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A. Background
Speaking is one of the four skills that need to be mastered by everyone because by
speaking, one is able to convey meaning, express feeling, and give opinion. According to
Thornburry (2005:8), speaking is a speech production that becomes a part of daily
activities which involves interaction. It means that if one is able to communicate well,
she or he will be able to interact with the society, go to many places without having any
obstacles, work in any work field because speaking is the key to pass the interview test
and etc. Furthermore, O’Malley and Pierce (1996:11) stated that speaking seems to be an
important skill that a learner should acquire. It enables the students to communicate
effectively through oral language, because disability of the students to speak may result in
the inability to express their idea, even in a simple form of conversation. In line with
O’Malley, Pierce and Kayi (2006: 1) stated that the teaching of speaking is very
important part of second language learning because it is clearly and efficiently contributes
to the success of the learners in school and success in their life. Thus, it is essential for
language teachers to pay greater attention to the teaching of speaking.
Principally, the purpose of learning English as a foreign language is to be able to use
English for cummunication purposes. However, in SMK YOHANES XXIII, it is often
hard to meet this goal due to various problems, such as limited time allocated to English
class, too low entry level of students, the heavy load of the curriculum, and the
examination which leads the classroom teaching to meet the goal of the curriculum
regardless the students’ learning pace and proficiency level. This circumsantances lead
students to learn to pass the examination instead of to use the English for communication
purposes. In classroom teaching, teachers tend to put emphasis on reading and
grammatical structure to help their students pass the examination. Thus, speaking ability
is a little bit igonered. Besides, teachers are not familiar with techniques to help students
improve their speaking ability.
Since 2001, English debate competition was started for SMK students at national
level. To prepare SMK students to participate in the English debate competition at
national level, offices of education at provincial level conducts the similar competition at
provincial level, and at district level also did the same to select student representatives.
This English debate competition has become a tool to raise schools and teachers’
awareness of the importance of English speaking skills. Consequently, SMKs encourage

their teachers of English to train their students in English debate. Some SMKs provide
training for particular or selected students as an extracurricular activity to prepare these
students to participate in an English debate competition. In that case, only a few students
can improve their English speaking skill as the training is not provided to all students.
English debate should be considered as a technique of teaching English to help students
improve their speaking ability abbecause debate requires students to listen carefully to
their peers, to prepare arguments, and to deliver their ideas and arguments clearly and
effectively. Therefore, the writer believes debate as an effective way to improve
students’ speaking skills.
Based on this belief, the writer decided to carry out this research entitled “Improving
Students Speaking Skill through Debate Technique at Class XI.1 Accounting
Department Semester IV in SMK Yohanes XXIII Maumere in 2016/2017 Academic
B. Research Focus
This research focuses on the ues of debate as a technique in improving speaking skill
of students in the context of SMK Yohanes Maumere XXIII, particularly at Class XI.I
Accounting Department Semester IV in 2016/2017 Academic Year. The teacher takes this
technique based on the experience of the English teacher there. The researcher got
information from the teacher of eleventh grade said that the students in this grade had
difficulties in speaking. The teacher takes this problem because the students spend much
time in giving their ideas.
C. Objectives
Based on the research question before, the objective of the study is to know whether
debate can improve students’ speaking skill at class XI.1 accounting department of SMK
YOHANES XXIII MAUMERE in the 2016/2017 academic year.


A. Technique in teaching speaking

There are some techniques in teaching speaking. Dobson (1987) said that
there are some techniques for teaching speaking that can be applied in classroom
such as :
1) Dialogues
A short conversation between two people presented as a language model-the
dialogue-often receive top billing in the manipulative phase of language learning.
In repeating dialogue, the students practice pronunciation and memorization and it
can help the students develop fluency in English.
2) Small-group discussion
Small-group discussion is excellent way to give students opportunities to speak
3) Debate
Debate helps students speak more fluently and during a debate they can represent
their feelings on an issue.
4) Song
Singing is a popular activity throughout world and the students often delight in
learning English songs. In teaching an English songs, it can help students to
improving aural comprehension, group spirit is fostered through singing, singing
allows the students a chance to relax from the pressure of conversation, reinforce
the students’ interest in learning English.
5) Games
Language games can add fun and variety to conversation sessions if the
participants are fond of games. Games are especially refreshing after demanding
conversational activities such as debates or speeches. A game can help the students
to stimulus in additional conversation.
Furthermore, Haris (1969: 81-82) said that many ofclassroom speaking
activities which are currently used are:
1) Acting from script

This activity encourages students to act out scenes fromplays or their course books,
sometimes filming the result. Studentswill often act out dialogues they have written
themselves. Thisfrequently involves them in coming out to the front of the class.
2) Communication games
Speaking activities based on games are often a useful way ofgiving students
valuable practice, where younger learners areinvolved. Games based activities can
involve practice of oralstrategies such as describing, predicting, simplifying, and
askingfor feedback.
3) Discussion
One of the reasons that discussion fail is that students arereluctant to give an
opinion in front of the whole class, particularlyif they cannot think of anything to
say and are not confident of the
language they might use to say it. Many students feel extremelyexpose in
discussion situations.
4) Prepared talk
A popular kind of activity is the prepared talk wherestudents make a presentation
on a topic of their own choice.Students should speak from notes rather than from a
script.Prepared talks represent a defined and useful speaking genre, and ifproperly
organized, can be extremely interesting for both speakerand listener.
5) Questionnaires
Questionnaires are useful because by being pre planed theyensure that both
questioner and respondent have something to sayeach other. Depending on how
tightly design they are, they maywell encourage the natural use of certain receptive
language patternand thus be situated in the middle of our
communicationcontinuum. Students can design questionnaires on any topic that
isappropriate. As they do so the teacher can act as a resource,helping them in the
design process.
6) Simulation and role-play
Many students derive greet benefit from simulation and role-play.Students simulate
a real life encounter as if they were doingso in the real world. A simulation and
role-play can be used toencourage general oral fluency to train students for

7) Debate
Debate is an activity in which opposite points of view arepresented and argued.
Debate can present opportunities forstudents to engage in using extended chunks of
language for apurpose: to convincingly defend one side of an issue.All speaking
activities above encourage students to practicespeaking in classroom. Teacher
should choose appropriate activitiesabove based on the level of the students. Every
teaching and learningprocess can be enjoyable if teacher gives the appropriate
activity basedon students’ levels. Beside the process of transferring knowledge
canbe done easily.
From the both opinions above, the writer can conclude that, debate is an appropriate
technique to encourage students to practice speaking in classroom. Every teaching and
learning process can be enjoyable if teacher gives the appropriate activity basedon
students’ levels. It will make the process of transferring knowledge can be done easily.
B. Debate
1. The understanding of Debate
The using of debate is basically adopted from debate competition among the schools
in Sikka Regency. Debate ideas is well known arguing ideas between two opposite
sides. Debate demands students to be able to defend and explore their ideas so it
requires good ability to speak English well.
Halvorsen (2005) said that debate forces students to think about the multiple sides
of an issue and it also forces them to interact not just with the details of a given topic,
but also with one another.
Krieger (2007) said that debate is an excellent activity for language learning because
it engages students in a variety of cognitive and linguistic ways. The purpose of this
paper is to elaborate upon this point by providing a step-by-step guide that will give
teachers everything they need to know for conducting debate in an English class.
Based on the definition above the writer assumes that debate is more communicative
interaction that involves opposite point of view and builds up good self confident and
strong characteristics. Debate can be a presenting, arguing, and defending point of view
and evidence. In the form of debate it presents opportunities for students to engage and
use extended chunks of language for a purpose to convincingly defend one side of an
issue. Debate helps students to enrich their vocabulary through comprehending the
issues. In convincing their ideas, students need to present it fluently and grammatically
correct so people can strong believe and support their ideas. Besides that presenting the

ideas with clear pronunciation is also to deliver the message correctly. Debate helps
students to develop their personal oral production and teamwork ability. If people can
speak publicly and convey their ideas and thoughts coherently and passionately, people
will hold a valuable tool for their public, private and future life.
2. Some Terms in debate in the classroom.
According to Bellon (2007:4) some terms in debate in the classroom are:
1) Definition.
Debaters should “down to earth” or see the current issue happened in society.
Definition can be done in two ways; word by word definition or the global
definition. In fact, the word E-book is rarely heard’ thus we need to define it first.
Or anyway, when we heard motion, “that sex education must be socialized in the
school” what we need to do is giving the global meaning on it.
2) Theme line
To agree or disagree towards a motion, the reason must lie on a strong ground
that could cover the whole argumentation. Theme line is the underlying reason
which answers the big question “why” one side of the house supports or opposes a
motion. Theme line is what a team needs to proof, it is also the main reason why a
team attacks the opponent’s case.
3) Argument
A debate is like a battle of argument, in which each team stands on their
position, attacks the opposite and defends their own case. The praiseworthy jobs
can be done well by using critical and logical thinking. Argument is the fragment
of thought to support the theme line.
4) Rebuttal
To win a debate, debaters not only need to build a strong case but they also
have to attack their opponent’s arguments and provide strong defense from any
attacks. That is why, rebuttal is one of the key to get the crown of victory.
Basically, there are two kinds of rebuttal. Global rebuttal: it is an attack against the
main core of the opponent’s case, the theme line. Consequently, their case is
crumbling down. Detailed rebuttal: it is an attack towards each argument or
5) P.O.I ( Point of information)
Points of information are interruptions made by the speakers on the opposing
side of the debate to dispute what the current speaker is saying, or to pose a

challenging question. They are a central part of the debating format – ensuring that
arguments get exposed to the maximum level of scrutiny. To make a point of
information, a speaker simply calls out “Point of information!” directly to their
Speakers do not have to accept a point of information. If they wish to reject, they
should simply say “no thank you.” Otherwise they should say “go ahead” and
remain standing while hearing the point. For a lively debate we recommend that
speakers both make and accept points of information. Two or three per speech are
ideal. Points of information should be brief (20-30 seconds max) and, of course, to
the point. Time taken for points of information will be added (approximately) to
the speaker’s overall allowance.
6) Sum-up/closing
Closing is simply concluding what has been through. A nice summary is
preferable. Before start debating, debaters should know these parts of debate in
order to be a good debater. It also hoped that debate will run success.
3. Format and steps to run a debate.
Leuser (2013) said that the form of debate is varied in use. In speaking classroom,
debate can be taken such the following procedures:
Dividing students into some teams.
Selecting debate topic and assigning the two teams to debate the topic.
Ensuring that the participants have time beforehand to prepare for the arguments and to
collect supporting data to present during the debate

1) Presenting the topic and format of the debate.
Below is the format of debate by Leuser:
Figure 1: The layout of the process debate in the classroom.
(adapted from Leuser 2013)
Positive Team Negative Team




( it may represented by 1st or ( it may represented by 1st or 2nd
2nd speaker )
speaker )

Adjudicator Chairperson Time Keeper

Note : : Presenting argumentation and rebuttal

: Point of information( every speaker of both team can do POI)
: Conclusion ideas of first, second and third speaker is delivered by the
reply speech.
The orders of speaker’s shit in sequence are:
5 minutes position presentation – pro (1st speaker of positive team )
5 minutes rebuttal to 1st speaker of pro and presentation – con (1st speaker of negative team)
5 minutes rebuttal to 1st speaker of con and presentation – pro(2ndspeaker of positive team)
5 minutes rebuttal to 2nd speaker of pro and presentation- con (2nd speaker of negative team)
5 minutes rebuttal to 2nd speaker of con and support the first and second
Speaker by giving some more example – pro (3rd speaker of positive team
5 minutes rebuttal to 3rd speaker of pro and support the first and second speaker by giving
some more example – con (3rd speaker of negative team

2 minutes for replay speech from negative team
2minutes for replay speech from negative team
During the debating point of information is allowed after 1 minute presentation and it
has 15 second length. So, all the members of both teams should use their time wisely in doing
P.O.I (Point Of Information)


This part sets out to describe the stages of activities as part of implementation Debate
in the classroom action research. There are 3 main activities in research finding and
discussion. They are pre-test, sycle 1and sycle 2.
1. Pre Test
The result of pre test has been done before the CAR. It was conducted on Wednesday,
January 12th 2017. It started at 10 A.M to 11.30 A.M. The pre test used to measure the
students’ speaking skill.
The students’ low speaking skill was identified by low score in speaking (1.63).
The score was obtained from the average score of five aspects of speaking - pronounciation,
content, fluency, organization and grammar. The average score of pronunciation was 1.61,
the average score of content was 1.8, the average s core of fluency was 1.65, the average
score of organization was 1.68 and the average score of grammar was 1.42.

Table 1 : The Average Score of Speaking Aspects before the research

No Aspects Average Precentage Max.

Score Score
1. Pronounciation 1.61 32.2% 5
2. Content 1.81 36.2% 5
3. Fluency 1.65 33% 5
4. Organization 1.68 36.6% 5
5. Grammar 1.42 28.4% 5
Total 8.17 33.28% 25

Based on the fact that students had low speaking skill, it was recognized that the
student had problems in: (1) pronunciation; (2) content; (3) fluency; (4) organization; and (5)
grammar. The result of the pre test showed that just 2 students get 3 of five aspects and 29
students got 3 at some aspects and less than 2.

The following is the speaking skill before the research was carried out.

Table 2 : Students Speaking Skill in Pre – test

Number Percentages Level of Speaking Score
of Speaking
Students Ability
6 19.35% High Level ≥75 ( above 75)
6 19.35% Avergae Level 61-74
19 61.29% Low Level ≤ 60 ( Lower than 60)

The table above described that the researcher found there were only 6 students who
got mark more than minimum standard (75) and there were 6 students who got under
minimum standard. The rest students got under 60. The highest is 77.2 and the lowest one is
2. Cycle I
In this part, the researcher performed a set of activities which consisted of
planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Acting which included two meetings in
which each meeting consisted of opening the class, presentation, practice, production,
and closure.
Based on the observation done it was found out some results of the
research in sycle 1 , as follows:
(a) The improvement in speaking ability
Based on the result of the speaking assessment carried out at the last meeting
of cycle 1, it was found out that the students’ speaking skill improved. It was
recognized from the score got by students in the assessment of cycle 1. The students’
pronunciation improved. The average score of pronounciation was 2.26, the average
score of content was 2.32. The average score of fluency was 2.29. The average score
of organization was 2.35. The average score of grammar was 2

Table 3. The Average Score Cycle 1.

No Aspects Score Percentage Max. Score

1 Pronounciation 2.26 42.2% 5

2 Content 2.32 46.4% 5

3 Fluency 2.29 45.8% 5
4 Organization 2.35 47% 5
5 Grammar 2 40% 5

Total 11.22 25

Based on the fact that students had low speaking skill, it was recognized that
the student had problems in: (1) pronunciation; (2) fluency; and (3) grammar.
Grammar was a serius problem for almost students and made grammar was
in the lowest grade.
Table 4 : Students Speaking Ability in Cycle 1
Number Percentages Level of Speaking Score
of Speaking Ability
14 45.16% High Level ≥75 ( above 75)
12 38.71% Avergae Level 61-74
5 16.13% Low Level ≤ 60 ( Lower than
The table above described that the researcher found that there were
only 14 students who got mark more than minimum standard (75) and there
were 17 students who got under minimum standard.The average score is 69.97
the highest is 80.4 and the lowest one is 54. (See appendix 15)
Based on the fact that students had low speaking ability, it was recognized that
the student had problems in grammar. Almost students were diffcult to use the
proper grammar in making sentences.

(b) The progress on the students’ involvement in learning teaching
Most of the students involved actively in the activities since they had much
time to talk with their friends in team. They did a lot of activities which were
different from the previous semester. Most of students took part actively in
speaking in team. Many students realized that there were chances in their
speaking habit. Of course, it was very good for speaking class. Most students
practiced actively in speaking instead of keeping silent as they did during this
times. This situation much influenced the speaking ability they had. By having
some practices in the team with many friends are more relax interesting
situation, the students could participate in speaking activity.
They could speak English without being forced by other people. It was
recognized by students’ intensity in joining the activities in team. It was
admitted by the student with the data source SN 7994, as follows:
“Menurut saya pribadi, dengan menggunakan technique ini speaking saya
semakin okey, dimana kita dilatih untuk bisa mengungkapkan ide-ide secara
kreatif dan juga bisa melatih ketrampilan berpikir yang kritis, juga dapat
meningkatkan motivasi siswa dimana siswa bisa berargumentasi secara aktif
kemudian bisa menyagah pernyatan dari team musuh, disamping itu pula bisa
saling melengkapi dan sangat membantu dalam kerja team, dimana kita bisa
bertanya kepada team kita tentang apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum
tampil di depan kelas. Cara ini membuat saya lebih menyukai Bahasa Inggris,
khususnya speaking karena saya merasa wawasan saya bertambah.”(Monday,
January 23th2017)
“I personally thought that , by using this technique in speaking made me
more okay, where, we were trained to be able to express ideas creatively and
also can train critical thinking skills. Debate also increased student
motivation in deliverying their agruments actively andrebuted the statements
from opposant team. It trained the students to work together. where, we asked
to the members in team about whatever should be prepared before performing
in front of the class. This technique made me love with English, particularly in
speaking because I thought my knowledge increased.” (Monday, January

The statement above proved that debate was interesting and exciting
for students because Debate can increase the students’ motivation and make
them more confident to speak. Besides that there was progress, students’
involvement in speaking. They were more active, more confident ,more
relax and they could speak English without being forced by other people.
(c) To increase the students’ motivation.
Most of students had high motivation to speak since they had many friends in
team. They were more motivated to speak in speaking class when they have
friends to talk. Besides that, it could make them relax to speak. By having
many friends in the team, the students were able to explore the idea and
knowledge they had in speaking. Besides that they felt that there was a
competition in their team that made students felt challenged to practice. It was
recognize by the statement stated by student with the data source SN 8047, as
“Menurut saya dengan menggunakan technique debate motivasi saya lebih
meningkat bila dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, sebab dengan debate saya
bisa mengungkapkan pendapat secara leluasa dengan mengacu pada topic,
secara kebetulan topiknya sangat menarik, sehingga saya merasa percaya diri
tampil di depan team saya maupun team lawan, kemudian saya langsung
memberikan argumentasi dan sanggahan kepada pihak lawan. Speaking saya
semakin lancar dan membuat saya semakin termotivasi.”(Monday, January
23th 2017)
“I thought by using the debate technique my motivation was more increased
when compared with before, because with debate I expressed my opinion
freely with related to the topic given. Accidentally, the topic was very
interesting, so I felt confident to perform in front of my team and opponent
team. Then I immediately gave arguments and refutation to the opponent. My
speaking was fluently and made me more motivated.” (Monday, January
23th 2017
(d) The decrease on the psychological problems
Because of being with many friends in the group, the students could forget the
psychological problems they usually had when they wanted to speak. It was
admitted by many students who were not nervous and afraid any more to
speak. On the other hand, they were more confident and not nervous anymore

to speak because they were together with their friend. They were also felt that
there was a kind competition in team. It was recognized by a student with the
data source SN 8072 writing that:
“ Dengan menggunakan debat bahasa inggris saya semakin lancar dalam
berbicara, karna saya bisa belajar dari tim saya, lagi pula topiknya sangat
menarik untuk diperdebatkan kerena sesuai dengan masalah yang sedang
dialami oleh anak-anak, sehingga saya bersama tim saya mampu berbicara
banyak dan mampu menanggapi pernyataan dari tim lawan.”(Monday,
January 23th2017)
“By using debate my speaking more fluent, because I learned from my team,
besides that the topic was very interesting to debate because it was suitable
with the problems that being experienced by children. So, I and my team was
able to speak much and was able to rebut the statements of opposant team.”
(Monday, January 23th2017)
(e) The improvement on the social relationship
They become cleverer in having relation with other people. They did not only
speak and discuss with a friend, but they had many different friends to talk to
It was recognized from the students with the data source SN 8017 as follows:
“Dengan menggunakan teknik debate, saya bisa saling menukarkan pendapat
mengenai topic yang sedang diperdebatkan, sehingga saya dengan teman-
teman dalam tim saya bisa bersosialisai, saling kenal mengenal satu sama
lain. Dengan adanya hubungan yang intim kami bisa beradaptasi dengan
teman teman walaupun ada beberapa teman yang memiliki pandangan yang
berbeda, hendaknya perbedaan itu menjadi satu pelajaran agar bisa saling
hormat menghormati satu-sama lain, sehingga kita maju terus dalam
menggapai suatu cita-cita luhur.”(Monday, January 23th2017)
“By using debatetechniques, I could exchange opinions on topics that was
being debated, so that I with my teammates can socialize, get to know each
other. With an intimate relationship we could adapt to friends even though
there were some friends who have different views, should the difference be a
lesson in order to respect each other, so we moved forward in reaching noble
idea.”(Monday, January 23th2017)

This stage was aimed at examining the strength and the weaknesses of the first cycle.
The weaknesses then were used as the basis for making the recommendation which
would be used to make planning for cycle two. The organization of report in this
reflection included: (a) the strengths of developing speaking skill using Debate
Technique.; (b) the weaknesses of developing speaking skill using Debate Technique;
and (c) Recommendation.
a) The strengths
Based on the reflecting done in cycle 1, it was found out many strengths of the
research. They were:
(1) The students’ score increase in five aspects of speaking.
(2) The relationship between the students and the teacher become closer
as they often talked and discussed about the learning teaching process,
either during the lesson was done or after the lesson end. However it could
create good motivation to study and attend the speaking class.
(3) The support from collaborator was very good. The researcher always
discussed everything concerning with the learning teaching process,
not only before the research was carried out, but also after the
research was done.
(4) The atmosphere in the class was very good because the students got
something new. The students had to study in so different ways that
had never been got before that made them felt interested in it. That’s why
the students enjoyed the lesson.
(5) The students were more motivated to speak since they had many friends to
(6) The students were more active in speaking class. When the teacher
applied Debate Technique in speaking class.
(7) The students got new knowledge from both the teacher and the
other students in team.
(8) The students self confident could be increased
(9) By aplying the debate technique made the students more dillgent to search
the informations in internet regarding to the topic given.

b) The weaknesses
(1) The students still had poor pronunciation. It was recognized by
unappropriate pronunciation spoken by the students.
(2) The students still had problem in fluency.
(3) The students sometimes read at their note.
(4) The students still had problem in grammar. It was recognized by the
grammar used in speaking was not well arrange.
(5) The slow students ability still a little passive.
(6) The students still doubt to express their opinions and arguments.
c) Recommendation
Based on the weakness happen in cycle 1, it is recommended to do following
things in cycle 2:
(1) The students should be drilled pronunciation.
(2) The students’ grammar should be improved.
(3) The students’ fluency should be improved.
(4) The students should be given high motivation to support their spirit.
(5) The students should be supported not to be worry to make mistake.
3. Cycle II
Based on the reflection on the previous cycle, the researcher still has some problems
in implementing debate in speaking class; they are: (1) the students should be
drilled pronunciation; (2) the students’ grammar should be improved; (3) the
student‘ fluency should be improved. As the previous cycle, in cycle 2 the researcher
describes in details the process of teaching speaking using debate technique
including the four steps done – planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
1) Planning
Based on the recommendation in cycle 1, the researcher purposed a planning to
solve the problems and accommodate the possible aspects enabling the
development of the students speaking ability. To overcome the problems in
cycle 1, the researcher did a planning consisting of some steps: (1) make lesson
plans containing the learning teaching process in speaking using Debate in
cycle 2; (2) discuss and cooperate with collaborator in order to succeed the
learning teaching process using Debate and everything that would be done in
cycle 2; (3) prepare the instruments consisting of speaking assessment using
Debate, observation and interview.

Related with planning in cycle 2, the researcher planned: (1) drill
pronunciation to the students; (2) improve the students’ grammar; (3) improve
the students’ fluency; (4) The students should be given high motivation
to support their spirit; (5) The students should be supported not to be worry to
make mistake.

2) Acting
Acting was the implementation of these activities that have been made in the
planning. The stage of acting included 2 meetings for different materials
and the same motion as schedule below:
Table 12: Schedule of cycle 2
Meeting Day / Date Materials
1 Monday, February 5th2017 Social media is harmful
2. Monday, February 13th2017 Assessment on oral test
Social media is harmful

The meeting of cycle 2 was conducted on Monday, february 13th 2017. In this part,
the researcher only gave an evaluation orally. Oral test was given to know their
understanding about the material they had just learned before, their
pronunciation, their content, their organization, their fluency and their grammar
(structure). He gave each student five minutes to deliver their speech orally. There were
collaborator and 31 students in the class. In this part the researcher and
collaborator evaluated the students orally test. The activities only consisted of three
activities namely opening the class (warming up), main activity (debate activity) and
closure (ending the class). The following were the detail information:

(1) Opening the Class

Before going to the main activity, the researcher greeted the students and
collaborator first. Then he didn't forget to check their attendance one by one to
make sure that they had been complete. On that day, there were 31 students
present. Then, the researcher explained what they were going to do on that
occasion. He asked the students to pay attentation about the rule of doing debate.
The test was oral test and related with the topic given at the previous test.

In the oral test, the students were given time to prepare their arguments and they
might worked together with their team. The researcher asked the students to join
with the members of team that have been decided before. The motion was “This
house believe that Social Media is harmful.” The reseacher gave 20 minutes for
each team to do case buiding. In doing case building, the students were not
allowed to use dictionary or any kinds of communication devices. Each speaker
had five minutes maximally to deliver a speech or argument. The number of the
team was same with the previous sycle.
(2) Main Activity
After 20 minutes past the reseacher and collaborator asked the leader of each
team to come in front of the class to take lottery to know which team would
present first. It took time about 3 minutes. The result of lottery as folllow : the
first team got number 5. It meant that the first team would present at last session.
The second team got number 2. The third team got number 1. The fourth number
got number 3 and the fourth team got number 4. All students with their teams
were ready with the topic. In doing a debate the researcher and
collaborator prepared assessment. There were five indicators: content,
pronounciation, content, fluency, organization and grammar. They may get a
maximum of twenty five points on each of these five points and one
hundred points in all (the analytical scoring rubric of oral language
assessment Brown, 2004: 173).
The teacher explained about the rules of the Debate. There were 2 debating
teams consisting of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st, 2nd and 3rd
speakers of the team. One team was as affirmative side- the side agreeing
with the motion. The other team was as the opposition ( negative side- the side
disagreeing with the motion ). Each speaker delivered asubstantial speech of 5
(five) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either he
1st or 2rd speaker on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 2 (two) minutes in
duration, with the negative going first. The debate activity happened crowded
becauce each speaker of the two teams tried to depend their arguments and
delivered their ideas and took some facts to make sure the teacher and
collaborator believed with their ideas. Every student enjoyed the debate activity
quite much. It could be proved by the students paid attentation and gave applause
in the end of speech of participant.

When the students did the debate process, the teacher and collaborator gave
score to students, the score was individuals‘ score. After the assessment end, the
teacher did reflection with the students about the teaching learning process
(3) Closure
As they did before, the teacher thanked to the students for their attendance and
their participation to follow his lesson. He hoped so much that everything that they
had learned together could give some advantages for their English, so that
they could apply it in their real daily communication with others. Finally, he said
leave taking by saying” good bye”. Then the students responded him, and came to
close near him while shaking their hands and saying “thanks so much for
the lesson”.After the class end , informally the researcher interviewed the students
about the oral test by asking:” Bagimana pendapat anda tentang oral tes tadi?.”(
What was your opinion about the test?) Many students had similar answers about
it. A student with the data source SN 8138 stated;
“Menurut saya tes tadi tidak begitu sulit, saya tidak lagi takut untuk tampil
didepan, sebab gurunya melatih terus kekurangan kita baik yang kelima
aspek, walaupun ada sedikit kendala yaitu masih belum lancar bangat,
namun tadi pak guru dan ibu guru manggut manggut, itu berarti saya okey
dalam tes lisan, pokoknya saya mengharapkan jangan sampai pada saat ini
saja pak guru dan ibu guru melakukan seperti ini, kalau bisa terus sampai
tetesan darah penghabisan
“in my opinion, the test was not difficult, I coundn’t fear again to speak,
because the teacher trained our lack about five aspects in speaking, even I
have problem in speaking but i was happy because Mr.Rian and Mrs. Esty
seemed understand with me . I hoped this test is not for this time but it must be
continued for the next meeting.”( Monday, February 13th 2017).
Similar statement also stated by students with the data source SN 8077 as
“Menurut saya oral tes tadi caranya sangat menantang,, saya bersama
team memang sudah mempersiapkan jauh hari sebelumnya, tidak ada
yang saya ragukan karna ini merupakan tugas kelompok namun nilainya
sendiri. Dengan cara ini saya bisa belajar dari team saya sehingga
tidak ada kendala sama sekali, saya tidak takut salah, tidak grogi dan

tampil beda. Tes kali ini adalah luar biasa bagi saya mendapat kan
banyak pengalaman dan ilmu pegetahuan, mulai dari tidak bisa bicara
menjadi bisa bicara, terima kasih bapak Guru dan ibu Guru”. (Monday,
February 13th2017).
“ I think the oral test was very challenging, I was with the team had been
preparing far the previous day, no one doubt because this is a group task but
its own value. In this way I can learn from my team so there no constraint at
all. I was not afraid of wrong, not nervous and look different. This time the
test was great for me to get a lot of expericnces and knowledges, ranging from
not being able to talk to be able to speak, thakn you mister and mother
teacher.” ( Monday, February 13th 2017)
3) Observing
The stage of Observing was carry out in order to find out the effect of the action in
developing speaking ability using Debate . It was aimed to find out whether
Debate can develop speaking skill of the second year students of SMK YOHANES
XXIII MAUMERE or not. Besides that, it was aimed to find out how far the teaching
can make progress to learning process.
The technique used in observing was observation, questionnaire and interview.
The observation was carried out during the learning teaching process in speaking
using Debate. It was done by collaborator and the researcher in each meeting.
Since there were in cycle 2, the observation was done for two times-during the
first meeting and second meeting. The result of the observation was 87,5%. The data
is enclosed ( Appendix 3.b )
Questionnaire was also given to all students after cycle 1 finished-on
Monday, february 13th2017, all students were asked to answer the questionnaires given
by the researcher about learning teaching process using Debate. It was done for 10
minutes. The result of the questionnaire was as follows : The students who answered A
( very agree ) got the score 592 and the students who answered B ( Angree ) got the
score 164. Meanwhile, the students who answered C ( Disgree ) got the score 33 and
the students who answered D ( Very disagree ) got the score 0. The data is enclosed
(Appendix 17. b)
Out after each meeting finished and also after cycle 2 finished. The interview
was carried out by researcher to the students. The interview was done directly after
the class end by interviewing some students about the learning teaching

process. The interview was usually done for about 30 minutes. The researcher
did the interview for two times because two meetings in cycle 2-two times
interview after each meeting-exactly on Tuesday, February 14th2017, Wednesday,
February 16th2017 and interview after the end of cycle 2.
Based on the observation done it was found out some results of the research,
as follows:
(a) The improvement in speaking skill
Based on the result of the speaking assessment carried out at the last meeting
of cycle 2, it was found out that the students’ speaking ability improved. It
was recognized from the score got by students in the assessment of cycle 1.
The students’ pronunciation improved. The average score of pronounciation
was 3.23, the average score of content was 3.13. The average score of fluency
was 3.35. The average score of oragnization was 3.29. The average score of
grammar was 2.84 .The complete score can be seen in appendix 12.
Table 13: The Average Score Cycle 2.

No Aspects Avarage Percentage Max.

score Score

1 Pronounciation 3.23 64.6% 5

2 Content 3.13 62.6% 5

3 Fluency 3.35 67% 5
4 Organization 3.29 65.8% 5
5 Grammar 2.84 56.8% 5
Total 15.84 25

Based on the fact that students had improved their speaking skill but the
students had problems in grammar. Some students were diffcult to use the
proper grammar in making sentences. It could be proved by their grammar
score in the result of post test in sycle 2.

Table14: Students speaking ability in cycle 2
Number Percentages Level of Speaking Score
of Speaking
Students Ability
20 64.52% High Level ≥75 ( above 75)
11 35.48% Avergae Level 61-74
- - Low Level ≤ 60 ( Lower than
The table above described that the researcher found that there were 20 students
who got mark more than minimum standard (75) and there were 11 students
who got under minimum standard. The average score is 77.71 the highest is
92.5 and the lowest one is 65. See appendix 16.
(b) The improvement in speaking skill
The students speaking ability more increased after the teacher applied Debate
Technique in speaking. It was recognized from improvement on the students’
speaking aspects – content, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and fluency. The
researcher indentified it from the average score on those aspects.

Table 5: The Improvement of Speaking Aspects

Avarage score
No Aspects Pre- research Cycle 1 Cycle 2
1 Pronounciation 1.61 2.26 3.23

2 Content 1.81 2.32 3.13

3 Fluency 1.65 2.29 3.35
4 Organization 1.68 2.35 3.29
5 Grammar 1.42 2 2.84
Total 10.57 11.22 15.84
From the improvement on the speaking aspects, automatically the students
speaking achievement improves. The improvement on the speaking achievement can
be seen in the table 6, and graphic 1. The improvement of students’ speaking
achievement after applying Debate can be identified from the students’ speaking score
from cycle to cycle. The improvement of students speaking achievement is illustrated
on graph 1. The graph showed that the speaking achievement was increased

significantly from pre-test to post test or from cycle to cycle. The avarage score in
pre-test is 69.97, the avarage of score in cycle 1 is 69.97 and the avarage of scores in
cycle 2 is 77.71. The description of students’ speaking achievement can also be
identified through the mean score of pre-test, cycle 1 and cycle 2 as can be seen in
Table 16 and Graph 1 below:

Table : 6 Students’ Avarage Speaking Achievementfrom

Pre-test to post test of Cycle 2
Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2
60.51 69.97 77.71

Graphic 1: The Average of Students’ Speaking Score


80 77.71
60 60.51


Pre-Test Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1. The improvement in speaking ability proved that Debate Technique was really effective to
develop the students speaking skill.
There are many reasons that cooperative learning is entering the mainstream of
commucational practice. One is the extraordinary research base supporting the use of
cooperative learning to increase student achievement. As well as such other outcomes
as improved intergroup relation, acceptance of academically handicapped classmates,
and increased self –esteem. Cooperative learning has shown how these technique can
enhancestudents achievement, however, this research also has indentified many of
reason that cooperative learning enhance achievement and most importantly, the
elements of cooperative learning that must be place if it is to have a maximum effect on
achievement. That statement shows that Debate Technique is a really good technique to
be used to increase the students’ achievement.

2. The improvement on the students’ involvement in learning teaching
The students participate in learning teaching process very actively. It was recognized
from their involvement in speaking using Debate Technique. The students could be
more active in practicing their knowledge in speaking. In speaking using Debate
Technique, there are four or five students in a group which could make the students
more active to speak because they have opportunities to learn their speaking skill in
their group discussion.
3. The improvement on appreciation for diversity and development
tolerance for other viewpoints.
Debate Technique can build good relation not only among students but also among
collaborators. The relationship among the students becomes closer and better. The
students are also closer to the teacher even to collaborators. Moreover the teacher also
has better relationship with thestudents and also with collaborator. It caused by
cooperation have been doing- before, during, and after the learning teaching process.
Cooperation can create good team-work or appreciation for diversity and development
tolerance for other viewpoint.
4. The Increase on the Motivation and Interest.
Debate Technique can raise the students’ motivation and interest. In detail, Barkley, et
al (2005: 126) says:Debates can increase motivation, enhance research skills, promote
critical thinking, and develop communication proficiency. Debates expose the class to a
focused, in-depth, multiple-perspective analysis of issues. Because critical debates have
the added dimension of requiring students to assume a position opposite to their own,
they encourage students to challenge their existing assumptions. This can move
students beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen their understanding of an issue, and
help them to recognize the range of perspective inherent in complex topics. In this way,
critical debate may also build appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance for
otherviewpoints”. The statement above proves that Critical Debate Technique can
really increase the students’ interest and Motivation.
5. The Establishment on the Psychological Therapy
The fact that Debate Technique could decrease the students’ psychological
problem was not doubtful anymore. After joining speaking class using Critical Debate
Technique, the students did not have the psychological problems as they had the
previous semester, such as shy, less confident, afraid of making mistake, and afraid of

being laugh by friends. Critical Debate Technique could really reduce those
psychological problems well.
6. The improvement on students’ ability to promote critical thinking.
Debate Technique can promote critical thinking. In detail, Barkley, et al
(2005:126) says: Debates can increase motivation, enhance research skills, promote
critical thinking, and develop communication proficiency. Debates expose the class to
a focused, in-depth, multiple-perspective analysis of issues. Because critical debates
have the added dimension of requiring students to assume a position opposite to their
own, they encourage students to challenge their existing assumptions. This can move
students beyond simple dualistic thinking.
Finally, the researcher finds that the implementation of Debate Technique in
speaking course can develop the speaking ability of the second-year students of of
SMK YOHANES XXIII MAUMERE. However, during the implementation of
Debate in speaking course there were some strengths and weakness. The strengths
were as follows: (1) the relationship between the teacher and students was closer; (2)
the support from collaborator was very good; (3) the atmosphere in the classroom was
very good; (4) the students were more motivated to speak; (5) the students were more
active; (6) the students could help each other; (7) the students could gain new
knowledge; (8) the students could have better interaction.
While the weaknesses were as follows: (1) the students still had poor pronunciation;
(2) the students still had problem in understanding or missunderstanding; (3) the
students still had bad grammar; (4) the students had less fluency; (5) the students still
have problem in proposition; (6) there were some empirical weaknesses – there were
dominating students, the class was noisy, Debate took longer time selecting a
controversial topic in the field with two identifiable, arguable, and opposing sides that
are appropriate to debate.
Although there were some strengths and weakness, in general the implementation
of Debate in speaking course was effective since the students’ speaking improves. In
other words, Debate Technique can develop the speaking ability of the eleventh grade
of SMK YOHANES XXIII MAUMERE during the learning teaching process, the
students were very active.

A. Conclusion
Based on the findings of improving students’ speaking skill through Debate in this
research, the major conclusion can be stated that the implementation of Debate has
many advantages to help students improve their speaking ability and encourage
them to be more active in the speaking class. Based on the result of the research
above, it can be concluded that; 1) Debate can improve students’ speaking ability;
2) Debate can increase the students ‘involvement in learning teaching process,
and 3) Debate can improve on appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance
for other viewpoints; 4) Debate can raise motivation and interest; 5) Debate
build the establishment on the psychological therapy; 6) Debate can promote the
students’ critical thinking.
1. Debate can improve Students’ speaking skill.
Debate can improve Students’ speaking Ability. It was proved from the
improvement of speaking score obtained by students. The speaking score
increases in every cycle. Speaking score in cycle 1 was better than before
Debate was carry out. The speaking in cycle 2 was better than cycle 1. It will be
also much better in the next sycle. Debate can improve Students’ speaking score
in some aspects. The improvement on speaking ability can be recognized from
the improvement on the students’ pronunciation, grammar, content, vocabuary,
and fluency. That improvement automatically improves the speaking ability of the
students which are reflected in their speaking ability. The average score of
those aspects also show good improvement. Every score of pronunciation in
cycle 1 was better than in pre-research. The pronunciation in cycle 2 was better
than in cycle1. The average score of content, organization, grammar and fluency also
show good improvement in each cycle.
2. Debate can increase the students ‘involvement in learning teaching
Most of the students become very active in speaking class. The students involve in
the activities actively. The students have much time to talk with their friends
in the team. The students also take a part actively to speak with their team. Debate
in the class can make the students participate in speaking freely since they are free to
express the idea they have in their team without being afraid and shy. Besides that,

the students can practice speaking without being force by teacher. So the
researcher concludes that Debate can increase the students’ intensity in joining the
3. Debate can improve on appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance for other view
The students are becoming closer because they often work and do the task
together in team. They often talk and ask each other to finish their assignment. The
relationship between students and teacher also better since the teacher alwaystalk and
contact the students to get the data, either during or after the learning teaching
process. That condition makes the students close to the teacher. The teacher always
discuss and cooperate with the collaborator before, during, and after the learning
teaching process in order to build the appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance
for other viewpoints. The students who always meet the researcher and
collaborator for 2 months, of course the students can know each other and build
good relation among them. So, it can be concluded that debate improves
appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance for other view points.
4. Debate can raise motivation and interest.
In speaking using Debate, the students were encouraged to be active
since they have to work in small group. Being with friends motivate them to
speak actively. The teacher is as a facilitator who always motivates them to speak.
The teacher always monitors the class every time the students work in group.
Of course, it encourages the students to be more and more in speaking.
5. Debate builds the establishment on the psychological therapy.
Psychological therapy made the students was shy, less confident, nervous, and
passive. They were afraid of being laughed by their friends, and afraid of making
mistakes. Those psychological problems also made the students got difficulties in
speaking. After attending Debate class, the students can release these problems.
Debate can behave the students to speak actively in the class. Besides, the students do
not feel nervous, afraid, or even less confident because they always have friends to
talk with. That’s why it can be realized that Debate can build the establishment on
psychological therapy.
6. Debate can promote the students’ critical thinking.
By applying Debate the students were trained to be good in critical thinking;
they had some reasons in giving good argumentation and rebuttal. The students had

to be able to find the best solution in delivering a speech, conveying
argumentations and defending their ideas. By debating the students were trained to
think fast and give logical ideas.
B. Suggestion
In English language teaching and learning at school, the teacher must create
enjoyable, fun and interesting situation as possible as the teacher can. The enjoyment
ought to be the foremost aims which hopefully will have good effects on the education,
because what they dislike, they drop as soon as possible. In other word, the teacher
should make learning enjoyable because students love to play and learn best when
they are enjoying themselves.
This research has found out the description about English language teaching
learning at SMK.YOHANES XXIII MAUMERE in term of teaching technique.
Teaching speaking using debate technique can motivate students to practice
speaking more, and it improves student’s speaking skill. The researcher suggests
the teacher uses this technique because it encourages students to speak in speaking
Finally, the teacher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect, because
of that; constructive critics and advice are really expected for the perfection of the
writing. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for all of us.


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