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The Wizard of Oz

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Theme of the Story

The cardinal theme of The Wizard of Oz is self-sufficiency. The theme is clearly shown

throughout the story. The main characters including Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Lion and the

Tin Man are relying on the wizard to provide solutions for their problems. The Scarecrow is in

need of a brain. He constantly solves arising issues in the group despite often claiming he is

stupid. When the Wicked Witch of the East sends bees after Dorothy and her friends, the

Scarecrow solves this plight by covering the group with a straw to avoid not being stung.

Representation of the Yellow Brick Road and Ruby Slippers

The Yellow Brick Road symbolizes the gold standard. This term refers to the use of gold as a

standard measure of value. If a state uses any of its money in gold, then it is using the gold

standard. The silver slippers of Dorothy represent the silver standard of time. The two elements

combine and end up in the same place in the end; The Emerald city. The silver slippers follow

the yellow brick road leading to Emerald city. There, the green color represents money. The

“ruby” slippers symbolize the little guy’s ability to succeed over strong forces. The stolen item

from the wicked witch is finally used to free the oppressed people of Oz. The ruby slippers have

greater powers than the silver shoes. They could unleash volts of electricity out to shock the

wicked witch of the west.

Purpose of the Movie Being Filmed in Black and White

The Wizard of Oz was filmed in black and white to present the “Over the Rainbow” effect. The

white and black parts were filmed on Sepia tone film, with a brownish tint to it. It was very

expensive to film color parts of a movie on a 3 strip Technicolor film. It was however done

correctly. The lack of color is used to represent the land’s bareness and Dorothy’s boredom. The

scene in Kansas is quite iconic.

Obstacles Faced and Their Meaning

The group’s requests were met apart from Dorothy’s because she was not able to defeat the witch

at that time. The Great Wizard had promised to fulfil their wishes if they defeated the witch.

Dorothy’s wish was to be able to return to Kansas which could not be met.

Dorothy and her friends, came across various challenges in their quest including, a roaring river,

rabid beasts, a deadly poppy field and giant ditches. These obstacles represent the challenges

they had to preserve and conquer in order to get what they truly desired.

Significance of Water Causing Death of the Wicked Witch

The wicked witch is successful in acquiring one silver shoe. She does this by tripping Dorothy

over an invisible bar. Dorothy fueled with anger throws a bucket of water to the wicked witch.

This makes the witch to melt away because the shoe possessed electric power. Traditionally,

water is considered to be antithetical to witches. The witch has no body fluid that is why the

water breaks down the weak adhesion of her body making her melt away. In conclusion, water

symbolizes life, while witches are the apotheosis of death and decay. Light eradicates darkness


Moral Lesson of the Story

The Wizard of Oz hits more on the social life by trying to bring out scenarios likely to happen in

our day to day lives. In one’s life. It points out specific behaviors and their consequences or their

goodness. One the lesson pointed out was the reason why home is the best place to be; this is

seen when Dorothy left her monochromatic world in Kansa and later found out that the only

place her heart would be peaceful was home. The Wizard of Oz also shows that goodness should

always outdo evil; Dorothy was able to get rid of the witch who was an enemy of the people.

Another moral lesson is that people should try and come up with ideas that can be resourceful

and helpful.

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