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The Divine Coitus

Being That Of Which The Mystic Transcribes Various Ideas Trying To

Better Understand The Concepts Of Religion And Spirituality

By Edward Sauer
The Book Of Non-Being
Chapter One
The purpose is, is not, nor is the reason, yet this is life

The will of one is valued only by the will of another by obtaining a correspondence with each other.
The colors of mingled minds manifesting seas of varying hues of light are creation

What is the Book of non-being of which I write? It is the primordium, the egg of which
births the Sun, this star reaches out with its many limbs and carresses the black fertile womb of the
naked earth. The Word of this manifestation is that Christ Child which guides the lesser visages
which wander these shallowed halls of meaning.
The flesh melts under the heat of death and is pooled into primoridum, springing forth a
new, a phoenix, its sorrowful song echoes forth seeking meaning, it is this – companionship,
understanding through correspondence. The Divine looks within the mirror of which it has
fashioned from out of itself.

I am the Divine Coitus within myself, for within all things is that All from which it sprang,
and when I become more than what I currently am, I am birthing children composed of self matter.

The Book of Non-being becomes the Book of Zero, the book of Zero becomes the Book of
One, the book of One becomes the Book of Two. Primordium, birthing forth the infinite, birthing
forth the Monad, birthing forth duality. The Book of three is an equlibrium. On Lesser realms,
below the veils of inverted depths, rest the lesser trinities – The Book of Four, The Book of Five,
and the Book of Six. They are the images of that which rest above the waters separating the flames
of above from the flames of below. And yet harken onto this! A Lesser trinity still, lingering below –
The Book of Seven, The Book of Eight, The Book of Nine.
The Book of Nine is that dark light which shields and filters the lesser trinity from the Book
of Ten, the Book of Ten is that rainbow realm which is the conversation of all things but in a lesser
and opposite, fallen husk degree than from the Book of Zero, of which is it the inverted reflection.
Turn oneself upside down and peel through the sky which is the truly the ground, swim through that
dense material of self matter into realms of other.
Read each book and learn its sigils, carve them onto ones soul flesh, embody the essence,
engage in Coitus with those aspects and travel that Tree of Life, until one is a character in the Book
of Non-Being. Then realize that self, being a character of Non-Being is a Word upon the page,
spoken by the lips of the primordium thing of which we (humanity) as a whole shall never truly
understand nor grasp, for our reach is limited, and our hands too small, our strength is finite
compared to this giant of All, Not, and Other, a thing Other than that which we define as Other.

I am a student of students who seek a thing beyond them. All our understandings are truths
and lies simultaneously for we have fashioned these things in our own image, in the image of
creation which is the reflection of a reflection of a reflection of a reflection of truth. Plainly
speaking the symbols we design are and yet are not, we work with them, they manifest, they create,
and yet they truly are not real, for we have created them, and we ourselves are not real. We are an
image, a shadow in a land of shadows, making shadows of our own to influence the shadow realm
of which we live.
The Kybalion might not be a genuine hermetic text, being influenced by the New Thought
movement, but I find those particular passages about opposites being the same with varying degrees
of manifestion to be quite charming – so with that in mind, Satan and Lucifer – two sides of the
same coin, if we seek to pass through the Luciferic gate, we might end up passing through the
Satanic gate instead, burning ourself in the flames of destruction. The Luciferic gate burns oneself
in the flames of creation.
Again the Satanic gates lead to realms of bodily passion, to realms of lower ego, where as
the Luciferic gates lead to realms of spiritual passion, to realms of higher ego. Both are rebels in
that they break the chains of dogma, and free oneself from the demiurge which is religion.

Baphomet, Pan, Satan, the horned ones of enlightenment, the horned ones of becoming. The
smiths blackened by the flames of which destruction and creation manifest - recreation, the alchemy
of life.

Buer, my inner eye of Ra. I envision a flaming sphere with an eye in the center. This flaming
sphere is an egg which spews forth solar sperm, seeding the black fields of the dark mother – Earth.
Seeded, this dark mother is the Green Man, that horned one of fertility, that hunter with an army of
fae, that Robin Hood with his Merry Men, they dance and they kill, they take and they give.
King Arthur, you are the King of the winters, neath the pale day star. Up from the realms of
death, rebirthing the summer, you spew from out your mouth the Robin Hood anew - twin Kings of
the Malkuthic realm, the Kether of the Qlippothic ladder, and we (humanity) are the little gods of
the fecal realms from out the Divine Man – Adam Kadmon.

Chapter Two
Child of divine masturbation, from out his mouth sprang forth the ignorance, "I am He! I am
God! In her esctastic self fornication, the birth of death. Woe onto you, fallen wisdom, woe onto
Coitus Divinus
The Vaginal Eye consumes me
Therein is true manifestation
Spiritual being

As the archons of lesser realms rape the shadow of divinity, looking down onto the dark, the
Mother smiles, giving light onto man. The Mothers breath is the spirit of motion within a being
created for purposes of stationary slavery. Joy onto you, redeemed wisdom, joy onto you!

Coitus Divinus
The Solar Phallus
Is the lamp of which enlightens
The mind shadowed by the will of the demiurge

Chapter Three
Christ Child
Osiris Messiah
Sacrifical lamb
This life force seeps within my veins
Washed in summer
I am green with life
Chapter Four
The Eye of Ra
My inner star
Fire of death
Flames of birth

As an aspect of destroyer the Eye of Ra burns away that which is the enemy of the Divine
Will. As the sacred cow, Hathor, feeds and nurtures the Divine Will. Fertility Goddess and Warrior
God, the light which blinds the darkness of the will perverted.

Guide me oh Buer! Daemon of the Sun!

Hermes of the Bright Ones
Of the day childs

Chapter Five
The jackal guides me through the darkened halls of death. I see the weight of which is
composed of the Mother Letters, Mem and Shin are the opposing scales with Aleph as the tongue of
balance. Set thereon my heart is weighed against the feather of truth, that which awaits me is either
the devourer of souls or the fields of life.

May Ma'at and Tiphereth make me as white as truth

And as the light of harmony

Chapter Six
Chorozon, you prattling knowledge, begone in the silence of life
I say, whilst kissed by the daughter, the bride, which is manifestation

The twin kings of the daughter

One is frozen and shines as the pale day star
The other is green and whose breath is morning

The light of the flame of esctasy

The waters of the black womb
Wash and burn my essence of becoming

Through thirty aethyrs I rise to life

Born again, I am the child of the slain one

Born into the death
Dying onto the life
Of the lesser husk of which is the image of Divine
Chapter Seven
I dreamed a dream, of which I was a hermet who lived in filth yet had grimoires of extreme
worth – this is, that flesh and the things of the world are as dung, but knowledge is that pearl of
great worth.
I dreamed a dream, of which I was a dead man traversing the heavenly realms. I resided
within the fourth realm, of which was a purgatorial peace, after the refinement of self, traversing the
next realm of which was the third, of the enlightened ones, the second was that realm of nearness to
the divine, and the first was the divine itself, yet within the divine was a labrinthine temple of seven
halls of which one would need to explore in order to reach the center which was the heart of the
Divine, the fifth realm was a negative purgatorial realm, one of unpeace of those who were
unbalanced and gluttonous in various forms. The sixth and seventh realms were hell itself, sixth for
man and seventh for demons.
From this dream, I learned that knowledge alone does not gain one access to the highest
realms of gnosis, but by the silence of that lesser visage of self.
Book Of Zero
In the Beginning was the Will
And the Will was made Flesh
The manifest Will embraces the unmanifest Will in Divine coitus
And in that union springs forth light
And that light is the life of creation
Ignorance witnesses the light and comprehends it not
And therein is death

The Eye of the inner star opens

And therein I hear a voice as of many waters
The light of gnostic flames
Shining brightly
Manifesting rebirth

Within me is the vaginal eye

With which the phallus of the Divine is thrust

Cosmos is that Son of the Unmanifest Father

The Image of many faces
Of which the magician is but a part

I the mystic, desire to traverse the life force which is the tree of creation
To wear the crown of Kether
Which is that silent song of quintessential being

Revelation is the art of Qabalah, each eye perceiving through darkened mirrors flashes of
light which are echos of truth. Be priest onto the self, for all things reside within each aspect of
creation, be prophet, either of the body, the soul or the union of such, or seeking that ultimate
reality, transcend existence and embrace the all in its yet unmanifested state.

Creator, perserver, destroyer – the Elohims of the Adam Kadmon who is the Son of the Ain
Soph, in endless communion and coitus with itself, this Son who is the cosmos, the Son of many
faces. Ain Soph, endless Father whose image is hidden yet manifest in the Son. I, the mystic am
created in the image of the Son, a tiny cosmos of self.
Baphomet – that symbol of initiation into higher realms of consciousness, to greater depths
of understanding of self, the gnosis of harmony of forces, and that crooked and straight road to the
crown of Odins high seat, of which is the eye which peers into all the realms of being.
Introduction To The Gospels

The gospels of which are poetic musings of the Adam Kadmon, psalms of concepts of
opposing forces, being that of the body, the soul, and the union of such, each prophet onto one
absolute element is contradictory and hostile onto the other, unless one desires the union of such, of
which then he is a song of harmony.
I the mystic, shall write of these gospels based on qabalistic and gnostic interpretations –
Book Of One – being the gospel of the Soul, the gospel of the Union and the gospel of the Body, for
within One are three – being Chokmah, Binah and Kether. The Triad of supernal light, which
descends down the tree of manifestation onto lower planes of darkness, and illuminates the feces
which is the qlippothic husk, below the feet of the Adam Kadmon, as Son floats in the eternal
womb of His Father, the Ain Soph.
Book of Two, the gospel of the Self – a becoming, a destruction, through the art of divine
madness, two for the essence of that which is, and that which is not. Book of Three, the gospel of
the force, with which is used to manifest will through form and control, three as the union of that
which is and that which is not. Book of Four, being the four sided shape of the world, the meaning
and the explanation, where with the foundation of the gospels rest.
Three are the Father eternals, the book of the non-being of which is not, that resting force
called Ain, next is that book of zero, which is infinite being called Ain Soph, and that book of
endless light called Ain Soph Aur, of which is the introduction of the gospels of manifestation, for
the crown on the tree is Kether, of which is that union of all things divided on lower realms.
The gospel of the trickster, it is not evil, however neither is it good, it for takes not but
causes change and strife, and in revolution is it a gospel. However that gospel of the trickster called
religion, good news for the religious, parables for the mystics, but a hinderance for magicians.

Psalms of the dead flesh

Of Odin
Given life
Through meads of madness
Inspiration is that life force of which the one eyed shaman feast

Psalms of the dead flesh

Hung on the life force
That cosmos soul
Called the world tree

Runes are the trophies of the seeking mind

Through waters of death
And through gates of non-being
To realms of supernal light
Book Of One

The Gospel of the Soul is transcending the manifestation of the World Maker and its
offspring the Six, (together making the Seven contradictions of Life) and embracing the Waters of
Life which are Void. Though the potential is questioning itself birthing concepts within, it is ever at
rest because it is not.

The Gospel of the Soul and Body is transcendance. Embracing both the Body and the Soul,
the union of folly and wisdom and other contradictory elements within self, for all things are One,
the Three are One, and all things together make manifestation.

The Gospel of the Body is madness and ecstasy. The Body has no law other than to
procreate and indulge. The Body takes all from itself and gives all to itself.

To preach a Gospel is to Manifest a Gospel

Manifest the Fire

Manifest the Water
Manifest the Mind

I sit at the feet of the Knowing One and ask, "What is the Fire"? To which the Knowing One
(who is the Cosmic Mind, the Inner Macrocosm) answers, "the Fire is the element of ectasy and
madness. It would correspond to the Gospel of the Body."
I ponder these things, what, I ask, is the Water? "To which the Knowing One responds, "the
Water is the element of silence, it opposes the noise of the Fire. It would correspond to the Gospel
of the Soul."
I then ask, what of the Mind? "To which the Knowing One responds, "The Mind is the word
of which balances two opposing forces, it is the breath."
After a moment of silence, The Knowing One folds its hands and says, "the fire, the water
and the mind are in all things, my Son/Daughter, my image." I ask, "then why do we separate the
ideas?", "To better understand", answers the Knowing One.

The Waters are the sperm

The Fires are the egg
And the Mind is the Breath

Though it is written that Mind created the body, the urges of the body sprang forth from the
Mother, who is the Father in the flesh, for the Father is the Life, as much as the Mother is body and
Mind is the Life, for in each Elohim is the essence of the other, the masculine and feminine forces
reflected in varying degrees depending on the level of manifestation.
Part One
The Gospel of Those Who Speak to the Soul
Chapter One
In the beginning the Fullness birthed concepts within itself and that manifestation
communicated with that which was itself. Soul communicated with soul and more concepts came
forth from the mingling of ideas. Beautiful were the offspring of the mingling. However the concept
of Mind, a one who desired manifestation, birthed the body, the husk of which imprison the soul,
and the physical realm was born.

Chapter Two
The Fullness was One
And in its curiosity came forth many

The communication of the inner concepts birthed beauty

Out of the many came forth a Mind

Mind desired manifestation

Mind was mighty

Mind birthed the husk entrapping soul within it

The Son of Masturbation
For out of its own essence sprang forth death

Chapter Three
In the image of Divine was the body fashioned
The physical reflecting the spiritual

Darkness surrounds the fire

The spark, the light within

Death surrounds the life

Chapter Four
When the Mind created the image of death
Life came down onto it

When the Mind created an inverse reflection of life

Consciousness descended

Chapter Five
Entrapped in the realm of the seven
The numbers of reunification are three
For seven spheres influence the body
But three is the number of perfection

Chapter Six
Error is she who is bride to the ignorant
Error whores herself onto the nations
Error is jeweled in robes of false wisdom
Error, the unholy spirit of the body
Chapter Seven
Error is wife to those who speak to the body
Error is wife to those whose language is flesh
Error is wife to those whose brothers are seven

For seven spheres govern

For seven spheres imprison
For seven spheres orbit
And seven spheres shine

Above the seven rest the Waters of Life

The Speaker to the Soul

Those who commune with Soul, to the primordial potential, view the manifestation to be
error, to be the prison, the husk. The primordial potential is the Father, the Mother is the madness,
the ecstacy, and the body. The Son is the Law and the Chaos. The Seven are the governing aspects
of creation and death, the children of the Law and the Chaos, which is the Sixth.

Children of the Father

You are potential
You are silence
You are Life and Void
Part Two
The Gospel of Those Who Speak to the Soul and Body
Chapter One
In the Fullness the Life is at rest

Below, Beneath the waters of manifestation

The Law is ever at work

The Logos, the image came forth

As the Son of Life

A reflection of life is that which moves in matter

Chapter Two
In the beginning the Fullness questioned itself, and manifestated communication. Soul
communicated with soul and creation of ideas came forth from the mingling waters. Beautiful were
the offspring of the mingling.

Chapter Three
The Fullness was One
And in its questioning and communication came forth many

The communication of the many birthed creation

Out of the many came forth Mind
Son of Masturbation
For out of its own essence sprang forth the essence of death-life

Chapter Four
Wisdom-Error is she who is bride to the ignorant and wise
Wisdom-Error whores herself onto the nations
Wisdom-Error is jeweled in robes of folly and truth
Wisdom-Error, the unholy-holy spirit

Wisdom-Error is wife to those who speak to the body

Wisdom-Error is wife to those whose language is flesh

Wisdom-Error is wife to those whose language is spirit

Wisdom-Error is wife to those who speak to the soul

Chapter Five
Death surrounds the life
And Life surrounds the death
Wisdom and Folly
Folly and Wisdom
Chapter Six
Supernal are three
Law, the number of Seven
One, the quintessence

Those who commune with Soul and Body together, to the Mind which is the Son, view the
fullness. The Law and the Chaos are One and from the mingling spring forth the Manifestation and
the Death.

Children of the Son

You are the Everything
Law and Chaos
The Three in One

Out of the Breath sprang forth the Six

The Six are the Children of the Mind
They Govern the manifestation
Six elements of contradiction
Balance in manifestation
Seven are the children of the Sixth
Part Three
The Gospel of Those Who Speak to the Body
Out of the mouth of ecstasy came forth the union of flesh
For it was decreed by the world ruler that man shall beget and be fruitful

The Gospel of the body is passion and lust

Of lust and passion

Kisses of the mouth

Vaginal kisses

Songs of the flesh

Hymns of mingled moans

Lust is the Gospel,

The psalm of those who speak to the body

Children of the Mother

You are sensation!
Without the Son
You are Madness!

Children of the Mother

You take all from yourselves
And give it back to yourselves
Part Four
Hymn of the Supernal Three
Father is, is not
Mother dances in the emptiness of His womb
Mind breathes the law and chaos

Over the waters of oblivion

Fires of shadow and illusion

The solar phallus thrust its influence upon the moon

Why do they deny the Three or the One and focus on either the Three or the One?
Because they do not realize that Three is in all
One is Three
And Three is One

The music and the color of the feminine laugh

Vibrates through the nothing of the masculine

The Son is the pen which dips into the male liquids
And writes out the name of Mother

Corpus Lucifer
Open the mouth of the initate
That the breath of Mind may enter this dead matter

Engender, ennoble
Peel the satans from my form

Make me not the bruise of a rose

Nor the sigh of lament upon the summers eve
Book Of Two

Thou Shalt Not Make Any Other Gods But I Am

The Gospel Of The Self

Being Theurigcal Madness
In the dark hours I carve the runes of inspiration
And drop them into the meads of ritual
Poetic musing spring forth
The children of my divine coitus

Within the realms of my mind

A well of Theurgical madness

The spirits of the gnostic frost cool my curious star

That flame which is the seeking eye

To reach within myself and channel the madness

Is something I desire
Some kind of life which is a reflection of truth

I am not truly living - merely pretending to be - though I am not a lie

I am the thing which was created in the image of that which is life

I ponder the way of things within this drunken stupor of wisdom

The dwarves beneath my flesh hoard the midnight light and fashion their kingdoms of this

I ponder the way of things within this drunken stupor of wisdom

The dragons of desire are ever trying to press themselves outward
Trying to escape the prison which are my reservations

I ponder the way of things within this drunken stupor of wisdom

Watching the sperm which is man
Traveling down the vaginal halls of life
Trying to fertlize the egg of success

Oh Jesus, God within me, make me real

Grant me that which is not death

The One speaks to me

From within myself
Revealing that I am an aspect
Of His everything

An aspect of all eventualities

He shows me
An antlered woman
She is the spring
The coming of green things

I delight in the fact

That she is and will be
That my spring will soon be upon me
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me
These symbols which are the forces of the universe
The universe which is the Son of God
The God which is composed of that which has not yet become

An eye within
An I within
Awakens from deep slumbers

Gnosis is the day star invading the night

Gnostic light vibrates through my being
It is a music of becoming
A becoming which is the art of knowing

I have discovered a thousand summers

Which have long lain buried neath the winters of ignorance

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!
Divine coitus births in me the passions of life

In a land of flesh
Daughters of women birth themselves

I am the mad god!

Pan god!
Saith she who is he

The Lord of my feminine attributes

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Is the moth breath
The never ending void in the stomach of revolution

It is the universe
In its state of constant rebirth

The universe is ever pregnant

Birthing itself
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

A tear of the morningstar

Upon my brow
Is the star of my becoming
The realization of self

The name of this light is

"True self
Perfected self"

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

The phallus and the seed which enters the eye

Manifest the light
The day of being

Vaginal sighs litter the night

Liquid red and white
They meld like the spittle of the gods
Kvasir is born!

Speak onto me
Supernal being
Thy words of gnosis
Grant my mouth the kisses of wisdom
Allow my spirit to drip with the essence of the quintessence

Embodiment of delight
Is she who is my lover
She is warmth
That shines onto my ebon winter

Crown me with all and not

As the phallus of the earth penetrates the heavens
Kvasir is born!

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

In the mirror
I see her
That emptiness called death

She reaches out to me

Calling my name

"Come to me"
She says
"Embrace me in sweet life making"
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Into the dark pool of non being, I peer

Within I see the pyramid of consciousness

At the bottom lies myself

At the top, the fires of Life

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

I drink the mead of becoming

The illusion of my form slumbers in deep oblivion

Floating in space
Toward the edge of creation
A bright point
An eye of being
A star of awakening
This vaginal gateway consumes me

I was a splinter of white light in the rainbow form of creation

Swimming round the innards of the Divine body
But through unison with One
I embodied possiblity
I embodied reality

At the end of all things

When the day star of my life has fallen into the abyss
Swallowed by the mighty not
Will I desire to be a thing?

When the age of my flesh is over

Will the fabrics of my soul untie?
Will the essence of my being be spread throughout the universe?

I will be the wind and the trees

The water and the flame
I will be none of these
I will be all things

I will be within myself

Without, beyond

Forever and never

Myself and All
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Music of sexual sighs between man and divine

The flesh speaks in madness
Uttering the insanity of revelation

Christos is the first page in the book of knowledge and written thereon -

Christ Adonai
My Lucifer

Torchlit the darkened path

Guide me

Christ Adonai
My Osiris

In peace and suffering

Deliver me

Sun of manifestation
Dawn of my awakening

I am flesh entombed, no more

Reaching forth onto abysmal depths

I empty myself

Infinite not
This womb
Becoming All-Father

Christ Adonai
Help me to rise above myself
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

The fool learns through action becoming the magician

The one who understands

And through the lips of the rebirth

He molds himself in his own image

"Kiss me"
Saith the essence of becoming
"Like the man you wish you were"

Seeking what is not

Climb onto the world tree

The unbecoming

The fool
The unwise
One eyed
Master of
And knowledge mastered!

I see you there...

Seeking something other than self

Kiss me
Hanged man
Living corpse!

Unlife feasting on flesh

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Ecstasy in flesh
Elevates me

Pan God!
Mad God!

Odins rapture
Star child image
I am

Bright darkness
I am
Mirror of lunar light

I am
She - moon child
Phallis and womb
Bathing Earth in solar rays

I am
He - Sun child
Kether Born
Taken to the darkness
To the shroud of void which surrounds Light

By the sphere of constriction

I am
Close to Life
And near to reality
I am
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Darkness - that primordial womb which Light impregnants with creation

Darkness - that moon blood of the faery queen

Light is that Horned Star

That green man
Reaching forth onto greater depths
Those spheres of manifestation

Yeah, the constriction which is potential

Which is emptiness and space
Surrounds the infinite point

When the Sun Child lives within me

I am close to Life
And near to reality

When His blood seeps into my winters flesh

When His elixir flows through my veins
Warmth in rays of earthen hues manifest
Newborn Life in fruitful summers shining golden green

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Embrace the emptiness

The fullness
The peace and desolation

Become neither
Become both

Transcendance is
A kiss of life upon the brow
Breath of morning on crimson cheeks

Rose blood
A dew of summers warmth

Winters day
This night
The womb of dawn
I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

I turn my eye inwards and press my consciousness backwards

There is an ocean of being which is simultaneously myself and other

Realization comes to me
I look through these physical eyes
My consciousness is an expression of my being
But not the pure essence of who I am

The deeper I delve into this ocean of life

The closer I get to All

Silence surrounds me

Silence and emptiness

Is the peace - the sorrow
The highest vibration
The most chaotic and the most restful

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Exalt the consciousness

To interact with exalted things

Exalt the consciousness by washing oneself in the blood of the Lamb of God
Be born again in the image of the universe made flesh

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

The madness of becoming

Is the music of awakenment

The eye blind

Washed in light
Is mead of inspiration
I meditate on the madness of Divine - Revelation is the passion of my breath

The nothing that surrounds us

Is the womb for the All to manifest

I once had a vision of a thick darkness

With serpents swimming in the dense void
Later I realized...
This space was the beginning of Life

Serpents of potential
In the vastness of space

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

I once had an image

But later I realized
It was an imperfect expression

I am a reflection of divine in a dark mirror

I must remake myself

Remake myself in the image of truth

The heart of the master is this

Ever reaching onto greater depths

The heart of the master is

Completion - perfect communion with Divine

I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which swells up inside

I yearn to be called the learned

The wise..

"But do not forget, oh child"

Saith the voice from without
That without which is the outer spaces of my inner planes

"That Love and Wisdom are twin serpents climbing the pillar of life

Love is the beginning of Life

Life - the beginning of Wisdom"
I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which wells up within

Life is the rune etched onto my soul

Love is the ecstasy of the Divine

I meditate on the runes the Divine has taught me - madness comes onto me!

Turn ones gaze backwards onto the self

Through ones being
Into greater depths
Into the all and nothing
To comprehend the essence of that which is the primordial energy of creation

This force which is separate and beyond

It is that great essence
Of which the point is a reflection
That point which is the flame of life within all things

I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which wells up within

Reflecting upon imbalance

And studying the anti-gospel of hunger

I am at times the boundless rage of desire

I am at times the emptiness at my core

Come to me
I say
Come to me
My ego
It offers more
I offer more
I offer more
I offer more

The prophet of the flesh

Love of form

Devouring the kiss

Hunger and empty bliss

Come to me
I offer more
I drink of the mead of suffering

Sorrow is that silencing agent

That burden which humbles

Neath a crackled sky of flesh

Blood of Divine seeps through

Red, Crimson rain washes the desert lands of my soul

Even in this I gain Gnosis
Dark Nirvana embracing me

I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which wells up within

Dark understandings of an imperfect mind

The flowers of interpretation

Within the pupil of the eye

Divine Ideas
Manifesting in the dense realms of matter
Composed of fire, water, earth and air
In greater or lesser values

The knowledge of such gains the insight into the art of destructing and reconstructing the various
realms of existence, being divided into mental, spiritual and physical

I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which wells up within

Conversation of below with that which is above

Separate the watery matter from the flames of spirit
All is birthed from One

Ascend to that primordial One

Descend and bring forth Gnosis

The Light traverses the Tree


Truly I speak!
A correspondence of that which is above with that which is below

Understand the Light within the All

Bring Life
I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which wells up within

The Christ is the divine essence manifested

Manifested within the universe
Manifested within the man

Jehovah – Yahweh
The essence of justice, of strife and of mercy

The Christ Child is the equilibrium

The balance

The Holy Spirit

That essence of wisdom
She is the bride and the Life within all things

The Holy Spirit

That essence of wisdom
He is the giver, the sustainer
I meditate on the numbers of creation

From deep within spring forth the outer voices

They say,

Zero - The eternal which constricts itself

One - The Point – The Potential

Two - The essence of all things in union

Three - The essence of all things in separation – individualization

Four - The concept of union on a lower level – Love

Five - The concept of separation on a lower level – Strife

Six - The Point on a lower level – Equilibrium

Seven - The concept of Love on a lower level – Sensual expression

Eight - The concept of separation on a lower level – Intellectual expression

Nine - The concept of Equilibruim on a lower level – that which filters the light of the higher realms
down onto the lower

Ten - Manifestation

These are the numbers of creation

The aspects of the Divine
The aspects of self
And the aspects of nature
I drink the mead of madness - Inspiration is the fire which wells up within

From deep within spring forth the outer voices

They say,

"To gain Gnosis one must have knowledge of the spiritual

Knowledge of the spirit is gained through coitus with the spirit
Fellowship with the spirit

Through the act of communing with the inner divine essence

One gains an opened eye
A star which brightly shines

I meditate on the The Triple Nature

From deep within spring forth the outer voices

They say,

The empty womb of space in which creation manifest
The essence of ecstasy
Deep waters of matter
And flames of spirit

The essence of Life – the point within all things
That Eye of the Star
Which consumes yet gives life

The manifest being – the individual essence

The art of becoming is obtaining the knowledge of ones true will

Which is the will of ones divine essence
The will of ones higher self
Ones genius – ones light
Ones Inner Eye which is a Star
I meditate on the flavors of Life

From deep within spring forth the outer voices

They say,

Divine are essences of war and order through action

The Warrior Shaman who reconciles his higher and lower being through sacrifice gains the wisdom
of the runes, which are the essences within nature

A warrior is the essence of force which suppresses the essence of chaos

The divine essence of nature – order within nature

The essence of chaos within nature
The Trickster this is

Ragnarok - Rebirth through destruction

The primordial void

The womb in which creation manifest

The northern realm of cold

And the southern realm of heat
Together manifest the first eye
From which all other eyes spring from

The world tree

Is the life force which spreads through and connects the universal realms

Travel the Life force which binds all things

Learn the lore of the different spheres of creation
Gain the understandings of the things of chaos and the things of order

Communion with the traits of the varying aspects of the universal soul
Makes a correspondence between that thing and oneself
I dreamed a dream
Where life and death were the same
Being born onto death
And dying onto life

For the birth of the body is the death of immortality

The death of the body is the birth to immortality

Reconstruction of the self is the death and the birth

For to be alive one must first die
And in death one becomes truly alive

First I was born as Abel, the religious

The faithful and therefore ignorant

But by the contradictory nature of becoming Cain

Of embracing that sensual nature of flesh and knowledge

I ascended in death onto life

And was remade in the image of Seth

I meditate on the flavors of self

This thing which absorbs most

And reflects little?

What is this dark brightness that I find?

Is it I?
Is it I?

The night between the stars

Is it I?
Is it I?

Death in unbalanced manifestion

Is it I?
Is it I?
Frolicing in the fields of whoredom
I spy the elevating passions
The lust given meaning

Orgasm within, Orgasm without

As coitus below, so coitus above

I drink the mead of madness
Inspiration consumes the nothing

Speak your words of flame upon my soul

Oh, Gnostic Fires!
Burn the ego which lingers as sweet death

Bathe me in pools of dawn

Perfume me with the fragrance of morning!

Wash clean the husk of being, the lesser genius

The star within is opened!

I see through eyes of flame
And taste with tongues of water
Diverse flavors of breath

The seeing stone within comprehends my colors

Crying forth a dark song of understanding...

I am persecuted by I am
And then...
Book Of Three

The Daemon of Dominance

The Gospel Of Force

My weakness is my strength, saith I!
Victavious! Daemon of dominance

I am
That spirit of the lash upon flesh
The glee at the pain and the bruise
I bend bodies towards my will

For my blood hungers for your blood

I am force
I am power

I am that fire
That thing which consumes and yet in destruction, cast light

My desire is that you would rule over me

As I rule over you

Devouver, am I

Victavious! Daemon of domiance

Victavious! Genius of will!
Ebon star!
Destroyer of form!
Power of force!

Take of Victavious
Make him your own
Victavious is that star which shines upon the ambitious
That star which is the destruction of that which hinders

Victavious consumes the force of that which pushes against it

And makes it its own

It will charm you

Yes, it will charm you
But beware, the smile of Victavious is destruction

Those who consume Victavious

Are Victavious consumed

Victavious shining upon the weak

Is a sweet and dewy essence of bright darkness
Upon the broken, the crackled lips

A nectar of midnight
Upon a thirst
A fire warming a wintry soul

The mystic desires to become the magician
To climb that mountain of divine

The mystic desires to become the warrior

To bind his imbalanced power
Control his chaos – his potential

Through the study of the gospels

The mystic ascends into himself
The mystic descends into the upper abyss

Invoking within himself the Victavious

The mystic is ready
The mystic is willing

The madness of the Mother

Guides him, unbinds him

The ever living unlife of the Father

Guides him, unbinds him

The Son, that Mind

That chaos and order
Guides him, unbinds him
From the shackles of his lesser visage

Come onto me!

Come onto me!
That reflection of truth I call The Becoming!
Blood of force
Wash over me
Cleanse me of non action

Bread of force
Feed my emptiness
Cleanse me of non action

By Victavious
By dominion over self
I rise

I rise towards non being

I exist
Thelemic Victorum!

Let us reflect on this so called ebon star whose name is seemingly Victavious, dark as the
night of void, with which to take in the essence of creation and birth form, yet as a blackhole to eat
up the light and belch forth the vapors of silence.
Pain and pleasure together for that daemon who is desire incarnate. That bruise on the rose,
that song of the darkened flesh, this is the voice of that which hinders and guides simultaneously, as
art and abomination. Be wise as the rainbow spirit in its many aspects of understanding and
knowledge, bend ones own force towards a higher will and bruise the glutton within self who seeks
to feast endlessly on life. Thelemic Victorum, indeed, will victorious.
Gospel Of The Trickster

Being That Daemon Of Religious Tradition

Who Teaches In Absolutes
A Commentary On The Trickster Spirit
Known As Religion
Being Will Perverted
What is this trickster spirit which consumes me with his perversions? It is unbalanced,
qlippothic, wisdom taken to realms of folly. Why must you vex me, oh trickster spirit? Oh hunger of
fallen loins? Always seeking more for its inner abyss.

These are the teachings of the trickster spirit

This thing within which seeks its own

Speak thy rude words

Manifest for revelations sake

"Hunger, lust and selfish ambitions!

Abstinence, fasting and passivity!"

If I follow this shell of existence, I shall be lost in a ring of death, ever living to seek more,
vampiric and pale in the darkness of eternal squander. Do not seek to feed ones hunger with that of
a finite essence, I do not desire to folly my higher nature with the essence of the lower. Coitus with
that within, is coitus with that without. Do not seek to please the flesh alone, nor the spirit alone, but
to please that of everlasting life, therein one pleases ones whole being, therein one finds harmony,
not in excess or repression, therein one is not masked with pleasure yet moans out in sighs of
deepest and secret sorrow, therein one is not lost in religion.

Seek equilibrium - Seek domination

Seek annihilation - Seek birth

II - Song of the Mystic Coitus

I shall will upon this altar of flesh
With the blood of harmony

Arching back forth and naked

To rend this temple with awakening

It is a thing of wisdom this, to elevate the body in divine esctasy

Drink from the chalice of divinity!

Engage in the act of the coitus to obtain the way

I am the way!

The vaginal gate

And the phallus of force

I shall will upon this altar of flesh

Yes, I shall will with mine own seminal fluids

Arch thy nakedness back forth

That I may rend thy inner temple with the phallus of awakening
Elevations of the skin appendage
Onto realms of henosistic coitus

Yes, I shall teach thee

I shall teach thee secrets of the sacred coitus
Saith I – to myself

Commentary of flesh is my passion

Harmony of spirit is my life

I am the altar of enlightenment!

Ride me as I ride you!

Our mingled essences in ninety-three positions

Drink from the chalice of divinity!

Engage in the act of the coitus to obtain the way

I am the way!

Through the flesh gates and out into the inner realms

The Eros, the lust and passion, is that force of which the mystic and the magician desire to
know the Divine, for darkness lust after light, which is life and information, the same way that ones
flesh lust after the flesh of another, and engage in the mysteries of that other. Darkness is as a
womb, and light as the phallus which fills the void with congealed existence.
The bodily Eros alone, one should not desire, for in gluttony of flesh, one shall moan forth
in secret sorrows, the spiritual eros alone, neither should one desire, for in gluttony of spirit, one
shall repress the coitus of the lower realms and starve the animal aspects which give force and
manifestation onto the higher realms.
That trickster spirit is he who seeks to pervert the eros to realms of folly in shades of
gluttony or repression, to lust or abstinence, and ambition or passivity, the will of which is not ones
truth. He is that archon which one says is the Most High, but in ignorance of that which lies beyond
in silent and endless joy. Simply put, this trickster spirit is the concept of religious tradition, empty
within and always seeking more to fill its endless not.
Book Of Four

The Reason And The Explanation

And Commentaries On The Books Of One, Two, and Three

To the one who reads these musings, I must apologize for repetition, as I, being the mystic,
define and redefine the divine ideas, and in doing so, I define and redefine myself, a symbol of lifes
repetition in its constant state of rebirth. "I am the phoenix", sayeth the one who proceeds from the
ash of his lesser visage.

I consider myself a shallow copy of those who have come before, yet I vomit these pages
that perhaps my madness, or genius may enlighten a darkened mind. My flesh is ridged, empty and
heavy, weighing down my soul with death. I advise myself and those who hearken onto my voice to
pass through those plantary spheres of being which define the mundane universe, to pass through
the gate of self and enter that beyond which is above the concept of contradiction.
I am a fool, yes, I am drenched in the umbrage of folly, yet I persist. To Victavious goes the
spoils! For I am He, and yet I am more than He, for Victavious is that symbol, that divine idea of
which I commune, and in correspondence gain virtue.
I am the wanderer on the crooked road. The Son of Equilibrium and Chaos shines down his
seemingly contradictory star onto my appearance of being, I will drink this mead of inspiration. I
am the gleam in the fields of madness, as I frolic in the obscurity of transcendence.
I am weak, and in my weakness I gain strength. I am defined by my greater but also lesser
virtues. My feeble essence keeps my tongue silent, and in the silence, I listen, and in that, I gain.
My reason is to define myself, and in defining myself to define others. For this very tome is
a hypersigil that the magic of which redefines me over and over, as if I were in a waking state from
a dream of lesser consciousness.

Thelemic Victorum!
Will and Force in Equilibrium!
Love and Coitus!

II – Divine Coitus
What Is It?
What is this tome of which I have written? It is various philosophies I have consumed and
processed into Edward matter. I started these poetic ramblings after a dream I had of ancient gurus
who were able to commune with the soul within all things, in that communion they could alter it, it
was a sort of relationship, instead of forcing ones will to manifest, it was a conversation between
that thing and the guru. Coupled with my idea of what spirituality is, you have produced before you
The Divine Coitus – for in my eyes, henosis and theurgical workings are sexual unions of man and
On a lower level, one has the sexual union of bodies, on a higher level, that is raised to a
sexual union of souls. This sexual union is a communion of essences, a melding of thought. Now
the one who is consumed by passion and seeks out coitus for reasonings of lust engage in the union
of bodies, lust feeding on lust, flesh on flesh, taking and giving to itself. It is never filled, it is a
cavity, this same principle applies to other lower forms, it is the truth of the qlippothic realms.
A sexual union of souls would be a communion of entities on the same level of existence,
this is love, therefore the sexual union of a soul with that of beings divine is theurgy. Communion
with a thing grants the virtues of that thing, if one engages in communion of the Divine, depending
on that particular aspect of the Divine, they will be influenced by the virtues of that thing with
which they commune.
One might ask how to engage in Divine Coitus – It is through acts of ritual and prayer,
meditation, self reflection, by voyaging through the inner realms of ones being, digging through the
layers of self until one claws their way into the very core of their being and out through the other
side into the essence which is the ocean of all existence – the universal soul which is within all
things, the Holy Spirit which is the life.
III – Qabalah, Gnosticism
And Reflections of What The Gospels Are
I have touched somewhat briefly on Qabalah and Gnosticism in this work of mine, I have
melded the philosophies together and produced poetic ramblings, but herein I shall write of Qabalah
and Gnosticism in a less vague manner.
In the beginning the Ain Soph constricted itself, for it was eternal and limitless, and in the
the constriction of itself birthed forth the cosmos, the tree of life. The constriction is as one who
carves off material from a slab of wood or clay, forming letters or an image.
The Ain Soph is forever a Holy aspect of Divine, it is the eternal ungraspable, the tree of life
is a string of light, with which the force of creation traverses up and down. The Kether is the
beginning point, the reflection of the Ain Soph, this is the realm of nearness to God. The Chokmah
is the union of all things, and the Binah is the all things but in seperation.
Malkuth is the daughter and the bride of Adam Kadmon, however within the fall becoming
the Kether of the qlippothic realms, the qlippoth are the world of shells, and the excrement of the
Divine man, Adam Kadmon, which is the consciousness of the Tree of Life, the universal man, the
Son of Ain Soph, the Logos. I have written on the other Sephiroth briefly in XXVII of the Gospel of

I meditate on the numbers of creation

From deep within spring forth the outer voices

They say,

Ain Soph - Zero - The eternal which constricts itself

Kether - One - The Point – The Potential

Chokmah - Two - The essence of all things in union

Binah - Three - The essence of all things in separation – individualization

Chesed - Four - The concept of union on a lower level – Love

Geburah - Five - The concept of separation on a lower level – Strife

Tiphereth - Six - The Point on a lower level – Equilibrium

Netzach - Seven - The concept of Love on a lower level – Sensual expression

Hod - Eight - The concept of separation on a lower level – Intellectual expression

Yesod - Nine - The concept of Equilibruim on a lower level – that which filters the light of the
higher realms down onto the lower

Malkuth - Ten - Manifestation

These are the numbers of creation

The aspects of the Divine
The aspects of self
And the aspects of nature
Tree of Life – Version Two

Ain Soph – Zero – The eternal which constricts itself

First Triad – The Divine Will

Kether – One – The beginning point of creation of which is the all unmanifestated

Chokmah – Two – The male aspect within Kether which is the assertive force

Binah – Three – The female aspect within Kether which is the receiving force

Second Triad – The Spiritual

Being a Reflection of the First Triad

Chesed – Four – The male aspect of Tiphereth of which is the creative forces of Chokmah on a
lower level

Geburah – Five – The female aspect of Tiphereth of which is the force of giving shape and form,
being Binah on a lower level

Tiphereth – Six – Being Kether on a lower level, is the equilibrium of Chesed and Geburah, the
mystic in Tiphereth communes with gnosis and life

Third Triad – The Mind Within All

Being an Inversion of the Second Triad

Netzach – Seven – Being Chokmah on a lower level, is the wisdom within manifestation, as order,
and the masculine aspect of Yesod

Hod - Eight – Being Binah on a lower level, is the creative force within manifestation, as
generation, and the feminine aspect of Yesod

Yesod – Nine – Being Tiphereth on a lower level, is the genitals of the mind of All of which seeds
the egg of manifestation and gives birth to Malkuth

The Tenth Emanation Of Divine

Malkuth – Ten - Manifestation

As Ain Soph is the Father, so is the Tree of Life the Son, Adam Kadmon, the first triad is the
crown of Adam Kadmon, the second triad is the spirit, the third triad the mind, and the tenth
emanation being the manifestation. Many faced is Adam Kadmon, for all creation is part of the
Divine Man, the Lesser Countenance who is the Son and reflection of Ain Soph, the Greater
Book Of One is a melding of Qabalistic and Gnostic ideas. Combining some core ideas from
the vast compendium of the gnostic corpus, in brief, the gnostic pantheon consist of a Divine
essence which births aspects of itself, the youngest and furthest away from the source is that aspect
which is called Sophia – Wisdom. Out of folly, Sophia tried to emulate the Divine by birthing forth
creation from out its own essence without its partner, in this act of masturbation sprang forth the
demiurge – Yaldabaoth, arrogant and blind, which created the physical universe and its order of
angelic beings in reflection of the Spiritual realms.

The idea of a trinity of Father, Mother and Son, applied to the three mother letters of the
Hebrew alphabet, gave birth to the work of either folly or wisdom, depending on how one perceives
it, which I call Book Of One – The Gospels of the Body, Soul, and Union of such. Perhaps
enlightenment can be found, perhaps it merely is a work of poetic masturbation. The trinity also
being reflections upon the supernal triad of the Tree of Life, being Kether – the Crown (air),
Chokmah the Father Elohim (fire/water), and Binah the Mother Elohim (water/fire).

Each gospel by itself creates a sort of hostility towards the others, for example if one focuses
on the body and what I consider the lesser visage – the ego of oneself, they will be repelled by those
who focus on the soul and the obtainment of transcending the body and the lesser mind. However, if
one melds these two together they will obtain both and therein neither, for in contradiction one finds
degrees of being, but in equilibrium one finds life. This is how I comprehend these great mysteries
at the moments of these writings, take of that which is good and throw out the rest.

The Mother Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet consist of Shin – being the element of fire,
Mem – being the element of water, and Aleph being the element of Air. In my studies of
Kabbalah/Qabalah, I find a certain contradiction of Binah and Chokmah being considered Fire or
Water, or both depending on the tradition of thought. Binah of Fire, I interpret as the soul, and the
ecstasy, Binah of water I perceive as the congealed form of essence – manifestation. Binah is the
essence of the all in separation, the essence of individualization. Chokmah is the essence of all
things in union.
Chokmah of fire, or Chokmah of water, I consider basically the masculine form of that
which is Binah of Fire, or Binah of water. Depending on the tradition, masculine can be either force
or form, feminine being of course the opposite, therefore I like to think that the nature of one is also
in the nature of the other depending on the level of manifestation. The Mother who takes of the seed
of the Father is passive, birthing form, becomes assertive.
Now Aleph as I understand it is the element of air, the potential of all things, and when one
(Kether) becomes two (Chokmah), the two (Chokmah) becomes three (Binah), one (Kether) has
therefore the Chokmah and the Binah, the supernal triad of which the lesser triads on the Tree of
Life are reflections and inversions on lower planes.
In the eternity of potential the infinite consciousness questioned of what it was, in its
questioning it birthed the concepts of what it is, and what it is not, from this duality sprang forth a
third, being that which is equilibrium. The color of Chokmah is gray because it contains the white
of Kether and the black womb of Binah in union. The Color of Binah is black for it is not the white
brilliance of Kether.
The Hebrew alphabet has seven double letters which are letters having a dual opposite
meaning, of which this and similar passages spring forth -

Out of the Breath sprang forth the Six

The Six are the Children of the Mind
They Govern the manifestation
Six elements of contradiction
Balance in manifestation
Seven are the children of the Sixth

Now since Tiphareth is the sixth sphere on the tree of life, the seven are the children of the
sixth. The seven letters are Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav, each corresponding to a day of
the week, their dual attributes consist of wisdom and folly, wealth and poverty, seed and desolation,
life and death, dominance and subjugation, peace and war, grace and ugliness. These also represent
directions in the cube of space, and the center which supports it all.
Tiphareth (Harmony/Beauty) is the heart of the Tree of Life – it is the Kether on a lower
level, being equilibrium. Therefore I write that out of the Breath, which is of the letter of Aleph,
being the element of air – sprang forth the Six. For Air is that force which balances fire (shin) –
which is Geburah (Justice/Severity) on this level of manifestation, and water (mem) – which is
Chesed (Mercy).

The Hebrew alphabet, the alphabet of creation – three are the mother letters, the primordial
elements of which the male Elohim engages in sexual union with, for YHWH are the father letters,
earth is the mixture of the three. Seven are the contradictory elements of nature, and twelve are the
zodiacal forces of the universe. The twenty-two letters joining the ten sephiroth make the tree of
life. Each flame of soul birthed under the influence of a certain light – influencing the inner eye –
influencing the star within the flesh.

Book Of Two as a gospel of self is a sort of spiritual alchemical destruction and

reconstruction of the ones being, a rebirthing through Divine inspiration, divine inspiration is the
essence of madness. Odin, being the master of madness, is the image of the magician, and the
shaman, the one who is not over powered by the madness, for an over powering of divine
inspiration would result in ones loss of balance and therefore insanity. To drink the mead of
inspiration is to take within oneself the madness of the Gods, to obtain that ecstatic, elevated state
which floods ones being with Gnosis.
I consider that essence of incomprehensible Peace and Love which the bible states is that of
God, is a gnostic state, gained through a communion and coitus with Divine and the elevating ones
being to levels of madness. The gospel of the self is the opening of the inner eye, that star which is
the death and life. The death of ones lesser being and the birth onto greater heights.
In a qabalistic sense, the gospel of the self is a passing through the hidden sephiroth, Da'at,
which is the abyss separating the supernal trinity from the lower seven sephiroth. To walk through
the desert, to sink and rise through the depths of the watery abyss, it is a destruction, a birth, a state
of gnosis which is cosmic consciousness, realization of the Adam Kadmon within. Opening of that
inner eye.
Adam Kadmon, the lesser countenance is created in the image of the Greater countenance
which is Ain Soph, the lesser Adams are created in the image of the Great Adam, and the gods of
Adam are created in Adams image. The daemons with which one communes are real and intelligent,
however the image is but a symbol.
The Father and Mother Elohims are the masculine and feminine aspects of the Adam
Kadmon communing with itself, when the Adam and the Eve know each other, they are engaging in
an act of communion, seeking out each others beings. Also I should note, I do not condemn
homosexuality, it is the love of ones own image, another form of gnosis of self.
Gnosis is the knowing of oneself, the love making of ones higher and lower being, the love
making of ones lesser universe with the greater, a love making with life and death. Each one of my
poetic masturbatory musings are the fluids of my soul spewed forth onto my face of manifestation.
That which is seemingly over than self, is but self in a different flavor of being, we are the rainbow
serpent, the many eyed peacock flower, many voices, we are the bride of Adam Kadmon, the Son of
the Ain Soph.
Hang oneself onto the life force which is the world tree, the life force which pervades the
universe, therein through death one gains life, an equilibrium of the higher and lower natures.
Crucify the flesh, the husk and imbalanced nature of ones form, to manifest the congealed
equilibrium of gnosis.

Book Of Three, the Gospel of Victavious, the Daemon of Force, is the essence of self control
and domination in general. However, like all things, if one obtains this force but in imbalance
essence, one will be mastered by it. The Magician is he who controls the self, and in mastering the
control of self, which is the universe within, is then ready to control the universe without.
Personally, id rather have a relationship with the universe rather than out right forcing my
will, but to each their own, unless of course one considers thelemic philosophy, that being the
insight of ones true will which is harmonious with the universe. The true will being of course ones
Higher or Divine Will, ones purpose.

What is the word of the aeon of my force?

What is the secret word for inner becoming?
It is Victavious

"You need me" quoth the Magician

"You need me" quoth the Daemon

Without the other

There is no potential

Without the other

There is no manifestation

What is the word of mine own Aeon?

It is Victavious!
IV – Contradictions
There are aspects of my poetic musing which delight in the pleasure of the flesh, other
aspects which delight in the denial of the flesh, in the obtainment of spiritual nature above bodily
nature. I say, to each their own – elevate the flesh onto realms of spirit, and bring down the spirit
through contemplations of spiritual things. Paint the body with the liquids of pleasure, paint the soul
with the kisses of the vaginal and/or phallic mouth. The goal of the great work is the obtainment of
greater forms of self. Embracing one manifestation or the other causes a conflict between its
seemingly opposing element, embrace the body and deny the spirit? Embrace the spirit and deny the
body? How many religions and spiritualities teach one or the other. I say seek equilibrium in all
things, embrace the All and in association with the All become All things. However, again I state, to
each their own. Take and form ones own mystery religion, be prophets onto the self. Manifest and
Mystic - Magician
The madden mind
Illumined by lamps of Divine Coitus!

V – Qlippoth
Now I have mentioned the qlippoth and stated it is the world of the shells, this world was
created when the first sephiroth were conceived, they did not communicate with each other and
merely drank up the light of God, but there was no flow of light, these spheres became overfull and
broke, they are husk and forces of imbalance, they hunger but are never full, like liquid in a broken

Like a river of light, the breath of God traverses the spheres of creation
Without communication
There is only flesh

VI – Choronzon
The sorcerer whose name is Jesus is the demiurge Yaldabaoth, whose kingdom of qlippoth is
an imitation of He who is the fire within the tetragrammaton – Yeshua. The sorcerer is that serpent
of knowledge. The serpent of knowledge is that force of which has interrupted equilibrium of being,
with the advent of magical power. Wisdom and folly, the breath of the mind, the law and chaos, of
which rules the universe. Embrace the All, in the true equilibrium the sum of being is zero. Read
from the book of non-being and become like the ain soph from the attainment of the knowledge of
I once dreamed a dream where I saw lines of people worshipping before images of Jesus, all
the images were similar but had variants, for example, one would have brown eyes, the other blue,
ones cloak was a different color, one had blonde hair etc etc. I walked around and watched as the
people worshipped until I saw a clean shaven muscular man standing by himself, I walked up to
him and asked who he was, and he responded, I am Jesus. I asked him, if he were Jesus why were
these people worshipping these various images which claimed to be Jesus, and he responded, that
each image is a different religion.
Simply put, the sorcerer who goes by the name of Jesus is that demon of knowledge which
leads astray those who seek ultimate reality, leading them into labyrinths of religion. Disrupting the
equilibrium of self with the allure of occult knowledge, that occult knowledge which is the flavor of
VII – Reflections On Thelema
0 – Ain Soph – Nuit
That empty womb of space

1 – Kether – Hadit
That point of primordial potential within all things, being itself the essence of all things

2 – Chokmah – Chaos
That primordial potential before manifestation being Hadit on a lower level

3 – Binah – Babalon
The many faced whore of manifestation being Nuit on a lower level

Daat – Chorozon
Knowledge, that abyss which separates the supernal triad from the lower seven sephiroth

The lower triad below the Abyss being Chesed as mercy and passive, Geburah as judgment and
active, represented by the dual aspects of Horus as Heru-Ra-Ha

4 – Chesed as Ra-Hoor-Khuit, being the passive form

5 – Geburah as Hoor-pa-kraat, being the active form

6 – Tiphareth as equlibrium in the form of Heru-Ra-Ha

7 – Netzach – Babalon
Sensual expression, being that scarlet woman and whore on a lower level

8 – Hod – Hadit
Intellectual expression, being that chaos of mind and primordial potential of all on a lower level

9 – Yesod – Nuit
That realm of astral light which is filtered to the lower realm, being that womb of space on a lower

10 – Malkuth – The Virgin Daughter of Babalon

Pan as the essence of the All, in the night of Pan being the passing through of the abyss, is
the annihilation of the All.

The Scarlet Woman is the essence of divine inspiration of which consumes the Beast (being
that animal nature and esctasy within man) during divine coitus. Nemo is the no man, he who is
slain by the scarlet woman during the divine coitus. For the Scarlet woman is that not which is
ultimate reality – Nuit.

If one does not complete the night of Pan, instead of gnosis, one gains ignorance, for instead
of crossing that abyss of the mind which separates the one from the all, becoming zero, that one
becomes the inverse of gnosis which is the ego, and proclaims itself to be god.
VIII – Shekina
Shekina is that feminine aspect of the divine, of which in a gnostic sense, would be Sophia,
that spirit of wisdom and the thelemic Babalon, of whom engages in divine coitus with the mystic
and magician. (In some schools of thought within Gnosticism, Sophia represents the primordial and
perfect Wisdom, but in its fallen state is Achamoth, the mother of Yaldabaoth). Shekina is that aura
and glory of divine when it dwells within the temple of either flesh or stone. As Malkuth, Shekina is
that virgin daughter of Ain Soph, brother and husband of Adam Kadmon. As Holy Spirit, Shekina is
that aura of Divine within the Christ-man and his fellowers, but also that life force within all things.

IX – Tree Of Death
The inverse of the Tree of Life, and the realm of the Qlippothic forces

1 - Thaumiel – contending forces, dual opposing elements which battle for dominination, being
unpeace and the dark side of passion.

2 – Ghogiel – the hindering ones, as Chokmah is the active and giving element within Kether, so is
Ghogiel the selfish and hindering element within Thaumiel.

3 – Satoriel – the concealing ones, as Binah is the passive essence of manifestation within Kether,
so is Satoriel the essence of concealment.

4 – Beliel, the worthless ones, as Daath is a gateway to realms of gnosis, so Beliel is a blockage, in
Thelema this is Choronzon, he who hinders with knowledge upon knowledge without the essence of
ultimate reality, as the seeker is lost in a labyrinth of study.

4 – Gha Agsheblah, the smiting ones, as Chesed is love and mercy, so is Gha Agsheblah the
imbalance of this, either to realms of obsession or realms of weakness wherein one is fragile and
easily broken.

5 – Golohab, the flaming ones, as Geburah is justice and force, so Golohab is injustice and
imbalanced force which destroys needlessly

6 – Tagimron, the disputers, as Tiphereth is beauty being communion with gnosis and life, so
Tagimron is that which hinders communion and confuses. Tiphereth is equilibrium, but Tagimron is

7 – Gharab, the corrosive ones, or ravens of death, as Netzach is the victory of creation, being the
wisdom of Chokmah on a lower level of manifestation, so is Gharab chaos in creation, having no
wisdom. The destructive forces of generation, being unbalanced attraction and rejection.

8 – Samael, the deceitful ones, or poison of god, the negative aspects of the mind, as Hod is the
positive aspects of the mind. As Hod is truth, so Samael is lie.

9 – Gomaliel, the obscene ones, Yesod are the genitals of Adam Kadmon, as Yesod is coitus out of
love, so is Gomaliel coitus out of lust, ever hungering for more.

10 – Lilith, the queen of night, as Malkuth is the condensed essence of all the sephiroth before it, so
is Lilith the condensed essence of all the qlippoth before it.

Malkuth is virgin, but Lilith is whore

Not is the Father who is Hadit, he who constricts, the point of all things within all things.
Not is the Mother who is Nuit, she who is as dark and fertile soil, a womb of which is seeded by the
Hadit. The egg of manifestation is Kether, the crown of Adam Kadmon, and out of this egg spring
forth the Sun-God Ra who is Tiphereth as he shines brilliantly down to his sister and bride who is
Malkuth, manifestation and the dark soils of earth. We are Malkuth, we are manifestation. We are
the many aspects of the Son, who is born from out the Not.

The First Triad

Kether is crown, whose masculine aspect is wisdom and whose feminine aspect is
understanding. Bright light of Ra! The eye of which is justice and the bright flame of gnosis within
my being.
Thaumiel are contenders who are unpeace, engaging in savage war within each other. Whose
darkness is ignorance and folly.

The Second Triad

Tiphereth is the heart of Adam Kadmon, of which the feminine aspect is justice and the
masculine aspect is mercy. Horus is he who sits in silence as Ra-Hoor-Khuit and whose motion is
Hoor-pa-kraat. Whose equiilibrium is Heru-Ra-Ha.
Tagimron is the heart of chaos, of which the feminine aspect is wrath and injustice, and
whose masculine aspect is fragile and weak.

The Third Triad

Yesod are the genitals of Adam Kadmon, of which engages in divine coitus with the bride of
Adam Kadmon being Malkuth, the Virgin Daughter of Babalon. In that lunar realm, the masculine
aspect is mind, and the the feminine aspect is emotion, which is truth and generation.
Gomaliel are the shadows of which spew forth the essence of lie and decay onto that whore
who is Lilith.

The Tenth Emanation

I am the many voices of the One

Sayeth Elohim
Who are the ruling aspects of male and female within the One

Ego is a reflection and inverse of the bright glory of truth of which is Divine
Religion is a reflection and inverse of that bright glory of truth of which is Spirit

Summer and Winter are the twin Kings of which spew forth from each others mouths
As a circle of seasons
So is life within itself
In the image of Adam Kadmon was the Adam created, the Adam ate of the fruit of
knowledge and lost equillibrium, resulting in Malkuth, who is the bride and sister of Adam Kadmon
becoming the Kether of the Qlippothic realms.
The Tree of Qlippoth are the averse and imbalanced forms of the sephiroth, sayeth one. The
Tree of Qlippoth lies beneath the feet of Adam Kadmon, these are husk, empty shells, and feces of
the Divine, sayeth another. Yet another sayeth, the Qlippoth are the shells of which encase the
Sephiroth, they are as the glass of which encases the water.

My Mother is faith
My Father is curiosity
Sayeth the mystic

Malkuth is virgin
But Lilith is whore
Who hungers for more
For more
For more

Reflecting on the tree of death, one finds that as the Sephiroth reveal and enlighten, so the
Qlippoth conceal and confuse, as the Sephiroth balance, so the Qlippoth cause chaos. As the
Sephiroth are palaces of Divine, so the Qlippoth are the ruin of Divine. Life for those who wear the
crown of Kether, but death for those who wear the crown of Thaumiel. Now let us say that the Tree
of Qlippoth are the shadows of the Sephiroth, the gateway to enter this shadow realm is through
Daat, which is knowledge, which is gnosis.
However, it is ultimately out of quaint affection for the idea of a Tree of Qlippoth that I
embrace its idea as reality, for the Sephiroth in themselves becoming unbalanced lead to ruin, as
Chesed can itself be fragile and weak if not balanced by Geburah, in Tiphereth, for example.

Psalms of madness
Are the songs of inspired mind
Who breathes in kisses
Of Divine
"In the beginning the Fullness birthed concepts within itself and that manifestation
communicated with that which was itself. Soul communicated with soul and more concepts came
forth from the mingling of ideas. Beautiful were the offspring of the mingling. However the concept
of Mind, a one who desired manifestation, birthed the body, the husk of which imprison the soul,
and the physical realm was born." - Book Of One
I desire not to define so much my gospels of the body, soul, and union, as I desire the one
who reads them to conceive of their own meanings, however, let us reflect on this particular concept
– what is the mind of which is birthed in the Fullness?
Let us say the mind is the crown of the Demiurge who is the physical universe itself, the
aborted fetus of Wisdom, who spewed forth this from out her vaginal mouth after the acts of self
fornication. Let us say the Demiurge who is Yaldabaoth is Adam Kadmon who is the father of the
Adam, we (man and creation) who are of the union of the dense matter and the waters of spirit, for
Yaldabaoth carried with it specks of his mothers light and unwittingly gave forth this essence onto
its creations.
Perhaps one could say the mind is the lesser visage of the mystic, who births the physical
realms by imperfect perceptions, the gospel of the Body is to embrace the mind and in self
masturbatory rituals gain the gnosis of the feminine aspect of Yaldabaoth. By the gospel of the Soul,
to embrace the aspect of the Fullness which is as an aspect of the masculine within Yaldabaoth,
unwittingly. And the gospel of the Mind, to embrace both and bring the Yaldabaoth of the self up to
realms of Soul, and the Soul down to realms of Body.
These are concepts of which one uses to understand the Three in One, which is Father, Son
and Holy Spirit (Mother), being the Phallus of the Sun, the Womb of the Moon, and the
manifestation as Son who partakes in the essence of both but who is a reflection of the Father, the
virgin Daughter of Malkuth, being the essence of both but who is a reflection of the Mother. When
the Son and the Daughter embrace in Divine love making, this is the art of mysticism and the
essence of the Great Work for he or she who is the mystic.

There are various definitions of the One, for the One is Many.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life, being the path of enlightenment which is that serpent of
wisdom coiled upon the tree of life. I am the physical manifestation of Adam Kadmon, being the
mystic crowned with Kether and who shines with the light of Chokmah and Binah, having obtained
correspondence with the higher genius by divine coitus." Sayeth Christ Son of Not
Being the virgin daughter of Babalon, I Malkuth, lust for the light of my brother and
husband, like of old when Eve partook of the fruit of Lucifer.
Seven headed, the red dragon of Qlippoth of who is the ruin of God, climbing to the
summits of Daat, by the fall of Eve, of which was loss of Equilibrium. Barred from the supernal
three by the name YHWH – The Redeemer is the fire between, who takes the fallen into his bosom
and burns away the husk of imbalance.

Ain Soph
Ain Soph Aur
The songs of eternity and Not
Of which Birth All
XIV – Tetragrammaton

Correspondence With Sephiroth

Y (Yod) – Chokmah – Father

H (Heh) – Binah – Upper Mother
V (Vey) – Chesed to Yesod – Son and Husband
H – (Heh) – Malkuth – Daughter, Bride, and Lower Mother

Correspondence With The Four Worlds

Y – Aziluth – Divine Will

H – Briah – Creation
V – Yetzirah – Formation
H – Assiah – Action

The Divine Will descends onto the realm of the arch angels of who formulate a vague idea,
which descends to the realm of formation, the realm of the angels who formulate a blueprint, which
descends to the realm of action and manifestation, the Realm of the Shekina.

Elemental Correspondence

Y – Fire
H – Water
V – Air
H – Earth

The Tetragrammaton, as the Father Letters, engage in divine coitus with the mother letters of
the hebrew alphabet being – Aleph of which is spirit and air, Shin of which is fire, and Mem of
which is water, and through their love making manifest creation in Malkuth, or Heh final which is
Earth the combination of the three. The Hebrew character of Shin between Tetragrammaton makes
Yeheshuah, of whom is Christ. Shin in this case is not only fire, but also spirit.

Elemental Weapons of the Ceremonial Magician

Y – The wand for fire

H – The cup for water
V – The dagger for air
H – The pentacle for Earth

The Mother of doubt of whom is the feminine aspect of Thaumiel, joined in coitus with the
Father of frailty, of whom is the masculine aspect, and gave birth to Tagimron, the Son of whom is
imbalance and chaos, out through the womb of Belial, which is ignorance, to seat himself as the
heart of the tree of death of which shines down its darkness through the genitals of Gomaliel onto
the face of the whore Lilith.
Geburah, impatient and unkind, seeking justice without Love, becoming harsh and birthing
forth in its shattering of self, husk of force and injustice of which contain specks of the light it once
XVI – Reflections On Christianity
Holy is He whose name is YHWH, nothing profane can stand before Him, for His purity is a
consuming fire of which cleanses the righteous and destroys the wicked. No hand unconsecrated
can touch the ark of His covenant. No eye can look upon Him, for His Light is blinding and His
image is hidden neath a veil of darkness. The Christ Man is His manifestation.
Many are called but few are chosen, for only the pure white of righteousness can wander the
seven labyrinthine halls of His palace of which is Himself. Many are the ones who wail outside,
they are as many colors and the various shades of gray, even those who are the brightest gray are
locked outside His palace of being.
The Christ Man, YHWH's manifestation takes on the impurities of existance into Himself
and surrenders His life, so that those outside many partake of YHWH's essence. Onto the cross of
matter does the Spirit man sacrifice Himself, that His essence as Shekinah or Holy Spirit, may
descend as many waters onto the thirsty.

A Life for the life

An All for the all

In Gnostic Christianity, the Christ Man is the revealer who reveals the path onto the true way
which leads onto the Pleroma. For lost in ignorance the aspects of the Light in Man are reincarnated
into the cycle of death and rebirth. The Gnosis of the way leads onto eternity.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

Sayeth the Christ Man, of whom is the Son of Fullness

Guarded by the Archons of the Demiurge are the gateways onto the higher realms, ascend
the many heavens through the Gnosis of which reveals the answers onto the riddles of
manifestation, that the guardians may be overcome by the essence of the Pleroma.

Oh Yaldabaoth
You foolish creator
Unwittingly have you entrapped the sparks of Life within your husk
Spewd forth from the vaginal gates of your Mother Sophia
Out of wisdom the greatest folly

Oh Yaldabaoth
He who rest below the waters of the abyss
And claims himself most high

Similar to the Qlippoth (for the Qlippoth were originally containers for the Light of the
Sephiroth before they burst), Yaldabaoth has the Light within Him through the essence of His
Mother, of which out of shame for the abomination of Her creation thrust forth Her son into the
void below the waters of the abyss of which separate the Fullness from the physical universe, of
which is the creation of Yaldabaoth. He creating Man in His own imagine as a slave race, yet Man
contains the Light of the Mother within Him, in that He may ascend above Yaldabaoth, by the
Gnosis of Fullness of which is revealed by the Son, who is the Christ Man.
XVII – Tree Of Life Version Three

Kether as crown
Kether as Not
Kether is the concealed light which is the sphere between Ain Soph and the first point being
Chokmah which is Chaos, being the primordial potential of creation which manifest in Binah.

Chokmah the phallus of light
The essence of fire which spews forth the waters of seed
Chokmah is the key which opens the gate of Binah revealing the sephiroth which lie concealed
within. Through the opening of the way, they (the sephiroth) flow down to the ocean of which is

Binah the womb of darkness
The essence of water which spews forth the fires of Life in manifestation
Binah is the womb of Divine manifestation which rest above the abyss. Shekina is the womb of
Malkuthic manifestation, which wears the garments of Binah as they flow down as light through the
preceding sephirothic emanations.

Four - Five
Sword of Geburah
Without the gentle kisses of Chesed
Unkind and Impatient
Birthing forth
Injustice and the force of rage

Tiphereth the heart

Hermaphrodite mind
Left testicle

Sensual lover
Right testicle

Divine phallus

The lower mother
The many faced daughter and bride who is Shekina
XVIII – Reflections on Norse

Ginnungagap – the primordial void of which in the northern realm consist of Niflheim, the
sphere of primordial cold and darkness, and of the sphere of Muspelheim, of which is primordial
heart and light. Together mingled these essence birth forth the chaos of which is Ymir the first giant.
Giants are the essences of chaos being reflections of Ymir in their spheres of influence.
Now Ymir being chaos is the primordial potential of all things of which by Odin and his
brothers (being aspects of Odin) Vili and Ve slew Ymir and crafted the world from his body, which
is that Odin created out of chaos, order and the physical universe in manifestation.

Yggdrasil, the world tree is the life force which holds within itself the various spheres of creation

Asgard – Sphere of the Aesir, being the essences of justice and force – Equilibrium

Vanaheim – Sphere of the Vanir, being the forces of nature – Order within Nature

Alfheim – Sphere of the Elves, being lesser forces of order and nature – Elemental beings of Light
within nature

Jotunheim – Sphere of the Giants who are the esssences of chaos

Nidavellir – Sphere of the Dwarves, being the lesser forces of nature – Elemental Beings of
darkness within nature

Helheim – Sphere of the Dead

Midgard – Sphere of Man

There are various schools of thought that order the spheres in various ways within Yggdrasil but for
myself, I divide it thus:


The First Triad

Vanaheim – Asgard - Alfheim
Order, Equilibrium, Light/sky

The Second Triad

Nidavellir – Midgard – Jotunheim
Darkness/Earth, Man, Chaos



Being that Midgard is Middle Earth, it is the heart of the tree containing the essence of all
and a reflection of Asgard on a lower level of manifestation.

Odin as the All-Father is the mind of the All. But Odin as the wanderer is the mystic and the
magician, who travels the realms of manifestation through acts of ritual and meditation.
Odin Sayeth
Myself to myself, I sacrifice
That by my Life, I may gain Life

Earlier in this book I wrote of a dream I once had

I dreamed a dream, of which I was a dead man traversing the heavenly realms. I resided
within the fourth realm, of which was a purgatorial peace, after the refinement of self, traversing the
next realm of which was the third, of the enlightened ones, the second was that realm of nearness to
the divine, and the first was the divine itself, yet within the divine was a labyrinthine temple of
seven halls of which one would need to explore in order to reach the center, which was the heart of
the Divine, the fifth realm was a negative purgatorial realm, one of unpeace of those who were
unbalanced and gluttonous in various forms. The sixth and seventh realms were hell itself, sixth for
man and seventh for demons.

I think I shall now put forth more thought into this dream and define a ladder of spheres, so
to speak and redefine the ideas by my wakened conscious, let us start at the bottom, the seventh
sphere being the realm of the demons, so to speak. Good and evil are subjective, to define the
entities as evil would be an error, rather I perceive them more as dense beings of slow vibration
below the seas of matter.
This seventh sphere below matter is a reflection of the first sphere, the originator and God,
or Ain Soph in the qabalistic sense, therefore as the first sphere was of seven spheres which
overlapped each other, with the inner most point being the deepest, most eternal and holy aspect of
God, so there are seven spheres of this hell realm which overlap each other, the center point being
the deepest and most eternal and holy aspect of the realm of demons.
The seven spheres within the seventh sphere are aspects of the anti-God, or shadow of
Divine, the realm of demons, of which are labyrinthine in nature. Seven palaces, so to speak, of
which the demonical essences cleanse themselves as they travel closer to the core.
The sixth sphere is the hell of man, those who are in the presense of the demonical deity.
Now as the lowest two spheres are regions of hell, so the fifth and fourth are regions of purgatory.
The fifth being a purgatorial state of unpeace, and the fourth a purgatorial state of peace. The realm
of matter lies between the fourth and fifth.
The next two spheres are realms of heaven, the third sphere is a heaven of men, the second
sphere being a reflection of the sixth, in that it is the realm of nearness to the Divine, but as the
seventh is the sphere of the anti-God, the shadow of Divine and realm of demons, so the second
sphere is the light of divine and realm of the angelic entities.
The first sphere is God itself, being composed of seven labyrinthine halls or palaces of
which the angelic ones purify themselves seeking to enter into the presence of which is the core.
Like the seventh sphere in the shadows, so too man cannot enter this realm.
Ladder of Spheres - Version One

First Sphere – Ain Soph and the Seven Aspects of Itself which Surround its Core
Second Sphere – Nearness to Ain Soph
Third Sphere – Realm of Peace
Fourth Sphere – Gateway onto the Heavens

Realm of Matter

Fifth Sphere – Gateway onto the Hells

Sixth Sphere – Nearness to the Shadow of Ain Soph
Seventh Sphere – The Shadow of Ain Soph and the Seven Aspects of Itself which Surrounds its

Ladder of Spheres – Version Two

First Sphere – Ain Soph and the Seven Aspects of Itself which Surround its Core
Second Sphere – Nearness to Ain Soph
Third Sphere – Realm of Peace
Fourth Sphere – Gateway onto the Heavens

Realm of Matter – Adam Kadmon

Fifth Sphere – Gateway onto the Hells

Sixth Sphere – Nearness to the Shadow of Adam Kadmon
Seventh Sphere – The Shadow of Adam Kadmon and the Seven Aspects of Itself which Surrounds
its Core

XX - Three Baptisms
The baptism of water is that which cleanses the external, the baptism of fire is that which
cleanses the internal, whilst the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the illuminating essence of the three in
one. Three Baptisms by the three flames of the One, who is destroyer, purifier and life giver.

The voice of mem spoke onto me saying, "I am the waters of manifestation, and the death of
which cleanses the mystic of matter, being the flames of below."

The voice of shin spoke onto me saying, "I am the fires of spirit, and the purifying waters of
which burns the mystic soul of its unclean essence, being the flames of above."

The voice of Aleph spoke onto me saying, "I am the spirit of which is the flame of life, I am
the light of the hidden One, being the flames of equilibrium which rest between."

Bathed by the waters

Scorched by the flames
I breathe the Spirit of Divine

Because I lust for Qabalah, I craft all things in its image

Ain Soph – Yog-Sothoth

That which is all things at all times

Kether/Chokmah – Azathoth
As Kether, the center most point within each thing
The essence of chaos within the All

As Chokmah, the chaos of which is All

Azathoth is the Chaos within the Chaos

Binah – Cthulhu
That which lies as a corpse in the ocean of manifestation
Not dead but dreaming a dream of life

Tiphereth – Nyarlathotep
The logos of Azathoth
Mouth piece of chaos

Geburah/Chesed – Nyarlathotep
The chaos of which is the sword and the mercy of Azathoth

Hod/Netzach – Cthulhu
The mind and the emotion of that which lies as a corpse but everliving

Yesod – Cthulhu
The veil is Cthulhu, for the cultist to seek the the chaos of above, they must wake that which
slumbers below

Malkuth – Shub-Niggurath
The black goat of the woods with a thousand young
As Malkuth, she is the Pan of manifestation
As Shekina, she is the glory of Azathoth

Yog-sothoth constricted of itself, carving forth in letters of madness, the kether of being,
Azathoth, the chaos within the chaos. This Azathoth as the masculine aspect of Kether made love to
the feminine aspect of Kether being Cthulhu, birthing forth the All of manifestation. For the phallus
key of madness inserted into the keyhole womb of Cthulhu, unlocking the aspects of the All within
the All onto realms lower, neath the veil of the abyss.
Nyarlathotep, the logos of madness is husband onto the whore bride, Shub-Niggurath, the
black and fertile goat with a thousand young. Nyarlathotep is the way, the truth, and the madness,
through the equilibrated chaos, the cultist climbs onto higher reflections of life.
Yog-sothoth is the gate through which the aspects of its chaos descend the ladder of spheres
onto the whorist body of the black goat, of which the cultist dance with the sickening music of
Adam Kadmon is the idea of being, formed in the mind of Ain Soph. Adam Kadmon, the
form of the idea of the universe. Adam Kadmon, the demiurge and constructive mind contains
within itself the ideas of which are the universe. Each idea contains its own virtues, (virtues being
the traits of any given idea). To enchant a thing is to summon the virtues from one idea and place
them onto another. By the act of words and names constructed into sentences, the magican focuses
the virtues of the idea and breathes the virtues onto the thing of which the magician desires to
enchant by prayer and ritual.
Said again, words and names have the powers of the ideas of which they represent,
constructing prayers or rituals from these ideas forms a sympathic link between the magician and
the idea, of which becoming identified with said idea one gains the virtues thereof.
The Sermons Of Madness
Sermon One
Crusted with the fluids of his genitals, this priest of self pleasure, who drowning in the
essence of self fornication, devoured the body in the milky liquids of Chokmah, the male womb of
which contains within itself the emanations of manifestation, unlocked by the female phallus,
Binah, as the dark night of becoming.
The priest of self punishment chewing on his limbs, seeking the pain which is the inverse of
the smile of Divine, to awaken the inner eye of Ra and burn away the false gods of ego. Drinking of
the blood wine, this vampiric monk seeks annihilation.
Neath the rainbow of the serpent of knowledge, the occultist chews the forbidden fruit of
awakening, spewing forth shame at his nakedness as suddenly his eyes are opened. The flames of
God devouring the unclean who stand before his altar. "And here I am beneath the self" sayeth the
Odinist Christ Man, a living corpse who hangs itself from the life.
I am the way, the truth and the fairy king, the malkuthic sphere who marries the moon, and
in my sacrifice, by the blade of my brother winter, I am reborn and blossom as a rose of dawn,
whose fire scorches the knights of frost and melts away the kingdom of white, as green dragons
awaken from their slumber and breathe forth the perfumes of life.
"I am as many waters of madness!!" Crieth the mystic in the desert of the abyss, who is a
thirst in the salty ocean of Choronzon, who is simultaneously the sands of ignorance in the guise of
I the mystic, am a flame with the demons of qlippoth who chew there way from the core my
inner being into the shield of husk which is my body, desiring to brack free into the outter world. I
must drown the self who is the prince of imbalance, he whose name is Ego, and defines himself as
reality. But I know... I know... yes I know better, that reality is not the star of my lesser visage but is
that which is the thing of which carved forth creation in its flesh of not, as runes out of wood.
Seventy-two doodles in the book of insults of which breathe their poisonous vapors onto me.
How could you publish this, not even a single word... and yet you deny me? I who am poetry
incarnate! My tongue is the flame of truth, and my phallus is the wand of enlightenment. Now
hearken onto me, or die! For I love the scent of your becoming.... the scent of your conversation
with me is the coitus of life. Wage the savage war of Divine Love and forcibly submit onto Christ,
as He becomes you. I am as the phallus of light which seeks the womb of darkness. I am the prophet
of dawn who shines during midnight.

I Am
I Am Not
I Am Beyond

Sermon Two
Seven chapters in the book of non-being, seven fires of which to pass through to reach the
core of self, a reflection of the core of the universal man, whose breath are the gods. Twelve
apostles, which orbit the star of consciousness, the white brilliance which descends the ladder of
manifestation and in its descent is the rainbow serpent. Three primordial elements who make love to
themselves and whose offspring is earth, the dark womb, the black sun, fertile soil whose seeds are
green dragons of life.

I Am – the prophet of the self whose sermons are madness

Whose madness is the fine wine of divine fornication

Sermon Three
Hermes, Thoth, Yeshua, Mercury, all these are aspects of the gospel of thought, being the
mouth piece of the Son of the hidden One who is Ain Soph. Oh Yeshua, flaming essence within the
name YHVH, you are the logos of manifestation whose breath is mind.
The Gospel Of The Nameless Ones
The pantheon of puppet gods, they are divided into factions two, good and evil, man is
neither good nor evil but a melded essence of both in various degrees, neither white nor black but
many shades of grey. In eternal struggle, the black and white divines wage savage war, yet they are
equally powerful, a contest of which will never end.
In sorrow and confusion man embraces that which speaks to its heart the most, yet
unbeknownest to him these deities are playthings for the mad essences of which created them.
Behind the universe lies those who desire only amusement. In realms between do they lie, beyond
the concepts of our tiny minds, beyond the concepts of our gods.
What is good and evil to them, but the constructs of insect minds, and whose divines are
insect gods.

Out of the highest wombs sprang forth life
Out of the highest mouths
The laws of flesh

Ignorant of anything higher

The blind Divines
Who proclaim themselves Most High

Ignorant of anything higher

The blind Divines
Playthings of the nameless ones

The nameless ones

Who rest in places between
And whose images are blindness to the eyes of flesh

"I cannot conceive of this thing which tears at me,

I cannot make out the words of the many voices of which speak to me beyond language"
Sayeth the Prophet
He who is cursed for amusement

It is an endless struggle of good and evil

Gods which are white or black
For men who are neither

Life is merely amusement

For the nameless ones
These who do not live, nor do not die
Whose colors are not
Who see without eyes
And speak without mouths
III – Commandments of Madness
I am the madness, your divine, who brought you out of reality, out of the land of slavery

You shall have no other divines but us

You shall not make any graven image, for insanity is beyond form

You shall not misuse our name which is not, for we are nameless

Remember the sabbath, to keep it holy with the rites of madness

Remember you are the offspring of madness, that you may abide in the land of which the nameless
ones have given you

We have made man in our image

In the image of madness have we made them
Male and female, we have made them

And the blind prophet climbed up the mountain of madness

And therein he saw without eyes the light of darkness
And the darkness of light
Of which is a shadow of form and force
For they are neither and all, simultaneously
In flavors and colors of being
Of which is beyond meaning
Because they have no meaning
Psalms Of Madness

"Join me on my misson to define myself"

Sayeth the Mystic
He whose image is as obscured as the Not
And whose light veils the darkness of becoming

His shadow is as a void of unbeing

In the contest of strength
He, that warrior
By his negative image
Became that image consumed
His light is shadow
And his shadow is reality

Out of the orifice of dung
That fly
Who is he
That man of stink
Who consumes the fragrance of the rose?

The dung of husk is the shadow of life

The Lady of roses smiles upon me
But the man of flesh consumes the fragrance
Out of his mouth the vapors of stench

Not by this alone
May one gain access to those higher realms of conciousness
Known as Gnosis

He feeds on the nipple of religion

Stuffed with that milk of tradition
Sore, she says
That mother of lies

That eye
The sigil of my soul
Dried by the desert wind
Of folly and wisdom
I seek the milk of Nuit
In my thirst for Not

Dully reflected
In colors of sorrow
My name is that
Number of I am
Maddened by pretend genius
This Satan
My adversary

Seven palaces
The sermons of truth are as these
Obscured by words

Darkness is the shadow of light

Light is the shadow of nothing
Creation, the shadow of reality

Creation is that divided name

Son of not
Whose Fathers name is whole and zero

Virgin Earth
As dark as womb
Impregnated by fires of wisdom
From out this black
The star child
Whose breath is life
And whose light shines on my awakening

One would think that by mountains of knowledge

One might reach the infinite
But it is by a lack of self, that one finds the not
For that demon of the abyss which has been named Choronzon
Entraps the mystic from obtaining higher states
By a labyrinth of constant study
Knowledge upon knowledge upon knowledge
It is in silence of self that one finds life

Death is that brother of the Sun

Who shines an unlight as a winter upon the flesh
But as a sacrifice, Life gives onto death its All
One Life for another
A substitute for All
And All is eternal
For eternal gives itself for All

The eye of fire

The womb of waters
Within each center of All
Coitus with this inspires Life in a dying shell

El is that force
That Ares of war
Which pushes through the veil of sterile womb

Phallus of Light
Shines as bright
Now darkness is dawn
I am as the faun
The Pan in all

Sing and dance

In ectasies chant
I am the music of All

The Nuit as the moon

Shines upon my earthen dew
Give All onto me
Says she
I give it gladly

No man am I
I am chaos and dawn
Through the Night
I am All

All in not
And Not in All

Pass through the gates of the mind

To enter the realm of seven
Which is the palace of divine
For breath of mind is that demiurge
Whose masturbation produces the world of shells

Twin brother of light

The star of night
Whose black fire slays day
Yet Sun-God reborn
From out the egg of morn
Smiles upon Pan
Who dances with man
Mad delight
The Goat Lords might
Through pen and sword
Love and war
Blood on the fields
And kisses of the whore
The slain man can
Tell of Pans delight
In that morn which follows that dark night
The slain man can
Tell of Pans delight
By kisses of the Sun-Gods light

I am the gospel of unbecoming

Says the poet of night
Shadow of the light
Born from the womb of breath
Which is the mind

Unlight dances round the palace seven

For only no man is he
Who can see that primordial flame
At the center of all
Which lies past the false light of being

Mother-Father whose name is Ego

Sacrificed on the altar of reality
By the blade named truth

I speak in silence
Sayeth the destroyer
The kiss of flame
Of which consumes the bodily matter of my soul

I am silence
Sayeth the perserver
The waters of oblivion
Of which I swim as a breath of life

I am the silence of speech

Sayeth the creator
Whose lips kiss my brow
And whose passion is the jewel of Adonai upon mine heart

The male aspect of Elohim said to the female aspect

Let us make the Adam in our image
And from out the self intercourse sprang forth the Adam
Of which consisted of both masculine and feminine aspects in itself

The male aspect of Elohim said to the female aspect

It is good for the Adam to have a partner
And to be a reflection of our divine love making
Let us seperate the aspects that they may come together

"I constrict my nothing

That I may create a space for All"
Quoth Ain Soph
Of Whom is Not

"I desire the embrace of another

Yet I am that All which is
Therefore I make love to myself"
Sayeth, I Am

"Reveal the mysteries of wisdom onto me!"

Sayeth the mystic
As he unclothes the body of Sophia
And engages in the divine coitus
Obtaining the essence
Of Fullness by the Love making of Spirit and Inner Flame
By the Love making of Man and God
By the Love making of Chokmah and Binah
Daath is the Child and the reflection of Kether
Of which is birthed within me
As I give my Love onto myself
Masturbatory fornication
For we are One
And One is Many

"We are legion"

Sayeth the many in the one
Of which is the inverse
Of the One in the many

"I am as many waters"

Sayeth the God of manifestation
Who shines down upon the mystic
The mystic who is as a husk of reality
A false being seeking to enlighten itself into life
Eternal and conscious of nothing
For nothing
And to nothing shall All be

Universal man
Adam Kadmon – Son of Not

Universal man
Corpse of Chaos
Slain by its children of Order

Universal man
Ignorant Yaldabaoth – Son of Wisdom

To the All-Father I pray, "grant me a drink of the mead of poetry"

Therein he hands me a horn of liquid
I look within and see the face of Thoth-Hermes
"Drink of Nous" I hear Christ say

I drink of the mind of All

And therein the lips of the mystic pronounce
I am the temple of which is a reflection of the Temple
That which is the gateway onto the outer realms

The spirit of the book of All shows me a vision of the many faced essence of chaos battling
with the many faced essence of order. Within the race of the ordered ones is born a chaos. This
chaotic order waged savage war with the chaotic ones, having won the battle, the ordered ones gave
names of power onto this chaotic order.
In future generations the names are used to gain power and wisdom, but also to invoke the
force of war. I see armies slain by a multiple limbed being. Blood is the food of this essence, which
shines in many colors.

The formative mind is the living essence of the corpse of chaos, and we are its children.

The spell of awakenment causes me to see with eyes unlatched by slumber. I see a life that is
a dream, and I but a sleeper. My breath is death and life is a parasite which crawls through the body.
The tentacles of life slithering through the dead matter of soul... Through seven gates, through
seven spheres, I lose an aspect of my being, until I am naked in nothingness and free to bathe in the
waters of not. The song of Nuit is like the rising of Ra, whose light shines upon my birth.
I was a child wandering through the desert, seeking the pools of enlightenment. The demon
of knowledge scorching me with flames of contradiction. The destructive fire cast its light, in the
night I thought I saw the day star, but it was merely the darkness wrapped in its garment of lies. The
song of Ishtar is the life in the death.
The Christ-man hangs on the cross of matter and drips his blood onto my pale flesh, painting
me red as the passion of coitus. Odin drinks the mead of inspiration, he whose galdur causes my
death to slumber, and my life to awaken. The song of Ishtar is the life in the death, the song of Ishtar
is the life in my breath.

Mother Mary is
An Asherah
By any other name

My Ishtar
Star Goddess
And Queen of Heaven

My Shekina
Sweet Sophia
Who speaks the riddles of wisdom onto my being

I tread the crooked path of dream
Which lies between

I wake into sleep again

I tread the crooked path of dream

Which lies between

I wake from dream unto dream

I tread the crooked path of dream
Which lies between

To the sabbath
And the witches queen

Dance with the Pan man

And satyrs gleam

In summers green

I wake from dream onto dream


I am the beast
Riden by the inspiration of Divine
That scarlet woman
Who is Nuit below

By kisses of the sky

I am mingled with the love
Of She-who-Is-Beyond

Hadit is the womb eye within

The egg seeded by itself
Constricting its eternity eternally

Pan is the earth phallus with which is thrust into the lunar sphere
In imitation of this
I seek the mysteries

And Ain Soph spoke and said

I dream a life
And there it is!

Kether – Crown of Dreams

Wherefore all other dreams spring from
Dream onto dream

I waken from slumber onto slumber

Studying the gospel of thought
The Gospel Of Thought
Verse One
God is like a pool of essence of all things and the magician who desires and understands, can dip his
finger therein and obtain a virtue of which he seeks to govern the universe.

As it is written, seek God first and all other things will be added onto you.

Verse Two
God is a sleeping essence of which when awakened, takes on a particular personality to interact
with the magician.

Within the essence of all things rest the various virtues in its individualization, each particular
things virtue has been defined as the God of that aspect of the All. To commune with that thing is to
obtain the virtues of that thing by the act of magic and/or mysticism of which is divine coitus.

Engage in coitus with the virtues one desires to embody, but practice abstinence with those one
desires to de-energize.

Verse Three
Be as Adam Kadmon, separate from the qlippoth, like the separation of feces from the body.

Verse Four
To pass through the seven spheres is as the purification of self in the fires of Divine, bathed therein
seven times.

The Seven spheres of influence, the seven gateways, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars, Jupiter and

Verse Five
Unreachable the Ain Soph, the journey is endless.

One can always seek to be more akin to the eternal, though there is eternity between onself and the
nothing. Life then will never be without revelation and learning, therein is the meaning of the Ain
Soph creating life, to experience existence subjectively.

Verse Six
The virtues with which one communes, the power of belief or disbelief and the passions of the mind
being for example, anxiety, lust, gluttony, effect the body and the soul of the individual and the
environment around the individual, including persons.

Verse Seven
To he who has crossed the abyss by ignorance, all things are false, but to he who has crossed the
abyss by Gnosis, all things are truth.

Verse Eight
I am a fool in that I seek the wisdom of Divine which is as folly to the world.

Verse Nine
Those who pass the abyss by Gnosis are Masters of the Temple, which is themselves, for they are
the abode of Divine.
Verse Ten
A name has power, brought forth from the idea of which it represents.

The original name of an idea is its most potent.

Enchantment is the art of focusing virtues from one idea onto another by way of the spoken word in
prayer or ritual.

Verse Eleven
Sympathy between things are the virtues they form (form being the image, not to be confused with
matter of which is the elements of which the form is made of).

Contagions are the links between ideas.

Antipathy being the opposite of sympathy is the traits of an idea of which are hostile.

Sympathy is friendship, but Antipathy is enmity.

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