7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession PDF

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The Female Obsession Response

The document you’re about to read below is highly-private information.

The only reason you’re even getting access to it now is because you are a
badass member of Team Capital.

No one outside of us will ever be fortunate enough to discover, learn and

internalize this intel.

Congratulate yourself, then return.

You back?


As promised, this document below is the EXACT report of notes I used to teach
my now infamous “Obsession Words” seminar.

It contains the 7 forbidden words that trigger the Female Obsession Response,
and make the girl(s) of your choice completely obsessed with you
(and heads-up dude, that obsession can and will often turn to an addiction, at
which you point you have complete control, so I urge you to have the
best intentions for yourself and her. Nod your head and say yes. Great. Thanks.
Let’s continue.)

As you read through this document the first time, you’ll find all kinds of lightbulbs
going off in your head.

Things that happened with yourself or friends in the past will suddenly come to
mind, and make so much more sense now.

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 2

This is good.

Clarity is good.

When you read through it the second time, take actual notes and think for
yourself, “How can I use this the women in my life right now, and the ones I’ll
soon meet?
How will I use this with the women in my life right now and the ones I’ll soon

We made private access to this document below extremely affordable for all the
badasses on Team Capital,
because 1) we want you to know all this intel and use it in your life and 2) so you
would be forced to be an
active participant in learning/internalizing it.

I will not be explaining every little detail in here to you.

I’m giving you the Ferrari, but it’s on you to learn how to drive it.

Got it?


Then let’s get right into it..

Couple questions to get out of the way first:

1) What is the Female Obsession Response?

Ever notice how some girls seem to be OBSESSED with certain guys.

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 3

They think about them all the time, and can’t help themselves or control it. They
would do anything for that guy.

That’s because, whether he knew it or not, he had triggered her Female

Obsession Response.

It’s hardcoded in her DNA. She can’t help it. And the 7 words you’re about to
discover below, developed over thousands of years, are it’s trigger.

2) Why are the 7 words labeled “forbidden”?

They’re forbidden because when her Response is triggered, she has no control
over it.

The thoughts begin slowly, then pick up speed. Pretty soon, you’re all she’s
thinking about.

And at that point, she has no rational control over them, which is some pretty
serious shit dude.

That’s why I’m only allowing Team Capital VIP to access this stuff. I know they’re
the kind of elite, action-taking badasses
who will use this for good. They’ll use it to inspire their women into more exciting
and more sexually-fulfilling lives.

All right, enough questions.

Let’s begin.

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 4

What is your big, huge throbbing, vision?

It’s the amazing life and world you’ve dreamt up for yourself, by yourself. It’s
where you going at breakneck speed, it’s what turns you on every time you think
about it. It’s bold, it’s massive and it’s yours. It’s your big, huge, throbbing vision.

Why does it trigger female obsession?

-- So fucking rare
-- Ambition, you’re going places (feeds her primal desires for security and
social status)
-- Higher Status
-- She wants to project herself into it, envisions it, invests in it in her mind
-- She’s always #2, trying and working to be #1 but will never truly get there
(and never actually wants to, cuz then she can’t trust you)
-- You fill her with more good emotions, like excitement, hope, optimism etc
than any man ever does
-- The Teleogical Loophole - human beings are teleological. Happiest
when in motion towards our vision, on our path. also, its when your
game is best. think about it... Having this clear and real and authentic
vision makes you teleological 24 hours a day...and you’re always on
and unbelievably attractive/great energy.
-- Visionaries have always gotten crazy pussy

Important note: - The enemy of man is not women. Women are great people,
great side benefits in HIS life. The enemy of man is compromise - compromising
his mission, compromising his desires, compromising his ambition, his vision, his
truth giving. All of it. That’s his enemy. The extent of pain you feel will be directly

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 5

related to the amount of compromise you’ve made for a woman. So don’t make
any. That’s man’s enemy. And he has full control over that. So take control of that
now. If there’s one thing you get out of this, this is it. NEVER compromise YOU
and YOUR VISION, and you’ll be stronger/happier than you ever imagined.

How do you build it and communicate it from a place of power?

1. Find it. 

-- Understand Vision is an ongoing process. It will be evolving as you evolve.

2. Align your life with it.

-- Environment building
-- Vision-Respect  >- your decisions should almost all be based on this
question: Does this help move me closer to my vision, or my vision closer
to me? Or does it not? Simple. 

3. Communicate it from a place of power

-- Don’t share it with everyone right away, or the whole thing (remember how
valuable it is...make em work for it, over times, bits and pieces, loops and
-- When you’re talking about...you should LIGHT UP (and she will feel that). 
-- Talk about it a lot
-- Now when everyone (especially her) sees you, they don’t just see you...
they see where you’re going and FUCK YEAH they want a part of it.

What if you don’t have your big, huge, throbbing vision yet..


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What is Giving Truth?

Truth - that which is. 

Giving truth is calmly saying all the things most pussy motherfuckers won’t.

It’s cutting through, with zero BS, and getting right to the heart of the matter. It’s
LIVING at the HEART of the matter.

And it’s one of the hardest missions you’ll ever accept for yourself (and because
of that, it might just be the thing that makes you strongest too). 

Everyone spews bullshit - what they’ve been told to think, see and hear. From
this point on, you GIVE TRUTH.

NOTE: This also includes not being emotionally dishonest. Even if it’s gonna
make you both stronger in the long run..

Why does giving truth trigger female obsession?

-- Higher Status
-- Highly and Dominantly Masculine 
-- Indifference/Carefreeness
-- Lets her know she can trust you over all other men not on Team Capital
-- She become so appreciative of your truth-giving, the fact that you’re
constantly so strong and growing stronger that way
-- Makes you SO fucking strong, cuz you’re constantly leaning into your
edges verbally, right outside your comfort zone, where ALL your growth

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 7

triggers lay waiting..
-- Unpredictable
-- It’s just so much fucking fun dude. 
-- A refreshing change of pace...really.

How do you give truth?

1. Start seeing truth.

Start looking for the truth in every situation.

Practice searching for and finding it, cutting right through to the truth here and
accept it, with no judgement. 

2. Start saying and giving it, matter of factly, nonchalantly. Give truth freely.

Watch how much fun it is, and how you start wanting to ONLY live there, and
nowhere else.

Ex: If she shows you something and her boob brushes against her arm, the
WORST thing you can do is ignore it. So how do you give truth in that situation?
“God, you’re forward. I swear all you girls only think about one thing..” or “Hey...
easy tiger. We’re all cool here, no need to be so forward.”

Practice until it becomes natural.

3. Watch how in certain situations, you’ll feel a pull not to. Love these moments of
CHALLENGE, and run right through them.

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What if it’s hard at first? What if you turn people off at first?

I HOPE it’s hard at first. That’s the fun of it - those are the moments that make
you FEEL ALIVE, and your best growth opportunities. 

And if it turns people off, two things:

1. Polarization is natural and desired. 

To ignore it or try to hide it away will only cause FAR greater issues long term for
everybody. Your truth will make them stronger long term, I assure you.

2. Giving truth should be proactive and constructive. 

It’s meant to challenge and raise people up. It’s when everyone is running around
the real issue because they don’t want to admit it, or radically accept reality, that
you CUT THROUGH and GIVE TRUTH. You cut right to the heart of the matter
for everybody, allowing the solution to be arrived at much sooner, while making
yourself even more obsession-worthy in the process.

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What is Certainty?

Certainty is the trigger that makes her unconsciously FEEL, this is the right path
to follow, this is the right man to follow, but most importantly...I can trust this man.
(The rationalization, whatever it amy be, comes later.)

Why does it trigger female obsession?

-- Higher Status
-- Going places
-- More likely to make vision real, because certainty wins...because the
people who come into your life along the way will likely follow you too
because of that certainty..
-- Preselection (certainty implies you’re used to women and people following
-- Women want a man who’s incredibly certain about his path and his life, but
less certain about them.. (more on Thought Investment later)
-- Makes them feel safe and secure following CERTAINTY
-- Law of Expectations
-- So fucking rare and intoxicating to be around

How do you communicate certainty to trigger female obsession?

1. Certainty Tonality

2. Certainty in direction and movements

3. Certainty in VISION

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 10

4. No qualifying or explaining or questioning

What’s the forbidden secret about Certainty?

Can be used to serve any and all purposes. Certainty does not judge - it is
completely amoral.

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What is the role of uncertainty in female attraction and obsession?

Obsession becomes intensified when she starts thinking constantly about you,
specifically when you’re not around. Thought Investment Rationalization: If I’m
thinking about him this much, I must be REALLY into him.

(This is how all obsession works...this is also how “love” as most average people
define it too.)

You don’t make a woman think about you when you’re not around with gifts or
leaving notes. That’s how you LOSE a girl’s obsession with you over time.

You do it by leaving space for uncertainty - uncertainty about where she stands
with you, where you are, other girls. That UNCERTAINTY makes her start to
wonder about you all the time, and pretty soon, all that thought investment
quickly becomes ACTUAL OBSESSION, before she even realizes it.

Why does leaving room for uncertainty in her mind, and making her think about
you all the time, trigger female obsession?

-- She can’t just ignore the uncertainty...it eats at her, like if you missed the
ending of an amazing movie. You have to know what’s gonna happen, and
you think about it constantly until you find out
-- Thought Investment and Female Obsession
-- Overall Investment and Perceived Value
-- Most guys can’t handle the uncertainty so they don’t give that gift to
women...you can, and you do. Rare shit.

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How do you trigger and/or leave room for uncertainty in her mind?

1. Maintain your air of mystery. Never tell all. If she knows what you’re thinking,
then she doesn’t have to invest any thought in you. 
2. Unpredictability/Spontaneity/she can’t control you (and never truly wants to,
even though she’ll claim she does)
3. Competition Anxiety
4. Nonchalance/Indifference
5. Random emotion rollercoaster rides (source of STRONG emotions....
good or bad, doesn’t matter in this regard, both create the same effect. Good,
strong emotions are obviously better but it doesn’t matter to her indifferent
6. Takeaways/disqualifiers/leave her hanging sometimes

Where is the line in this?

If it seems on purpose, the spell is broken (because then she “gets it” and doesn’t
have to invest any more thought into it). 

Also, women can handle a lot more than you think. But too much, too often may
be too painful for her to continue. (She’ll very likely never lose her attraction for
you though, ironically enough. Not after all that thought investment.)

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What is status? What is higher status?

Status is how you communicate to her what kind of guy you are: Higher Status,
Even Status or lower status. 

#1 Law of Fucking: Women only want to fuck guys they think are better than
them. They conclude this by the Higher Status Signals you give off. 

You don’t signal that with outward status symbols but your SUB-
COMMUNCATIONS...everything that’s not being said. Outward status symbols
can lie and mislead, your 12 Honest Signals do not.

How does having higher status trigger female obsession?

-- Higher Status = Mating Opportunities

-- Safety
-- Self-image association
-- Strength/Power/Ambition/Challenging
-- Charm/Social Intelligence/In-Demand/Indifference
-- - She is wired to be attracted to the man who displays most of these 12
signals (and she is obsessed with the guy who has all 12..will not wanna
leave him, ever. Will do whatever he says, whatever he requests.)

How do you communicate your higher status? What are the 12 Honest Signals?

-- You don’t try - you ARE and ASSUME higher status, and her subconscious
gets the signal and responds accordingly. 
-- You dominate your fucking path, towards your big huge throbbing vision,

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 14

charming, teasing and challenging everyone along the way...and trust me,
she gets the signal, and wants a piece of it
-- The 12 Honest Signals of High-Status:

1. High-Status State Control 

2. High-Status Body Language
3. High-Status Direction
4. High-Status Voice
5. High-Status Detachment
6. High-Status Truth
7. High-Status Walk
8. High-Status Rapport Control
9. High-Status Charisma
10. High-Status Charm
11. High-Status Eye Contact
12. High-Status Style

How do you really make having Higher Status permanent and automatic for the
rest of your life?

You join the rest of the top guys on Team Capital inside STATUS the next our
doors open, and we’re not sold out.

I’ll install it for you in the most challenging, transformative 42-day period of your

If you qualify.

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What is Validation, and what is it’s role in triggering female obsession?

Validation is a positive, external assessment. 

Women have an unconscious tendency to constantly be stacking themselves up

socially, just like a hierarchy. More importantly, they are always looking to move
higher up that hierarchy (because they unconsciously believe the higher they
go, the better it is for their safety and survival). Ex: Think of a woman in a tribe,
banging the chief..

The way they figure out that hierarchy is via her interpretation of collective,
external assessment. Ex: How people have been seeing her, noticing or not
noticing her, what guys have said, what girls have said, etc. Lots of girls will claim
they are self-validating but for the most part, it’s bullshit. They claim that self-
validation because some previous, validating source told her to say that. Truth is,
she’s still constantly pinging externally to assess her current standing..

The higher the status that form of external assessment comes from, the more
amplified effect it has on her views of her current social standing. Ex: Imagine
George Clooney saying she looks like fireworks in that dress vs some random
guy saying it..

Why does mastering the art of validation/invalidation trigger female obsession?

-- Women fuck the guys who impact their emotions the most, without
-- Uncertainty/Unpredictably keeps the drama, interest, mystery and intrigue

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-- Gets her, makes her and keeps her chasing you - the challenge makes you
naturally more attractive every single day
-- Energy Rationale
-- You are the governing source of good emotions (especially when they’re
more rare and earned...otherwise, they’re meaningless ex: If you’re always
validating, your validation has no context to contrast it with and therefore,
it’s all the same, and if it’s all the same, it means nothing.)
-- It screams Higher Status
-- You’re giving her something great and better to live up (and when she hits
it, you challenge her up again)
-- You are the POWER SOURCE in the relating

How do you use validation to create female obsession?

1. You become a High Status Male she craves validation from in the first place

2. You ingrain and internalize your naturally high standards, values and
boundaries in your world

3. You give, and live, truth, which unpredictably validates/invalidates on its own

4. You purposely (and usually playfully) invalidate/validate/invalidate at times to

challenge, spark attraction, turn her on, get her investing or...to motivate her to
do better for herself, in her own life. A few techniques..

-- The Power Switch

-- Stating preferences
-- Setting high bars
-- Always half-validating
-- Disqualifying/takeaways

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-- Half-validating other girls in front of her

What’s the most exciting and challenging truth about becoming a master of

In order to master this, you must truly become the most VALIDATING source in
your own life. 

Otherwise, you’re at total risk to living at the mercy of someone else’s control. 

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What is Dramatic Desire?

Dramatic Desire is when a girl’s desire for a guy is wrapped up in a greater,

dramatic story line.

Their coming together is so much bigger than just guy and girl.

Why does Dramatic Desire trigger female obsession?

-- Plays into the fate/fantasy myth embedded into her subconscious as a kid
-- Injects incredible, addictive excitement into her otherwise mundane,
predictable life
-- People always desire what they can’t have, and females really desire what
they can’t have (because the promise of validation is extremely high, plus
the perceived value increasing due to thought investment via uncertainty)
-- She gets incredible validation associated to being with you or close to you
(because she gets to be a leading actress in the big movie featuring you
and your big, huge, throbbing vision)
-- Always involve barriers, and barriers equal desire
-- The barriers make the sex forbidden too...do you think women are
enraptured by the forbidden? :-)

How do you use Dramatic Desire to amplify female obsession?

1. Storylines - the high-status guy that everyone wants but only she earns the
“real” version of..

-- Twilight

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 19

-- 50 Shades
-- Crazy, Stupid Love (2nd half ruined it)
-- Iron Man (they ruined it too)

>> How does it play out in real life?

She does earn some of the “realness” over time that no one else sees or gets,
but she NEVER gets it all.

Her subconscious is much more titillated and obsessed with the working towards
getting than actually getting it.

She doesn’t actually want it, cuz that’s when the story ends.

She just wants to constantly be working towards it. 

And there must always be hope for her. You don’t want to take hope away from
her completely either..

2. Barriers - Other things or people standing in the way of you guys finally being

* Friends/family/other lovers (Romeo and Juliet)

* Disqualifiers/takeaways
* Can even be as simple as your mission keeping her from you tonight..

3. Common and Personal Enemies of Hers - Like barriers, but long-term and
more general/bigger, challenges that never go away for her..

-- Things you guys both strongly dislike (playful and serious) - ie you both

The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 20

loathe mediocrity, hangovers and people who don’t like sushi
-- Personal enemy - other girls trying to keep you apart, business
opportunities taking you away from home, your own natural urge for
freedom and adventure, etc

4. Future Projections with barriers/takeaways

“I want you now, your body pressed up against mine, as my fingers slowly trace
the inside of your hips, but we can’t...”

“ I wish we could X, Y, Z  - future pace sensory details and excitement - why

won’t they/she let us? Why must they insist on standing in the way of true love?
What can we do about it?”

“ If no one was here right now (or <insert any logical barrier>), I’d bend you over
the little table right now and make you moan.”

High Drama enraptures her imagination and the obsession amplifies


5. The Forbidden

Doing forbidden things sometimes. Usually spontaneous/surprise/spur of the


The 7 Forbidden Words That Trigger Female Obsession.com 21

Where to go next?

1. STATUS, obvi.


2. Attraction God and CIS, if you want

to build your way to the top first.



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