrit Rietveld

Gerrit Rietveld (1888-1964) este designer de mobilier si architect olandez, unul din principalii
mebrii grupului De Stijl. Miscarea De Stijl, din care faceau parte pictori, arhitecti si scriitori,
printre cei mai importanti fiind Piet Mondrian (pictor) si Theo Van Doesburg (architect), a avut o
influenta hotaratoare in parcursul lui Rietveld. Acesta a transformat piesele de mobilier si
cladirile pe care le-a proiectat in compozitii abstracte, ce aveau la baza principiile cubismului.
Liniile si formele geometrice dispuse pe orizontala sau verticala erau tratate in culorile primare –
rosu, galben si albastru, completate de negru, alb si gri. Astfel au luat nastere celebrul scaun The
Red Blue Chair si casa Schroeder, aceasta aflandu-se in patrimoniul Unesco. Filosofia propusa
de Rietveld are la baza aspectele sociale si nu principii dogmatice, propunand astfel, la inceputul
anilor 40, conceptele “do it yourself” si “open design”, anticipand nevolie consumatorului din
ziua de azi. Ideea propusa de Rietveld, de a-ti asambla singur piesele de mobilier, o va dezvolta
mai tarziu in brosura “Furniture you make yourself”.

The Egg Chair was designed 1958 by Arne Jacobsen and developed for the lobby and reception areas at
the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen in the late 50s.
The synthetic shell is padded with cold foam and covered with fabric or leather resting on a star-shaped
aluminium base. The shell has an adjustable tilt fitting which can be adjusted to the weight of the
individual user.
More covers and colours are available on request.

Arne Jacobsen designed the Egg™ (1958) for the lobby and reception areas in the Royal Hotel,
in Copenhagen. The commission to design every element of the hotel building as well as the
furniture was Jacobsen’s grand opportunity to put his theories of integrated design and
architecture into practice. The Egg is one of the triumphs of Jacobsen’s total design.

Arne Jacobsen first production of the egg chair without seat cushion. There is more foam to the seat.
Produced only for two years from 1958 to 1960. The edge is thiner. One screw to the base and no serial
number under the aluminum feet. Stamped FH to the leather. Unbelievable patina !

Arne Jacobsen. The Golden Egg. Model 3316. Anniversary model upholstered in dark chocolate brown
leather on the front and chocolate brown suede on the back. Four-star, hand-polished, solid bronze
base. Originally designed in 1958. Produced by Fritz Hansen in a limited edition of 999 chairs in
connection with the 50th anniversary of the Egg chair. The chair is engraved with its own unique number
65/999 and serial no. Under the seat cushion a short text about the history of the chair is embossed. A
special 50th anniversary book accompanies the chair. Minor signs of wear.

Egg Chair Arne Jacobsen 1958

In 1958, the Danish designer Arne Jacobsen designed the Egg chair for the Royal Danish Hotel :
The Radisson SAS.

This is a typical Jacobsen design, the materials are pushed to the max and Jacobsen use new
materials to produce this brilliant new design: The Egg chair.
Arne Jacobsen Egg chair feature a steel frame, fiberglass molded, fire retardent polyurethane
foam, fabric upholstery. The original colour is the red.

mid-century modern style

The "Egg" chair is an iconic mid-century modern style which has been re-
interpreted countless times. All of these variations may have been inspired by the
original 1958 design by Arne Jacobsen, but are merely homages to it and are not
directly affiliated with the official manufacturer Fritz Hansen

Designer: Arne Jacobsen

Date: 1958
Country: Denmark
Materials: Steel frame, fabric cover
Style/Tradition: Modernist
Dimensions: 87 × 79 (95) ×
107 cm
Colours: originally green, now in
several colors

THE DESIGNER : Arne Jacobsen (1902-1971)

The cooperation between Arne Jacobsen and Fritz Hansen dates back to 1934. But in was in 1952 the
break-through came with the Ant™. It was succeeded by the Series 7™ in 1955. This propelled his and
Fritz Hansen's names into furniture history. Arne Jacobsen was very productive both as an architect and
as a designer. At the end of the 50s Arne Jacobsen designed the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen, and for that
project the Egg™, the Swan™, the Swan™ sofa and Series 3300™. Arne Jacobsen was and is an admired
and outstanding designer. While the significance of Arne Jacobsen's buildings was less appreciated, his
furniture and other design work have become national and international heritage.

Most of the chairs were created for the Radisson Hotel followed by a couple of that had been
collectables and had been produced as a ‘Special Edition’. This managed to maintain the exclusivity of
the chairs as only a pick couple of could own them. The chairs were also exorbitantly priced, and each is
estimated to have price $60,000 back in 1958. The expense was even so not a deterrent for people who
wanted to own these differently created chairs willingly paid for them. The chairs were beautifully
crafted and were distinctive.

In 2008 Fritz Hansen, the producers of the original chair came out with 999 limited edition Egg
Chairs, to commemorate the fifty years given that the very first Egg Chair was made. The limited
editions had been produced in wealthy leather and suede and had exclusive designs that included
a combination of two toned shades of light and dark chocolate brown suede. The base of the
chair was produced in bronze to perfectly total the classy look of the richly textured chair. The
use of bronze in the base was a clever introduction, due to the fact as the bronze oxidizes and
ages it takes on a darker hue, further enhancing the appear of the classic chair. Further, the
Restricted Edition chairs were hand polished which added to their characteristic appeal. The
chairs had been picked up by connoisseurs who appreciate and value the far better issues in life.

Every person, of the Limited Edition Egg Chairs has an exclusive number engraved on the seat
of the chair, concealed under the cushioning, along with a synopsis of the origin and history of
the chair. The chair came together with a special restricted edition book marking the 50th
anniversary of the chair. The book has the detailed history of how the first Egg Chairs were
constructed, together with uncommon pictures. A write up on Arne Jacobsen and Republic of
Fritz Hansen gives an informative overview of two marvels of designing.

The Egg is a chair designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1958 for Radisson SAS hotel in Copenhagen. It
is manufactured by Republic of Fritz Hansen.

The Egg was designed in a typical Jacobsen style, using state-of-the-art material.

It is believed to be inspired by Eero Saarinen's "Womb chair", from which it gains some traits. In
many respects, though, the Egg is a much more complete design.

Related to the Egg is the Swan and, to some degree, many of Jacobsen's plywood chairs such as
"7", the Ant, the Cigar, the Grand Prix-chair, the Pot, the Drop and the Giraffe.

The Egg was (as was the Swan) designed as a couch also - though the actual piece was thought
to be a figment of someone's imagination, fed by the existence of the Swan-couch. While the
Swan-couch is still in production, only a handful of Egg-couches have ever been made. A few
were made for the Radisson Hotel, and a few years back, some were made as a "special edition"
couch. The price was quite high - about 400.000 dkr., the equivalent of 60,000 USD.

The reason for the limited production of the Egg-couch, besides the wish for exclusivity, is the
difficulty involved in making it, plus a design-"flaw"- the couch is too big to be covered by two
entire cow-hides, which is only just possible with the Egg-chair. This leaves a very visible
stitching down the middle of the couch - definitely not in Jacobsen spirit. This problem can,
however, be solved by making the upholstery in fabric rather than leather.

According to a New York Times article [1], the Egg chair has also been used by McDonalds as
part of a high-concept redesign of one of its restaurants in London. Furthermore The Egg is in
McDonalds on Nørrebrogade in Copenhagen, amongst orther furniture by Arne Jacobsen,
although some being imitations.

Depth: 79 (95) cm
Width: 86 cm
Height: 107 cm
Total weight: 18.1 kg

Dimensions: 34" W x 37.5" D x 42.5" H

Seat Height: 14.5" H
Material Star Base: aluminum
Material Pedestal: satin polished steel
Material Shell: cold-cured foam padded synthetic shell
Upholstery: royal sas blue
Upholstery Material: 100% pure new wool
Upholstery Abrasion: 50,000+ cycles, martindale method
Style: modern, mid-century modern
Fritz Hansen Product Code: 3316
Furniture > Chairs > Living Room Chairs > Accent Chairs

“The fundamental factor is proportion. Proportion is precisely what makes the old Greek temples
beautiful… And when we look at some of the most admired buildings of the Renaissance or the Baroque,
we notice that they are all well- proportioned. That is the essential thing.” A J

He is remembered for his both illustrated a combination of his A contribution to Architectural love of
naturalism and modernist Functionalism.

His architecture includes a • Among his most famous designs are O considerable number of epoch

Dimensions: 34" W x 37.5" D x 42.5" H

Seat Height: 14.5" H
Material Star Base: aluminum
Material Pedestal: satin polished steel
Material Shell: cold-cured foam padded synthetic shell
Upholstery: walnut elegance leather by sorensen
Style: modern, mid-century modern

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