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Complete the following colloquial expressions:

1 The boys have been arguing the ........ all day about
who's going to win the match. They're driving me mad.

a) flick

b) toss

c) throw

2 Kelly and Marie have agreed to bury the ........ and try
and get on together from now on.

a) chopper

b) axe

c) hatchet

3 The argument got so heated I thought they were going

to come to .........

a) blows

b) hits

c) punches
Now complete the gaps with the missing words.

4 A) You can the toss as much as you like but I'm not going
to change my opinion.

B) They hadn't spoken to each other for 3 years when

they finally agreed to the hatchet.

C) Rival demonstrators nearly to blows during the

meeting in town.

Make them your own!

1) Can you think of a typical reason why you might argue the toss with someone?
2) Was there a time when you or a friend decided to bury the hatchet over something?
3) Is there an issue you feel so strongly about that you would almost come to blows with
someone over it?

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