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Emerging Technology in Schools

Julie Guerrero

Professor Blake



Technology is everywhere from cell phones to televisions almost everything can connect via Wi-

Fi. Since technology seems to be appearing everywhere, we should all be expecting school

districts across the nation to increase the amount of technology being used in their schools.

Keeping children engaged with technology will keep the child up to date with 21st century

technology. We will be reviewing cloud computing, mobile learning, tablet computing and how

they have been added into the everyday lives of children at school. After reading this you should

be able to identify: how certain parts of technology has been integrated at different grade levels;

how technology impacts teaching and learning processes; how the technology works and benefits

the classrooms. Since districts have been adding technology to the classrooms there have been

many struggles but by having technology available to all students across America would help

them in the future. Learning with devices and programs that most likely will be incorporated in

their careers.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Mobile Learning, Tablet Computing


Emerging Technology in Schools

Technology seems to be everywhere now a days, our T.V’s are able to connect to Wi-Fi,

we are able to share documents with others by sending them a quick link, and even our

thermostats at home can be connected to our phones. Technology has made major advancements

and it has even made it into our schools. Teachers are able to take advantage of many different

technologies and use them as part of their daily lessons. As taking a closer look into schools

around the nation, there are a few technologies that seemed to stand out. Tablet computing,

mobile learning, and cloud are just a few of the many technologies available. These technologies

are very beneficial in schools.

Tablet Computing

There are many different beneficial technologies available to use in the classrooms. One

example of these technologies is tablet computing. Tablet computing is where each student in a

class or school receives a tablet. A tablet is basically a portable version of a computer. It is one

piece of equipment that’s screen is touch responsive. It uses apps to run programs. Each tablet

can be customized to each child’s unique needs, the screens can be zoomed in on to focus on one

particular area. These tablets are used throughout the day for many different reasons. Depending

on if the child is five or eighteen depends on how they are being used in class. (Katzan)

Pre-schoolers use tablets that are specially made, they are inside of a special case that

makes them harder to be broken. Pre-schools have been adding tablet use, they are trying to get

parents and kids using the same technology so the parents are involved and engage their children

in the learning process. School districts goals are to have the parents involved with their children

to benefit the classroom. (Berdik)


Kindergarten through fifth grade are using tablets slightly different but with the same

concept. Some elementary schools across the nation are not on the one tablet to one student ratio.

In these schools, teachers have been using tablets to help special needs and ELL learners. Tablets

help by having special apps that will assist the child in learning the daily lesson. Teachers have

the ability to use sight-word apps for children to explain what they want to know. This also

benefits the classroom so children who are not able to communicate with the class are able to

participate in group activities. (Noonoo)

Grades six through twelve are using tablets for much more of their class work and

homework. In many cases students are assigned all of their homework though the tablets.

Students may even complete homework and small quizzes at home on their school tablets. Many

schools who are using tablet computing give out IPads to the children at the beginning of the

school year and they are to be returned at the end of the year. The parents have to go in and sign

paperwork that they are responsible for the tablets throughout the year. (CCSD)These tablets

become a major part of the students learning strategies. The students are able to access email,

their individual grades, communicate with other classmates, and do their class work on the

tablets. (Duffy)

Mobile Technology

Mobile technology is very similar to tablet computing. The only major difference is that

children are able to bring in their own devices. Mobile technology is typically a child brings in

his own phone or tablet and uses certain apps while in class or at home to keep up with the

lesson. Some classes are using e-readers which is a device that allows the child to download a

digital copy of a book and read it on the go.


When a teacher would like to implement using mobile technology there are some steps to

take first. Check with the students if they have unlimited texting, if they have access to data or a

Wi-Fi connection so they can complete tasks at home. Many schools have added a social

networking component to their schools programs. Studies have been done in North Carolina that

show a positive outcome in the classrooms using mobile devices. Adding mobile technology to

the classrooms has been showing that kids are improving their responsibilities. It is also showing

that students are more active in class as both leaders and peers. Mobile learning is allowing for

kids to contribute to discussions and helping each other learn. (Robledo)

E-readers have become a very popular source for text books and more. Some of the

reasons teachers are using e-readers for classrooms is because the book is never out of stock and

there is no waiting time to receive the book in the mail. Teachers also can tie in multi-media and

enrich the classroom. Since the e-books have a text to speech feature, they are easily used in

elementary schools. Having an e-book also allows for students to have all of their text books

available in one single light-weight device. (Are E-books)

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing works directly with mobile and tablet technology. The cloud is where

all the information is stored for use in the classroom. The cloud allows for storage of the text

books, lower costs in hardware, and the abilities to reach out to more diverse students. Now

teachers can use the cloud to get the most up-to-date learning materials. Textbooks are expensive

so in many situations, schools use the same old text books for a long time. Cloud based materials

are typically easier to update and keep kids up to date with the most recent information. Cloud

also helps with lower prices for digital downloads of books. The cloud can be used at any grade

level, it basically stores information to be used by those given access to it. This also helps to

allow work to be done online outside of the classroom. With the reduction of costs for books the

schools can spend more money towards the technology itself. Most children are somewhat aware

of how to use “apps” and that is primarily how the cloud works. (Bhatia)

Emerging technology is taking over our everyday lives. It is very important for schools to

incorporate this into their lessons because as the students grow up it is crucially they know how

to use it to access their career of choice. Technology is changing very rapidly and is constantly

improving, schools need to stay in touch with this technology. Tablet computing, mobile

learning, and cloud computing are just a few of the many different options available for schools

to use. Most of these technologies are easily implemented and for the most part the cost is able to

help schools save money. Using apps and portable devices is the way of the future. We need to

use it as much as we can.



Judy Lever-Duffy, Jean Duffy. (n.d.). Teaching and Learning with Technology. Person.

Noonoo, S. (14, August 25). How 5 Inspiring Tablet Classrooms Are Changing Education.

Retrieved May 04, 2016, from


Berdik, C. (2015, July 23). Teaching preschoolers to use computers - along with their parents -

The Hechinger Report. Retrieved May 04, 2016, from


Robledo, S. (n.d.). Mobile Device for Learning What You Need to Know. Retrieved from

Katzan, H. (2015). Principles of tablet computing for educators. Contemporary Issues in

Education Research (Online), 8(1), 7. Retrieved from


Bhatia, S. (2014, December 3). 5 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing Is Changing Education.

Retrieved May 04, 2016, from


Are e-books Ready for Your Classroom? (n.d.). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

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