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Name: Bobocescu Elena-Carmen Time of Lessson: From 10 to 10:50

Date: 24th of October 2016 Grade: 8th
Class: VIII A Textbook: Acces 4
No. of Students: Around 30 Unit: 2
School: Mihai Botez Lesson: 4

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Use appropriate verbal forms and expressions to talk about past experiences and
past habits
2. To read a text for detailed information
Aids: Blackboard, chalk, handouts, notebooks, textbook.

Teaching Techniques: dialogue, conversation, answering questions, explanation,

individual/group work activities.

ACTIVITY 1 (warm-up activity)

Aim: To get the student’s attention, to accommodate them with the environment of the
To have students talk about different activities they did at the weekend
1. The teacher organizes pupils into groups of 4
2. The teacher encourages students to talk with their colleagues about how they spent their last
3. The teacher monitors the discussion, makes sure they don’t talk about something else
4. The teacher tells the pupils to take turns and ask each other about different activities they did
last weekend

Interraction: T-st; st-st

Timing: 5’
Aim: 1. To revise and practice Past Tense Simple

1. The teacher asks the pupils to remember the forms, spelling and pronunciation of
English verbs in the Past Tense Simple (affirmative/negative/interrogative forms,
regular and irregular verbs)
2. The teacher writes the verb forms on the blackboard with the aid of the pupils
3. The teacher asks the pupils to do the exercises on handouts by using the appropriate
verb forms
4. Pupils fill in the gaps with verbs in the past tense simple.
5. The teacher checks the answers with the class and allows pupils to correct themselves

Interraction: T-st; st-st.

Timing: 10’


Aim. To introduce Used to/Would and point out the difference in meaning between
the three ways of referring to past experiences
1. The teacher puts the pupils into pairs
2. The teacher has the pupils ask each other about different things they used to do in the
past but they no longer do at present
3. The teacher monitors the activity and corrects the pupils if necessary
4. The teacher writes the three verbal forms on the blackboard and draws attention to the
difference between them

Interraction: t-st; st-st

Timing: 10’

Aim. To practice the newly-taught verbal structures
1. The teacher asks the pupils to do the exercises on the handouts by using the correct
form of the verbs and the correct verbal structures
2. The pupils give individual answers
3. The teacher checks the answers with the whole class, letting the pupils correct
themselves/their colleagues.
Interraction: t-st
Timing: 5’
ACTIVITY 5 Pre-Reading
Aim: to activate the pupils background knowledge about children’s stories/tales
1. The teacher reminds the pupils that past tense is a verb form used in tales and stories
asks the students about their favourite stories.
2. The teacher asks the pupils to give reasons for their choice
3. Students provide answers of their own, motivating their choice

Interraction: t-st
Timing: 5’

ACTIVITY 6 (Intensive reading)

Aim: to develop the skill of reading for detailed understanding of the text (evaluation is
done by asking Comprehension Questions)
1. The teacher asks the pupils to read the text silently and explains/ translates any unknown
2. The teacher asks the pupils to choose the right answer in the Reading comprehension
exercise and allows them to correct themselves/their colleagues
3. The teacher elicits answers from the pupils about the story, encourages them to draw their
own conclusion.

Interraction: t-st
Timing: 10’

ACTIVITYN 7: Feedback and homework

Aim: Giving assignment and evaluating the lesson
Teacher gives pupils feedback on their activity, by pointing out the most active students and
evaluating overall performance

Teacher assigns homework (15-20’ homework – write about a significant past experience using
Past Tense/Used to/Would).
Pupils ask questions in case there are aspects that need to be clarified.

Interraction: t-st
Timing: 2-3’

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