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2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and 959

Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

The combination of clay and nanotube carbon as an innovative and sustainable

P. Shahmohamadi, F. Soflaee
Islamic Azad University, Iran

ABSTRACT as the most current and the cheapest material in differ-

ent hot-dry regions in Iran. In order to make it possible
The idea of using one-dimensional fillers as a reinforc- for a building to be built by mud brick more resistant
ing agent is nothing new: straw has been used to rein- and stable, some provisions and methods were used by
force mud bricks since about 4000 BC. Mud brick is traditional architects.
sustainable and traditional material which is used in The making of mud brick buildings were commonly
large scales of building houses in hot-arid climate, so it considered at every time because since the past time it
is identity of these areas and it is not able to be ignored. has been always tried to supply requires materials for
Finding some solutions for reinforcing mud brick or in construction buildings from the nearest place to where a
other word, creating innovative materials for the climate building was being constructed.
is the aim of this article. In traditional mud brick architecture is fulfilled a build-
This paper describes a first approach towards the appli- ing identity by considerate to the available factors in
cation of Carbon Nanotube as replacement for traditional nature and according to what are affected by climate.
reinforcements such as straw, date fibers, cinder, in mud Adaptability of a building to the environment and cli-
brick houses. Carbon Nanotubes are molecular-scale mate is a pre-requisite to the formation of it.
tubes of graphitic carbon with outstanding properties.
This article discusses about the way of combination of 2. THE DEFINITION AND PROPERTIES OF CAR-
Clay and Carbon Nanotube, their properties and can this BON NANOTUBES
combination replace inside of mud brick or no. In addition,
because of existing the hexagonal forms of Carbon Nan- Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes of carbon. A
otube can increase the sustainability of this new material. carbon nanotube is a one-atom thick sheet of graphite
In fact a mud brick as a building material have been (called graphene) rolled up into a seamless cylinder with
remained during different periods of history, is still used diameter of the order of a nanometer. This results in an
as a building material and a configuring element to any essentially one-dimensional nanostructure where the
architectural structure but with a modern vision. length-to-diameter ratio exceeds 10,000. Such cylindrical
Therefore, it is imperative to find a low cost industrial carbon molecules have novel properties that make them
replacement for the cane, capable of providing the ado- potentially useful in a wide variety of applications in na-
be masonry with sufficient confinement as to withstand notechnology, electronics, optics and other fields of ma-
a severe earthquake without collapse. The combination terials science. They exhibit extraordinary strength and
of clay and Nanotube Carbon, because of some prop- unique electrical properties, and are efficient conductors
erties is introduced as potential alternative to reinforce of heat. Inorganic nanotubes have also been synthesized.
masonry elements. Hence, its use is attractive for the
reinforcement of adobe structures since it could become
a replacement for the cane reinforcement.
Because the hexagonal form is one of the sustainable
forms in nature. Finally, this innovative
Material can be used in building with low energy cool-
ing and new technologies. It is the theoretical develop-
ment of this idea that here we are paying attention.


Construction of houses with mud bricks is one of the

most traditional construction techniques in Iran and
many other countries. In the past, mud brick was used

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Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

Nanotubes are members of the fullerene structural fami- would be surprised to learn that it is the second most
ly, which also includes buckyballs. Whereas buckyballs abundant element on earth, making up almost a third
are spherical in shape, a nanotube is cylindrical, with at of the earth’s crust, and the main ingredient in even the
least one end typically capped with a hemisphere of the tiniest grains of sand or the hardest samples of natural
buckyball structure. Their name is derived from their glass and quartz crystals. But it can be said, with its
size, since the diameter of a nanotube is on the order of myriad applications, that this nonmetallic element has
a few nanometers (approximately 50,000 times smaller almost single handedly redefined our notion of “ma-
than the width of a human hair), while they can be up to chine” in the second half of this century, rapidly becom-
several millimeters in length. ing an increasingly transparent, weightless, ephemeral
analogue of human life. Even so, we still closely guard
our outmoded concept of machines as hard, and hol-
low metallic shells or cold crankshafts, solid, smooth
pistons and notched metal gears, connotations which
continue to weigh down and polarize the relationship
between humans and their technologies.

3.2 Carbon the Basis of Life

Harold Kroto said:
“The carbon in our body originated in space. Indeed,
we now know that it was ejected from some star a long,
Since their discovery in 1991, carbon nanotubes have long time ago and then was reprocessed and ended up
generated huge activity in most areas of science and on the Earth’s biosphere. What is absolutely fascinat-
engineering due to their unprecedented physical and ing and certainly something that excited me when I first
chemical properties. No previous material has displayed discovered it, is that every one of us is made of carbon,
the combination of superlative mechanical, thermal and therefore every one of us is made of stardust... “One
electronic properties attributed to them. These proper- thing they are not so sure of is what is the form of that
ties make nanotubes ideal, not only for a wide range of dust, what is the structure. How does the carbon nucle-
applications but as a test bed for fundamental science. ate to form these that form these little wudges that go on
In particular, this combination of properties makes them to grow into planets?”   
ideal candidates as advanced filler materials in com- Carbon, known now in its three forms, graphite, dia-
posites. In another area, it is thought that their massive mond and buckminsterfullerene, is the basis of organic
thermal conductivity can be exploited to make ther- chemistry, the fundamental element of all biological life
mally conductive composites. However, probably the as we have come to know it. Yet carbon is closer to sili-
most promising area of composites research involves con than to any other single element.
the mechanical enhancement of plastics using carbon Carbon and silicon have more similarities in their respec-
nanotubes as reinforcing fillers. tive properties and structures than differences. Because
Carbon nanotubes are molecular-scale tubes of graphitic of the placement on the periodic table, each containing
carbon with outstanding properties. They are among the four electrons in their outer shells, they are found right
stiffest and strongest fibers known and have remarkable next to each other in the same vertical family. Because of
electronic properties and many other unique characteristics. their tendency to easily bond with other elements, both
can be found or combined into numerous other forms.
3. THE TYPE AND STRUCTIRE OF CARBON It is easy to compare these two abundant elements so
central to everyday life. Although silicon is only slight-
3.1 Silicon – Natural Forms, Ancient Uses ly more metallic than carbon because it tends to lose
Rarely do we think about silicon as a simple and natu- electrons more easily, it is safe to say that silicon is con-
ral element in the world around us: sand on the beach, sidered inorganic while carbon is organic. If we wanted
black clear remnants of a volcanic eruption, or essential to compare carbon with silicon as analogues of the ani-
domestic artifacts like the transparent pane occupying mate and inanimate world, we need only look to their
the nearest window frame or the glass you drink from at molecular structures and the functions they fulfill.
each meal and how many of us would think about silicon The three allotropes of carbon: diamond, graphite and
as the main element comprising the sharp, strong obsid- buckminsterfullerene exhibit many of the same struc-
ian blades or arrowheads in humans’ most ancient tools? tural characteristics as various forms of silicon. These
As common as silicon is in today’s world, many of us three pure forms of carbon vary from one another by

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2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and 961
Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

the crystal structure the atoms take. It is possible to form silicones, a cross between organic materials such
compare each with a form of silicon that has similar as oil, rubber and plastics and inorganic materials such
properties or fulfills similar functions in our everyday as sand, glass and quartz crystal. Buckyballs on the oth-
world. For the purposes of this qualitative comparison, er hand, also carry structural characteristics of both the
graphite’s analog could easily be mica, diamond’s ana- organic fivefold world and the inorganic crystal world.
log, quartz crystal and buckyball’s could be silicones or The links in the molecular skeleton of alternating silicon,
even the recently discovered silicon. oxygen and other atoms in silicones have bond strength
about one and a half times as great as the carbon bond
3.3 Comparison between Silicon and Carbon that holds organic molecules together, thus giving them
Graphite, the simplest form of pure carbon, is so soft organic properties such lubrication, water repellence
it can be cleaved at any point. Each atom is bonded to and flexibility, the same properties of buckyballs. Both
three others forming layers of flat sheets of hexagons buckyballs and silicones both form polymers.
which can easily slide back and forth over one another. Buckyballs are just beginning, in theory and in their
Mica, mineral containing atoms of silicon, aluminum first real applications, to revolutionize the already ex-
and oxygen (S02) also has a flat hexagonal structure and isting computer industry. Silicones, the most flexible
can be easily cleaved into thin sheets like graphite. materials when used in rubber-like compounds, have
Graphite is one of our most common communication myriad applications in various technologies. They are
tools, its name meaning “to write.” It is soft and “greasy” often used in the body as well.
so it can easily be used to lubricate moving machine
parts. Mixed with clay, graphite forms the “lead” in pen- 4. TYPES OF CARBON NANOTUBES
cils, simple instruments. Its longevity, as well its ability
to be erased lends pencil lead nicely to marks on paper 4.1 Single-walled
artifacts. This gives graphite an intrinsically functional Most single-walled nanotubes (SWNT) have a diameter
and lasting value in the varied manuscripts and docu- of close to 1 nanometer, with a tube length that can be
ments found in every archive in the world. Graphite, many thousands of times longer. Single-walled nano-
like mica also has many industrial uses. tubes with length up to orders of centimeters have been
Diamond is the strongest natural substance known, is produced. The structure of a SWNT can be conceptu-
often used to grind and polish other materials to the fin- alized by wrapping a one-atom-thick layer of graphite
est degree. A precut diamond can be identified by its called graphene into a seamless cylinder. Single-walled
octahedral outer shape and its atoms are arranged in a nanotubes are a very important variety of carbon nano-
dense, tetrahedral framework or lattice. Each carbon tube because they exhibit important electric properties
atom of diamond is the center of one tetrahedron and that are not shared by the multi-walled carbon nanotube
the vertex of another. By the same token, quartz crys- (MWNT) variants. Single-walled nanotubes are the
tal’s molecular structure is a also a dense and strong most likely candidate for miniaturizing electronics past
tetrahedral network. Although not as hard as diamond, the micro electromechanical scale that is currently the
quartz’s crystalline structure is very similar to it. In ad- basis of modern electronics. The most basic building
dition, while diamonds are formed in molten lava by the block of these systems is the electric wire, and SWNTs
heat and pressure deep in the earth, obsidian, a form of can be excellent conductors. One useful application of
silicon, is the hard black glass formed of lava when it SWNTs is in the development of the first intramolecu-
meets oxygen and hardens in the outer atmosphere. lar field effect transistors (FETs). The production of the
Diamonds come from the core of the Earth. Quartz crys- first intramolecular logic gate using SWNT FETs has
tal is also one of the hardest minerals. Its conductivity recently become possible as well. Single-walled nano-
enables an electric current to ride through this beautiful tubes are still very expensive to produce, and the devel-
silicon-based quartz crystal. Both diamond and crystal opment of more affordable synthesis techniques is vital
have been used liberally for tools used in making lenses to the future of carbon nanotechnology.
for microscopes and telescopes.
Buckminsterfullerene, the most recently discovered al- 4.2 Multi-walled
lotrope of pure carbon, is a hollow cage molecule with Multiwalled nanotubes (MWNT) consist of multiple
flexibility and strength, exhibiting perfect spherical layers of graphite rolled in on themselves to form a
symmetry. Buckminsterfullerene’s 60 atoms are bonded tube shape. There are two models which can be used
together in a stable, yet flexible hexapent cage. Its most to describe the structures of multiwalled nanotubes.
unique property is that it can be bonded both from the The interlayer distance is close to the distance between
inside and the outside. Silicon and oxygen combine to graphene layers in graphite. The special place of Dou-

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ble-walled Carbon Nanotubes (DWNT) must be em- striking telescoping property whereby an inner nano-
phasized here because they combine very similar mor- tube core may slide, almost without friction, within its
phology and properties as compared to SWNT, while outer nanotube shell thus creating an atomically perfect
improving significantly their chemical resistance. In the linear or rotational bearing. This is one of the first true
case of SWNT, covalent functionalisation will break examples of molecular nanotechnology, the precise po-
some C=C double bonds, leaving “holes” in the struc- sitioning of atoms to create useful machines. Already
ture on the nanotube and thus modifying both its me- this property has been utilized to create the world’s
chanical and electrical properties. In the case of DWNT, smallest rotational motor and a nanorheostat.
only the outer wall is modified.
5.3 Thermal
4.3 Fullerite All nanotubes are expected to be very good thermal con-
Fullerites are the solid-state manifestation of fullerenes ductors along the tube, exhibiting a property known as
and related compounds and materials. Being highly in- “ballistic conduction,” but good insulators laterally to
compressible nanotube forms, polymerized single walled the tube axis. It is predicted that carbon nanotubes will
nanotubes (P-SWNT) are a class of fullerites and are be able to transmit up to 6000 watts per meter per kelvin
comparable to diamond in terms of hardness. However, at room temperature; compare this to copper, a metal
due to the way that nanotubes intertwine, P-SWNTs well-known for its good thermal conductivity, which
don’t have the corresponding crystal lattice that makes only transmits 385 W/m/K. The temperature stability of
it possible to cut diamonds neatly. This same structure carbon nanotubes is estimated to be up to 2800 degrees
results in a less brittle material, as any impact that the Celsius in vacuum and about 750 degrees Celsius in air.[32]
structure sustains is spread out throughout the material.
5.4 Defects
4.4 Torus As with any material, the existence of defects affects
A nanotorus is a theoretically described carbon na- the material properties. Defects can occur in the form
notube bent into a torus (donut shape). Nanotori have of atomic vacancies. High levels of such defects can
many unique properties, such as magnetic moments lower the tensile strength by up to 85%.[33] Another
1000 times larger than previously expected for certain well-known form of defect that occurs in carbon nano-
specific radii. Many properties such as magnetic mo- tubes is known as the Stone Wales defect, which creates
ment, thermal stability, etc. vary widely depending on a pentagon and heptagon pair by rearrangement of the
radius of the torus and radius of the tube. bonds. Because of the almost one-dimensional structure
of CNTs, the tensile strength of the tube is dependent on
5. PROPERTIES OF TYPES OF CARBON NANO- the weakest segment of it in a similar manner to a chain,
TUBES where a defect in a single link diminishes the strength
of the entire chain.
5.1 Strength The tube’s electrical properties are also affected by the
Carbon nanotubes are one of the strongest and stiffest presence of defects. A common result is the lowered
materials known, in terms of tensile strength and elas- conductivity through the defective region of the tube.
tic modulus respectively. This strength results from the Some defect formation in armchair-type tubes (which
covalent sp2 bonds formed between the individual car- are metallic) can cause the region surrounding that de-
bon atoms. fect to become semiconducting. Furthermore single
Under excessive tensile strain, the tubes will undergo monoatomic vacancies induce magnetic properties.
plastic deformation, which means the deformation is per- The tube’s thermal properties are heavily affected by
manent. This deformation begins at strains of approxi- defects. Such defects lead to phonon scattering, which
mately 5% and can increase the maximum strain the tube in turn increases the relaxation rate of the phonons. This
undergoes before fracture by releasing strain energy. reduces the mean free path, and reduces the thermal
CNTs are not nearly as strong under compression. Be- conductivity of nanotube structures.
cause of their hollow structure and high aspect ratio,
they tend to undergo buckling when placed under com- 6. CONCLUSION
pressive, torsional or bending stress.
The biggest advantage of modern composite materials
5.2 Kinetic is that they are light as well as strong. By choosing an
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes, multiple concentric na- appropriate combination of matrix and reinforcement
notubes precisely nested within one another, exhibit a material, a new material can be made that exactly meets

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2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and 963
Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

the requirements of a particular application. Composites Global Abundance. Cambridge: The MIT Press. 1996. p. 94-95.
also provide design flexibility because many of them
can be moulded into complex shapes. They exhibit ex-
traordinary strength and unique electrical properties,
and are efficient conductors of heat.
These properties make nanotubes ideal, not only for a
wide range of applications but as a test bed for funda-
mental science.
In particular, this combination of properties makes them
ideal candidates as advanced filler materials in com-
posites. In another area, it is thought that their massive
thermal conductivity can be exploited to make ther-
mally conductive composites. However, probably the
most promising area of composites research involves
the mechanical enhancement of plastics using carbon
nanotubes as reinforcing fillers.
As a matter of fact, the combination of clay and nano-
tube carbon provide new material for reinforcing the
mud brick. Because the exist of hexagonal form of car-
bon as a two layers inside of clay make mud brick rein-
forcement and sustainable because of carbon properties.
Graphite, the simplest form of pure carbon, is so soft
it can be cleaved at any point. Each atom is bonded to
three others forming layers of flat sheets of hexagons
which can easily slide back and forth over one another.
Hexagonal structure and can be easily cleaved into thin
sheets like graphite.
Buckminsterfullerene, the most recently discovered
allotrope of pure carbon, is a hollow cage molecule
with flexibility and strength, exhibiting perfect spheri-
cal symmetry. Buckminsterfullerene’s 60 atoms are
bonded together in a stable, yet flexible hexapent cage.
The main aim of this product is the development of a ma-
terial system with a high degree of integration between
its design and performance. This integration is inherent
to natural material systems for they have been devel-
oped through evolutionary means which intricately tie
together the form, growth, and behavior of the organism.
As a result, design a sustainable and flexible materials
that incorporates energy saving measures that include
optimizing the use of daylight, sunlight and wind buoy-
ancy to reduce the requirement for electric light, heating
and mechanical ventilation. These will provide a low en-
ergy building within the cost constructions of the project.


Shokohfar, Ali, 2005, An Introduction to Nanotechnology, Te-

hran: Nashrgostar.
Laszlo forro, Christian Schonenberger, 2001, Carbon Nanotubes;
Materials for the Future, Europhysics News, Vol. 32, No.3.
Tavasoli, Mahmood, 2001, Construction City and Architecture in
Hot-arid Climate, Tehran, Payam Press.
Crandall, B.C., ed. Nanotechnology: Molecular Speculations on

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