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Topic:Anatomy Name:Gabi Perez

Objective: watch What the Health and determine which Date: 3/28/18
foods are healthy

Class/Period: 4

Essential Question:

Questions/ Vocab, etc. Notes

What causes 70% of deaths? -sausage and bacon can cause cancer
-processed meats can cause cancer
-⅔ of adults are overweight or obese
-obesity and cancers are causing 70% of deaths
-smoking big in heart disease but meats are bigger
-damage instantly after you eat something bad
-turkey and chicken should be taken out of diet
What is in chickens? -carcinogens in chicken
-yolk of an egg is bad
-American Heart Association have recipes for beef
- Are carbs good for you?
-cholesterol is everywhere
-fish are containing more mercury
-only eat a little amount of fish
-having a baby and feeding a baby can get rid of dioxins in a woman's body
Why is it unsafe to eat a large -dioxins go into the babies and can cause harm to them
amount of fish? -drugs are given to animals
-”government cares more about corporations”
-meat is a luxury item

Summary: The documentary, What the Health, is an eye opener about what we eat today. Meats and other foods
we eat daily may be the cause of cancer. There are many dioxins and carcinogens that are unhealthy for the
body. One thing is for sure, meat is a luxury item and we can find other healthy choices to take its place.

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