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Information for BPOM Cosmetic

What we should HAVE :

1. BPOM should requet by the producer.

2. Producer should have business license ( UD or CV ) with complete document (IUI / TDP ect)
3. Akta should be established by the Ministry of Justice
4. Have production Area.
5. Person in charge of production (certified).
This one is you need to have a Pharmasi people who willing to work with you as a responsible for
the production of hi sugar.

What we Should prepare :

1. Floor Plan of the production area ( this is must be approve first before go to the next step)

2. Legalized copy of : IUI / TDP

3. Copy of KTP
4. Organization Chart
5. The statement of the board of directors / managers is not involved in violation of the laws and
regulations in the pharmaceutical field.
6. Copy of NPWP
7. List Recipies
8. SOP Production
9. SOP Checklist
10. List of : Lable , Size , package
11. Pas Foto Pemohon 4x6

12. Fill the application letter

and letter will send to :
1. Kepala Badan POM
2. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali
3. Kepala Balai Besar / Balai POM di Denpasar
4. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten di Badung
5. Kepala Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PTSP Provinsi Bali

When We got any respond letter from BPOM , all other document will process by BPOM but one,
We will get some letter and invoice and we should go to Jakarta, to Ministry of Health in Jakarta to pay
the invoice directly.

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