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The helicis major is a narrow vertical band situated upon the anterior margin of the helix.

It arises
below, from the spina helicis, and is inserted into the anterior border of the helix, just where it is
about to curve backward.

Nerve Supply

The temporal branch of the facial nerve supplies the muscle. The sensory innervation of the
auricle is supplied by: the great auricular nerve (from the cervical plexus), the auricular branch of
the vagus nerve, the auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular nerve and the lesser occipital
nerve (from the cervical plexus).


The arteries of the auricle are the posterior auricular from the external carotid, the anterior
auricular from the superficial temporal, and a branch from the occipital artery.


This muscle is one of the intrinsic auricular muscles, which connect one part of the auricle to
another. In conjunction with the other intrinsic muscles, it modifies the auricular shape minimally.

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