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File or Files can be referred to:

Archive -mo english language, file

File (Unix)
Philae (space probe)
Or yet:

Fillet - food

The file contains any words about this.

According to the dictionary of archival terminology (2004) "file and the set of
documents produced and accumulated by a collective, public or private entity,
person or family, regardless of the nature of the support." The word comes from the
Greek "archeion" which would be composed of two elements: ARKHAIOS, ancient and
EPO, disposed, be careful, and originated in Latin "archivum". The archive would
mean, therefore, the keeping of old things.

Throughout the ages, the archives have been found in the most diverse supports,
from cave walls, clay tablets, papyrus, paper and among others. Today the variety
of the supports is enormous, and in turn the contents inserted in these also have
become quite varied.

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