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Habib Ullah

Mrs. Williams

English H

October 18, 2017

Application of Natural World to Science

Science is a very important aspect of human society. We’ve now grown to live so long

because of the medical research into diseases and bacteria. But, science is not just about medicine.

It ranges from a cosmic supernova caused by a black hole’s pull on a star to how cancer spreads

throughout the body. At times it gets so complicated that two false solutions equal a positive one.

Then at times it’s so simple as the fact that heavier objects move faster rolling down a hill than a

lighter object. However, one thing everyone can agree on is that you can study the natural world,

to gain a higher understanding of practical science.

Science can be influenced and expanded upon by the study of animals. For example, you

may study a society of ants and gain the knowledge that without central control, ants are regulated

by simple interactions. Now, since you know they’re regulated by simple interactions, you can

conclude that brains function the same way. You see, the natural world has a lot to contribute to

science. Also, ultimately a lot of ground breaking discoveries have been made by studying nature,

then using science to explain it.

Another thing that’s worth noting is it’s beneficial to use models to aid our understanding

of science. It’s good to use a visual representation of a brain, while talking about the various lobes

and processes the brain does so you have a better idea of the concepts. Your ant colony
conveniently also provides a great insight in stopping cancer. A cancer cells recruits in a similar

sense, such as ants thus you may use this concept to stop this ‘recruiting’, preventing the

fatal spreading of cancer. This is hence called a natural model as it uses non-manmade objects

to describe a concept.

Now, lastly, we are going to talk about the importance of Science and its effects. Overall,

the quality of life has improved due to the advancement of science. It basically allows us to

understand the world around us and subsequently make changes. In the past years we have learned

more about the variety of life on this planet. We now know and have classified 60,000 species.

But why does this matter? It matters because the more about different animals and nature, we

know, the more we can apply this to practical science and consequently increase our understanding

of science. But alas, we’re not just talking about animals. There are millions of microorganisms

out there and some may be even alien. We need to learn more about this whole other miniature


In conclusion, by studying the natural world, we as a society can increase our

understanding of life thus leading towards further technological advancements and success.

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