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Part One

Chapter One

Little Dorothy 2 lived in the great Kansas prairie 3 with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Uncle
Henry was a farmer and Aunt Em was his wife. Their house was very small. It had only one room
in it. In the room there were a table, three or four chairs and the beds.
There were no trees or flowers near the little house. Only the great, grey prairie was on
every side.4 Uncle Henry and Aunt Em worked all day long.5 They never laughed. But Dorothy
laughed very often, because she was happy. She was happy, because she had a dear friend. It was
Toto,6 a little black dog with long hair, small black eyes and a funny little nose. Toto and Dorothy
played all day long.
cyclone ['saikloun] — циклон, вихрь, ураган

2 Dorothy чит. [' dorэ0i]

Kansas prairie ['kaenzas 'preari]—Канзасская прерия (обширные степи). Канзас — штат в центральной
части США.
was on every side — окружала его со всех сторон
all day long — целый день
Toto чит. ['toutou]

One day Uncle Henry stood at the door of his house and looked at the sky. The sky was
grey. Dorothy stood in the yard with Toto in her arms and looked at the sky too. Aunt Em was in
the kitchen. Suddenly a strong, cold wind came from the East and the sky became dark. Uncle
Henry cried out to Aunt Em: "A cyclone, Em, a cyclone! How terrible! I shall go and look after the
cows and horses." And he ran off.
Aunt Em came to the door and looked at the sky in panic. "Quick, Dorothy," she cried. "Run
to the house. I must help Uncle Henry." And Aunt Em ran off too.
Dorothy ran into the house with Toto in her arms. The wind shook the house hard 1 and the
little girl suddenly sat down on the floor. At that moment a strange thing happened.
The house turned around three times. Then the wind lifted it slowly into the air. The cyclone
carried the little house miles and miles away.2
It was very dark in the house. Dorothy was frightened 3 and wanted to cry. "What will
happen to us?" thought the little girl. Toto ran around and barked.
Hour after hour passed. Nothing terrible happened. "I have to wait and see what will
happen!" thought Dorothy. "And I am so sleepy." 4 She got up from the floor, found her bed and lay
down on it. Toto came up to her and lay down too.
The girl closed her eyes and was soon asleep. 5
the wind shook the house hard — ветер сильно встряхнул дом
miles and miles away — далеко-далеко (букв. на расстояние многих миль; миля — немногим больше
I1/, км)
was frightened [fraitnd] — была испугана
1 am so sleepy — мне так хочется спать
was soon asleep — скоро заснула

Chapter Two

Dorothy slept for a very long time. Then she sat up in her bed and looked around. It was
morning. The little room was full of bright sunshine. It came in through the window. She got up and
with Toto in her arms ran to open the door.
The little girl cried out with joy.1 There were fruit trees and bright flowers on every side.
Strange birds sang in the trees. A little way off 2 there was л small river. Its water shone brightly in
the sun. "It is like a fairy-land," thought Dorothy. And she looked and looked at the beautiful trees
and flowers.
Suddenly Dorothy saw a group of people a little way off. There were three men and a
woman in this group.
"Oh. what strange people," thought Dorothy. They were very small but they looked quite
The woman was much, much older than the men. Her hair was white and she walked very
slowly. The strange group came up to the house and stopped. They looked at Dorothy, and their
mouths moved all the time, as if they were munching something.3
"they are afraid to come nearer," thought Dorothy. But the little woman walked up to
Dorothy and said:
cried out with joy — вскрикнула от радости
a little way off — невдалеке
as if they were munching something — как будто они что-то жевали

"You are welcome,1 beautiful Fairy, to the Land of Oz, to the Country of the Munchkins.2
We thank you very, very much."
"Why do you call me a fairy and why do you thank me?" asked Dorothy.
"We thank you because you killed the Wicked Witch of the East,3 Our people were her
slaves. Now they are free, at last."
"I don't understand her," thought Dorothy. "Why does she say that I killed the Witch of the
East? I did not kill anybody. I am only a little girl. But I must say something to this strange
woman," and Dorothy said aloud:
"You are very kind.4 But I think that there is some mistake.5 I am not a Fairy, and I did not
kill the Witch of the East."
"It was your house that killed her,"6 answered the little old woman, "and that is the same
thing. Look, you can see the Witch's7 feet under your house!"
Dorothy looked and, indeed, saw two feet in silver shoes. The body was under the house.
Dorothy was frightened. "Oh, dear!8 Oh, dear!" she cried. "Now I understand what
happened. The house fell on this poor woman and killed her I am so sorry! What shall we do?"
you are welcome — добро пожаловать
to the Land of Оz, to the Country of the Munchkins — в страну Оз, в землю Жевунов (прозвище жителей,
от глагола to munch)
the Wicked [wikid] Witch of the East — Злая Восточная Колдунья
you are very kind — вы очень любезны (добры)
there is some mistake — здесь что-то не гак (<5у/м. произошла какая-то ошибка)
it was your house that killed her — её убил твой домик (it was... that — усилительная конструкция)
Witch's чит. ['wit∫ iz]
Oh, dear! — здесь горестное восклицание: Ах, беда!

"You needn't be sorry for her!"1 - said the little woman.

"But who was she?" asked Dorothy.
"She was the Wicked Witch of the East," answered the little woman. "She made all the
Munchkin people her slaves and they worked for her night and day. Now they are all free, because
your house fell on her and she is dead now."
"Who are you?" asked Dorothy. "And where am I?"
"I am the Witch of the North. But I am a good witch and the best friend of the Munchkin
people, who live in this country. You are in the Munchkin Country, and the country is in the Land
of Oz," said the Good Witch.
"And are you a real witch?"
"Yes, I am," answered the little woman. "But I told you I am a good witch."
"Oh," said Dorothy slowly, "are there any good witches?"
"Yes, there are," answered the little woman. "There were four witches in the Land of Oz.
Two of them are good witches, the Witch of the South and the Witch of the North. Then there were
two wicked witches. They lived in the East and in the West. And now there is only one wicked
witch left 2 in all the Land of Oz. She lives in the West. The Witch of the East is dead now, and we
are glad of that!"3
You needn't be sorry for her! — Её-то жалеть не надо!
there is only one wicked witch left — осталась только одна злая колдунья
we are glad of that — мы этому рады

Chapter Three

"If yon are a good witch," cried Dorothy, "please help me to go back to my aunt and uncle.
They must be awfully frightened,1 they don't know where I am. Please help me to go back to Kansas
The little men and the woman looked at Dorothy. "We don't know where Kansas is," said
one of the men. "We cannot help you to go back to your prairie."
"He is right, my dear, you will have to stay with us,"2 said the kind old woman.
At these words 3 Dorothy began to cry. She could not be happy in that beautiful country
without her uncle and aunt. The strange people looked at her and began to cry too. Then the little
old woman said: "What is ,your name, dear child?" "My name is Dorothy," said the girl. "Listen to
me, Dorothy," said the old woman. "Only Oz, the. Great Wizard of the Land of Oz,4 can help you.
You must find him. He is a real magician. He lives in the Emerald City."5 "Where is that city?"
asked Dorothy. "It is in the centre of the Land-of Oz. And the Wizard is the ruler of the Emerald
City." said the woman.
they must be awfully frightened — они, должно быть, ужасно волнуются
you will have to stay with us — тебе придётся остаться у нас
at these words — при этих словах '
the Great Wizard ['wiz d] of the Land of Oz — Великий Волшебник Страны Оз
the Emerald City ['emarald'siti]—Изумрудный Город

"Is he a good man?" asked the girl. "I don't know. I only know that he is a good wizard,"
said the old woman.
"How can I get there?" asked Dorothy. "You have to walk. It is a long way full of dangers,"1
said the Good Witch.
"Will you go with me?" asked Dorothy. "You are my friends, and I am afraid to go alone."
"No, my dear, I cannot do that," answered the old woman, "I am too busy. But take these
slices, my dear," and she gave Dorothy the silver shoes of the Wicked Witch. "There is some magic
in them. I hope that it will help you."
Dorothy took the shoes and put them on. "Well, Dorothy, now I must leave you," said the
kind woman. "I hope that you will find the Emerald City. The road to it is made of yellow brick. 2
Walk along that road. I hope you will find the Wizard of Oz. Don't be afraid of him, tell him your
story and he will help you. Good-bye, my dear."
The Witch kissed Dorothy, turned around on her left foot three times,1 and disappeared at
once. The three old Munchkins also said good-bye to Dorothy and walked away through the trees.
it is a long way full of dangers — путь далёк и полон опасностей
The road to it is made of yellow brick. — Дорога к нему вымощена жёлтым кирпичом.

Dorothy put on the silver shoes of the Witch' of the East and called Toto. "Come along,2
Toto," she said. "We shall go to the Emerald City and ask the Great Oz to send us back to Kansas
They started at once. The day was warm and the birds sang on the trees. Dorothy soon found
the yellow brick road. She was happy because she hoped to see her uncle and aunt very soon.
Evening came. Dorothy was tired with her long walk.3 She sat down on the grass near a
field. Not far from her she saw a Scarecrow in the centre of the field.
Dorothy looked at the Scarecrow. It was a funny sight. Its head and its body were stuffed
with straw.4 Its face was a small sack. The nose, mouth and eyes were painted 5 on the sack. The
Scarecrow had a hat on its head and a pair of old boots on its feet.
turned around on her left foot three times — повернулась на левой ноге три раза
come along — пошли
was tired with her long walk — устала от долгой ходьбы
were stuffed with straw — были набиты соломой
were painted — были нарисованы краской

"Good day," said the Scarecrow when Dorothy came nearer.

“Did you speak? "asked the girl in surprise.

"Yes, I did," answered the Scarecrow, "how do you do?"1

" How do you do? I hope you are quite well,"2 said Dorothy politely.
"No, I'm not very well," said the Scarecrow. "I don't like to stay here night and day, but I must
keep the birds away."3
" Can' t you get down?"4 asked Dorothy.
"I think that I can with your help."
Dorothy gave her hand to the Scarecrow and soon he was beside her.
"Thank you very much," he said, "I am a new man now. Who are you? And where are you
"My name' is Dorothy," said the girl, "and I am going to the Emerald City. I want to ask the
Great Wizard to send me back to Kansas."
how do you do? — здравствуйте, как поживаете?
1 hope you are quite well — надеюсь, что вы хорошо себя чувствуете
keep the birds away — отпугивать птиц
Can't you get down? — Разве вы не можете сойти вниз?
where are you going? — куда вы сейчас идете?

"Where is the Emerald City," asked the Scarecrow, "and who is the Great Wizard?"
"You don't know the Great Wizard!" the girl said in surprise. "Everybody in this country
knows him!"
"And I don't," said the Scarecrow. "You see, the farmers stuffed me with straw and I have
no brains. I know nothing. I am a fool."
"Oh," said Dorothy, "I am very sorry for you"1 "I want to go with you," said the Scarecrow.
"Do you think that the Wizard can give me some brains?"
"I don't know," she answered, "'but you may come with me, if you like."2
"Yes, I shall go with you," said the Scarecrow. "You see, I don't like it when people call me
a fool, because there is only straw in my head."
"I understand you very well," said the little girl. She was very sorry for him. "Come with me
and I'll ask the Great Wizard to give you some brains."
"Thank you," he answered, "thank you very much!" And they walked back to the road.
At first Toto did not like their new comrade. He began to bark.
"Don't be afraid of Toto," said Dorothy, "he never bites."
"Oh, I am not afraid," answered the Scarecrow. "He can't bite the straw. I am afraid only of
one thing."
"What is that?" asked Dorothy. "I am afraid only of a lighted match," 3 answered the
I am very sorry for you — мне очень жаль тебя
if you like — если хочешь
a lighted match ['laitid 'maњtfl — зажжённая спичка

Chapter Five

On their way l to the Emerald City Dorothy and the Scarecrow met a strange man. His body,
his legs and arms were made of tin.2 His head was made of tin too. In his right hand he held an axe.
He was a woodman.
"Where are you going?" the funny man asked them.
"We are going to the Emerald City because we want to see the Great Wizard," answered
"Why do you want to see the Wizard?" asked the Tin Woodman.
"I want to ask him to send me back to Kansas," answered Dorothy. "The Scarecrow will ask
him to put a few brains 3 into his head. You see, the Great Wizard can do anything."4
"May I go with you?" asked the Tin Woodman. "I want to ask the Great Wizard to put a
heart into my body. I have no heart, and I cannot be happy without it."
Dorothy and her two comrades went into a thick forest. Suddenly they heard a terrible roar.
They saw a great Lion. With one blow5 of his paw he sent the Scarecrow to the ground.6 Then he
turned and struck the Tin Woodman. The Tin Woodman fell down and lay still.
on their way — на пути
his legs and arms were made of tin — его ноги и руки были сделаны из жести
a few brains — немного мозгов
can do anything — может сделать всё что угодно
with one blow [blou] of his paw [pa:]
he sent the Scarecrow to the ground — одним ударом лапы он опрокинул Пугало на землю

Toto began to bark and the Lion opened his mouth and raised his large paw again.
Dorothy was a brave girl. She ran up to the Lion and struck him on the nose.1
“Don't bite my Toto! How can you? You are so big and he is so small! You are a big
coward. Only cowards can be bad to those 2 who are smaller than they”.
"I know it," said the Lion with a sigh. "I am a coward. But what can I do?"
struck him on the nose — стукнула его по носу
2 only cowards can be bad to those—только трусы могут обижать тех

"And why are you a coward?" asked Dorothy.

"Nobody knows why," said the Lion. "All the other beasts in the forest think that I am very
brave. All the people call the Lion the King of beasts. I know that people are afraid of me when I
roar. That's why 1- I always roar when I meet people or animals — they run away from me. They
don't know that I am afraid of them."
11 Do you want to go with us to the Great Wizard?" said Dorothy. "I think that he can give

you courage."
"Oh yes," said the Lion, "I'll be very glad to go with you."
"You can help us to keep away the other beasts,"2 said Dorothy. "You can roar and frighten
So once more the little company started for the Emerald City 3 along the road of yellow
Сhapter S i x

After a long time Dorothy and her friends came to a great green wall which went around 4
the Emerald City. The wall was high and thick and had a gate in the middle. The road of yellow
brick ended before that gate.
1that's why — вот почему
to keep away the other beasts — не подпускать (к нам) других зверей
so once more the little company started for the Emerald City — и компания продолжала путь в
Изумрудный Город
went around — окружала

Dorothy knocked at the gate. It opened slowly and they saw a little man. He was dressed in
green.1 At his side 2 there was a large green box.
When the man saw Dorothy and her comrades he asked:
"Who are you? What do you wish 3 in the Emerald City?"
"We want to see the Great Wizard of Oz," said Dorothy.
"Do you think that the Wizard will see you?"4 asked the green man.
"Why not?" said Dorothy. "He sees nobody," answered the man. "Does he never go out?"
asked the Scarecrow. "Never. He sits day after day 5 in the great Throne Room of his palace and
never goes out." "What is he like?" 6 asked the girl. "I can't tell you that," said the man. "You see,
the Great Wizard can change his form when he likes, and he changes it all the time. Some people
say he looks like a bird 7 or a cat. Other people say he looks like a monkey. And some say he looks
like a beautiful fairy. But nobody knows what his real form is."8
"That is very strange," said Dorothy, "but we must see him."
was dressed in green — был одет во всё зеленое
at his side — возле него
what do you wish — что вам нужно
will see you — здесь примет вас
day after day — изо дня в день
What is he like? — Какой он? На что он похож? Что он собой представляет?
he looks like a bird — он похож на птицу
But nobody knows what his real form is. — Но никто не знает, что он представляет собой в
действительности (букв. каков его настоящий вид).

"Why do you wish to see the terrible Wizard?" asked the man.
"I shall ask him to give me some brains," said the Scarecrow.
"Oh, Oz can do it very easily," said the little man. "He has a lot of brains."1
"And I shall ask him to give me a heart," said the Tin Woodman.
"That will be easy for him too," said the little man, "he has a large collection of hearts, big
and small. He keeps them in a silver box."
"And I shall ask him to give me courage," said the Cowardly Lion.
"Oh, the Wizard has a big jar of courage in his Throne Room," said the man. "He will be
glad to give you some courage from the jar."
"And I shall ask him to send me back to Kansas, it is my home," said Dorothy.
"I don't know where Kansas is," said the man, "but I hope the Wizard will find Kansas for
you. Now I shall take you2 to him, if you are not afraid of the terrible Wizard of Oz. But first 3 I
shall give you all eye-glasses and you must put them on."
"Why?" asked Dorothy.
"Because," said the green man, "the Wizard ordered it. All houses in the Emerald City are
made of4 emeralds and if you look at them without eyeglasses, it will hurt your eyes.5 All people
who live in this City must wear eye-glasses night and day.
He has a lot of brains. — У него очень много мозгов.
1 shall take you — я отведу вас
first — прежде всего
are made of—сделаны из
it will hurt your eyes — глазам станет больно

They can't lake them off because when they put on their eye-glasses I lock them. I have the
only key that can unlock them. The Great Wizard ordered it and you must obey."
He opened the big box, and Dorothy saw that it was full of green eye-glasses.
The man found a pair for Dorothy and put them over her eyes. Then he locked them at the
-back of her head1 with a little key. Then the green man found eye-glasses for the Scarecrow, the
Tin Woodman, the Lion and even for Toto. He locked them all with his key and said: "Now let us
And they went after him into the streets of the Emerald City.
Dorothy and her comrades liked the Emerald City very much. There were many beautiful
houses of green emeralds in the City. There were many people—men, women and children, who
walked in the streets. They were all dressed in green and had beautiful green eyes and hair. Even
their faces were green. Everybody looked at Dorothy and her strange comrades, but no one said a
word. The little children were frightened and they all ran to their mothers when they saw the Lion.
There were many shops in the streets. In the shops Dorothy saw green sweets, green hats,
green shoes and green dresses. At one place a man sold green lemonade. When the children bought
it Dorothy could see that they paid for it with green money. The sun here was green too.
The little man took them 2 to a big palace. It stood in the middle of the City. Its walls were
made of big emeralds. The ruler of the Emerald City, the Great Wizard, lived in that beautiful green
at the back of her head — у неё 'на затылке
took them — провёл их

Chapter Seven

Before the door there was a soldier with a long green beard.
"These people are strangers," the man told him, "and they want to see the Great Oz."
"Wait a little," said the soldier, "and I'll go to the door of the Throne Room and tell the
Wizard that you are here."
They waited for a long time. When at last he came back, Dorothy asked:
"Did you see Oz, the Wizard?"
"Oh, no," answered the soldier. "I did not see him. But I spoke to him through the screen. He
was behind that screen. He says that he will see you and hear your wishes.' But you must go to him
in turn 2 and not all together."
' "Thank you," said the girl, "that is very kind of Oz."3
Suddenly a bell rang and a green girl came up to Dorothy and said:
"That is the signal. You must go into the Throne Room alone."
She opened a little door and Dorothy walked into a big-round room. A throne of green
emeralds stood in the room. In the middle of the throne was a very, very big Head without a body,
arms or legs. Only a Heart!
he will see you and hear your wishes — он примет вас и выслушает ваши желания
in turn — по очереди
that is very kind of Oz — Оз очень любезен (букв. это очень любезно со стороны Оза)

There was no hair on this Head, but it had eyes, a nose and a mouth. The Head was much
bigger than the head of the biggest giant.
Dorothy was frightened.1 The eyes turned slowly and looked at her. Then the mouth opened
and a loud voice said:
"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you, and what do you want?"
Dorothy took courage 2 and answered:
"I am Dorothy, and I want your help."
The eyes looked at her for a minute. Then the voice said: "Where did you get those silver
" I got them from the Wicked Witch of the East. My house fell on her and killed her. So 3 I
took her silver shoes," said Dorothy.
Then the Wizard of the Land of Oz asked again:
"What do you want of me?"4
"Send me back to Kansas, to my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Your country is very beautiful,
but I don't like it. And I know that Aunt Em is unhappy because she doesn't know v/here I am."
The eyes opened and closed three times. Then they looked up and down. At last 6 they
looked at Dorothy, and the Wizard said:
"Why do you ask me to do this for you?"
"Because you are strong and I am not," said Dorothy. "Because you are the Great Wizard
and I am only a poor little girl."
"But you are also strong, you killed the Wicked Witch of the East," said Оz.
"I didn't want to kill her," answered Dorothy.
"Well,"8 said the Head. "You ask me to send you back to Kansas. You ask me to help you.
And what will you do for me?

was frightened — испугалась
took courage — набралась храбрости
so — поэтому
What do you want of me? — Что тебе надо от меня?
at last — наконец
well — ну что ж

You must do something for me first. Help me and I shall help you." "What can I do?" asked
the girl in surprise.
“Kill the Wicked Witch of the West!" "But I cannot!" cried out poor Dorothy. "You killed
the Witch of the East, so you can kill the Wicked Witch of the West. Come aid tell me that she is
dead г and I shall send you back to Kansas, but not before that."
The little girl was terribly frightened.
“How can I kill the Witch? If you, the Great and Terrible Wizard, can't kill her, how can I?"
"I don't know, and I don't care, "said the Head. "But that is my answer. Now go, I do not
want to talk about it any more." 2
Poor Dorothy went back to the room where her friends were.
"There is no hope for me," said Dorothy and she repeated the words of the Wizard.
Her friends were sorry for her,3 but they did not know what to say.

Chapter Eight

When the Scarecrow came into the great Throne Room, he saw a beautiful young girl on the
emerald throne. Her dress was green and her long hair was also green.
she is dead — она умерла
any more — больше
her friends were sorry for her—друзья сочувствовали

The beautiful girl looked at the Scarecrow and said, "1 am Oz, the Great and Terrible. 'Who
are you, and what do you want of me?"
The Scarecrow answered her:
"I am only a Scarecrow. My body is stuffed with-straw.1 I have no brains in my head, but
only the silly straw. Please, put some brains into my head."
"Why do you ask me to do this for you?" asked the girl.
"Because you are wise and have a lot of brains. Only you can help me," said the Scarecrow.
ь "But you must do something for me first;," said Oz. "Kill the Wicked Witch of the West and I
shall give you a lot of brains. You will be the wisest man in all the Land of Oz."
"But you asked Dorothy to kill the Witch," said the Scarecrow in surprise.
"Yes, I did," 2 said the girl. "It is all the same to me 3 who kills her. Come and tell me that
she is dead and I shall do what you wish."
The Scarecrow went back to his friends and told them the words of Oz. They were very
sorry for him.
When the Tin Woodman came into the great Throne Room he saw a terrible Beast. The
Beast was very big. There were five eyes in its face. It had five long arms and five long legs!
The Tin Woodman looked at the Beast in wonder. He was not terribly frightened because he
had no heart.
My body is stuffed with straw,— Моё туловище набито соломой.
yes, I did—да, просила
it is all the same to me — мне всё равно

"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible," said the Beast in a big voice. "Who are you, and what do
you want of me?"
"I am a Woodman and I am made of tin.11 have no heart. Please give me a heart. I want to
be like other men."2
"Why do you ask me for it?" asked the Beast.
"Because you alone3 can give it to me," answered the Woodman.
"I shall give you a heart, but you must do something for me first," roared the Beast.
"What is it?" asked the Woodman.
"Help Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch of the West," answered the Beast. "Then come to
me. And I shall give you the biggest and kindest heart in all the Land of Oz."
So the Tin Woodman went back to his friends and told them the words of the terrible Beast.
And they were very sorry for the poor Woodman.
The Lion said: "Now I shall go to see him. If he is in the form of a beast, 4 I shall roar and
frighten him. If he is in the form of a beautiful girl I shall jump at her and frighten her. And if he is
in the form of a Head, I shall push it down5 from the chair. All will be well,6 my friends."
I am made of tin — я сделан из жести
I want to be like other men. — Я хочу быть похожим на других людей.
you alone — только вы
If he is in the form of a beast — если он примет вид чудовища
1 shall push it down — я столкну её e all will be well — всё будет хорошо

Chapter Nine

The Lion went through the door and looked around. To his surprise he saw a great Ball of
Fire before the throne. The fire was very bright and the Lion could not look at it. He could not come
near it.
Then a voice came from the Ball of Fire. These were the words:1 "I am Oz, the Great and
Terrible. Who are you, and what do you want of me?"
And the Lion answered:
"I am the Cowardly Lion. I am afraid of people and animals. I ask you to give me some
courage. Men call me the King of Beasts, so I must have courage!"
"Why do you ask me for it?" asked Oz.
"Because you are the greatest of all Wizards. You alone can give me courage," answered the
The voice said again:
"Kill the Wicked Witch of the West and I shall give you courage."
The Lion was very angry,2 but what could he do? Nothing! So he went back to his friends
and repeated the Wizard's words.
"What shall we do now?" asked Dorothy.
"There is only one thing we can do,"3 answered the Lion. "We can go to the West and kill
the Wicked Witch."
these were the words — вот что он сказал
was very angry — рассердился
there is only one thing we can do — нам остаётся только одно

"But can we do it?" asked the girl. "We must do it or I shall never have courage," said the
"And I shall never have brains," said the Scarecrow.
"And I shall never have a heart," said the Tin Woodman.
"And I shall never see Aunt Em and Uncle i Henry," said Dorothy, and began to cry.
"I do not want to kill anybody," she said after some time, "but I think we have to do it. 1 That
witch is very wicked and she does much harm to the people."2 '
"I shall go with you," said the Lion.
"I shall go too," cried the Scarecrow.
"So shall I,"3 said the Tin Woodman.
Early next morning Dorothy and her friends came up to the gates of the Emerald City.
The green soldier unlocked their eye-glasses and put them back in his big box. Then he
opened the gate for our friends.
"How can we find the Wicked Witch of the West?" Dorothy asked him.
"Oh, it is very easy," said the soldier. "Go to the West all the way, and you will find her."
They thanked him and said good-bye, then went to the West.
They walked for a long time until they were tired.4 "Let us rest a little." said Dorothy. She
and Toto and the Lion lay down on the grass. They closed the Scarecrow kept watch.2
Now, children, I must tell you that the Wicked Witch of the West had only one eye. But it
was very strong. It was like a telescope and could see very far.
t think we have to do it — я думаю, что нам придётся это сделать
does much harm to the people — делает очень много вреда людям
so shall I — и я тоже
until they were tired — пока не устали

So, when she sat at the door of her palace she looked around and saw Dorothy and her
friends. They were far away,3 but the Witch saw them and was very angry.
"I don't want strangers in my country,"4 - cried the Witch.
She ordered her slaves to come to her. They were monkeys with big, strong wings.
"Fly to those people," she said to them, "kill the Tin Woodman and the Straw Man. 5 Bring
the little girl and the Lion here. They will work for me."
As soon as she finished the Monkeys flew to Dorothy and her friends. Some of the Monkeys
took the Tin Woodman and flew up into the air. Than they dropped the poor Woodman. He fell on
the ground and broke his arms and legs.
Other Monkeys took the Scarecrow and pulled all the straw out of his body and head. Then
they flew high up with him and dropped him on a tall tree.
fell asleep -- заснули
' kept watch [w t ] — стояли на страже
' they were far away — они были на большом расстоянии (от неё)
I don't want strangers in my country — я не терплю пришельцев в моей стране
Straw Man — Соломенный Человек

Some of the bigger Monkeys lifted the Lion up and flew away with him to the Witch's
palace. The biggest monkey took Dorothy who held Toto in her arms and also flew with her to the
Witch's palace. They brought the Lion and Dorothy 'o the Witch and flew away.

Chapter Ten

The Witch looked down at Dorothy's feet and was frightened. She saw her silver shoes, and
she knew that those silver shoes had great magic. Then the Witch looked into the child's eyes. They
were clear and kind. The Witch understood that the little girl did not know that the silver shoes
could help her.
So the Wicked Witch thought: "I can make her my slave, because she doesn't know how to
get help from her silver shoes." Then she said to Dorothy:
"Come with me, I shall give you some work to do. You must do it very well, or 1 shall make
an end of you.1 I shall make an end of you as I did 2 of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow."
The Witch took Dorothy to the kitchen. She ordered the girl to clean the kitchen, to wash the
floor and the windows and to make the beds in the morning. Dorothy went to work without a word.3
Many days passed. Poor Dorothy worked from early morning till night. Every night she
went to the yard and gave the Lion some food. The Lion did not want to work for the Witch, so she
did not give him any food. The Lion was very hungry all the time.
Dorothy often cried, and Toto sat at her feet and looked into her face. They could not forget
their friends, the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow. Perhaps they were not dead! Dorothy and Toto
still hoped to see them again.
Now,4 the Wicked Witch wanted very much to get the silver shoes which were on the girl's
or I shall make an end of you — иначе я разделаюсь с тобой
as I did — так же, как я разделалась
Dorothy went to work without a word. — Дороти принялась за работу без единого слова.
now — здесь итак; так вот; надо вам сказать

feet. But the child took them off only at night or when she took a bath. 1 The Witch did not go to
Dorothy's room at night because she was afraid of the dark. And she did not come near when
Dorothy took a bath because she was afraid of water. But Dorothy knew nothing about it.
Once Dorothy stumbled over something in the kitchen and fell down. In her fall 2 one of the
silver shoes came off. The Witch took it at once and quickly put it on her foot. The little girl was
angry. She cried to the Witch:
"Give me back my shoe!"
"I shall not,"3 answered the Witch, "it is n6t your shoe, it is my shoe now!"
"You are a wicked old woman," cried Dorothy. "You must not take my shoe from me!"
But the Witch only laughed at the girl. "Some day 4 I shall get the other shoe too."
Dorothy was very angry. She took a bucket of water and threw the water at5 the Witch.
At once the wicked woman gave a loud cry of fear. Suddenly she became smaller. Dorothy
looked at her in surprise.
"What are you doing?" cried the Witch. I am melting!"6
"I am very sorry,"7 said Dorothy.
She was frightened: the Witch melted and melted like sugar.
when she took a bath — когда она мылась (принимала ванну)
in her fall — при падении
I shall not — не отдам
some day — когда-нибудь
5 threw the water at — выплеснула воду на
See, I am melting! — Смотри, я таю!
1 am very sorry — мне очень жаль (простите меня)

"The water! It will make an end of me!1 You knew it!" cried the Witch.
"No, I didn't," answered Dorothy, "how could I know it?"
"Look out! Here I go!"2 repeated the Witch.
With these words the witch fell down the kitchen floor. Now she become a brown dirty
Dorothy took another bucket of water and threw it at the mass. Then she saw her silver shoe.
She took it quickly and put it on her foot again. After that she ran out into the yard and told the Lion
about the end of the Wicked Witch of the West. They were free at last.
It will make an end of me! — Мне пришёл конец!
Look out! Here I go! — Берегись! Я умираю!
she became a brown dirty mass — она превратилась в лужицу коричневой грязи
Chapter Elevan
“A friend in need is a friend indeed”1

“First of all2 we have to find our friends – the Woodman and the Scarecrow,” – said Dorothy
to the Lion.
“Yes, let us find them”, - answered the Lion
“Yes, let us find them”, - answered the Dorothy.
The slaves of the Witch were free now. The girl asked them to help her to find her comrades.
They were glad to do it for Dorothy. The monkeys remembered the place very well; they flew there
and soon found the Woodman.
The monkeys took him back to the palace. Many smiths worked for three days and four nights
on his kegs and arms. When they finished their work they Woodman could walk again. Dorothy and
the Lion were very happy. The Lion cried with joy3 – he was so happy to see his friend.
Now they had to find the Scarecrow. That was not so easy. They walked all that day and the
next day. Then they saw a tall tree and the Scarecrow in it. The Tin Woodman began to chop the
tree, and in a short time 4 it fell down.
They lifted the Scarecrow up and carried him back to the palace. They shifted him with nice
clean straw, and he jumped to his feet.5 He thanked his dear friends.
"Now," said Dorothy, "we must go back to the Wizard of Oz."
a friend in need is a friend indeed — английская поговорка: “друзья познаются в беде”
(букв. “друг в беде — настоящий друг”)
first of all — прежде всего
cried with joy — заплакал от радости
in a short time — вскоре (букв. через короткое время)
jumped to his feet — вскочил на ноги

“Yes”, - said the Woodman, “at last I shall get my heart.”

And I shall get my brains”, said the Scarecrow.
“And I shall get my courage”, - said the Lion.
“And I shall go back to Kansas”, - cried Dorothy. “Oh, let us start for 1 the Emerald City at
Many days passed before our four friends saw the green walls of the Emerald City.
They were very happy to be back 2 in the Тhгоne Room of the Great Wizard. There was nobody
the room. They waited and waited, and at last they heard a voice. It said: "I am Oz, the Great and
Terrible. What do you want of me?"
They looked in every corner of the room, but did not see anybody. So Dorothy asked: "Where
are you?"
"I am here," answered the Voice, "but you cannot see me."
Then Dorothy said: "Now you must do what you promised us."
"What did I promise you?" asked Oz.
"You promised to send me back to Kansas”, - said the girl.
"And, you promised to give me brains," said Scarecrow.
"And you promised to give me a heart," said t Tin Woodman.
"And you promised to give me courage," said the Cowardly Lion.
"But what about the Wicked Witch?3 Is she dead?" asked the Voice.
let us start for — давайте отправимся в
were very happy to be back — были очень рады, что вернулись
But what about the Wicked Witch? — А что со Злой Колдуньей

“Yes, she is”, - said Dorothy, “I threw a bucket of water at her, and she melted”.
“How sudden!” – said the Voice. “Well, come tomorrow, I must have time to think it over2”.
“You had a lot of time3 to think it over”, said the Tin Woodman. He was very angry.
“We cannot wait, you must do it at once!”- said the Scarecrow.
"Yes, you must do it now!" - cried Dorothy.
And the Lion roared because he wanted to fright" en the Wizard. But he frightened little Toto. The
dog ran way. He kicked the screen that stood in a corner. The screen fell down, and what did they
all see? They saw...
Read the next chapter and you will know all about it.

Chapter Twelve
Behind the screen they saw a little old man. He was terribly frightened. 4 The Woodman
lifted his axe and cried out:
"Who are you?"
"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible," said the little man in a small voice. 5 "Don't kill me—
please don't! I shall do all you want."6
Our friends looked at him in great surprise.
"I saw Oz in the form of7 a great Head," said Dorothy.
How sudden! — Какая неожиданность!
to think it over — чтобы подумать над этим
a lot of time — очень много времени
Не was terribly frightened,—Он был ужасно испуган.
in a small voice — тоненьким голоском
all you want — всё, что вы пожелаете
in the form of—в виде

“I saw Oz in the form of a beautiful girl”, - said the Scarecrow.

“I saw Os in the form of a terrible Beast”, - said the Tin Woodman.
“And I saw Oz in the form of a Ball of fire”, - cried out the Lion.
"No, you are all wrong, " - said the little man. "I fooled you all the time."
"Fooled?" cried Dorothy. "Are you not a great Wizard?"
"Hush,2 my dear," he said, "it is my secret. I'm not a Wizard at all,3 I am a poor old man."
"You are a humbug!" cried the Scarecrow.
"Yes, I am," said the little man with a sigh, "I am a humbug."
"But this is awful!" said the Tin Woodman. "How shall I get my heart?"
"How shall I get my courage?" asked the Lion.
"And how shall I get my brains?" cried out the Scarecrow.
"My dear friends," said Oz, "please, don't speak of these trifles. Think of me and help me!"
"Who knows here that you are a humbug?" asked Dorothy.
"Nobody knows about it, only you four," answered Oz. "For many years4 I fooled all the people
of the Land of Oz. They never see me and they think I am great and terrible!"
"Tell us, please," said Dorothy, "how could you take the form of a great Head?" 5
you are all wrong — вы все ошибаетесь
hush [h Л ∫ ] — ш-ш, тише
I'm not a Wizard at all — я совсем не волшебник
for many years — в течение многих лет
take the form of a great Head — предстать в виде огромной Головы

"That was one of my tricks," answered Oz. "Come this way,1 please, and I shall show you."
He took them to a small room behind the Throne Room. In a corner they saw the Great Head. It
was made of thick painted paper.2

come this way — пройдите сюда
It was made of thick painted paper. – Она была сделана из толстой раскрашенной бумаги.

"When you came to see me," he said to Dorothy, I stood behind the screen and pulled a
thread, so the eyes moved and the mouth opened. Here re some other things1 which I used."
He showed the Scarecrow the dress and the mask of the Beautiful Girl. And he showed the
Woodman a lot of skins and said: "I made my Terrible Beast out of these skins. I made the Ball of
Fire out of cotton. I hung it from the ceiling and threw some oil on it. Then I put a lighted match to
it 2 and it burned brightly. And now it down, please, I shall tell you my story."
"I was born3 in a small town near Kansas," began the Wizard. "A man from a circus once
showed me some tricks. I began to work at a circus. Then I became a balloonist."4
"What is that?" asked Dorothy
"It was my work at the circus. Every day I went in a balloon high up in the sky."
"What for?" said Dorothy.
"People saw my balloon and bought tickets to see the other interesting tricks in the circus,"
answered Oz.
"Oh," said the girl, "I understand."
"Well," continued the Wizard, "one windy evening I went up in my balloon, but the wind
carried the balloon many, many miles away. On the morning of the second day I looked down and
saw a strange and beautiful country. Soon the balloon came down.
here are some other things — вот и другие вещи
I put a lighted match to it — я поднес к нему зажжённую спичку
1 was born — я родился
balloonist lba'lu:nist] — воздухоплаватель

"Men, women and children ran up to me. 'Look, a great Wizard fell from the sky!' they all
cried. Of course I let them think so.1 They were afraid of me and were ready to obey me."

Chapter Thirteen

"Go on,2 go on," said Dorothy. "How did you become the Great Wizard?"
"I ordered them to build this City and my Palace," the old man went on. "The good people
did it all very well. The country was green and beautiful and I called the new city 'The Emerald
City”. I ordered the people to wear green eyeglasses, and from that time everything around them
looked green." 3
"But isn't everything around here green?" asked Dorothy in surprise.
"Of course not," answered the Wizard with a laugh. "Only the city wall is green. But the
good people think that they really live in the Emerald City. They think that my palace is made of
emeralds,4 but it is really made of glass. It was built5 many years ago; I was quite a young man when
the balloon brought me here. And I am an old man now. I don't want to be a humbug any more. I
want to go home. All this time the people liked me and they were happy. But I was not happy here.

1 Of course I let them think so. — Конечно, я предоставил им так думать.

go on — продолжайте
everything around them looked green — всё вокруг них стало казаться зелёным
is made of emeralds — сделан из изумрудов
it was built — он был построен

I was always terribly afraid of the Witches of lie East and West. They were very wicked and
could kill me easily. They did not kill me only because they thought that my magic was stronger
than their magic. It was the happiest day when our house fell on the Wicked Witch of the East and
killed her. But the other Witch, the Witch f the West was not dead. So when you came to me I told
you to kill this Witch. I was ready to promise you anything. 1 Please forgive me, my ear friends. I
am so sorry,2 but I can't keep my promise." 3
"I think you are a very bad man," said Dorothy.
"Oh, no, my dear," said the Wizard. "I am not bad man, but I am a very bad Wizard."
"Can't you give me brains?" asked the Scarecrow.
"And how about4 my courage?" asked the Jon.
"How about my heart?" asked the Tin Woodman.
"And how shall I get back to Kansas?" said Dorothy.
"My dear friends," said the little man, "I must think about all that. You know now that I was
lot born a magician,6 but during all these years I learned a little magic. So I shall try to give brains
to the Scarecrow, courage to the Lion,
anything — здесь всё что угодно
I am so sorry — мне так неприятно
I can't keep my promise — я не могу сдержать своё обешание
and how about — а как насчёт
I was not born a magician — я не родился волшебником

and a heart to the Tin Woodman. I shall try to send you, my brave little girl, back to Kansas.
But you must keep my secret.1 Don't tell anybody that I am a humbug."
They promised to keep his secret and went back to their rooms. They were happy again.

Chapter Fourteen

Next morning the Scarecrow got up very early.

"I shall go to the Wizard," he said. "At last I shall have brains and wise ideas in my head."
"I like you as you are,"2 said Dorothy.
"You are very kind, dear Dorothy," answered the Scarecrow, "but I want so much to be
clever. I think you will like me better then,"3 and he ran off to Oz.
The Scarecrow found the little man in the small room behind his Throne Room.
"You promised to put brains into my head," said the Scarecrow.
"Oh, yes; sit down in that chair, please," said Oz. "I shall have to cut your head off,4 and put
brains into it."
"That's all right,"5 said the Scarecrow. "Cut it off. I hope it will be a better and wiser head
with brains in it."
keep my secret — хранить мою тайну
I like you as you are — я люблю тебя и таким, какой ты есть
I think you will like me better then — я думаю, что тогда буду тебе больше нравиться
I shall have to cut your head off — мне придётся отрезать тебе голову
that's all right — это ничего, пожалуйста

So the Wizard cut the Scarecrow's head off. He pulled the straw out of it. Then he put some
is into the straw and stuffed it all into the Scarecrow's head. After that he put the head back on the
Scarecrow's shoulders, and said to him:
"Now you will be a great man. You have a lot new brains."
"I think that I am already wiser!" cried the эру Scarecrow. He thanked the Wizard and went
back to his friends.
"Look how wise I am!" he said.
"Yes, your head is very big now," said Dorothy. But why are all those pins sticking out of
your head?" 1
"Because my brains are now very sharp," 2 - answered the Scarecrow.
"Well, I must go to Oz and get my heart," d the Tin Woodman and he walked to the Throne
The Woodman came into the Throne Room d said:
"You promised to give me a heart."
"Very well," said the little man, "but I have cut a hole in your breast. Then I shall put a art in
So Oz cut a small hole in the left side of the n Woodman's breast. Then he took out from
small box a pretty heart of red silk. He said to the n Woodman:
"Look what a pretty heart you will have!"
why are all those pins sticking out of your head?" – почему у тебя из головы торчат все эти булавки?
Because my brains are now very sharp- теперь у меня очень острый ум.

"It is indeed very pretty," answered the Woodman. "But is it a kind heart?"
"Oh, very," answered Oz.
He put the heart into the Woodman's breast. Then he closed the hole with tin.1
"Well," said the Wizard, "now you have the kindest heart in the world. I hope that you will
like it."
"Thank you very much," cried the happy Woodman, "I shall never forget your help."
"Don't speak of it," 2 answered Oz.
The Tin Woodman ran back to his friends, and then the Lion walked into the Throne Room.
"You promised me courage," said the Lion.
"Very well," answered the little man. "You will have it."
He brought a beautiful cup. There was some red wine in it. The Wizard put the cup before
the Lion.
"Drink it," said the Wizard.
"What is it?" asked the Lion.
"You must drink it," answered Oz. "It is courage. And courage must be inside you. Drink it
The Lion drank it at once.
"How are you now?" 3 asked Oz.
"Full of courage," 4 answered the Lion. "Thank you very, very much."
And the happy Lion went back to his friends.
he closed the hole with tin — забил (букв. закрыл) дыру куском жести
don't speak of it — не стоит благодарности (букв. не говорите об этом)
How are you now? — Ну, как?
full of courage (I am full of courage) — я преисполнен храбрости

Oz laughed very much when he thought of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion.
"How funny they are!" he thought. "I told them the h about my magic. They know that I am not
magician, but they can't believe it. And they me to do things which I can't do. They make a humbug
of me.
Then he thought of Dorothy.
“It was easy to make her three friends happy. How shall I help her? How shall I take the r
child back to Kansas? I am afraid I can't it."

Chapter Fifteen
Three days passed. Dorothy heard nothing from Oz.2 The poor girl did not know what to do.
On the fourth day Oz sent for her. She ran to the Throne Room at once.
"Sit down, my dear," said the Wizard kindly. I think I know how to take you back home to
"How?" asked Dorothy.
"You see," said the little man, "I came to this country in a balloon. You came through the air
too. So I think the best way to get back to Kansas is through the air.3 Of course I can't make a
cyclone, but I think I can make a balloon."
They make a humbug of me. — Это они делают из меняя обманщика.

Dorothy heard nothing from Oz. — Дороти не получала никаких вестей от Оза.
the best way to get back to Kansas is through the air — лучше всего (букв. лучший способ) вернуться в
Канзас по воздуху

"With what?" 1 asked Dorothy.

"With silk, glue and gas," said the Wizard. "I have silk and glue in the palace. But in all the
country there is no gas."
"What shall we do without gas?" said Dorothy.
"We can use hot air," said Oz. "Of course hot air is not so good as gas. Hot air becomes cold
quickly and then the balloon comes down. But we have to try hot air."
"We?" cried the girl. "Do you want to go with me?"
"Of course," answered Oz. "I can't stay here. I don't want to fool the good people any
longer. I am afraid to go out of my rooms. I am afraid that some day they will find out3 the truth

about me. I have to go away from their country. I shall go away with you and get work in a circus
"I shall be glad to have your company," 4 said Dorothy.
"Thank you," he answered. "And now let us begin to work."
They began to make the balloon out of silk.
They worked and worked. Three days passed and it was ready. They made a big basket too, and tied it to the
Oz told the people of the Emerald City that he wanted to visit his brother who lived in the sky. The people
came to say good-bye5 to the Wizard.
With what? — Из чего (из каких материалов)?
any longer — больше
some day they will find out — когда-нибудь они узнают
I shall be glad to have your company — я буду рада вашему обществу
came to say good-bye — пришли попрощаться

The Tin Woodman made a big fire in front of the palace. Oz held the balloon over the fire.
When the balloon was full of hot air the Wizard into the basket and said to the people in a loud
I am now going away on a visit.1 While I am away2 the Scarecrow will be the ruler of the
•raid City. He is very wise, you must obey him. I know that he will be a very good ruler you will
like him." 'hen he said to Dorothy:
Come, Dorothy. Hurry up,3 or the balloon fly away!"
I can't find Toto," cried Dorothy.
She did not want to go away without her dear id Toto. At last Dorothy found him. With Toto
in her arms she ran to the balloon.
Oz held out his hand to help her into the basket,4 crack!..5 The balloon suddenly rose into the
without her.
Come back," she cried. "I want to go too." I can't come back, my dear," cried Oz from
basket. "Good-bye!"
Good-bye!" cried the good people of the Emerald City. "Good-bye, Oz, good-bye! You
were good friend. You built this beautiful Emerald City for us. We shall always remember you.
' I am now going away on a visit. — Я улетаю в гости
while I am away — пока меня не будет (букв. пока я отсутствую)
hurry up ['Ьлп 'Ар] — поторапливайся
4 to help her into the basket — чтобы помочь ей забраться в корзину
crack Ikrak]! — трах!

And for a long time 1 the people stood before the :e and talked about the kind and clever

Chapter Sixteen

Poor Dorothy cried and cried all the time. “Now I shall never get home to my Aunt Em and
e Henry," she said to her friends one day.2
“They were all in the Throne Room. The Scarecrow was now the ruler of the Emerald City,
so he sat on the big throne and his comrades stood re him.
“Dear Dorothy," - said the Scarecrow, "we all like this beautiful Emerald City. It is nice to
live here. Forget about your Kansas and we can be happy here together."
But I don't want to live here," - said Dorothy. I want to go to Kansas and live with Aunt Em
and Uncle Henry."
“But what can we do, how can we help you?" - asked the Woodman.
“ I must think about it," said the Scarecrow.

And he thought so hard 3 that pins began to stick of his brains. At last he said:
“Let us call the Green Soldier and ask him to help us."
So they called the Soldier.
'This little girl," the Scarecrow said to him, “wants to go back home to Kansas. How can she
do it?"
for a long time — ещё долго
one day — однажды
he thought so hard — он стал думать так напряженно

"Only Ozma 1 can help her," answered the Soldier.

"Who is Ozma?" asked the Scarecrow.
"Ozma is a very kind fairy. She is the Witch of the South. She is also the ruler of the Land
of Oz. I know she will help you," answered the Soldier.
"But how shall I find her?" asked Dorothy.
"You must go to the South," he answered. "It is easy to find her palace. But the way is full
of dangers,"2 said the Soldier, and with these words he left the room.
The Scarecrow thought very hard. Many pins fell out of his brains again.
"Well," said the Scarecrow, "the best thing for Dorothy is to go 3 to Ozma and ask her for
"Yes, I shall go to the Country of the South." said Dorothy. "I can't stay here."
"Then I shall go with Dorothy," said the Lion. "I am afraid of nothing on earth." *
"I shall also go with Dorothy," said the Tin Woodman. "I have a big, kind heart. It tells me
that I mustn't leave Dorothy."
"So, when shall we start?" asked the Scarecrow.
"Are you going too?" 5 they asked in surprise.
"Of course! I shall never leave Dorothy. How can I leave her?"
"Thank you, dear friends," said Dorothy. "You are all very kind to me. I want to start at
Ozma чит. ['эггпэ]
the way is full of dangers ['deind3az] — дорога полна опасностей
the best thing for Dorothy is to go — самое лучшее для Дороти — это пойти
I am afraid of nothing on earth. — Я ничего на свете не боюсь.
Are you going too? — Разве ты тоже идёшь?

"We shall start to-morrow morning," decided the Scarecrow. "So now let us all get ready. 1 It
11 be a long way."
Early next morning the Green Soldier unlocked sir eye-glasses and opened the gates for
them. Our friends started on their way.2
The sun shone brightly and they were happy again. Dorothy hoped to get home and her
friends re glad that they could help her.
Their way to the Country of the South was very long. They met with many dangers.3 They
walked through dark forests full of beasts. They went up big hills. Wicked giants tried to kill them.
But each time their friendship and love for one another 4 saved them.
At last they came to a rich and happy country. It was the Country of the South.
They saw green fields, beautiful rivers, small uses and gardens. They walked and walked for
a long time. At last they saw a very beautiful lace. Three young girl-soldiers stood before the gates.
One of them came up to Dorothy and said: “Where do you come from?5 What do you want here?"
"We must see Ozma, the Fairy, who rules the Land of Oz. Please take us to her."
"I must first ask Ozma about it." And the girl-soldier went into the palace. She came back
very quickly.
So now let us all get ready. — Итак, давайте готовиться в дopory.
started on their way — отправились в путь
They met with many dangers. — Много опасностей подстерегало их (букв. они встретились со многими
for one another — друг к другу
Where do you come from? — Откуда вы?

"Ozma asks you to come in," she said. They followed the girl-soldierl into a big room where
Ozma the Fairy sat on a throne of rubies.

Chapter Seventeen

She was very beautiful and very young. Her hair was red and long. Her dress was white. Her
eves were blue and they looked kindly at the little girl.
"What can I do for you, my child?" she asked.
Dorothy told the Fairy her story.
"Now," said Dorothy, "I want to get back to Kansas to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. They
think that something terrible happened to me and they are unhappy."
Ozma kissed the little girl.
"I hope”, she said, "that I can help you, my dear child. I can tell you how to get back to Kan-
"Can you really?" 2 - cried the girl.
"Your silver shoes will carry you home. I see that you did not know their magic."
"Oh! Now I see3 why the Wicked Witch of the West wanted so much to take them away
from me!" cried Dorothy. "But what must I do?"
' they followed the girl-soldier — они пошли за девушкой-часовым
Can you really? — Неужели и правда можете?
I see — я понимаю

"Turn on your heels three times and say aloud, I want to get back to Kansas!” That's all,"1
answered the Fairy.
"Oh, how easy it is!" cried Dorothy. "I want, very very much to go home but now I am glad
that I did not go home before," said the girl. "I found good friends. I saw many new and beautiful
countries. But you know, East or West, home is best. 2 Only before I go, I want to know what will
become of 3 my dear friends, the Lion, the Scare-iv and the Tin Woodman.. What will they do
without me?"
"Well," 4 said Ozma, "tell us, Scarecrow, what 1 become of you? What will you do without
"I shall go back to the Emerald City," said the Scarecrow. "Oz made me ruler and the people
e me."
Then Ozma asked the same question of the Tin Woodman and the Lion.
"We don't want to leave our friend, the Scarecrow," they answered. "We want to go back to
Emerald City, too."
"I am glad that you all like the Emerald City much," said Ozma. "From now on 6 it will be
the capital of the Land of Oz." "But shall I still be the ruler of the Emerald City?" asked the
that's all — вот и всё
East or West, home is best — английская поговорка: нет милей стороны, чем родина” (букв. “восток ли,
запад а дома лучше всего”)
what will become of — что станет с
well — ну что ж
from now on — с этих пор

"Of course. And you and your friends will live in the Emerald Palace”, - laughed Ozma.
"Dear Ozma," said Dorothy, "I know now that my friends will be happy. May I go back to
"Of course, my dear! Turn on your heels three times," answered Ozma. "Then order the
shoes to carry you home."
Dorothy cried out with joy, "I shall say good-bye to everybody and then I shall order my
shoes to carry me back to Kansas at once."
She put her arms around the Lion's neck and kissed him. Then she kissed the Tin Woodman
and the Scarecrow.
Dorothy was very sorry to leave her friends. She thanked Ozma for all her kindness. Ozma
kissed the girl and said: "Come again to the Emerald City, dear Dorothy. My birthday is a great
holiday in the Land of Oz. I shall be glad to see you on that day in my palace."
"Oh, Dorothy, you must come, you must cornel" cried the girl's friends.
"I shall." 1 answered Dorothy. She took Toto in her arms, turned on her heels three times and
said: "Take me home to Aunt Emi"
"Where am I?" said Dorothy. "Oh, this must be2 Uncle Henry's new farm house!"
Aunt Em was at the door of the house.
I shall == I shall come — я обязательно приеду
this must be — это. должно быть

'My darling child!"1 she cried and took the little girl in her arms.2 "Where do you come
“From the Land of Oz." - said Dorothy. "And here is Toto too.4 And oh. Aunt Emi I'm so
glad to be at home again!"
my darling child—деточка моя дорогая
took the little girl in her arms — заключила девочку в объятия
Where do you come from? — Откуда же ты явилась?
here is Toto too — а вот и Того

Part Two

Well, dear readers, now you know a lot about the Land of Oz and its capital — the Emerald
City. You know also that there are very many countries in the Land of Oz.
In one of these countries, the Munchkin Country (you remember this country, of course)
there lived an old man.2 His name was Bini Aru.
This man had a secret. He knew a magic word. This word could change you into an animal,
bird, flower, stone, and it could change you back 3 into your real form.
It was the simplest thing if you knew how to say the word. The word was "PYRZQXGL".
Can you, children, say it? I am afraid you can't. But Bini Aru knew how to say the magic word.
Every time that he went far from home and was hungry, he said: "I want to become a sheep:
Bini Aru чит. ['bini 'a:ru:]; Kiki Aru чит. ['kiki 'a:ru:]
there lived an old man — жил-был старик
it could change you back — оно могло вернуть вас снова

PYRZQXGL!" He became a sheep at once. ate and ate grass until he was not hungry any
longer.1 Then the sheep said: "I want to be Bini Aru again: PYRZQXGL!" and the magic word
changed the sheep back into an old man.
Bini Aru was afraid to forget the magic word. So he decided to write the word in some
secret e. That was a clever idea. But where could find a secret place? He thought and thought at last
he decided to find it in his house.
Bini Aru had a son. His name was Kiki. His father told him that he must not come into his
room. But Kiki was a wicked child. Once when father was not at home, Kiki opened the door on his
father's room and went in.
When Kiki came into the room he stumbled г one of the floor boards.2 He did not find thing
interesting 3 in his father's room. When went back to the door he stumbled again over same floor
'That's strange," thought Kiki. He looked at the board for a long time. "Is there anything
•resting 4 under the board?" Kiki took the board out, and saw some writing on the back of it. 5 The
writing was an instruction how to read and say the magic word "PYRZQXGL".
until he was not hungry any longer — пока он не наедался (букв. не был больше голодным)
stumbled over one of the floor boards — споткнулся дну из половиц
he did not find anything interesting — он не нашёл то интересного
Is there anything interesting...? — Нет ли чего-нибудь интересного...?
saw some writing on the back of it — увидел на обратной стороне её какую-то надпись

The magic word could change you Into a bird or an animal. If you repeated the word again it
could change you back into your real form: into a boy, girl, man or woman.
Now Kiki knew his father's secret. He took a piece of paper and made on it a copy of the
writing.1 Then he put the board back in its place.
"Father must not know that I have his secret," thought the wicked boy.
He went into the garden and sat under a tree. "I always wanted so much to go away from
this country and visit the big world." he thought. "Now I can change myself into a bird. Then I'll fly
and see the big world. At-last I can fly away from the Munchkin Country which I hate so much. But
first I must learn by heart 2 the magic word. If I forget3 the word I shall always be a bird."
So he studied the word for a long time.4 He repeated it a hundred times. "Now I shall not
forget it," he thought. "And I must hide the paper with the word."
He put it into a tin box. Then he put the tin box in a corner of the garden and hid it under a
big stone.
He decided to become a bird at once. So he stood in front of the house and said: "I want to
become a big, strong bird like a hawk: PYRZ-QXGL!" In a moment 5 he became a grey hawk
made on it a copy of the writing — переписал на неё эту надпись
learn by heart — выучить наизусть 8 if I forget — если я забуду
for a long time — долго
in a moment — в одно мгновение

Chapter Two

Slowly Kiki rose into the air and flew away to the new world.
Kiki flew and flew for a long time. He flew from one country to another and from one city
to another.
It was late now and Kiki was very tired. He decided to rest a little. From his tree he could
see big inn which looked very nice to him.
"What sort of food do hawks eat?"1 he thought. And where can I get it? Do hawks sleep in
trees? think a bed is better than a tree."
So he flew down to-the ground and said: "I want to become Kiki Aru again: PYRZQXQL!"
At once he became a boy. He went to the inn d he asked the inn-keeper to give him a good
supper and a bed.
"Have you any money?" asked the man. "If u have no money, you must go away at once."
Kiki had no money, so he could not stay at e inn.
The boy did not know what to do. He stood for long time in the yard of the inn. Suddenly
through an open window Kiki saw a big room with a table in the middle of it. There was a lot of
gold pieces on the table. An old man came up to the table d began to count the money.
"For one of these gold pieces I shall get supper d bed," thought Kiki.
So he changed himself into a crow, then he w through the open window, caught up one of

What sort of food do hawks eat? – Чем питаются ястребы?

the gold pieces in his beak1 and flew out again. The old man could not catch him, of course.
Kiki Aru flew to a tree and dropped the gold piece to the ground. Then again he changed
himself into a boy, picked up the money and put it in his pocket.
"You will be sorry for this!"2 - cried a small voice over his head.
Kiki looked up and saw a sparrow in the tree.
"Sorry for what?" he asked.
"Oh, I saw everything," said the sparrow. "You saw the gold through the window. Then you
changed yourself into a crow and stole the gold piece from the man. After that you flew here and
changed back into a boy. That's magic, and magic is wicked.3 And you stole the money, and to steal
is even more wicked than to make magic. You will be sorry some day."
"Well, I am wicked, and I am glad of it," - said Kiki. "I hate good people. I always wanted to
be wicked, but I didn't know how."
"Haw, haw, haw!" 4 laughed somebody behind him in a big voice.5 "Very good, my boy! I'm
glad I met you!"
The sparrow was frightened and flew away.
Do you want- to know who laughed behind Kiki?
You will find the answer if you turn the page.
caught up... in his beak—подхватил... клювом
You will be sorry for this! — Ты пожалеешь об этом!
magic is wicked — заниматься колдовством дурно
Haw, haw, haw! — Xa-xa-xal
in a big voice — громким голосом

Chapter Three

Kiki turned around and saw a strange old man. He had a fat body and very thin legs and
arms. He had a big round face. His white beard s very long. Kiki saw that the pockets of his clothes
were very big and full of something.
"Who are you?" - asked Kiki.
"I was once King in the Nome Country1 in the Land of Oz," said the old man. "But the Oz
peoplе kicked me out of my country. Now I have no home and I have to go from place to place."
"Why did they kick you out?" asked the boy.
"Well, in our time it happens very often," answered the King of Nomes. "People just come
and kick their kings out of their countries. I thought vas a very good King. But those bad Oz people
kicked me out. I don't want to speak about it. Let's talk about something nice. Who are you, boy?
And where do you live?"
"My name is Kiki Aru," - said the boy. "I lived the Munchkin Country in the Land of Oz.
Now I go from place to place like you."
The King looked at the boy for some time.
"Well," he said at last, "I know from the bird it you changed yourself into a crow and back
iin into your real form. Is that true?"
Kiki thought a little. "I am not afraid of that me King, I shall tell him the truth," he decided
at last.
"Yes," he said, "that is true."
I was once King in the Nome [noum] Country—когда-то был королём страны Номов

"Then you are a wizard!" said the King. "That's very good. I had some very good magic
tools myself. But my enemies, the Oz people, took them all away from me. And where are you
going now?" 1
"I am going into the inn, to get supper and bed," said Kiki.
"Have you the money for it?" asked the Nome.
"I have one gold piece."
"Which you stole," laughed the Nome. "Very good. And you are glad that you are wicked.
And where are you going now? — А теперь ты куда идёшь?

I like you, young man. I'll go to the inn with you”.

When they entered the inn, the inn-keeper looked at Kiki angrily, and said: "Why do you
come again? You have no money for your super.”
Kiki showed him the gold piece. Then the keeper turned to the Nome and said: "And how
about you? 1 Have you money?"
“I have something better than money," – answered the old man.
He took out a bag from one of his pockets and w a mass of jewels on the table. Both the inn-
keeper and Kiki 2 looked at the jewels in surprise.
Then the inn-keeper ran away to order a good supper for his rich guests.
“Where did you get so many jewels?" asked Kiki..
“Well, I shall tell you," - answered the Nome King. "When those wicked Oz people took my
kingdom away from me they said to me: 'Take as many jewels as you can carry3 and go away from
the country.' So I made a lot of pockets in my clothes filled them with jewels. It is very nice to have
jewels, you can get everything for them." 'Are they better than gold pieces?" asked the
'The smallest of these jewels is worth a hundred I pieces," 4 said the Nome.
And how about you? — А как у вас?
both the inn-keeper and Kiki — и хозяин гостиницы, и Кики
as many jewels as you can carry — столько драгоценностей, сколько сможешь унести
is worth a hundred gold pieces — стоит сотни золотых

"Oh, don't speak so loud," said Kiki with fear in his voice, and looked around.
After supper the Nome King said to Kiki:
"I hate all the Oz people. Most of all I hate Ozma, Dorothy and her friends, the Scarecrow,
the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion and the Wizard of Oz. I wanted to punish them. But I did not
know how. Now with your help, I think I know how to do it. Will you help me to conquer 1 the
Land of Oz? I shall give you a lot of jewels. You can take the biggest and finest of my diamonds,
rubies or emeralds."
"I don't want to tell him my secret," - thought the boy. And he said: "No."
"Then take all my jewels," said the Nome King.
"No, no, no," cried Kiki.
"Then," said the King angrily, "I shall tell the inn-keeper that you stole that gold piece."
Kiki laughed at these words.
"Oh," he said, "I am not afraid. I can change myself into a lion and eat him up. Or I shall
become a bird and fly away, and he will not catch me."
"Can you really do this?" asked the old man.
"Of course," answered Kiki. "I can change you into a tree or a stone in a moment, and leave
you here by the road."
The words frightened the wicked man. But he wanted so much to know Kiki's secret that he
said: "I'll tell you what I'll do. I shall make you King of Oz. Tell me your secret and help me to
conquer the Land of Oz. The Oz people are my enemies.
Will you help me to conquer ['kanka]...? — Хочешь помочь мне завоевать...?

I want to punish them. I'll change them into trees or stones. As soon as l I conquer the Oz people I'll
go away to my country and will never see me again. From that day on 2 you will be King of Oz."
"I'll think that over," 3 answered Kiki, "and now I don't want to speak about it any more." 4
as soon as — как только
from that day on — с того дня
I'll think that over — я это обдумаю
any more — больше

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