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Name: Ramírez Vargas Alan Yahir

Grade, Group and Specialty: 2° “C” Laboratory Clinic

Material: English 2

I was on my 4th birthday party, playing with a toy car, when from the nothing
it fell and I broke no head, my mom called to the hospital with my aunt, they
put docs on me, I was like that for two weeks, it left me an scar on the
forehead for that accident, I was like this for two weeks, my grandfather took
care of me in those days, I had to miss school while I was recovering, the
advantages were that I was playing and I did not do the homework, after two
weeks I went back to the hospital to see how my wound was and if they
could already remove the stitches, the doctor told me that I would be more
careful from now on, I returned home happy gauze on my forehead but I had
a scar, after that I had another accident in the same place and the story was

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