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BIOE 7280: Mechanics of Fibre and Polymer

Department of Biosystems Engineering

University of Manitoba

June 6, 2018 to July 25, 2018

Textbook: Physical properties of textile fibres, W.E. Morton and J.W.S. Hearle


- Fine structure (amorphous/crystallinity and so forth); - Zaman

- Durability (strength, elongation and so forth) – Md. Hosan


Total four assignments:

1. Introduction – 25 marks;
2. Methods used to measure structures/durability – 25 marks;
3. Process/methods to incorporate/improve fine structures/durability – 35 marks;
4. Conclusions and overall – 15 marks.

Assignment 1: Introduction

Major questions/sections:

- Definition/concept – for example, what is fine structures/durability?

- Different types of fine structures/durability;
- Importance of fine structures/durability in polymers/fibres;
- Different opinions about the concepts;


-Text book;

- research article – 10 articles;

Page limit – maximum 10 page;

12 points Time New Roman – double spaced;

Style: Canadian Biosystems Engineering

Due date: June 20th, 2018

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