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“A Slippery Path: Organizing Resistance to Violence Against Women, ” Dragon Ladies: Asian
American Feminists...

“We also indentify ourselves as woman of color, with roots elsewhere because of our
imigration status and our heritages in the Third Wold”.

“Collective understanding of our reality” “Colaboration possible”

“Model minority” myth is generated by mainstream U.S. ideology to divide peoplo of color by
appealing to some of them to acquiesce to U.S. standars os success at the cost of building
solidarity with other marginalized group”

“However, without an analysis of racism as a First World nation’s project to create a vunerable
underclass of exploitable workers of color, our alliances with the struggles of people of color
will reamain transitory and shallow”.

“Woman of color are opressed by particular ways”

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