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National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse

What is cirrhosis? The buildup of scar tissue that causes

cirrhosis is usually a slow and gradual
Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver
process. In the early stages of cirrhosis, the
slowly deteriorates and is unable to function
liver continues to function. However, as
normally due to chronic, or long lasting,
cirrhosis gets worse and scar tissue replaces
injury. Scar tissue replaces healthy liver
more healthy tissue, the liver will begin
tissue and partially blocks the flow of blood
to fail. Chronic liver failure, which is also
through the liver.
called end-stage liver disease, progresses
The liver is the body’s largest internal organ. over months, years, or even decades. With
The liver is called the body’s metabolic end-stage liver disease, the liver can no
factory because of the important role it longer perform important functions or
plays in metabolism—the way cells change effectively replace damaged cells.
food into energy after food is digested and
absorbed into the blood. The liver has many
functions, including
• taking up, storing, and processing
nutrients from food—including fat,
sugar, and protein—and delivering them
to the rest of the body when needed
• making new proteins, such as clotting
factors and immune factors
• producing bile, which helps the body
absorb fats, cholesterol, and fat-soluble
• removing waste products the kidneys
cannot remove, such as fats, cholesterol, Liver
toxins, and medications
A healthy liver is necessary for survival.
The liver can regenerate most of its own Bile ducts
cells when they become damaged. However,
if injury to the liver is too severe or long Gallbladder
lasting, regeneration is incomplete, and the Pancreas
liver creates scar tissue. Scarring of the liver, intestine
also called fibrosis, may lead to cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver slowly
deteriorates and is unable to function normally due
to chronic injury.
Cirrhosis is the 12th leading cause of death Alcohol-related liver disease. Alcoholism is
in the United States, accounting for nearly the second most common cause of cirrhosis
32,000 deaths each year. More men die of in the United States. Most people who
cirrhosis than women.1 consume alcohol do not suffer damage to
the liver. However, heavy alcohol use over
What causes cirrhosis? several years makes a person more likely to
develop alcohol-related liver disease. The
Cirrhosis has various causes. Many people amount of alcohol it takes to damage the
with cirrhosis have more than one cause of liver varies from person to person. Research
liver damage. suggests that drinking two or fewer drinks
The list below shows common causes of a day for women and three or fewer drinks
cirrhosis in the United States.2 While a day for men may not injure the liver.3
chronic hepatitis C and alcohol-related liver Drinking more than these amounts leads to
disease are the most common causes of fat and inflammation in the liver, which over
cirrhosis, the incidence of cirrhosis caused by 10 to 12 years can lead to alcoholic cirrhosis.4
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is rising due Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
to increasing rates of obesity. and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In
NAFLD, fat builds up in the liver; however,
Most Common Causes the fat buildup is not due to alcohol use.
of Cirrhosis When the fat accompanies inflammation
Chronic hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is due to and liver cell damage, the condition is called
a viral infection that causes inflammation, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH,
or swelling, and damage to the liver. The with “steato” meaning fat, and “hepatitis”
hepatitis C virus spreads through contact meaning inflammation of the liver. The
with infected blood, such as from a inflammation and damage can cause fibrosis,
needlestick accident, injection drug use, or which eventually can lead to cirrhosis.
receiving a blood transfusion before 1992.
Extra fat in the liver has many causes and is
Less commonly, hepatitis C can be spread
more common in people who
by sexual contact with an infected person
or at the time of childbirth from an infected • are overweight or obese.
mother to her newborn.
• have diabetes—a condition
Hepatitis C often becomes chronic, with characterized by high blood glucose,
long-term persistence of the viral infection. also called high blood sugar.
Chronic hepatitis C causes damage to the
• have high blood cholesterol and
liver that, over years or decades, can lead to
triglycerides, called hyperlipidemia.
cirrhosis. Advanced therapies for chronic
hepatitis C now exist, and health care • have high blood pressure.
providers should treat people with chronic • have metabolic syndrome—a group of
hepatitis C before they develop severe fibrosis traits and medical conditions linked
or cirrhosis. Unfortunately, many people to being overweight and obese that
first realize they have chronic hepatitis C makes people more likely to develop
when they develop symptoms of cirrhosis. both cardiovascular disease and type 2
Read more in What I need to know about diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is
Hepatitis C at defined as the presence of any three

2  Cirrhosis
of the following: large waist size, high Therapies for chronic hepatitis B now exist
triglycerides in the blood, abnormal and health care providers should treat people
levels of cholesterol in the blood, high with chronic hepatitis B before they develop
blood pressure, and higher than normal severe fibrosis or cirrhosis. Unfortunately,
blood glucose levels. NASH may many people first realize they have chronic
represent the liver component of the hepatitis B when they develop symptoms of
metabolic syndrome. cirrhosis.
NASH now ranks as the third most common Hepatitis B is also a preventable disease.
cause of cirrhosis in the United States. Since the 1980s, a hepatitis B vaccine has
Read more in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis been available and should be given to
at newborns and children in the United States.
Adults at higher risk of getting hepatitis B
Chronic hepatitis B. Hepatitis B, like
should also get the vaccine.
hepatitis C, is due to a viral infection that
What I need to know about Hepatitis B and
causes inflammation and damage to the liver.
Hepatitis B: What Asian and Pacific Islander
Chronic infection can lead to damage and
Americans Need to Know at www.digestive.
inflammation, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. The
hepatitis B virus spreads through contact
with infected blood, such as by needlestick Less Common Causes
accident, injection drug use, or receiving
a blood transfusion before the mid-1980s.
of Cirrhosis
Hepatitis B also spreads through sexual Less common causes of cirrhosis include the
contact with an infected person and from an following:
infected mother to child during childbirth. Autoimmune hepatitis. In this form of
In the United States, hepatitis B is hepatitis, the body’s immune system attacks
somewhat uncommon, affecting less than liver cells and causes inflammation, damage,
1 percent of the population, or fewer than and eventually cirrhosis. Normally, the
one in 100 people.5 In many areas of the immune system protects people from
world, however, hepatitis B is common. In infection by identifying and destroying
some parts of Africa and in most of Asia and bacteria, viruses, and other potentially
the Pacific Islands, about 5 to 7 percent of harmful foreign substances. In autoimmune
the population has chronic hepatitis B. In diseases, the body’s immune system attacks
some parts of Africa, more than 8 percent of the body’s own cells and organs. Researchers
the population has chronic hepatitis B.6 For believe genetics, or inherited genes, may
these reasons, hepatitis B is likely the major make some people more likely to develop
cause of cirrhosis worldwide. However, in autoimmune diseases. At least 70 percent
the United States, hepatitis B ranks well of those with autoimmune hepatitis are
behind hepatitis C, alcohol-related liver female.7 Read more in Autoimmune
disease, and NASH. Hepatitis at

3  Cirrhosis
Diseases that damage, destroy, or block the Read more in these publications at
bile ducts. Several diseases can damage,
destroy, or block the ducts that carry bile
• Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
from the liver to the small intestine, causing
bile to back up in the liver and leading to • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
cirrhosis. In adults, the most common of
• Alagille Syndrome
these diseases is primary biliary cirrhosis,
a chronic disease that causes the small bile • Biliary Atresia
ducts in the liver to become inflamed and • Gallstones
damaged and ultimately disappear. Primary
sclerosing cholangitis is a disease that causes Inherited diseases that affect the liver.
irritation, scarring, and narrowing of the Inherited diseases that interfere with how
larger bile ducts of the liver. the liver produces, processes, and stores
enzymes, proteins, metals, and other
In infants and children, causes of damage to substances can cause cirrhosis. These
or disappearance of bile ducts that can lead diseases include alpha-1 antitrypsin
to cirrhosis include deficiency, hemochromatosis, Wilson
• Alagille syndrome, a collection of disease, galactosemia, and glycogen storage
symptoms that indicates a genetic diseases. Read more in these publications at
digestive disorder and leads to a loss of
bile ducts in infancy. • Hemochromatosis
• biliary atresia, a life-threatening • Wilson Disease
condition that affects newborns in which
bile ducts are missing. The cause is Rare viral infections of the liver.
unknown. Biliary atresia is the most Hepatitis D, or hepatitis delta, and
common reason for liver transplantation hepatitis E are two rare viral infections of
in children.8 the liver. Hepatitis D infection occurs only
in people who have hepatitis B. People
• cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease of infected with chronic hepatitis B and chronic
the lungs, intestines, pancreas, and hepatitis D are more likely to develop
bile ducts in which the body does cirrhosis than people infected with chronic
not produce enough fluid and mucus hepatitis B alone.9
becomes thick and blocks off small bile
ducts. This blockage of the bile ducts Hepatitis E is a virus found in domestic and
can lead to cirrhosis. wild animals, particularly pigs, and can cause
hepatitis in humans. People with weakened
Long-term blockage of the bile ducts by immune systems, including people who are
gallstones can cause cirrhosis. Cirrhosis may liver or kidney transplant recipients or who
also develop if the bile ducts are mistakenly have acquired immune deficiency syndrome
tied off or injured during surgery on the (AIDS), can develop chronic hepatitis E.
gallbladder or liver. Chronic hepatitis E can cause scarring of the
liver and cirrhosis. Current treatments for
chronic hepatitis D and E are experimental
and only partially effective.

4  Cirrhosis
Other causes. Other causes of cirrhosis may • spiderlike blood vessels, called spider
include angiomas, on the skin
• reactions to medications taken over a • jaundice, a condition that causes the
period of time. skin and whites of the eyes to turn
• prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals.
• parasitic infections. What are the complications
• chronic heart failure with liver of cirrhosis?
congestion, a condition in which
As the liver fails, complications may develop.
blood flow out of the liver is slowed.
In some people, complications may be the
Liver congestion can also occur after
first signs of the disease. Complications of
surgery to correct a congenital heart
cirrhosis may include the following:
problem—a heart problem that is
present at birth. Portal hypertension. The portal vein carries
blood from the stomach, intestines, spleen,
Trauma to the liver or other acute, or
gallbladder, and pancreas to the liver. In
short term, causes of damage do not cause
cirrhosis, scar tissue partially blocks the
cirrhosis. Usually, years of chronic injury are
normal flow of blood, which increases the
required to cause cirrhosis.
pressure in the portal vein. This condition
is called portal hypertension. Portal
What are the signs and hypertension is a common complication of
symptoms of cirrhosis? cirrhosis. This condition may lead to other
complications, such as
Many people with cirrhosis have no
symptoms in the early stages of the disease. • fluid buildup leading to edema and
However, as the disease progresses, a person ascites
may experience the following symptoms:
• enlarged blood vessels, called varices, in
• fatigue, or feeling tired the esophagus, stomach, or both
• weakness • an enlarged spleen, called splenomegaly
• itching • mental confusion due to a buildup of
toxins that are ordinarily removed by
• loss of appetite
the liver, a condition called hepatic
• weight loss encephalopathy
• nausea Edema and ascites. Liver failure causes
• bloating of the abdomen from fluid buildup that results in edema and
ascites—a buildup of fluid in the ascites. Ascites can lead to spontaneous
abdomen bacterial peritonitis, a serious infection
that requires immediate medical attention.
• edema—swelling due to a buildup of
fluid—in the feet, ankles, or legs

5  Cirrhosis
Varices. Portal hypertension may cause Metabolic bone diseases. Some people with
enlarged blood vessels in the esophagus, cirrhosis develop a metabolic bone disease,
stomach, or both. These enlarged blood which is a disorder of bone strength usually
vessels, called esophageal or gastric varices, caused by abnormalities of vitamin D, bone
cause the vessel walls to become thin and mass, bone structure, or minerals, such as
blood pressure to increase, making the calcium and phosphorous. Osteopenia is a
blood vessels more likely to burst. If they condition in which the bones become less
burst, serious bleeding can occur in the dense, making them weaker. When bone
esophagus or upper stomach, requiring loss becomes more severe, the condition
immediate medical attention. is referred to as osteoporosis. People with
these conditions are more likely to develop
Splenomegaly. Portal hypertension may
bone fractures.
cause the spleen to enlarge and retain
white blood cells and platelets, reducing Gallstones and bile duct stones. If cirrhosis
the numbers of these cells and platelets in prevents bile from flowing freely to and
the blood. A low platelet count may be the from the gallbladder, the bile hardens into
first evidence that a person has developed gallstones. Symptoms of gallstones include
cirrhosis. abdominal pain and recurrent bacterial
cholangitis—irritated or infected bile ducts.
Hepatic encephalopathy. A failing liver
Stones may also form in and block the bile
cannot remove toxins from the blood, so
ducts, causing pain, jaundice, and bacterial
they eventually accumulate in the brain.
The buildup of toxins in the brain is called
hepatic encephalopathy. This condition Bruising and bleeding. When the liver slows
can decrease mental function and cause the production of or stops producing the
stupor and even coma. Stupor is an proteins needed for blood clotting, a person
unconscious, sleeplike state from which will bruise or bleed easily.
a person can only be aroused briefly by
Sensitivity to medications. Cirrhosis slows
a strong stimulus, such as a sharp pain.
the liver’s ability to filter medications from
Coma is an unconscious, sleeplike state
the blood. When this slowdown occurs,
from which a person cannot be aroused.
medications act longer than expected and
Signs of decreased mental function include
build up in the body. For example, some
• confusion pain medications may have a stronger effect
or produce more side effects in people with
• personality changes
cirrhosis than in people with a healthy liver.
• memory loss
Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
• trouble concentrating Cirrhosis causes resistance to insulin. The
• a change in sleep habits pancreas tries to keep up with the demand
for insulin by producing more; however,
extra glucose builds up in the bloodstream,
causing type 2 diabetes.

6  Cirrhosis
Liver cancer. Liver cancer is common in Physical exam. A physical exam may help
people with cirrhosis. Liver cancer has a diagnose cirrhosis. During a physical exam, a
high mortality rate. Current treatments are health care provider usually
limited and only fully successful if a health
• examines a patient’s body
care provider detects the cancer early, before
the tumor is too large. For this reason, • uses a stethoscope to listen to sounds in
health care providers should check people the abdomen
with cirrhosis for signs of liver cancer every
• taps on specific areas of the patient’s
6 to 12 months. Health care providers use
blood tests, ultrasound, or both to check for
signs of liver cancer. The health care provider will perform a
physical exam to look for signs of the disease.
Other complications. Cirrhosis can cause For example, the liver may feel hard or
immune system dysfunction, leading to an ascites may cause the abdomen to enlarge.
increased chance of infection. Cirrhosis
can also cause kidney and lung failure, Blood test. A blood test involves drawing
known as hepatorenal and hepatopulmonary blood at a health care provider’s office or a
syndromes. commercial facility and sending the sample
to a lab for analysis. Blood tests can show
abnormal liver enzyme levels or abnormal
How is cirrhosis diagnosed? numbers of blood cells or platelets.
A health care provider usually diagnoses
cirrhosis based on the presence of conditions Blood tests can help find the cause in people
that increase its likelihood, such as heavy with diagnosed cirrhosis. For example, a
alcohol use or obesity, and symptoms. A health care provider may use blood tests to
health care provider may test for cirrhosis diagnose hepatitis B and C.
based on the presence of these conditions Health care providers use three blood tests
alone because many people do not have to measure the severity of cirrhosis:
symptoms in the early stages of the disease.
A health care provider may confirm the • bilirubin, which tests the amount of bile
diagnosis with pigment in the blood

• a medical and family history • creatinine, which tests kidney function

• a physical exam • international normalized ratio, which

tests the blood’s ability to clot
• a blood test
The results of these blood tests are used
• imaging tests to calculate the Model for End-stage Liver
• a liver biopsy Disease (MELD) score. Experts developed
the MELD score to predict the 90-day
Medical and family history. Taking a medical
survival rate of people with end-stage
and family history is one of the first things a
liver disease. MELD scores usually range
health care provider may do to help diagnose
between 6 and 40, with a score of 6 indicating
cirrhosis. He or she will ask the patient to
the best likelihood of 90-day survival. The
provide a medical and family history.
MELD score is used to determine whether a
person is eligible for liver transplantation.

7  Cirrhosis
Imaging tests. Imaging tests can show signs light sedation for patients with a fear of
of advanced cirrhosis, such as irregularities confined spaces. An MRI may include
in the liver surface, gastric varices, and the injection of contrast medium. With
splenomegaly. These tests can also detect most MRI machines, the patient lies on
signs of complications, such as ascites and a table that slides into a tunnel-shaped
liver cancer. device that may be open ended or
closed at one end; some machines allow
• Ultrasound uses a device, called a
the patient to lie in a more open space.
transducer, that bounces safe, painless
sound waves off organs to create an • Elastography, also called liver stiffness
image of their structure. A specially measurement, uses either ultrasound
trained technician performs the or MRI to measure the stiffness of the
procedure in a health care provider’s liver. Scar tissue increases the stiffness
office, an outpatient center, or a of the liver. Elastography can show
hospital, and a radiologist—a doctor how much scarring is present with some
who specializes in medical imaging— reliability. Elastography is a relatively
interprets the images. A patient does new test. However, this test promises to
not need anesthesia. be helpful in showing how severe liver
scarring is and whether the scarring is
• Computerized tomography (CT)
getting worse over time.
scans use a combination of x rays and
computer technology to create images. Liver biopsy. A liver biopsy is a procedure
For a CT scan, a technician may give that involves taking a piece of liver tissue
the patient a solution to drink and an for examination with a microscope for signs
injection of a special dye, called contrast of damage or disease. The health care
medium. CT scans require the patient provider may ask the patient to stop taking
to lie on a table that slides into a tunnel- certain medications temporarily before the
shaped device where the technician liver biopsy. The health care provider may
takes the x rays. An x-ray technician ask the patient to fast for 8 hours before the
performs the procedure in an outpatient procedure.
center or a hospital, and a radiologist
During the procedure, the patient lies on
interprets the images. A patient does
a table, right hand resting above the head.
not need anesthesia.
The health care provider applies a local
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) anesthetic to the area where he or she will
machines use radio waves and magnets insert the biopsy needle. If needed, a health
to produce detailed pictures of the care provider will also give sedatives and
body’s internal organs and soft tissues pain medication. The health care provider
without using x rays. A specially trained uses a needle to take a small piece of liver
technician performs the procedure in tissue. He or she may use ultrasound, CT
an outpatient center or a hospital, and scans, or other imaging techniques to guide
a radiologist interprets the images. the needle. After the biopsy, the patient
A patient does not need anesthesia, must lie on the right side for up to 2 hours
though a health care provider may use and is monitored an additional 2 to 4 hours
before being sent home.

8  Cirrhosis
A health care provider performs a liver A liver biopsy can confirm the diagnosis of
biopsy at a hospital or an outpatient cirrhosis; however, a person does not always
center. The health care provider sends need this test. A health care provider will
the liver sample to a pathology lab, where perform a biopsy if the result might help
the pathologist—a doctor who specializes determine the cause or affect treatment.
in diagnosing diseases—looks at the tissue Sometimes a health care provider finds a
with a microscope and sends a report to the cause of liver damage other than cirrhosis
patient’s health care provider. during biopsy.


A liver biopsy is a procedure that involves taking a piece of liver tissue for examination with a microscope for
signs of damage or disease.

9  Cirrhosis
How is cirrhosis treated? Viral Hepatitis Vaccination
Treatment for cirrhosis depends on the cause and Screening
of the disease and whether complications All people with cirrhosis should consider
are present. In the early stages of cirrhosis, vaccination against hepatitis A and B. An
the goals of treatment are to slow the infection with one of these hepatitis viruses
progression of tissue scarring in the liver can cause cirrhosis to get worse. Vaccination
and prevent complications. As cirrhosis can easily prevent both infections.
progresses, a person may need additional
treatments and hospitalization to manage People with cirrhosis should also get a
complications. Treatment may include the screening blood test for hepatitis C.
Treating Causes of Cirrhosis
Avoiding Alcohol and Illegal Health care providers can treat some causes
Substances of cirrhosis, for example, by prescribing
antiviral medications for hepatitis B and C.
People with cirrhosis should not drink any
In some instances, these medications
alcohol or take any illegal substances, as both
cure the viral infection. Health care
will cause more liver damage.
providers treat autoimmune hepatitis with
Preventing Problems corticosteroids and other medications that
suppress the immune system. Health care
with Medications providers can treat hemochromatosis and
People with cirrhosis should be careful Wilson disease—inherited forms of liver
about starting new medications and should disease caused by the buildup of iron or
consult a health care provider before taking copper in the liver—if detected early. Health
prescription medications, over-the-counter care providers usually treat liver diseases due
medications, or vitamins. People with to blockage or loss of bile ducts with ursodiol
cirrhosis should avoid complementary and (Actigall, Urso). Ursodiol is a nontoxic bile
alternative medications, such as herbs. acid that people can take orally. Ursodiol
Cirrhosis slows the liver’s ability to filter replaces the bile acids that are normally
medications from the blood. When this produced by the liver, which are toxic and
slowdown occurs, medications act longer build up in the liver when the bile ducts are
than expected and build up in the body. blocked.
Some medications and vitamins may also
affect liver function.

10  Cirrhosis
Treating Symptoms and Edema and ascites. Health care providers
Complications of Cirrhosis prescribe diuretics—medications that
remove fluid from the body—to treat edema
Itching and abdominal pain. A health and ascites. A health care provider may
care provider may give medications to treat remove large amounts of ascitic fluid from
various symptoms of cirrhosis, such as itching the abdomen and check for spontaneous
and abdominal pain. bacterial peritonitis. A health care provider
Portal hypertension. A health care provider may prescribe bacteria-fighting medications
may prescribe a beta-blocker or nitrate to called antibiotics to prevent infection. He or
treat portal hypertension. Beta-blockers she may prescribe oral antibiotics; however,
lower blood pressure by helping the heart severe infection with ascites requires
beat slower and with less force, and nitrates intravenous (IV) antibiotics.
relax and widen blood vessels to let more Hepatic encephalopathy. A health care
blood flow to the heart and reduce the provider treats hepatic encephalopathy by
heart’s workload. cleansing the bowel with lactulose, a laxative
Varices. Beta-blockers can lower the given orally or as an enema—a liquid put
pressure in varices and reduce the likelihood into the rectum. A health care provider
of bleeding. Bleeding in the stomach or may also add antibiotics to the treatment.
esophagus requires an immediate upper Hepatic encephalopathy may improve
endoscopy. This procedure involves using as other complications of cirrhosis are
an endoscope—a small, flexible tube with a controlled.
light—to look for varices. The health care Hepatorenal syndrome. Some people with
provider may use the endoscope to perform cirrhosis who develop hepatorenal syndrome
a band ligation, a procedure that involves must undergo regular dialysis treatment,
placing a special rubber band around the which filters wastes and extra fluid from
varices that causes the tissue to die and fall the body by means other than the kidneys.
off. A gastroenterologist—a doctor who People may also need medications to
specializes in digestive diseases—performs improve blood flow through the kidneys.
the procedure at a hospital or an outpatient
center. People who have had varices in the
past may need to take medication to prevent
future episodes.

11  Cirrhosis
Osteoporosis. A health care provider may Eating, Diet, and Nutrition
prescribe bisphosphonate medications to
A healthy diet is important in all stages of
improve bone density.
cirrhosis because malnutrition is common in
Gallstones and bile duct stones. A health people with this disease. Malnutrition is a
care provider may use surgery to remove condition that occurs when the body does not
gallstones. He or she may use endoscopic get enough nutrients. Cirrhosis may lead to
retrograde cholangiopancreatography, which malnutrition because it can cause
uses balloons and basketlike devices, to
• people to eat less because of symptoms
retrieve the bile duct stones.
such as loss of appetite
Liver cancer. A health care provider • changes in metabolism
may recommend screening tests every 6 to
12 months to check for signs of liver cancer. • reduced absorption of vitamins and
Screening tests can find cancer before the minerals
person has symptoms of the disease. Cancer Health care providers can recommend a
treatment is usually more effective when meal plan that is well balanced and provides
the health care provider finds the disease enough calories and protein. If ascites
early. Health care providers use blood tests, develops, a health care provider or dietitian
ultrasound, or both to screen for liver cancer may recommend a sodium-restricted diet. To
in people with cirrhosis. He or she may improve nutrition, the health care provider
treat cancer with a combination of surgery, may prescribe a liquid supplement. A person
radiation, and chemotherapy. may take the liquid by mouth or through
a nasogastric tube—a tiny tube inserted
When is a liver transplant through the nose and throat that reaches into
the stomach.
considered for cirrhosis?
A health care provider may consider a liver A person with cirrhosis should not eat raw
transplant when cirrhosis leads to liver shellfish, which can contain a bacterium that
failure or treatment for complications is causes serious infection. Cirrhosis affects the
ineffective. Liver transplantation is surgery immune system, making people with cirrhosis
to remove a diseased or an injured liver more likely than healthy people to develop
and replace it with a healthy whole liver or an infection after eating shellfish that contain
part of a liver from another person, called a this bacterium.
donor. A health care provider may recommend
Read more in Liver Transplantation at calcium and vitamin D supplements to help prevent osteoporosis.

12  Cirrhosis
Points to Remember − edema—swelling due to a buildup
of fluid—in the feet, ankles, or legs
• Cirrhosis is a condition in which
the liver slowly deteriorates and is − spiderlike blood vessels, called
unable to function normally due to spider angiomas, on the skin
chronic, or long lasting, injury. Scar − jaundice, a condition that causes
tissue replaces healthy liver tissue the skin and whites of the eyes to
and partially blocks the flow of blood turn yellow
through the liver.
• As the liver fails, complications
• The most common causes of cirrhosis may develop. In some people,
in the United States are chronic complications may be the first signs of
hepatitis C, alcohol-related liver the disease.
disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic • A health care provider usually
steatohepatitis (NASH), and chronic diagnoses cirrhosis based on the
hepatitis B. presence of conditions that increase
its likelihood, such as heavy alcohol
• Many people with cirrhosis have no use or obesity, and symptoms. A
symptoms in the early stages of the health care provider may confirm the
disease. However, as the disease diagnosis with
progresses, a person may experience
the following symptoms: − a medical and family history
− fatigue, or feeling tired − a physical exam
− weakness − a blood test
− itching − imaging tests
− loss of appetite − a liver biopsy
− weight loss • Treatment for cirrhosis depends on
the cause of the disease and whether
− nausea complications are present.
− bloating of the abdomen from • A health care provider may consider
ascites—a buildup of fluid in the a liver transplant when cirrhosis
abdomen leads to liver failure or treatment for
complications is ineffective.

13  Cirrhosis
Hope through Research 4. Gyamfi MA, Wan YJ. Pathogenesis of
alcoholic liver disease: the role of nuclear
The National Institute of Diabetes and
receptors. Experimental Biology and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ (NIDDK’s)
Medicine. 2010;235(5):547–560.
Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition
supports basic and clinical research into liver 5. Weinbaum CM, Williams I, Mast EE, et
diseases—including cirrhosis—and liver al. Recommendations for identification
transplantation. and public health management of
persons with chronic hepatitis B virus
Clinical trials are research studies involving
infection. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
people. Clinical trials look at safe and
Report Recommendations and Reports.
effective new ways to prevent, detect, or
treat disease. Researchers also use clinical
trials to look at other aspects of care, such 6. Centers for Disease Control and
as improving the quality of life for people Prevention. CDC Health Information
with chronic illnesses. To learn more about for International Travel 2014. New York:
clinical trials, why they matter, and how to Oxford University Press; 2014.
participate, visit the NIH Clinical Research
Trials and You website at 7. Makol A, Watt KD, Chowdhary VR.
clinicaltrials. For information about current Autoimmune hepatitis: a review of
studies, visit current diagnosis and treatment. Hepatitis
Research and Treatment. 2011:2011;1–11.

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pdf. Updated May 8, 2013. Accessed 9. Lok ASF, McMahon BJ. Chronic
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American Association for the Study
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AJ. Alcoholic liver disease. Hepatology. Accessed February 6, 2014.

14  Cirrhosis
For More Information Acknowledgments
American Liver Foundation Publications produced by the Clearinghouse
39 Broadway, Suite 2700 are carefully reviewed by both NIDDK
New York, NY 10006 scientists and outside experts. This
Phone: 1–800–GO–LIVER publication was originally reviewed by Bruce
(1–800–465–4837) or 212–668–1000 A. Runyon, M.D., Loma Linda University
Fax: 212–483–8179 Medical Center. Gregory Gores, M.D., and
Internet: Jayant A. Talwalkar, M.D., M.P.H., both
from the Mayo Clinic, reviewed the updated
Hepatitis Foundation International
version of the publication.
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If a product is not mentioned, the omission does not
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15  Cirrhosis
National Digestive Diseases
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NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of
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the Clearinghouse provides information
about digestive diseases to people with
digestive disorders and to their families,
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The NDDIC answers inquiries, develops and
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and Government agencies to coordinate
resources about digestive diseases.

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NIH Publication No. 14–1134

March 2014

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