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I am zonked
Up since 4am
Devising a system that caters to all our needs
5am: I meditate with Toby
To help his canine epilepsy
Soothe his shaken ego
Remind him how we all depend on him
6 am: Pussy-Toto our treasured Queen
Fragile as a feather’s breath
Her golden eyes are huge with overload
From giving more than she has to give
She needs her royal food and lots of it
Sachets of ecstatic jellied morsels
With added milk
And stroking
Lots of that
Reminding her that she’s exceptional
That she has had two families already
And still only a kitten herself
And how astonishing her babies are
Look at them frolicking in the litter tray
Throwing their turds about
Proud of their tiny contributions
And how we will care for all of them
So there is no need to worry

(copyright E J Ward 20017)

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