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DI~EcrllRI llF ~ ~.."
SWAl AlDCmTI!tA€atl..
hrt· ~, Bir, SWAt _ ~AJAUl.

3. Ml!)UL .TAX.AT. QAlIf. Kh$ll Khcl of ~ ~

S~at. One of tlw l~ Khatm of the ~ .n:K. J$.
IJaluoMl! Khan. Is a KurJri Nlt'Ihin and!\' "<wf 1100wl

~ ~UL ~ w:J'I'AW. ~ Khlll of ~ (If h

~Um .n
Mobioo!Wt Kh\m. A ~\1!l = .
bis eliortoJ to get the Jandol ~l1d :M~lmmd trih!!>~ to hdp
h\im, and turned to the N:l>wah (If .oit'; in" l:l>H~l." I\.l~" W*,ll'
unable "to do \\nything and Ahdd Matin Kh;m b~~'ll\~ ~
p<!nsioner, dependent upon th", Nawah. ill Au,.~~t1917
" he, succeeded by a CO{TPE·DE·~LUN i.i:I =upyiug the
fott of Tor in Jandul on oohalf of the N~_h, whicb.
la~ely CGntribnted t" the ()oIllW<*§ "f Sandul hy tlw
Nawah. Eq,rly in 1918, bow",ver, it" m.,d<e \\ ."'ri(" ..~ ~t·
tempt to seize Barna from the Nawab but WlIJij dd~t.ld
and ',taken prisoner. He wa..~ rel<lil.,.<t<ld Inlt th<su~ f<)~ltd
he ~ecame a fm:midable enemy to the NI<",&h .,nn """~
relaJled his effod4 to make himself =d<>r of th" whd~
of J~ndul. In Hl19 he 1~t'Hi\.'<.1 tQ Kahul und fmm
,there"", announ~d ~li~ intention of advancing on It%j~"r.
In .t\\lgust of that year he eff<1et",1 "" "ntry into Bar,~''''
and f\)r a time dominated UP1",r Jand",!. In S"p!<>snh<lr,
howev~r, the Nawah'. r~;shkars aU""kt0 l1nl."w" alld, .. ft<:,r
despen\t" fighting, su)rmed the ,tro"glwld A!ld captu",,>d
Abdul \ M.tin Khan, who, from th",t t.i",~ onw•• """, "r<'-
mained\ in Di.. as a PolitiC<\l pri1lO!ler, hut WM !SOOn di~r
release~ and turned .out 01 th" Nnwab'" t"rrit.Q~y. On
the de~h of the late Ni>Wllb rlad&hth Khim, he wm;.
deputed \ by Khan Bahi,d",. Sh&ry. Jd,,,,, Kh"," to mbl ~
conting"T\t of Ba.jaurw inod {h~&tii"$ld Khan wb<}
8llPired ~o the Nawahi. Thl~, 'A.Mul }I,f"tin K1:"", did
with suc~su~ that hE hmt sig!).t of ffillln Seh"n Km<.\'w
interest. nd ut.t.a':k,ed Kamhut,' Fort in the hj}l>"~ o! "l,
gaining hI patrimony. lIe was. h~)Wt:Vt:!' ~ ~~Yf':N::ty cl~f~Rt"
ed and h s cominger.t di.pel-""d, H" lWW h",,~ quie~ ly
in a villa near Chutiatan, which h~~ ht~?l gh:en t{l him.
by the '''''tb. W"" ;l>l·~.t.ed hy t.b, Nnwah i.l%
September 935 on suspicion of being imp!i""h'<1 in th<l
attMk On nduI by Ahmzeb Khan and i~ still aet."'"ed.

~ DDUL ~\rn ~. Of Khw,."h", IDsda in Sw"-L

One of the Wilrs most inmt.ffi offidllls. In 19'25 led th~
Wall's forces \ su~'<:rl'ully a~iS1~t ~"hr Rh"" <~r
Thakot, 15 at pre;;*nt. H,,"-im of }I,f""d;o with hiJS hea,i.
quarters ",t, T()~1i in Khudu KheL

11. Amnn. ~~\~. U:=.U... known M1 too
F&qir or IM.>& ~b.ih cl Spa1l.!Waroo :G llnck "r the
l?~.."'t MuU", of M:imki."'itlll\ a hig langerlWans m·'
hw wl~ ~d hM )l. oons:uMffible following ~. t.lw
Utman Khels and in BWI~ fumi~i ~d ~~~i~.i; EiS
0'""'" J.>rop;>rly in B. T .l<nd has diss~ wit-l:! dus T&ugi
Khans while not opeuly espo~g: the C#fiSe m' {Mvm:n·
ment. iJJ e&refu\ to 3\"oid oifending it, l%h&ved wd! ill
1930 and refused to allow his vil~ to 00 ~ t1y thiS
h06tile wllkar. In r",hruery' 193& his houi!$ w~ mded
by a gang of d&wits who carried off much ~ri.y ~d
wounded a daughter of the Faqir (~ $Iw No. 118 t,,1w'1'
Who in the Peshawar Di..%!'iet).

:14. "llI7!. . ~~ D&~. Of Cbnrom in ~. ffi&t$.

An important IDalik drawing an alloWlmoo of IW, 300 pm'
annum from the
, Stat.,.

, :It.. "tHY!. WADtmr...lI!t.B.JllAll.;;" ~t'::JIIl~~,

Wali of Swat--'l'ue gl
representative of the frunHy of tU<l Akhmtd of &~$, 'rh",
Akhund died in 1877 leaving two wms AWn! EruJ.~ ~
, Ahdul Khaliq. These died in moo &nd 1002 ~]lWti'l'e!y>
each leaving two rons Gl1bh:>h~ W!I£! t.he wn of thll
latter. He murdjl",,<! his two OOumSl~ &slli thjlll. 1Si~ to
quarrel with his younger brothe!' Sh'rin. 't1l1l eket-loo cl
Sayad Abdul J",hbar Shab as KinJ!: of g""",t;n 1911)
brought about a reconcili&tion ~twoon th<ltn. &s.)~
Abdul JabbaI' Shah was hO",jlv"r, too 1Siroug f\'lr t.!Ws:n;
he succeeded in ~mbl,ishillg >ID iSS<:~Sldelwy ~ (lVet' t~1.
,and subsequently drove them out (If Upp"r S~ $,\-
together. The two brothers th,,~..,\!poo j<)inlSd t-l:!~ Wl!>wab
of Dir, and were with him iu &tWm~ t<> ~Wl'
Swat ill 1916. In W1T "u mMfu,rtali:ing W$JI e.{T~~
betwO!(m ,them &lId Savad AMu\ JlS>i:il:mr 8lmh, lS!Ui f,fu;,
Mianguh; left the N'sw ..h W €ut<lretf ;"'w &l1iiru:.s with
the ~t of SWilt, MmnguJ Gulsniltlz.'Ul$ was nu:>hl~ W
remain long in %>fi~letlt with S&yad Annul J~ hh,
and I!O()n stlS>.1:<ld ..n intrigue to get. rid of him, 1", tails
he was su.x=f"l ""d in S"pt.,ml",f 1{l17 Uw S~ clSl.'!1$
. dismissed Sa~d AMul Jabbar ShiSb aUd g&...'" their ill".
gian"", t{) Mm'lgul nukh&h.-w.da. In 1916 MiSl.'%1111 !:lh$Sfm
Bad"Mh "'". killed whi1" i%ghting ~illrt t.lw N'!I;W&h. of
DiI'. ID 1919 !filsugul Gul:s..'m'W=<'l& d.-,t~t.ed the W"wab
of 1)jy ""d' oceup',!d Adh.zai. III 1922 he W'&$ in~'ii hy·
poliW.""l p~un' tA> S'L'1'i<ml Adiu-w.l t<> the N",~"&h ru.,d $.
~~ _ $ fixed hy ('.o~,.,mm"ut .~tw~n the &£i~
:.of Dir ~d Swat. '1'lw Mhmgul t~ =npied E=, aM
",Ilt.&blished rwe oVllr pan of Swat .Kohilst~~):Id th~-,
country . lying ootween the Swat valley and Indli$,. lill
May 1926 he was fOlmally .recogniood by t.h", Q,oV&lun;(lSlt..
of India. as Ruler or WaJi of Swat at 11> DI!.l'OOr ~ ~hll!.
held by the Chief<)n"t" A !wIll>!.l a~!ll>ent.
was drawn up, by which- he lllld~ook t<) M f~ndJ:y,t(l>·.
Government and to observe C<!l'taill ooundl!.ri<m in ~tt!l."n
for an annual al1ow®oo of fu. lO,OO(L Ifu plI~!§§§~$ &Ti.
Land in Swat Ranizai, Sam Raniwl; M~tnJ.,.~, Tail.#l iWU "
Adinzai. He was made ,. ~.n.E.; on let JlI.mtlU'\Y lR,~. "
In May 1933 his son Jah&!l.~h wa$ !""-'<lgruzecl by G<J>Y- ,
ernment as his Heir-Apparent. '}le hM alway!!> sh<lwn
himself most loyal to Government ah<!' h~it:lble ite Gov- f
." ernment officers. He rendered: illeetim&b!<! ;s",r¥jce, in
_ }.930 by preventing the Red Shirt' movem,;tnt frotn $pr~.·
ing t-O those factions of his S~te whi&h ad,&in M,,~
Mardan Sub-Division. 'Was oper~ted upon n,,· mt"ract m
1936 and has recov€red the siglit' 9£ the "ffe"u,d~ye. 1n.
1934, he delegated fnll powers t.f administrati(j* to the
Wali-Ahad, his tvitientIy hill, ,i,)t""tion
was to make his son's position as,secure as pO$o.~h!<e l.mfore
hi'!. actual succession and to givE1' him the gl~ab!»t 0-",,,,,l~k
experience. Later on however, he becalUe dl~""Hi!fiecl witb
the manner in which the \Vali Ahad had u~.'d the !l<''''eru
conferred upon him and being p8niuad.sdth"t.' in..'OO'-
powers were being used a((ainst his Cbid Minister . :mti
Sipah Salar (C",mmander-in.Qhief) he decidoo t() t{\k~ ov~r"
complete control once agahi-. Iiather dWJSt.ic a4tint\ WO",.
taken to assert his authority. Efforts were ",,,d~ t<> "'00It·
cil" th" two in order to maintain unity in the St:lt{! an&
. were partially sucCessful.

16_ ABDl1L W~. A mnllan of Duoo in Indrus 1\:()hMtan'

who is sometimes entrusted with m"s."t_ from \.h~ people
of that llaqa to the P. A_Knowledg.'ab!e_ J1elillbil1ty
doubtful. . .

17. A:llDlm. ~. Usm.ll~ ks){)wn M &1!'iUla. Balm.. Lh<!ll.
~: Somna ~m R<>nizaL" (Irigiws.lly hel".nli\~. to Mku Guj,U"
m Daud",,\ T"p~ of t.h0' P~haw"r 1ah.~11. Wa~ JIllan,_
Masjid of th~ l&t:C IIIanki' ]\{.,,!hb ana ms hi~ death !S$t--
Hed m Sarn R<>nizai. h liluch 1\%p.ecte;J and ha.<s \lOt!.
sld",nble infinwet!. Wel1"d~~~'<l to 1Jm-=!lM'ut Imt:
. . takes 110 part. ill politiaij..' <,

':M. .ullR l%.AmK.liW.

Origiually of Topi, SmWi ~l.
Lives at. Kot!s.lti ~armun!f'. A promi!l$!\$ _lm: of'
the '. anti·Govecmm<m.$ ~y In &jlllU", 1$ iI~Wd cl
. being in :&Mt.wils: p$y.. 'UlImllly ~ M J;mnlmi
'MUR, as he has be<m.. III G$~y Itt ~ ail I)?

1,. ~nw l'tAmKAlif~. Of Thlt~ A Khan ~

of K. B. Bahram Khan's faction. Educated up to B.A.
At pre&mt ~1iI no interest in politics !Yid dilvot. his
time to trade.

~. DDO lU~U DA'iIT. Of ~~~oo bis
f"ther'AbduU"h Kha.n a.s Khan of Robat in 1~'I2. An oM
man without much personality or influence.
'~. AlIDUL ~ DA'hT. Of Thana. E1d~ 20'11 of
K. B. Baln-am Khan. Is a Suhedar in the 4/14th PuIIjah
Regiment. Can 't$.lk English fluently.

:~. ~ n A .,.Of villlt$'l Ohak-.-r in ~1!.t m*,t$.

. Tribe Amna Khat Is It Sukdar· in tM: StMe lS<nny Imd
has an ailowa.nce of :SS. 100 per yfl&f' fEOln tll* $t..~t$.

~. ~.~. A maJik Bnd Kursi Slum of KllIU' vil·

Iage in the protected B~ ~cl.
~. A!.4D~ m;[U, Young~r hro~ of in; p=~t
Nawab of, Dix, ~ abaut lSOO. W!l.JS given tiw turt (Sf
Munda hy t~!ate Nawa\; in &!lp~.mOOl!' 1917, t.t~~
with ~.wiSml oth"t' tf!M~1!, induding £lliffigll>i on tlw
Panjkora and the wMl., cl ,Tl\flduL Aft<i>.l' th., ~h. of
his father in 1925' he "'''$ ~Upp0l!'ted fOf the SIl==i<m
by a strong faction in the Stute ~ & 2iroggle with hi;}
elder brother ~h&hkbl\fl Kh<m "'aSS expe.~ted. Th"
letter however, tlmnk$ to hill l:'S"~= hl Ihr <md ill'"
I\mstance of GoveS"!Utloot, was pn>mptJl ~~i;wd ~
N&wab. An a~ment WSIlg then wru:!ua...a M~n tlw
two brother!' whereby the !,ra~y _gnoo to AJ&!ll~h lit
Khan by hlJJ father = MSt>rOO to him. The broth~
however continued to intri~ ~wst ~ch <>ihet', ~~.
matters came to a he3d in 1928 wlwn Alrum:eb Klm.n
expelled from Jandul and '. floo to &j$))t" whm~ h.. t,Xlk
refuge with the Khan of Khar. In 1900 b went on the
pilgrim&g<l t., l\f~-li< B.nd on hios way book he =131 detuinoo
for fear that his preiMmoo in Th%jUUl!' might lffid t.o·
trouble. He _ped fl'O!).l ~im. in {kto~ 1930 S.SlU
returned to &j.Wl!'. On the N$mW {If lli",'s entering into
an alliance with th<1> Krus.n of Krus.", in M",y 1931, he WM
expelled by the }.s.tter .s.nd wwt to Imbg<si in .mo~"'i
country. :buring 19..">2 he W&e '" d",*" ~",,'O>.-,ia~;j of t.he
Faqir pi Aling3r in i.he utt2ehl 00 J~l tlw"l\.dt hll'
refmin"d from active ~iciput·ims in thiS lw&'tiliti"" ~itlZt
Government tl'OOf't' ",I; E.'l.ndugai, ~l'ly in 1m h" !SI'"
plioo to be recf'iY~t int~ Goy;srnmwt f$Y,mr ,mu
came in to iniervi;sw the P{lij!;s.:&!Agllnt, M",l~, w
safe conduct. Iklet100Ji1 were ren"woo with him but h;s
was told t.ha.t Gov~=~t< w",,, nci prepuf>'Id t-o iut.,rfere
betwOO!l. him and his brothel<' unl= h~. ~u!d a~ 4>·
accept &n ,~!l{\W!mOO f = hiru and i$<!>tMe it> B, T }!" <

emplQYoo cert#in M&1!h.w~ni exik§ &sMi SB.l~i W

launehoo tm ai1.'!>c:\:t on J&ndul in ~mn\:l$J[' 1!l,.'Ib.
mss.hl!'.ui1ah Kh$n of SMh~dai ~U!T'OO<k~ tlm Mi2,.\tjni
Won to Al",m:wb, which h(! oeel'lpioo but W!SllO mm%d t>y
thu N.s.w&h'u fo~ aft~ .'" hattl"" III Im h", &~"Inpt~
to amv;s ",t a ~t!"m1St>i wiih the NaW$b b<tt. lli!goiciJo.
t·ion~ ",Moo ""~re oorumcl<>d by thiS P < A. hmk1S down
~'I neit.hiSt p0rt.y Wtll'$ wi!li!l..~ t-o muk" l>t>ffici"nt. <X\n=·
"fun$! to th$ cih$r.

$@, _4~·'Inso~. Of Dh1Sri ,rol~, R.'Ill~.H~'S '"

<)etiuin ~(I"mt of infln"n(l<! MId ill> '" ~ """,toJ[', 'Un·
l!'e.liu'ille !MS a ®lItl!'MtOl'. He h$l! ~telli~ to $SI<iW<
ytmt"lII fi~'I impri20Smwnt lluder !!kA'lt·um 217· LF.C.,
fm hllI'hmlring all {lut\aw ill OctoOOf I'llM ~ i!s 00"" '"
Xul!'&l =Mn. h §iM$ ~ ~ and is ~ ~-rl,

2$ ... ~ ID!M~ @~ ~~$, In A=g-GllS'l cl t~

k~ng thci.f ~~sm i:tt
$bmoo3SSSi .Malika. Was
.Jirgas during the troubl% of Im" An h:a:li.'<i/i~ ~
the Dir Levies. In the faciion of the NIl.~"llb (If Dil' ~
U8m>\ly weU·dmpo..~ tc Gcwllnllllent..

$\\, ~ ~ @J' ~@~. A lessding =n of tMi

Palai Daffli. ....rea.·

~. ~ ~. @F ~@~. In Swat 8t~k Th1b$

. '!!\U'lbaiit. Has an annual li.llowMl08 of Ik 100 frmn t.M

:%. ~.Q.~*. Of Snin~1 at t.hss lw'~ cl the

Eabub.m.. "Mmy-U~uaHy known !I& t.ha Sh.~l
JI.!allivL A prmrii.twnt member of the ®ii.(M\">ml!ll.m,f>
lIiuUa party in Rajam'. 1;, !lOW very old ~d ~~
blind. .

37. ~ID,T,~l'! ~:& ~~• .A Kuf't<i ~Wn of

Kil&r vil~. . His father W&~ a patiy kMi<l'!' but the.
sucC<.'Uioodid not ~nd to the ocm. no(> WlI3S a h$\'~
in the :teides li.tlG i~ talkative _ nm<elillbw.
D d ~~~ @w l)D~~ ~ d 00$ ~ t..oo ~
in hi£< vil!~. III an old man with a qukk tlsrnp!lr. }Y~
eld~t \MS Scid:Slmh (q.v.) now p-erl"o= &11 (k!\~
work on his w.!mlf.

$$• .&Mlf n u 01' '1'@'1'.A.UJI'. A KW'IIi N~!). ~ !&!l.

. in veterate ~i"l&q"ti. Of no partiCl.\llS.Y ,me.

. ......'.,:.. '

4@. Mm DaD. WM at one tru the Mmding ~ .in

Boner but. for the past 17 Y"""'" hM ~"n &.U =iks !i1l'h>g'
sometimes in B. T. and =,,-ti"'~$ i!). AmI:> St..~e. Em
yurcbased land in Sndhum in th~ Mama!). Diatrict, am:!
!!Ome of his followern are living tlWftI. By "r&s.. of (,><}y.
ernment he is not allo....ed to Ji.~ tJ!,,~ h~'If. ~
is a file a'boot him in tbe om"",. Is; given "''' allommce
by t.he Na.,,,b of Dir. An· inveterate euemy d tise

41. ~~~. A nMi<>ll of the Khans; <:>f Nli\w,,~i and

Khar. Visits the Politieal A~nt. ~ut. on"., lS. month.
Lives in Khar Daqa liIud is fairly raliebla.

~. @w ~~$.,\\!U ~"lf~~ ~
RA. L.I... B.-HSSlS ~!l ~t.ery- to tlw WiS.!i
of Swat. since 19%. C.epahl" .liInd IX'lit". R~ III broth..r
who is a prof~OOf in Ka}>nt

o. ~ ~ @I' UDA. llM land ,,~ is.~ PaW and

is one of the moat !l$eful of the ThuUiS. KhiS.tI$.. ]$ lSI
Kuni Nllshin. •

IW• .AZm n611- @If ~D m ~W~'lr m:'~~.

Tr.ihe Rtl» Khel. An ttl~M ~ ssOO haiS. :m
an.nual at~wauce <P lli. 200 from t~ $i<l:OO.
~. ~ ~. .Of village Dai in S'II'at l8~w. 'rrioo
Klmdoon Khel. An impomnt m& who ~ !\ill sillow-
anee of Re. 500 per annum from the State.
. '11

~. ~~ J![.n.m. Of vi!~g~ &.t_i in Swat St,sat~. .

Trioo &0& Khel Is in receipt of an 811Daal aIlowatlCe
of RlI. <140 from the State.

-4.,. ~ JD aliaB 6D@ID: ~U. Of ~

near Chutiatan. Is one of the Nanb of Dir's (louWJeI·
Ion and ~eeond in command of the Ar:tIJ.1. Is a Kum

-4$, BA~~ D U O~ ~~ A well to do ,and

respected Khan. Is a Km'si Naahiu.

-4$. Bsrumd ~{l>D. PtmWha of ~~ of Mmll

Said, who is &tiU alive. and was once connwted with all
anti-British School at. Kha!. A proUlinent. trader. Is
reported to be the richest man in Dir and is said to be
owed a considerable sum of money by the Nawab.

~G~ m&,,~. A Mian of Bagh in Ghar Sbamozai

country who has influence locally and is agalullt the
Faqir of Alingar.

a. BsDM.f$D. Of Saidu. Son' pt the late Miang'ti\

Shirin and nephew of the Wali. Educated at. the Islami"
College. Is tbeconstant cOtnpaWou of the Wali·Ahad
Jehanzeb but holds no official position in the State bnt
latterly he has llgain been taken into ..favour and sspen,L~
=e of his time in the State. Re w besm. 6~
~ his State by the Wall and DOW H.....'$ $1; ~=
.M;",1l'$1 in Sam Renizai.
J.2 !
~ ll~DO: DU.f}F~.&..&=.i.
hood of one faction inThIm$. ~IS .&
of SWllt. R» and ~., ~d.ftitMr
ltl",,,,Yll' $;hown.w~~nt loyalty to ihe
:He ","",,;v.m '" p<S!:'SS(>ItlOI ~~_n.:,,, cl &
Pwvmci;~J DnrMri, ~ec&v~ too title
fur \'ahmhl" SS<.>~i= fOOd~ dl.lfi,Qg
lam, lma WIle s=~ t~ titti 'cl fu·
January 1924. ~$l! l~ m~
ti<m with Ul" rwrui~ fur ~ .d~
= AMu).' ~id (q.v,) 1$ '"
Punjab Regimoot. . •

" '.

, /
1§4. ~.J~ PA •. ~rnin M&,191R 1'h<I
third and youn~ OO!~ of the mi.~ Nawah ~'lh~ ~
by.. sister .ef His' Highu~$ t~i Mentar ofCbitrnt T!w
l M~ Nllwa.b lJ%ve Landai aJjd .otlier vmll\~ t~ too, widQw
~",. ill¥ mainteuance; of lteraeli ~nd
pn~llt.Nawll\h 1I$l! ratified thlagi!t,,H,,
:ws:\. • '~I>
",t l~ia Colle~ up to ;th" 6tn cla® hut, hM now Mt.
and lives at. h m n e . · •

~. tiDftUa' atia!§jJl~,H:Wl.m. Slmmozai. . of Paji-

,,' .gtmn in Arang-A, well known badmAslh 'wm- ~ine ..
r ()l~n mmtionoo in coonection with ojJ~ on thew$§t-
1 ffll oordw of tile pMtlCwd Area. ls It c~ ~..te (If
. too ~k cl Alfug3r &nd ~~ M the head cl tM, "Bad- .
t-.Salm" or vlolenee pan, in Ubmm Khel .~ry•. Co}, , .
J~ ~~Ibombaa~r the bombing of. Sbanromi in
Hl~ 1100 ,<in tWO~1ll!I endea~ollred~'to WIe th&ml [~
oum~ in' ~Territory.
1lI'f. ~ <lIi ~ A kmg ~in!! U~ ~ Millik; JS
~ <If th~ P$SghW ~ion. WIIS given ~ IN!>\>(!iVSlr Ill! ,.
reward for, his aervi~ in Mw .agi.i.lIItilm of Hl3l:l-

00. ~~£~~. Of viUsW Chaehndemi in Swat. ~tSl.

Tribe Jura Khe!. InfluentUil and hu st! alill\t$l allow-
SSI,ee of Rs. 810 from the ~.

])A~'1' lP1111Jr. An infIuentml Pliind~ Khel :Khan of

vilhg., lli.~l. He is a mpporter ,>f M=h Khan
_WIt. the Nawab. After Alamzeb Khan'lS ,*pnlsioIl
from J~dul he took refuge with tbe Wali ~f £jw",t.

00. Da'l1w. Of Sulai in &rang. L~g . Jl.blik of the

faction among the Khumar Khel ",,,-*il Utm.m IDlel op-
pom>d to N uran Said (q. v. ) An ~<lciate of the Faqir of
Alingar· and inclined to be hostile to Government. 1n
the autumn of 19m! oonatructed a bridge ac1"O!S5 tlle Swat
River at Kajnri for the Faqir's Lashkar whiCh did not
mat.erialiH. Wu prominent in the Utma.."l ~ h~Ui­
ties of 1934-35. In 1937 he disple!',c.ed the FiMtir by
refusins to band over his cradle bridge at Kajuri to
him. .

$1. ])AW,&, DMI. Of Dtibri .Jhomgmm of which he is the

le&dlng malik and has also influence throughout Rsni·
zai. h s partizan of the Wali of Swat. Got iuto tronble
in lSM limd went to jail for a y~r. He is now doing
well and his KUNi Na.~hini has been restored to him.

~. :m:U:WD D.U t)lf 1I[t)nru; ~~~.

Son of the late Zorawar Khan. III the leading Khan ID
Chaharmung. Is in the faction ot the Nawab of DiI' who
paya lIim an annual. allowance. In 1933 he harboured
an intriguer hostile to the Afghan Government wh~
aummmw or expulaion wa& d$!Ilal!.W by Governmmi.
On non.compliance his fort was bombed from ait.
~, ~WD DU. Of Mciudi i~ ~1U! &.
wd! t4J 00 ~lik

~. OO~A.t ~~. O! Th%t"ikm ilSt §~1't !!\!.<tt*, 1't'ib*

~n Khd, H;s.,~ ;s.,mnw &n",WWl>.~ 01 R*, ~~ ()Km) t,~

~r. :!M,~ ~ KSl>..'>= ~W!l~~ ~ t~ F~1t & Al~~~'\

Aoollt 45 7'-~fl; "bt (ff~i~ ~~ i<'S !St ~'y <'SI
Mmms ill tip~ Sw!lt. ~~~ *
~t~~~ cl ~w
s..<md~i l\hlH!I!t _ 1i'S>'t t%p hi1f R~~tt*'''II !It Ali,.. .~
iu Shill'l>'m'l ~'\mt~·, 1~!St !'Irl4t~ 1UJI""lm," _ f<w Il>,""~
~"""l'$ fit'...- hls.~ d.!~'t<!!cl ~n ~ Il>,~m'$! t", ~~"~ ~ t-~
t.db~ .itl~t, t~~ Gt'~~~t, L~ ~~ ~Jt=tt §{~!
~hk!Str t", ~ Jk~ K!t~'!St.t ill t~'t (h~~~~
!St!>'<-.tlwS' hl*hw ttl ~==i <~'!>'t,."Y!.'II l\t,.~'% 1_
wHh th.s 'nt'$!!ltkm & M$dl:tls Gt>~~1:>_~ ~ ~~
th" h<>i ~th*t' l~ ~ ~n~ tw NlS>~1'tt!Si ~~ ~
,1 "'l'~\~! @d itl tl.\1l 1'llhww wik""t.;';"i !Si l~",~a'$\' ~ A!'$,~
",mi $>t,m<:\!<!!cl th,* tt\~>sI ($,\l'\~i 1't ~~~t ~~ ~
i~~m~ !St.~~ i..~ "'~~i ti't.._ ~ _.
~$n1'''$ ~ t.~ k~~*~TIl .u.-4' _ III-~~ ic~ ~..
~~l!' ifib,~", T,"~ $ ~W\."'*~~ ~~ ~,~ ~ ifIt iw
T~~i t'll t~ MI),.~ ~~~ ~ :tm. fu 1_
h~ Ml~~ ~ ~~ cl ~'!St.~~ ~....~W'~ ~r $$
!I\ ~~!$ ~ ~ ~'t$l ~~ ~~ i;$ ~.
111 All&~ l~, ~ ~ ~ ~lry ~ .""''lW"i>M~~ ~

~ F~ n.1.4ID, A. (~ ~' \~r~" h~~~%',

J1;:<t,,,,,~~,,'i in 8"""t-l:1. ~~ &,.__~, ~$lS.~lS.~,
l""~ MlS.tri<'l£k~ i.'l I . . g.,~ ~ ....~" ~"'''''' l®.'
d.ilI"..,~ <~"~J$
,n ~ ~ ~ *" 'i&.~ &iSS,,'-.,
l~$, Al><mt 1!!OO ~">1S,,""'" $I ~~k~ l® tt.. ~jss>.\t ~,
tb, Mujah.idill, &t't'~~ m ~1;5 ~ l~ t~,
=""'e ",ft*r ~m't\ m..~ ~t'>.~ ~, ~~'.
N,w""'~ HlHt P""",.",,'<1~ t,~ ~~ la _ ;s,.~"'SS'~"
taking "" ",,,,,,,,,1= ill t~~ l® tm~ At ""'"
t,:sw .. ).'\is t-.",.w.'S' ",f tlw ~'\.&.~"lld ""'~""W h..~ ~,
"'''-''®tly b."'~l <"~'>t,,,,i t.y M~'ri ~__, ~ ~;',.'t=-.'UId"
h"\,, lk i,~ &.~<~ 1.<> lws...~ 10..""", t..~ =-~~ ",1' ~;s,.'S.~-\"

~. lMDL ~~ U~y $iS Is."""'' 'l'!
~l&.~ ~~&.~'h,.~,
')r:%":ill.~I!y <'4 P~lS.~ ~ t.$.", t~~ ~",1&.",,'l ~~"* ~
nhA',~'l ;'n &k~i ,~~",*q, &."'~ YI''''''\'U • h-'" ~~~~,
,,,,! iSl'!tHkw,.,~~ &~,.~ m :!§:~, l:'1k is.~ ~~....~~
h ""'!~"'~ t<> ~ lS< ~,.i\t~' ~ ~ llI~~t Jk.~'
f,.,., $I ~ f,;,., ~~~'lOlt t., ....
'i...,. tu ~~ ~ ~ ~"""'"
~""l... ",.,""'n\ly"'i'l''''''''''''' t.., h.~"* &.~=\.",,~0 tlw i..~ ~
'n1S,~ =""",t<,,,,! '\ty tb., l'i'iS'#'iS.b cl l)k &"'lld &..'\t~'%.~, ~
WlSS$ iSl~ %<:> ~t** m thiS 1~~'WlSit' ffi.",~"h'i,

~. W~ ~B, A ~i;s,,,, ~ ..'ili.~~ {t*,~i U$!>.~'S.~

, '
:!§:~ ..~ r.~_~ m
IfW7 {l'\*,~ t~ 1""" ...."$ $iS $ &~"'~%'
&l'(~T a:g ;»~"" ~~-k,.', &~~ 'hiS :ss:""",fllSl,
'll. :WUR ~, A rs:~hn~ Sa;~'&.~' M&jt.~ ~ t1~ }"', C~
[J",,£ "t Msstb,1lIli, A "ery IlM \With " ~",,-j ~,<,,><rl, =

:w~,:t~~~U. Mi~t\ of Milio<t. IM ~ ~<'l>"k

ruQ"V~~t:t~e'nt, ~~~~:i..~,n)'· is,} lSSO ~-~":l':$ h,..~
the H.,Ni Shirt
ltusd.~ ~ Rumi
N~~,Jsitl- &~}tl gb'~~r3. &. ~. ."t . g~m.,

:WAUJs.<~:"~~< A n"li~.ts of !{t~ 'S"i.H~:$...~~ ~".~') s,~

l$l,'Uch :re~F~~t*d ;.~ud t..'$ iflth~_enL~~l 11) th.~t, ~_~~~, :1..*%
t.N::~~n ot.'d
• ~F~~~t ~*t~'~-e~ Ritl,~~~ t.h,:~ ,A~~,* §,.f~ ~'$..,~ t.~~).~t~-~~J ~lP
lh» ~)-n h': ~ ~Jf:<~1~d~r 1n. tb.:) ['«'>'}"':'::$:,

GIMltm MOl'(t}. Of \"Hh~~'! M.&..~b..~ !N S~'.%:t &."''S

T:r~L~~ ~i&nd,~l) R}wl. H~i.~ ~n ~ru'!U:.::s.1 $.1k)*::_u:~_,;,:~~ (~{
Rs. lr~') ls'()m th~"' S:~~t~\.

~l&. G:a:A. W ~l£ l[B:A~. A -:w~U tn ~'k1 ~~1-&hk (;t:f &R1:M~.k:~U ~:.)
&:un H<lH~~~~L }'\~~.~.~-J' ~'i~lS~b1~,

"I'll. GE:OMl K:1M,~. "o\n i-nfi W:~tl:t~~.l rr~,~h~ c~f }h~ Hl &~'",*l
&&tol:~. rh,. hl' ;:s.J.l~H.:~!3. ~ dk1:~"Si:~~¥.\-'.:' ,,:f' R~ st\"J ft").~'::~ t~N'
St,~s.~:. 'I't'b.; "i~·Khd

'17. G'Et..r~ ~'§.Ul§ l{lI'~~Q Jf}~}":l.t Kh-&l} ~~'~th h~

ht,'lis~l"< '(3mr~ jlL~t1 t~f Ih~k~",,:s.i, ~:t,i. M~~l~Xi. t~~":,.\~'1,.~~~ ~~~
th~ It~h.~t.hrt' &'\&h K'h~ t "f~m.n~, t~ & f ~·}~,t~t,~~· ,-:AA' r~r"
~~sd ~\...~'t~ ~~'$.,~~'$.. %'~ iTh~\;S:\'\~~~ tk\ N&~~h~~ th:§t~~~';.vt\~ ~';.~
m.3.k:h.'~g m;~h§~~' ~.l~~i ~tmi:tti~~ & ~~.trl*,~\ i,,:. fu:~ m.~~
\V,~$ t\:1r~xi o:s.rt· t~f I)u.k~s }:'\~ri.. t,,~;, t.h.~ N~~:-.~.h. ~·h::'..1
,k:$.tJ."t'1y~~l ~n~\~\:':"').h~ mlt:i~~'·." &l'~~~~:~''$:t}J' ~'~~
1, t'\.,~,i\'~d ~~ ~Wtt.1 f%"(-t),~tr hy th~,,: N*~·3S.h.. t-~t ~ $~
p~~~'ni ~~in *,Qt l~ f& 'n:n'tr O~~~\$ }W~~f~":tty ~n ~~
R'::s,:~'d t..-::si. l~ ~~~'Wn *-~ Dt~.k~~-i Kh~.}\,
f~. ~~ ~U ulj~ ~~QK~D~. A mian 1"
d~~ who la a Subed$>~ of th. 'N",_b of Dir. WIMI ~ ~
time ill the Djj· Levies. Livl!* at Oandigaf lI<i!af' V_ra
""d is tru.t~d by tbe NaWltb.

79. ~~ ~.t.m'£'T. Usually kn~1l a. Kashkar Kh"'"

Lives at Maidan Bandai and is one' oftbe leading M"idnn
Khans. III the opposite faction to Haji Khan i q. v . ).

80. GD~ ~. So" of Hazrat Ali who was ollee

Khan of Asmar hut was deposed I>y the Antir Abdtu'
Rahman. Re.ides at Tiya in the ~bukafa VDU"y. J"
.Jannary, 1929, probably with the conniv,mce of -His
Hi!(hu?Ss the M~ht,,1' of Chitral to whom he isrelate.l,
he took advantage of 'the' disturbed slate of ,alIairs in
Afghanistan to seize Asmar. He remained in occupation
till December of the same year when he retired on the
aopruach of Afghan tl'OOPS. In Mal'Ch 1,930 he again
threatened to attack A.mar and an unsuccelMlfnl raid was
.carried out by a party of S...larzais undoubtedly at

Ill. G~ l\itt)D. ~. Son or· & Khan,

Ranizai, Alikhel, of AlIabdh;md. Is Khan of Allahdhand
and recilivcs the. personal allowance of RI!. lil,'l5O Pf'I."
annum. Is a sensible man and '" reliable ,Jirga. member
whele his 6WII village politics are not concerned. ,

8l!. GUL~.
... Subedar. Maternal uncle of the Nawab ..f
Dir and at presl'"t Tamildar at Adinui.
~, ~ KUlil'. A Kursi N!IIIhin and IArI imporl<!.llt
Malik of Dehri Allahdband.

~. ~ULT·U[. Jinki Khel, of P2itl,i li:l1GWll $$ M&khl'll

Khan. Used to be largest Iand·own~r in Swat and couhl
turn out a Lsshkar of 2,000 men. ' Was not friendly tq
Government. OppoSed the Wali;md was dd~ted I>y
him in 1921 and driven into the He was •
subsequently pardoned and returned to hi10 ~t..te. In
September 1928 he took part in a conspiracy against the
Wah which failed. He tied to Dir Imd is now living "s
a refugee at Rollllt. '

~. ~l)! ~l!r. Of Sijban in Swat State. Tribe Shama.

J{hd. Has an allowance of Ra. 300 per annum from the

~. lU.3~ ~. Of village Shang in Swat State. Has
an allowance of Rs. 200 peA' annum from the State. Tribe
Khoou lliwl.

!!II!!. ~ ~Al'. Of Bandai Maidan. One of the hmding

M~idan Khans. Father·in.lnw of Alamzeb Khan (q.v.).
§"of Mv<eral years lived .... an exile in Dehri Jholagram.
&$ ~ntl,. boon pardoned and a\\owed to Mum' to his
rill.. <:>n J,l'llyRlent of a large awn to ~ NswIW,
~ ~D. A loo,Jing malilt and a ~tkr I)f a f~ iD
Dobandi in Sam Ranizai. Many of lIil ~ have
I ~ki!kd in feR .

~. ~~, A well to M maim of Garhi U~i

Khal. Fairly reliable.

§3. l[~ D d . Malik of Buikhela, ~uizai. Intelli.

gent and well-disposed. ~der of one of the faeti=.
Is .. Kursi Nashin.
1)70 ~A~M.' ~ ~~ ~&'&&lnmo Is SOIl·in,lI\w oi
the of Swat, alao his "Wair". Hii.%tal Ali's ilS<~
was all "Akhund" or "Mulla"of Owir in Cbitral !.nd
came to Swat with the· Wali'. IOOther wnQ ~ I>
daughtel' of Melltar Aman·UI·Mulk. HlIZrat All i~ th$
Wali's right hand man. He is extremely C&!*bl<e> MId·
very 10y,\1 to his master. He was made a Kh..n &hib
ill 1930 and Khan Bahadur ill 1934. His d*,llghter nQ$ b~
betrothed to a !!On of .Jehanzeb, the Wali Ahad (Wo Wo
1(3) .

000 ~T ALlo Is a Subedar of the Nawab of Dil'. Was

at one time t<lhsildar at Chakdarra. Capable.

00. ~'l' SAIYm. Of KIlal. h t!l$ l~ilint man

amongst the Snltan Kh<ll .'\khuJldzadas and ~$ con-
siderable power and iuftuence. Is a member of the
present Xawab of Dir's Council and hili! betrothed his
daughter to his son. Has for some yea1'8 been Hakim
of Sal'wa (Jandui), Is the only one of the "elder
.tatemcnt" of Dil'. Since the Jandul rebellion of
Angnst 1935 he has lost favour with tile Nawab.

100. mDAYA'1"!1LLAK ~. Of Allahdhand. W&$ 3

Jemadal' in the Swat Levies when be and Sargand KIlan,
his brother, attempted to ;<Iuroer Mohd. Sharif Khan
(q.v). In 1911 he was pnt on secnrity for three yeam,
whieh period he sp(mt in self.imposed exile in Uch, 1ft
1915 he was allowed to retnrn to A11ahdhand, but made
such . a nnisance 'of himself. to every body that he w....
again expelled from Ranizai. He retnrned to his vi\1a~.
but in J nly 1924 his two sons, Ajab and Shallzad'l.,
killed tlleir own brother, and Samat, son of their uncle.
Moh"bat Khan. In this case Ajab and Shahaada wet'"
expelled from Ranizai till they made pea,cewith Monah&$.
Khan and Hidayatullah Kban was sentenced to three
years' imprisonment iu defanlt of' furnishing securit~ fm-
keeping pence with Mollabat Khan. After his release he
was expelled ft'Om Allahdhand. for a time and lived in
Adini'iii. He retnrned to Al!!l.hdhand in 192& His son,
Ajab, was kitled by M()habllt, and Shalmlda died in 1929.
He was again expelled from his village for three years in
1939, after IIp and l\Iohabat KIlan· had furnished securitisr
to keep l'eaCI',
1~. mu,v. IDrnL A l$£ding _lik of ~ AsU Ui=tl
RIlE'1 wbo own8 tIlE' J _ cradle bridg~ over the Swat,

1~> lS~U.~. Of Bazdarra. Is a Kursi Nasbin and

has lultnlmce.

li!l§. .1ABAliZEB. Eldest son .of the Wall of Swat.. Hill

full name is Miangul Jahanzeb Abdul Haq. Was recog·
nised by Government as Wali·j-Abad. in 1933. Born in
1908. Educated ,at the bJamia CoII~, Pe!liu,,'fflIr.
'l'alks English fluently and has adopted Euro~ dW$~
and munuers. Is taking a pal't in tbe a~im,,'lirntion ot
the State. Capable and energt'tic, bUff Jaw the ~!!'Q1i.
ty of his lather. His son has bt.'1SD betrotllE'd to "
daughter of Hazrat AIi, the Wazir(W. W. 97).

1~ ,Um:A~ 01' ro'rA~. Leading maIm of one oi

the factions in the village. Belongs to the more modern
type of malik. Is a good shot.'

~ ZALA'r ~. Of Uch. A l~ing Mali!! of Adin:W.

Belongs to the Nawab'a faetiOO.

l~ $~D D.d'. A K~ N~ _ !Wing ~

of Batkhel.

1@$. $~. A malik of Wa:ialr. UII~wortl\y. .I, Il.
Kuni Na,hiu.

100. ~ ~lr. A le!>ding malik of Dem .ThOlagrlUlI,

who is much respected. R~liable.

110. U':I.'@~ ~~. A Kursi Naahin and iDftuentilli malik ,
of Batkhei.

111. ~L ~,ji~. A retired JelUadar of the Levie>l.

Lives at Knlangi. Is a Kllrsi Nashin and is respected.
Reliable. '

112. UDAlii ~K. Oue of the most impomnt. p e _

ill the Swat State. Is n magistrate of his Daqll and hu
an allowance of Bs. 1,000 per IAnnllm from the Stat...
C'lves at Chollgi. Tribe Bazi Khal.

113. lf~~lI!!'rA PA.OO!U. Of village Rllnial in Swat State:,

Tribe Shama Khel. Annual allowance as. 240 from the

114. lf~~:W~:iM.. Loi l'>famund of Kbalozai Ba!a in the

W atelai"'al~1. The leader of the faction in 11Ower, in
}ianmnd country. Poase~ considerable inftuence over
the whole tribe.
· / .'

Dill. LAI.itJ ~. Of L!~ hl Swat, ~.$. . Tnb&

Papinai. Has an aUowanc.. of lh. 000 pslt == $=
the NtIlte.

111. ~ alia.. ~. Shamozai Malik of Sh&rh'ltt#i.

Concerned in the kidnapping of aI'l irrigation S.D.O. in
1920. Trnculent a,nd untruetworthy.

118. ~ ~. A KUl'IIi Naahin II.lIfl Wader of s-

party in Khar village. W~.

Ut. ~ alia. AD.toZ. One of- the l~g nmh~ (Of

the A.i) Utmall Khel of Kuhi village. Int'linoo towards
Government. Hall a blood f'eud with ~er~% f~ili!!ll ~
tracted when he and his party o~ ~ Li!flh~l' of the
Faqir of Alingar which wanted to bum his 11OOO~ for
having taken a reward from' the P. A.

120. ~Z~~. A ieading nmlik of Batkhel and a

Kursi Nashin. Is now very old and in his 00ta~.

1111. ~-D~.~~~~~~. Of Churrarai in Swat State.

Tribe Akhund Ehel. Hili! an annual allowsmce of Ra. 1(1).
fil»n the State.
1$~, ~m &DD mMI. Of lIeloshah in M$rn i~ui~i.
A Kum NashiD. Has a bad I'eputation tor bribe t&king.

, ;,
I •

IU. ~ l§::mAY. Of Thana. la a retired~d¥\of Swat

Levy and is an inftuentialman in t~""v;}'f&ge. His
\'ounger brother, Khan Sahib Kbalid Khat>", '1$ :tt Tllh§ildaf.
)Ielongs to the faction of K. B. Bab'tam Khan but is
friendly to the Nawab of Dir, and is on good terms with
the leadel' of the opp08i~ faction in Tll1Hl£. Can give
impartial "dvice in conn~C!lon with factioual dispntes. Is
" KIIt'si Na»hin.

125. ~ :J';A~lr l!CRIAl!!'. Of Bntkhel. A quiet and usl)ful

malik ra a Kursi NB.hin.

IH. ~()BA~A'!" l§:Ul!I'. Of Datai. Is one of the N"wBb's

Coullsellors. Spends most of his time in Dir. In l~
hi. f"~tioll "ttacked that of Mohd. F"him Khan 1'1" v) in
th(' t:ghiri DUI'ru and infli(·ted
, 8ev~re lo~~ un it.

m. ~()m~U~ l§:BAl!I'. Son 01 the late Khan Dabacllll

Inayat mlah Khan of Thana. .He has been made .. pro·
vincial Durbari in place of hi. father and wsso given a
personal allowance of Ra. 3.000. Is leader of on" of the
faj:tions in Thana. Loyal to Government. Did good work
in keeping the Red Shirt mov(\!ll$lli out of Th= wlwn hiB
faction$ was in power. Friendly to the Naw"b of Dil'
and hostile to the Wali of Swat. Was made !I Khan
Sahib in 1935.

w. ~~~ d d . Of ~rrll. Is a KUfsi Nashin and

.Im intl.uential mM ill lhe 1',,1,,\ Darra.
m. 1I[0D. ~ Of Ghani Dhen {ffi<J:tiUtot) in ~
Ranizai. A well to do malik and clever. U~. le.
Kl1l'IIi Naahlll.

1~, 1I[rulW. A~ l!UiA1f. A well to do :Khe,xa of Th_

owning much land. la a Kul.'li N~.

181. ~lI.mgA'D ~ m~1f". Of &r Banda • ~

State. Tribe Avdal Khel. Is one of the most import!!~
persons in the State and is given an aMul!! a.llow~ ~
Ra. 1,600. .

m. ~~A'D ~ mA1f". Of Bar Khan& in Swat
State. Tribe Patan Kbe!. Has IIll =ual allowlIllOO of
Ra. 500 from the State. "",

1$$. ~~~$]) $~ Jd. One of the ioo.ding

Akhundzadas of Khat An old man with considenWle
influence. Not in favour with the Naw!!l! •

.1$4. ~~41'J1 ~ mD~ OfShaluIadai in Dir

State. Tribe Naar-ud-Khd. After III period of exile he
bas bean allowed by the Nawab to ~ to hl$ ~*
and enjoy hm P&~1 as Kh=.

.1@5. ~~1'JI ~ mD. A malik and !$li4~ of·

& faetion in Mehrdi iD SaRI Ranizai.
~$$.. 1!It~ ~ ~. _ of tms ~
Muhammad Sharif Khan of Dellri All.m~ a,,~~
his father as Khan of ~hri in 1935 ftnd ~F$.ll.tro. Ms
personal allowance of Rs. 2,700 per ®uum.-Rslongli to
the old schoo1. Quiet and retiring but can ~fi Msn~f.

J.$'l. mnrA:W«AD J'~~ PM•• Son of Abdul. Re.him

Khan of S.<;mkut, P~ind& .Khl)l, Ftm~lmlt.h\!)F (If N~~
Shah Jehan Khan and a 1($m:I_ of hi$ ~ tr~
to be in favour with the Nawab of Dir @d WII& Cool·
mander·in·l.'bief of Ilia fON9· during tAl) Chi$rul. R<i!sMs
of 1932. He sub,.'Wqu~ntly fell fWOOl IX1W~1' and the Ma"'a"
now distrusts him._ A ~inhtw IIlld untrustworthy· 1($$.11..
Is believed to bl). ~~Mihln for thn &ttmlp$ of PIl>in&
Khels to attack ''''aflM Camp, dtlrlug tnl) Thillels of le.
Is ll8ually known Q~ Samkut K!lIIl\, A !~d\!)F of the ~Il.t,\.
Newab fllction in the Pamda Kh~I. RII& ~ lIl!:peHlId
from Dir State and is now Iivml at Skhakot m Sam

"Bajaur, although his power only exten&· over a few
~, :iIm =hitkm is to C$ptnre NIS>~ hll$ dw
tribal party has hitherto proved too s~ fot' him. He
has always maintained friendly relations with
. and has had from time to time to r~st the aUam of
the Ha.ji of Turangzai and other religions l~ in
.consequence. Has been friendly fl'OM. tillW tot) time with
the Nawab of Dir, the WlIli of Sw&t, Alruniteb 1Gl$U"
etc., as it suitad his convenience. He is not-onooSl f(l<l.'
·double-dealing but is· the only member of tnl! Thranina
Khel family who posses._ ony ability and is C$paWa o~
ruling Bajaur. Since 1931 he has been in ,,11iAn<:>l with
the Nawab of Dir, and in' Septemhe~ of thllt ~ with
the Naweb' s assistance he made iUt et~cl!; on thl! Kh>m
of Puhat and captured two of his fortis. During the
trouhles of 11132 he rendered no active !\R~\sumce to Gov-
ernment Or the Naweb but thie was probably due to the
precariousness of his isolated position. He. attack<ld a
Nawagai fort on the night 14/15th ~ 1935, was
repulsed with heavy loss of life, and hI! himself "")0$
seriously wounded. His gr~$f, ambition in life is &till to
capture Naw&g&i and become the Nawab of Bajanr but.
he is at present (1937) a sick man and can only be cured
by undergoing an operation which he is, loth to do. .

140. MlI'lU.~D JU~. Of Barikot in Swat State.

Tribe Akka Khe!' The State gives him an annual anow-
ance of Rs. 450.

141. ~ l*:AWAB ~~. Of Totalai in Swat

State. ,Tribe Mada Khe!. A most influential malik in
his al'e8 and hp an allowance of Rs. 700 p*lI' aDnum from
the State. .

:It:. ~U~.nmAD ~ ~. Of Druahkhela

(Shamozair son of late Habib Khan, who WIllS 11> !~~
~{I>lik in Upper Swat. He eus~.t<ld the Wall of mUI'~r· I
ing his faf.ber, alii IIfter an !ill$U.~&$flll oorufpiraey to
~$iQllte the Wnll in Septemlfur 1~ I!$d to Dk at!$!
where he is now living as a refugee at Kmmtw in SUtd.
He recei'WI grain for hia aupport from the Nawab. In
1931 he coJlecl ed .. Lashkar for the invaslioo of Swat but
WIS.~ ~PlX"!. by the .:Mawsb, on an or&r f~vcd fl'Om the
Political Agent.
l~. of~.£~ lItAmw; D~~, A ~~ c£ t.b$ IDAtm!
Nj,\wssgsai. Lives ill ih<ll t<llmtm;r of loo Kh~ of KhiU'.
I'OO<S$ 11$ III malhl$ illf&m~ 1$ \Il1tnwtr$'~y. Vi~t!s>
~I ~:Y wit:h mt~tl;m.

1~. ~mrM®UD u.m U&')f )fO. L Of Th= ~

Pain Usually known !IS ~~ &id :ltlmn to distin·
guish him from Muham"'-ad Said IDwn U. Bcloogw W.
Khalliln lIS disti~ frtlm Knatl K~. Has III rnpIl~
ror beill2 unt=tworthy. ,ReceivEm III p=ool Qllo~lmoo!
of 1Ia. 500., ' ~"

1~. :§I[D~:mUD • y.a.mmDMf. Of Dllpr in B=<IIl".

Tribe H&lSSln KiwI. Inli1,loo~iei. BIAS lID allowllnC€l uf
ll$. 1iOO per Wln= from tn& S~.
151. ~ ~ ~~. UsUlly known &is
' l\iIfllik from hiD vil1~ll Barklll!d in the liI'i~~
Is in favonr with the Nawah Imd ia .t pl'iSMlnt. hia TII1§lld~
at Balambat. B'~ an UIlpl$i!lS£l1t _ e r but la capllb~.

1~. ~~~~.OfKotam~~
1'ribe Khankorai. In1lullllt.ial IIBd bae IIn mmua! allow-
&lICtl of Rs. 700 from the St*.

lA. :ll!ro~ ~~~. Of Khar. A Tahsildar

of the 'Khan of Khar. Much trusted by him.

:I.!I~. ls[~ :ii!:ARW ~.. A retired SuWm- of the

Levies and a brother of Mnhanllllad :&h= l!:han of
Dellri. Is a Xursi Nashin. A sh~y eh~cl$l".
lW. m1SA. n~~. Baji, Aba Khal, of Bari ~, iu the·
Swat. Is ODe of the most. wealthy men in Swat and b a.
great trader. His son, Abdul Lliif, l.1i a Naib Tal~.
BIM! an annual alh~ of ~ aoo•

lIII. lImMl§D'. A malik and party Jood<l.t" of Matkanuf •
m. l§§'~. A. mian of who has influence-
locally. U~~cl.

W. ~'f ~. Of :&fikot in Bwillot St.iII.~. Trim.

z.unlm-~. Has lm iWt~ ~ of ~. a f~
-tho St.t.,.
!~, ~~~ ~MAJr. Of Dherai in Swst Trioo,.
Avdal Khel. Given an annual allowance of :&, 100 by tl!.,.
State. Influential in h.w own tribe.

1~ lrn'B ~. Of A=llk:ot in BMq. Tribe AaiI..

Usually the spokesman of the Jirp. .

m. ~mt-1nrltJrm«A~. U81lally knowll Ill! Ajar. Mi£.tt or

KhUllhalglU"h in Sam Ranizai. Took 11 promil'!lIlli pm in
" the Red Shirt, movement ~d WlS£\ lS<~.$d and ilnp!:'~
in 1930. He recanted and WIIi$ fcl~S%1 in 1932. r. now
outwardly \veU·dis~. Owes h!MlYy ~ of water-
rate. ..

l~'l~' A =lik and f~ l_et' ofMst~,

1ft. ~ DU~ m4.:IIf. Of
State. Tribe. PS!.pinlli. Hill! an
"mage LllallMi ill. Switt
_ua! allowWl~ of
~. ZOO from the Stete. , ,;$I,

I'll. ~ Em:A~. Of Dil'. Is Gnll of the N&witb'~ fss.~ii~

and is employed by him l1li Tahsildu Sind. WlI& §~ially
posted tG lWIist the troops at &f\d~ during the
trouble in September and Oetober 1932. I§ ~bl<!! smd
possesses very plMJIll\Dt manners. Is alwll\Y$ r<1)lMiy to Wo>
operate with Govamment Of!l,~. TrnIlSf~ to TalMh
in April, 1935.

1'1'41. a(')m~ ~'m.. A malik of SII.hak~ and 1& Knrsi NiSlShin.

I!.& an S!.SIlnt for the ~"Hoti. U~ilil..
Lame. Acts

1'1'11. lltf~~ OMI. A Kv.rsi Nubin and well to cio K_

ef TIm.~ 1:!&3 IS$~ land.
17'1. SUD. A malik and KUrsl NMhin of ~ehrdi vil!.~
in Sam :&n~. More Wustwort1lY trum =t..

178. SAID H~. Of Dargai. An uncle of Said ~

and a Kursi Nashin. A tronbl c~l\rnew of wn(ll!l
the party leaders __ "f.,rud:

1". SAID ~T. Akhonzada of Khal Y~r brot.h~

of Hazrat Said (q. v.1 with wht'D1 b is not onv"'!7
good terms. Is Jemada. in charge of R_i Post. A m~
with independent views and a pleasant manner. Not 11:1
f"vour with the Nawab.

1/111. M.m MlTSA~A:l) ]tRU. Of villa!l:e Shin in Swat

State. Tribe Isa Khe1. Hall an annual. alloW>\l1!l& of
Rs. 300 from the State.

1111. SAm ~d. Of Dargai. Son of Arab Shah (11.. v.l.

Is performing Government work on behalf of his fsatOOr.
Gave much assistance during the Red Shirt movement
though s.mmd of his near relations were invoivoo in it..
Not to be trusted too far in any matter relll.ting to hia
<;>wn village where faction feehng ruDS very rugh.

U~t ruunD ~D ~. Of Barwa, MM$ Khel. TIle

late Umra Khlln was his OOIllrin, but he did not' shar. in
the schemes of conquest indulged in by hle relati,,~ and
had to ily for his life, hi1l6y:m~thleS being mtn tM
Khlln of Dil', who had marrIed his sl$t·m'o 1[;11 W~
n'$tored to Barwa by the British in loos, ~lld remllinad in
pos$$lS.~!on till 1917. Was· loyal throu~boot tM lam
distliA'haUcea, but not actively 110. .Re ~up~ tM :oo.w: ..
Naw~'s policy of ~lIndk_t in JQlIdul ~ ~
him in turning out ili.. .Jmrn Khan family. HII \VIIS di~
~poinWd in not getti~ l\.{ttnaltb lilI $ rewmi faf hm
adb(lftlnce, t!i(l Nawi>h p~~ing to ~row tOO ~ Il!t
bis. younger _ Mioogul Jan.. ~iyid Ah~ ~mt ~
mamt'd rotwardly IQytt\ to th~ Du' oon~ dtml"jjg. thl!>
Na"'!I\) Mohammad Bhli1!l'lf Klum's tiuw, but ~!ltiMy
on tht' latter's de&t!J (December 1900) !w t.bNw ~ the
mask and formed a strong combinaiioo llgainsst Am'a.~,
the Nawab's elder son, who had if\I~ t-e Mill
Khanship; and in allmnce with NQ~ Md KW
seized Garnbi .. and ove= JaMll:mt;ai and Maidaa. ~r
')Il, in 1906, he snpporloo Mi~! J&n, ~ild, hltt fQt'·
Government ini*f"entloo, would h&,,* drtm Am-angzcl:>
Khan from Di';. He made sevem1 ~ aM~ 00 nil',
ad once in !rul mI$ ~=sly ~ 'by Mill Nawab
but subsequently ~!",a...m. In. 1913 he &nd "MiSlIlgel Jan
sucooeded in driving the Nawah from Dir hut t.h~ir
triumph waa short lived. In Jun~ 1~11 his Lashkars.
who were building a tort at Garrara nellr Kotkai Pit Khel
were >\ttacked by the Nawab's forces and decisively
defeated, losing their fort, about 300 riftes ll)ld _ y
horses. Suhsequently in August he found himself aMble
to resist the Lashkars of· the Nawab, and surrendered
Jandul with all its forts to him, and himself came to Dir
and threw himself on Nawab's mercv.Is now residing
at Shahi and has lost· all the inflnence he had in the

lW. !M.UID I'AQUL Retired as Subedar-Major of the

Levies in 1935 after 40 years' service. Is a Khan Sahib
(1931). Lives now at Skhakot and busies himself with
agriculture.. Refuses to take part in village Jirgas or k
belong to any pmy.

~o ~D. Of Dargai, Sarn Ranizai. A leading

Malik. Belongs to Arab Shah's faction. Took a pro-
minent "at't in the Red.Rhirt movement in Sam Ranizai in
1000_ W"" sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment
f&fMlllfl! to give se<'Urity under Section 40·1'. C. R. Waljl rei-oo on farnishing tbe required' BeC11rity.
Is an UD.Clli of &Md ffimhillnd fairly well 'to do. . Is DOVV
· ! .'

36 ,

. . !!I.!\l!!(AJI' •. A leading maIm of Khar, who mea to k?J.P

ilie peace in .. sOmewhat turbulient community. Hw
advice in village matters ISlay ~ taken wiili
than ilie usnal. amount. of salt.. is a Kursi Nasmn.
p$I'. _
.'Wf. ~ ~~~. Of· T(!~. A useful
Ma.lik, who used to be prominent when any was
to be done, waa well to the fore when ilie Swat ~
turned out in 1915 to defend Qa~ngi Levy POiIt.

100. ~ ~n~~AD ir~~~. Of Gambir, Shahi Khel.

Was driven out of hi~ ancestral eatete by Said Ahmad
Khan, when the latter was in ~ioD. of Barw1&. Was
restored to Gambir by Nawab Badshah Khan and is IIOW
known as Gambir Klian. Belongs to the Pl'Il!Swt Nawab'l
lOO. ~~.A~, A minD of Asra who b$!I ~~
1~lIy. U~M.

111. S~ .lDU ~. Nl!\wt.b of Dir, ~ *~.

1001. The eldest lIOn of Badshah Khan, ~tl!\ ~..w.ll> of
Dir. He was mllde a Khan :&'hadur in 1918 and ~.
nil-led liS the heir'npparent ?f DU-. At hia ~Qther'~ d~
in 1925 there were two facilOns. On~ Qf wlw:n II<tt~~~
to secure the succession for the YOIW~ broth$!:', A~
Khan. Government 8Upport howeviW proved d<lci~v\'! and
Shah Jahan Khan succeeded without bloo&Md and ~
recogllilGed as Nnwab by Government in May 1-' Be
has an indifferent reputation for sillCl!l1'ito/ ~ M&
partisans, but is extremely loyal to Government lIIiIld i&
working hard to r,e.establish the efficiency ()f !SI rule w~
has suffered much during his flSlther's l!Slt~· y~ ~
June 1928 on gronnds of disloyalty, he ejected Mohal'l~
AlamzllbKhan from Jnndnl which h.d ~ gh<tm w Mm
for his Ml!illtennllce, He hllll since oontinuoo t~ ~.
date hhposition. though his control over bis own tribe,
the !""ilidn Khel. is im(X'rl'eet. In 1932, =~ed m
heating oft the combined attacks of the Fllqil' of All~
,md Mohammad AI=eb Khan on Janultl and m~
quefltly in the SBml! year condud.oo . tbe Chitral, Thsl~
C,,)umus through hl8 country ill eakt", ~N th$!
threatening tribal situation. Still dwriJSlw~ liO~~ of
,·ecov..ring the lost 'Dir territorv iD thtl 5wllt V&lley IUld
also hllll ide~$ of expansion. towl\l"ds B~}!SI"r. Wm =&1
a K. B. E. in 1933. In &ptmuber 1936, AIIMllZtlb ll:~
collected a La..'<hknr of the Salarzai and M$$hw!iJl! ~\1$111
and made intrigues with too l.sadmg men ()f t~ Dir
State. Miskini fort was surr~ndered by Shwulll1n m~,
of SI",hzadai to Alamzeb Khsm, but the Nl!\"'''llIb of Dir'$
forces restoredtbe situation and i!<I<::wh..-ly dllf~"'too the
opposition. The houII0 of the N",w",b"f Dir fflI$ _~.
allv burnt down on the night of Z1 !28th Oet~ le,
nnd tbe Nawab lost practically. all hi!! p$~ ~y.
H.e attel\ded the. Vie~ DurhM in n.,lhl, in tn<Sl ~gin.
ing uf March 1934, for the investito~. Duri~ 19M h$!
~ ronducte.d the Chitml Relief Cciu:mn throoghDir St&t<1
1 !<afely. He discharged his obligaUom very ~!v hv
i vigorous act.ion Im.d ~ting olf the Faqh· Of
~\lingar's Lashkar which att=Fted to e~ titil 1'$njk=.
, river to attack the Chitral !Utid ColuDlDon ita ~iiwar.I
march between Sad() and In May, ':1&, n"
helped ill brill~illg the Sham"zai Jll'ga to n.fJ"'t~ with
the J'olttical ~gent at (''1.akd~ITa in oouuectioo wit'!! the
,\gt!l> s~Uemoot.

.l~ _ d 3D~~ D~~. Of Dhm .Jo~. A ~hl$
~ of ~ ilIi!u~ ill hill vI!1$g$. hi s& Kn !>fll>$bm.

l~ ~ 3DA~ nA~, w~ until _~y a IIIlirzs& of

thIS Khrul (If Nli>w~ but hli>!! ~ ~~. A nliabl.$

~. ~ W~ DA~. Of Tutai&(j &nda. in SWs&t.

Bute. Tribe Khuabal Khel. Influtmtilll lU'ld hail I§!l
allJluaJ allowance of Ra. 810 from tb~ St.ate.

m. ~·l:'~. Of Dehri Jbolawam but BOW lives in

Sam Ranizai. Is a K\U'IIi Nashin. Lacks r~Sllity Slud
bas 1000i the leadership of his faction in his vil~. .
l~o ~ !eRD. 01 Nawan Kim. K~ Kh"L
A malill of some imporla'h·e. On good tem\$ with tIt<'-

~. !m:AM:ltOZ ~. Of village Kharkai in Sail! Rani,.&..

A well to do maine, good at contract work.

~1. ~OZ:lOlAJf. A leading malik of Batkhel vilIag.'

and a Kursi Nashin.

2&. S'RA'MSm K:a:Al!f. Of ,-m!tge Chuparia.! in Swat State.

Tribe Baba KheJ. Has an annual allowance of Ra. 2D(}
frMl the State.

203. Wre~ Al!'UL ~. Of Odigram. Babuzai Khim

who has always supported the, Wali's C<tll$iS. Is now
Hakim of Buner with his Headquarters at Gagra. Tri~
Mir Khan Khel. Has an allGwance of Rs. 300 from the

m, ~ ALl 1IrRAlf. Uncle of Ahmad Jan, the Khan of

Nawagai, (q. v.). W"'" for sev~ years in the sarvi.:e of
the late Amir of Kabul, hut h" rot.urned I't tlte time cl'"
the I. ~"'alld convention. Is on had tmomss with too
N'lwagai family, ,mci lives apart from th"!l1 in '" mmMl
fort at Umrai Gm,ci&i in Chahamllmg country. Hsm vtSry'
little influence but is well·dillpWoo .

. . mElit~. A brother of M"lik Dawa Khan of n"h~;

JI:wI,~wa!n. Is a Kumi N&'~ln, a large l~r srnr
a 'OWty gooo ooot1'actm-. WIS.$ in lirouhro III 1934 8ud Wmlt.
to j;s,ij rot' a yea.~. He is _ Ik>ing ....e l l . ,

m. ~ ~. Of Dar3*i. Is a shre!d amf
intelligl'nt Malik. Oousin of Jemadar Abdul MaJld ~d.
belongs to his faction. Is a Kursi Naahin.

m. ~m&4MAlif lD'UlIi. Of Khar. A bfOther of th.

, Kh:m oC Khlt!' who is. on ~ntimate te~s with the Khan•
. QUIet and rather lacking ID personality.

llOO. mERZ.II.Md. Of Mirga. A Subedar of the Nawab of· .

Dil' who is in charge of the area betw6en Dir and Lowarai.
Very useful to officers travelling.

,~@. ~:~m~ 1[E~:W. (If ~il\age Malikpore (old name

Lagarpore) in the Oadizal' TIaqa of Buner in Swat State.
Tribe Usman Khel. Is a Subedar.Major in the State
Army and has an annual allowance of Rs. 1,200 from the
State. A very influe'ltial man. ,

lIlO. SODA'!' ~. A leading malik and faction leader

of Khar village. Full of fair words. Has excited much
jealousy in tlie village.

111. SUmtAN :lDL\N. Of Pashat. He succeeded his brother

the late Khan. Muhammad Zalfar Khan, on the latter's
assassination in November 1933. He holds his position
with some difficulty against his elder brother Ohulam
Rssul. A weak character. He is strengthened by th&
support of the majority of the tribes who fe~r the iutri~
of the Khan of Khar.

1:l.lI. ~'!'A:lfA'1' l[U:If. Of village Jurga' in Swat State

also known as Jura Khan. .A personal friend of the
Wali. 'J!ibe Nazal' Khel. One of the mllllt influential
Khans ID the State and· hll$ an 2mUla! a!lowaneeof
Rs. 1,500. A good shot. and a _I~ (}". ___L _ ."- a
Xursi Naahin. • IF ~,."~. MS

'S~ ~ro'.'rU ~~. Of BhiAr, Up~ Swat. .~ to be
one of the leadillg Knans of the Jillki ~hel. la now a
nfugN ill Dil.'.

S1~. ~W.M." WALl 01'. l'ide Gulshahzad6 (No. 15) .

.~§. S'fD l§~it~mm ~&\m~. Of vills.~ Malko. in Swat

State. HQ{! !In IlIIiIUtI.! tl.lbwanC8 of n.. 300 from the

~iI. SY~D lfUR. .\ Illalik of HeJ'Ollbah ill Sam Ranizai IIlId

lA f&ctioll leader.

:11'1. SY:£D KABUL. A leading malik of Haryauloot in Sam

Ranizai. Is an AsH Utman ·Khel and hall some inlluence
with the Trans river Asils. Fairly wealthy. Reliability

:us. ~'flm ~D Gm:.. Of village Sar in Swat State.

Inftuenti..1 and h&& a.n annual allowance of &1,000 from
the State.

m•. '1'~D ~~a.l!i. Of Jarai in Swat. State. Tribe GhaIi

Khel.Has an annual allowance of RI. 150 from the

~. 'rAm U~lir. Of Daggar in BUller (Swat State)

Tribe ~. lOteL Inliuentiai and has an _tIl ~:
~ of Ra. 500 from the ~te.
~ .

_. ~ l!:AJ!W£lW. A lIlslik of IDl$fk3i m &m ~.

~ inl1n~

and is more trwIiworthy ~ ~t.
:m. ~D. lA y~ ~ cl cmhl "U~ K~. Head
of .. ~011 but ill badly off aDd wiilioo~ ~ ~~~

• • MF'U ~~. Of Shm'kh~ m thl!) Pal!l.i D~

W?~ he ha% §QIOO lnftl1<!ll1<:o. 4 11 KlmSi N~

•• ~~i\:i:I: ~A •• A Khan &hib aM.'lS. ~ cl

Thana. A Riaaldar of the Indian Army ;md new employed
in the intellig.mre b~ at. QueUe.. l!:m p$1"lI-'i&y and
would he very useful if he were at. hem,,_
Man. IlIa or AI<!111Ud Baba, Paln4a K:1l<s1.
Ghw.J B.s.lsss.

- f
N......b ),fobd. ~

rubimll'. . I
HoM.ln K:ban ~I!;U' la. N .._I> A~

~ liIiter·~ AlII=Ll§;h&'II. ~
N"""l> Ifu

.. ___ ~~r


By 1st wife.
I Mohd. zl ~>'t
(Khan of P~~)

t aad~"t~

Se~~ others.; i
Ahmad .1.... Kh1>n
(Khan N..~;.)
MOhd.,1 J"".
~----~--~l r
Two ,,~ ~ J..... Several otheno.
Akhund B"~" rbdU1 Oh,,!ur).


.-_1 __- I •

bifid BLllllh. Amlr Ld'hab. MlR nllul Oulshabzada.

, shcrlJ Bl'-lMWJ
(Sone died III
(No lsoue).
sir AWnl Wndood.
K • ••••• r~.-' T~ t

(born 1927).
llclm 4·JK£r~ •
~. \

I "-',

(born 29th M&)' 1028).



S" ... t_

-- -1- - -- 1--
.... Jf"7

&...!-1lI- o!,.

_ _ 1811...._


_ _ Js.-otD!r.

1 ~-C'-:

nl..a ~. Gh!.-
W",," ul·lolulk. ~
HuJk. A_ ~
Jw, 1915. l'lIO. 1_
£'I'oU,'f II-@:mt'U~

The· social fabric of Chitr&~ is n:wde up ~ ~
.Adamzada cl!'!.!!!>, the Arb3biW<w and ~h$ F _
• Miskm. •
The Fakir Mi&km do all the hard laoom' !md ill1
the mnks of the Sspper and Miner Compenies.
Since the advent of the British, the Ad!'!.m~ MS
gone down in the world. No longer is .~ ezempt
from the payment of taxes, nOr dOOlii he poooo$S t·he
iduence .enjoyed by his p~d~!'ll. The ioore!l!§$
in their numbers.· now that the n~tmru cheek of
internecine strife is removed with no oo~sponding
increase in the amount of sgrl(lultuml land available,
hail added to his wlWOmfort. Now-a-days the aver-
age Ad'amzada is a poor man.
The Adamzada dana repreaent the fighting elasa 'of
the nation. They supply the Chitml Soouts with
theirree.ruits, liut the Bodyguard is 1'OOruited from
both the Adamzada clans and the ArbabzadM.
The Arbabzadas form a very smell cll§$, reslly
successful Fakir Miskin who have earned pooit.iO'll in
the I!6rnce of the Mehtlml.
An Adm:m:ada will meny an Arhab$aiffi girl &!\d
an Arbabzede. wiU take unto himself e. Fe.kir Miskin
Woman, but they wi1~ be doubHul aoout giving thdr
'daught~ to a lowe.'!' elMS.
;W~ md ~tl~.-The ru:mtllem end: of the
valley . from . D:ooh aownwm'ds is inhahit-oo. by
NMmt<lS and GUJara, the .former speaking a diclect
-of Pushtu whioh is unJmown to moat Chlt!'lllh§, They
have no p6roons of not-e runoll€ them,
. .; '. ~.-The original of Chltral of the
Llash tribe and are of the hwoot statu.s, Th~
.~ now $Ome ooIonies of Red KMt'$ m the ooumtt ,
who fled from :KGMstlm to ~ OOllvel'iUooo The
Red ~m. 1.U'e l~ny known as :B~. 'I'.M
Ued llirlira and t&lli their own ~~ All
the B!IJ.\hgalis except one m- two ./nave MW ~
convert-ed to Islam. /
~.-The hmguage of the Chl~i§ W
Khowru-, made up of words from various tooglll%l
from &tmkrit to Turki. T!w ru-istooraey $~k
Persian and soma individullls koow 'Ptmhtu and Urdu.
The written language is do~ Pemtm.
lt~ fmnilF .-l'heruling family is m the Ka_
clan of Adamzadas. L:1gitimacy is OOl1~d $
matter of prime importance in the IilUCC~OO W the
Mehtarship. but is otherwise a disadv!U1~. w§ illegi-
timacy conferred lIante immunity in tlm ~o
epidemics of a~atlon whieh fm-meny ~
when a succession took plooe. The ~t M~
has ruled that legitimate OOllS in his family ~uM lm
given names terminating in Mulk to'distinguish them
from illegitimate SOIlS. E:xcept for the Ment&r an\i
his SODS, the only legit4nate members m the rllllilg
family are the lions of Tahammml Shah..
The ties of the fost-er kim,hip 1.U'e oonsiirored st~.
er than those of blood relat,iooship 3nd Uwre mgroet
competition for the foetering of the Mehw'e clilldron.
T~e ~p~nded ,genealogy of the Cl1itni! ruling
family 18 mterestmg, artd Wfords a very feir epitome
?f ita history.


1. ~~-Only the !lOO!! legiHm$.w mtd iHegi.

timate, of the rllling Mehtm. enjoy Hm f.itle C£
BhahZl1da. ' ,

2. ~~~~.'""'-Foone?ly the title given {lcly to

sons legitimate ood illegitimat-e of a poot Mclltm', 00$
now- used !."11th.&' loooely by the OOEmllon poop~ wt~
referring to ooyooe rofut-ed to the ~ Meht-e.f$.
8. m~ ()t ~~,-Theoo are noted ill b~e~
afte? the ncme of Mw person referred t-o; ~ llcl~
otherwise mentioned wili 00 one of the Adlrnlz_
4. ~e ©o~.-A C-omwH of :m®f$.
Seleeted RIders are called up in tum, liliout 6 at
!i. time, to heal:' the petitiorul !!!.ud law suits o£ t~
people, lWd submit t<heir opinion to His ffighness
who is the fin!!!.l authority zm everything.
5. A~q.-Nsme of appointment, giving (.'Ol:lW (l£
a large vlilley or large sub·distriet.
6. ~$kb;n.-Name of nppoinhnent. giving c~l1trcl of
11 large valley or large llutHlilltriet.
7. €fu:mre!ll.-Name 01 appobtmel:lt givil)g oont-rol
of a large village or smuH district of hamlets il:l lesser
populilt-ed areas. Some Charvelull rank as eql.liva~
lent to Hakim.
8. ~~-Name of uppdntment givi~ \.~trcl
of labour for Stat-e works.


;3. APm. ~ ~lf (Ri~l cl ~ I~,~ ~

Ysarkhlln in MillStllj. .A ~·m~i.{~ _ fssirlv m~·
gent. man. In th~ 1005 ~M ~~<:>n t>:i~ ~'Ilci
but h~$ r~'1~riOO t~ Mltulilliw!!.'l ,i$ ~lm' in Y ~=-
'I. ~Im~ UV»'. Fld~$t &00 of .>tssfamliat' :Khan (No, l~)o
S"hoo&r·Major of t!H. ~l Sw"t$ !Si1l~~. ~~,
in Dwiil, A g<>OO §X>lo pl$Jilt',

3• .u!IHn;, ~lJ' AM mm. Mlt.u!$i Pir ;s,tld tM = <:d ~

bte Shss"ms.a.., l:iils ~ilst~:f ils' m"ITi~ to 8h1ih~
)l.hlms.ff1il'-uP!.flll-~. Forme~!'i' h~ h"d 1\15 ~ in
Ark!~ri. hut iu 1S23 he left. Ghltt'$\ alld ~ oow ~~
in 7""t;"k, On hiss de!;Mrtllr.!, hi$ !l~~Y in Chlt.-$i ,,~~
con6s~.'l.i,,,1 l:iSSlS nSl"'''''''''& )l.f"rid$ m ~hs_,
Shiglw"•••n, l~o-'1h!in, W",kh&ll, fhtM<I! "'lltl $ f~'W it~ Chitml,
A wordly and .. ff.-minat<!! mat' a'ld fond of &.~.
Sp"",k. l·&s;,m. R"g",,,led t."" l&t.~ M"M"r'~ V'w~ ~~
fa vourably and would ,t..> "i1~ h..~t tn dme«><'lii.. Mm wit~
GO"N11ment, if allowed,

9. AJ'U~, Uln'~AO, (,f Kogh"ri. h an iil"g;ti·

mate half·brother of tlHl l!it<!! Hd,tl!.r. Int~lligetlt ~wd
reli~ious, but t~dly gh"~"sl t,) dmW-, ~!d,).rn ~ppe$.l":~\

It), A~L A~ (lbt<>r) oS P",t, &ill d M"ht.iiXj~ ,

MOllamm"d All Heg {d"",d) , who ~hs.¥''Srl 'W;';:y h...dly ill
1005. W&.' .. S!lbd&r··M"i'" of th" C.hitral &t>ut~. 1,;
ItwMk chl..mder.

11. A.M~ ~~ (Khushamw$\ of Rmull. 'WIIl! flA_~y

Ch",\"Y~u ,,1 H<li<hun. S~n'«! ...~ '" }hw{lds.f b ib* S"'~~.
W "JI.Jispt>&*<1.

U. AM'U HQ <>f Owir. &'" of Gha&h"",,,,, ASS!i.l<<I!.t ~ Owlle'

(cie~d), A~%15t-i$:nt. Pdjt~~.JSl A~t'~
h _ <b~!y.

It. ~ ~ ~ (~~), &ji cl D=ik. WSSlI b......~
to YQl'kJ:mn in 1917 f(llC inwiguing in Afgltani~= $[00
re·in~,"oo in 1920. in 1006 = impl~oo m %hI) ~~.
tioo, lS.lSd 1O'lI$ =tw.eoo to fiv.s ~,=' i~~m$M in
~ whlcll h., ll~t in A~t~oo.d Jail. ~
return in 1Wl hl!l! boon living ~ ~1:II'mn~ m A}~.
~. ~-1JL.~, Mehtarzbau, of ~ro%1_ Son of
Mehtarzhal.S W!lcir-i-Mulk. Is a SIlWar iD., the BOOy.

-~, ~&~&I)'tf~ LAL of Tarikho .Kh~l. :B:skim ~ TSIl'ils:ho.
Ilia IIOD Abo L%is was &s~ I%f tM 0hit~ ~~.


me, ~ DAQ (ArbabllSSl~) ~ Bcll.r-'Ni, W~ h$ m
Char~.llu. Is lA allh~r ill t.h$ l.lOOY$lS&ro.

$@. ~~A.lI§' A~ l§;~41W (ltiza) III Chapss!!i, Hltliim, cl
M8Ituj and 11 Subedar in th. Bcxh'gUIffii. WaM> OO!l'ffi:'t~
to SUlluiism ill lOOS im~ h~ ~in!:1S· f$\"$1'tsIl.

~1. ~A~ 4Z$~ rm~). Is Huim cl Dro<sh 1Imtl Stl~f

ill the Bodyguard. A pl~"'~t man who t~i$SS $~ h41p.
Acts for the Goverllor of [)ros;i! doring tU<1! l~tt~'~ ~f$'
quellt I\bsenc.,~ isl Chit.M>i.

~ Q~·U:D·nm GAll§', Sh&!:1l\~ Foonn Il<)t! of th<io

l..t... l\f"htar by a UQlShgal Kllfu. &>rn 1~. ~~~~
at hl!\mia C"ll~ Pt'$h"WlSl" <S.!l& Ali~ Uilh~$y wh~
he o\Jt""wd lSB. A. d~!1;~. SlliT~ £i!'l~* cone1l.~
in a Plo!". Il.rdd"llt IU tIl,'iQ, "'Men IM'~ .. !f~t~ h~ tem.
!"',·awN.!. Unreliabk U~m.lJy "'"~ $.' I!'hs I!'igh~'
privn~" S~r"tal·Y.'$ "'tr~mt;!y wt;H in a = t di~ru\t
:Wo ~~.-m:..~])~, Q~i, cl A>,u:l. !~ .. ~'<t
important l\bJk,

IW. !t~.~~~~. &ID cl Kh&n &hlh Wm' Ah~

Khim (W(!.. 00) (Ji:h~~~~)' <>~ ~1~. Ill> 8u~"
Adjut"l,t m£ tit" ~nent ~'tIl1V ~ thIS ~~ 1" a$l>
, int..nglltlt lII!Hi w)"m, ymmg ~ws.n. W!!l!-ili~t ~
e,·""I..u tu hNlil> in l~t ftlt' 11 ~th'~ t.i'lIIming ~ith ~
Smith WlI$isi$ ~t".

U. bm, Cbirb~, cl ~I"$nniis. ~ ~~ cl K~

lelabb Nllf Ah~<I~d K~ (W(!., OO}. 1$ hlint

44. IBADA'l' ~l§f (Ss"'gWe) of Chitral. W&<! F<h%Jlt in \!Ms

:Fort during the sllige, 100&.

411. m~. B.,,!ner of Abdl,l .Mu'c<ui iNo. 8) ,)1 lhl:mr.

Has a larg" following in Y arbnd but o.,,!v & f~'w mw-;d"
in Chitml and has in co,,'151!<.1U"uce pel'ID;m~nt\y s<'!tlM in

4$. JAWU:tJ.AR (DlMhlll&!M) of Sw-h'. W!I$ Ch&r¥dh~ fm'

ma.nv years but W-iIS l'lllhwM of hi.~ d,,{.i!!OS in 1931. h &~
pres;'llt JUIlgl* Offi~l" ill Th;.,"&h. UnMH~bk "nd ~
coward ..

41. J~A ~ (Z'md~) $.,1 Sooogb~', WI$§ il< R",.ildaf in

tJ,,, S"""b ~d $ l!lmnMf <:>{ tlu> MdltM"$ ~L Fm'
5&viC$ll ill t\"$ &d Afgru.u WI!>t', l~m, =i,,~ th$
I. Q, M" Milit&t''f rn>'i3!.i=. Orisill~n¥ 1$ M$lllhu, ~~
r.omirnolly $ Sl'll.!ll in le. . .

... ID U~, 112ls:hn of Sbhisi :K"b; lA llw i~ f#i~

of mm (If 18~ Righru:~' .-!lHwll$$rli',

~ $D iDl>lSbmSllt~) (}f mt in 1htlikho. la &~l.lII!h. <If

Muliltho Ji'IldSuOOclSlY of ihe BOOYSll.&rd. la h~ ~ b~

~. ~ e,jl,~ ,(Zulldre) of Ayun. mkim ,If ~\P!Sl.

,\.vllll hi ~he Fori d,lI'illg' the seigt'.
Now all old man of
not much impurl=Ctl.

§t. ~Im :l:M.~lJ!. of Kesu. & .. of the lab Ghulam ' '\
Ih.,t~i... Was SubediU' of the Chitral ~lt$) but wws
di$ffil!*SSQ ill 1935. Like SIlt the Dastgirs 18 a most ttll"
bulent lInd troubl~e mm.

w.. mu of WMhich, TUI'ikho. "r~H\ foster·father of, the

U'ml son of Shahzada. Muzaffar'!l1'1),~~__ .I-

$$. ~l)lS:'V'.'O'l..MU~ 5Mbzada. Born in 1004. Moth~r

, is diHIghter of Abdur l1&bmall. of Yasin. h now GoverllOP
of !.h~ Mulikho District and lives "in Drasan Fort.
Edli<~t~d at hkmia Coll,,~iate Scheol,Peshawar, not clever
but is an English Scholar. No personalitv. Married a.
Q'l"snter of th<l late Shah Abd1ll H~an ~Ia; Pir of
H~'S£'l»I".d and also daughter of the 1ate Nawal> of Dil'
by t.he sister of the late MehtRr of Chitl'lll. A very
phlS.&-'tnt m~, with an ex!ensive kttow1edge of bist?ry.
F<:>!ld of re&(/tng and ~d&tllnll' '

~. qUmWAQ~qJ'I..lI€m:,.l§;, Lieut. ShSlhw!l'I. Is the

, ~~~nth ~o" of thss 1S1~ M~ht.a:l' by, a sister of AtRliq
Ba,'fi1~z 'Shah (No, 00). Went to' the Indian MilIta')'
h:a(1)m}' at ~hr&, pun, !ill?- ill at. Il~"t ttQillg h!,JI
! !itt~chm"llt, to • Bd,'1\h R~m<mt. (The Gff!$lI UQwli\ras)
in M$$~llt.' A very pl_<antand eapable ymmgfe&w,
,,-00 lShould d'1V~l<lJ) into " litllt"lla$s officei'.

~. ~ ~~ ~, MehWjw, ()fAYwl~ ~~ ~
f)l Mehtlll'~llo Ualw.dur !.. hiUl. IC)I'Uli!t Governor of MlMIiu},
who died In 1915. J~ Rllkim of Bimborot V alJ~, whim
i9 his pi!i'SOila\ JQglr. Was Sil~!~f ill the Soout$ umll
hill reJlguation in Ul'n
His younger hrothel'!! MuhallUnan ~Ul"'iI KI1"n and Ruhmll!.t
Zamllu Khan were SubSldat's ill the Scouts.' 'rh" latter
received the 1. D. ~. M. for sflrvices in the _O\fgbllll WIIIl',
1919. 1.,,1 ZIlMan Khan is 1\ ple=ot. 1111111 IInd 1\ fa_ri~
of the late Mehtlll', whom he usulllly ~p.'Uli1!$
wherever he goes. He is a Co\olle\ in the BOOypro.

~. M~UD of Chit."l (Qozie Arbabzndal. Son of the ISl~

Dewan Begi Fel'oza Khan. A good polo player.

1'7. ~A. Son of Saleh Mubammed (Arb~da, of Sot'

Laspur. Wa. Honorary J ema<llsr on ~he permanent stall
of the Scouts, and retired in 192'7 with,,, gratuity. ,j<'c·r
gallant and distinguished services in the field during the
3rt! Afghan War, 1919 received 1\ mention in des}Mtches
and was awarded the I. D. S. M.

~< ~m.M .~ of Owir. A SI1~ in the Bodyguard

and Charvelu of Owir. Is one of la.te Ihgim8113' h~t
motor drivers. A most ple~sant individwsJ.

&$. ~~ ~ (AnjllJiai Arhabzada) of Mujhigr=.

Is Ohllll'Velu of· Ark!!rI. IS an oldish 11'I&l% lilld lcavea lIIucit
of his work to be p8!formed by his &OD, Azim Shah. who
is a Subedar ill. the Bodyguard.

~, ~ . Son of MUnammed Shah (No. 76) (Arbabzada) of

Shoghor. la a 8uMslar iD t.he iJodvgnlU'll I1l1d p$rl'~,
the duties of Ch!U'~"lu for Im failu!r.
~. lI§:IE ~ ~~' (KhWlrawe) 01 Kogh~i h hruth$\'
of Khltcu Sahib Nur Ahroad KhlUl ~No. 00). b H&kirn of
Kuh (Ba,..n;s to Kar;) and i. I> Subedllr ill the ~ygu"l'd.
A jovial individual. W'MJ once Subedal' <>1 the Leviee
All obliging, helpful "ltd '~I1~rft!l nwl.

~, ~ ~mA8VDDm (DMhmmlss) 01 qritra\. la 1\11 I)ffieial

in I·he R~venue Depart,mwlt lInd t~ th~ non1)J'ary title
of SlIbedar. Is in charg<& of th'" Tfu~~ury. Wellt 00
Ha} if! lW6. .'

~,~'m (itf~ ~. Seo of th<! l~t4S Stth<!<1ad\f~it)W

8tdt-&n Shah (lkMt4Sj Qf Chitl'lI\L ~ '" ($('n~ln of SIU'ft'1IZ
Shah (NQ. 00). !~ .. C&pt..m ill the Uodygu$l'd mld WIIS
,\,-D.·C. 'to H\<s> !ai,* M~M~, Appointed 'to tl10 R",vellue
.D!!1"',·tment in 1931 in ..ddition to his oth~ duties, but
di~rni"''w.d in ',N~oo lW6 fw> iWIlOOl'dinatioll.
~ ,lI[l~. b~~ ~. Son of &hf>ll~rAt.alil§ (~t$)
(,f l'{ltft, inMI!likhQ- le $ li\llood\\f in tilt Dodygll&1"<! ""n
lW'tin<m$ tn<s> <lut!$!! of .4kfi'1 In MnHkho for his brotil«t',
;IL t a liq &it{lt'~%: Sh!lll.

~,lI[ll< 3~ of W!l~hioh. Is A!I!Ik,,<u cl Slmtldl&ri&sht

in Turikho. Is a iom-er·M·her !)f llh2Mooll> :M'n~ff2r,ul·
;\l,,:k'. yOllllW"t d~rtghtel' and right-hand Man. of the
S!m!1y.",t.~. ., hard,working >mu
courtrou~ m&lI..

@§I. Wlll; ~. (Uilt2) of Sh"l!l'am. Was Havildar in the

I Chitl'",l Scnuta and receivt0' the I. D. S. :\1. for ..erviWl! in
I . tilt' .Afghan War of 1919. Is ,,' M'embf,r of the Council.

re. l!i§:tfALhlM. S~ .)( Lnspur. :ll:ld.... t Hm of thE'

8""d S~b'j Rahim Maullli PiI'. A di$grunt1~d youn\( mall
who.di£R%ti~fit>d with his lot, created' troublE' for him..lf
aod h"d to '11"" to Gilgit in 1\!23.2!I, where he h~ remained
ey~r since.. lh$ llut'ins in l.a&tmr !lod Gup;!!.

n. _D.
, "

:l§l!:G Lal Of$h"grllm. A big laud owner Imd

inltuentilllman in Turikho.. Ha. two brothers Said lleg
IlIad l'urdutll Khlln. '" A good polo plfty~r.

fS.~~ ~~·.LAL of Chitral (Katol'),

'CoUndl MetSl»et. )<
.". ;WmD, J.$.~.i\. l[~A$, J("ci "f R&in, Tariklw. Ms ~
H"kim of mn, 8h:i ~l>d 8inll~n'. ~kal. cl ~~
twd i'lub,>dar (,f th0 1:1<;ciYlI,mi'd. .$.ctro "SI 1£\." H~-%c~'
A.·D.·C. when u&"d to be In Ind~, H~ tTh"~\"-& !ill
O\'er ,Imli;; ""(\ "",ni. {,I) Haj wit-h i&t..s Hillhtw§.~
~'musmg ~~si h~H{~t.iv~$ oompani(}Sl .
A _,'<i,

.,11. ~on. N.&.llm ~, L,,! of \Vmkh, l\wikk,. 1$

>n'H'I'id k' ,m" 01 J,;,\;s Hi§(!m!!>'SJS' ~L~!<&, ,~ }d<!>...-.hM ~
COUHt'tI. ....\n infhs~~nti~~ rn.%l~' in ·.rQfl~h'O.

1&. ~ mu (Mb.."b3f;.lS.fl&) d ~h<"", h

f'hal'\'~hJ of 1\tn:t~ 8t~Sl:uj ~ f?-w y~t~ ~~. I~
un\\, <in !~Id m~n. h fat~r ~)t ~hf (N~L 6O}.

11. lIWliA~~!l ~l'!A'§t;'tl' ~~, 1UU~. (lli..'-'Stl cl

~ h j!. ~d, \V"", If "kim <,1 ....1t ~mtH l~
1.)l'<>. os'!k'tl lw '&"*1i
'!·~'mH\"·~i it'uru th~ f.~.
tOr l~,,~~tt)'1n:g ~'S: l$;~ M$ht~\~ {t..~,
pi;""''''''' I" b«;th,,< m ~,h=nuil l['b.~ (N<:>, ~" 'W$$.
nu~h~ ;H~ ~L H. E~ for hi# ~~~ in tbe Ai&.~$.~ W~s­
\SHl. Li<'<'s w,th his rr«t-lW b",,,,1w1' Sh"b~ 11~·nt:

'l3. M.~ YAl[lY~§" &n m Wit.i" Iunvitt ~~

(Mh'a*iytl) "r llmgnnr, \"'1ii> ~t$>-& O\i Ali~h s..~~
l\Bd !tHlnW!! ~~~h, Urdu "tlt(l t'\'\Thh;l<" lit &!i&..w~
TB~hl.lrgu <>f Mw Md>I$~'~ artillery,
~ ~nm mAlt, s~, of Ea~ru:liilmd, 1$ a Mail&! Pir'
and a lOll of BhM AJ~l E~ and hroth~ .:J£ A.tdahl~
ShahfNo. 13\ with whom hili dh~ ~bmty k'f tlw
Maulaia cl Cbit-ffi. El) smd hi~ hrothw af1S wt (l@
~ing t,I)= with ~ <lth$l'.

~ ~A~~ ~ ~ (J,1h~y<!) of J<~~Slt', E ..~ \>%1!f

Sup~.tiut{!tld*nt of F<ilioo fO!:' many y~

~. 1IrI'YAT ZAJlm' IKhu§he) of fuil1 in Turlkho. SU(looed~
his rather Shah 1~til1 Wi1 (''hli>rv.slu of, Ttlrikho. Is fusieF-
brother of Shahzada MlIZlIll"j'·u\·Malk. A g,J<>(i p<>lOo
player. Strong and. h"u<s&t.. Is a Sah.dw;M,,:~o, ':' tlw
Bodyguard and a. member of the Mehtar $ C<mnC!!. A
first·class man.

00, lfU~ A~D ~ ·(Khusrawe), Khan 8-,h1b, of

Barenis, Now lives in ChitraL Son of the ]"te Khu,s"i
Deru, footer·father ·of the late Jlfehtar. Much in !';""l'-
of the late Mehtal", and ha.s much infiuence. 'A'1>' ill
tht' ]"ort during the. seige. Intelligent and r.,liabk \V,<&
Subedar.J\faior of the Scouts. Knows" litt.le P~f,i,m,
Pashtu ond Urdu. One brot,h~r i~ a blind lhfl" and live"
in Barenis. Hill other brother is Mir Ahroad Khan. nl>
received the title of Khan Sahib for hi. se"';;:e" In the
Afghan War. A rather' jealous indhidual.

1U. Oli!!:f!TI~. Son 01 :M.'hkrii>'~ l\'!uhammed Ali:

Beg I Karor) of .Mori. Is a member of the :MeM"r' ..
.Council. Has three brothers. Ab.&! Am,." (No. 10),
Fazal Rehman of Fret and U=,.n. :F,,~cl R"hman W&$
Subedar of Levies from 1927 to 1929.

~. P'"oou)~ K]lAlif of Shagraro, '.!\uikho. Eld@i: brot.h<s>1'"

of Said &g (Nu, SI), iWd Muhd..~ (No. 11). it. big
landowner. Was Ml' Instr13d<:ll' U .. "ild~~ ;1:) t!i<s> Ohitrul
&o13t~. During tll~ Afghi>Sl War of "1919 he i>cted "l\S ~
Scoilts' Sub,s<iSll'.

~9~ lii1:mm. ~4>T (Arwh~$~ of Kw;h=.

'Is brother of Niu. Muh$l.=.~ (No. an, Ch$fVi.'JU cl
:Il:!.U!llam, Foot~·fath~r of B'i!s Righneoo. 'W!I$ $ppci.n.t~
()ru<!!rly to Mi>jor Ymlngh~d hy Meht&r Nilmm,wl·M~Ik.
. Thoo became ~!y to Ueurenaut G ....rdmt, smd WII$ hi'$>
,.righi-hand ro~ during t.he sei~. Sh~ Af~l i.mpri~&d
his family and murdered his ~ther whil<) h<) w*,~ in t)l$
fort to shake his "lIeglWlU>. A' man <:>f ~t lrn<:>wl.
of his country and .s,ome atrength of Ch~l·lS.d&. H!I$ ~
severely tried am! not found. 'I!.\~. ll:!I$ oit<)I\ si._.'
panied the late Mehtar Md British O~ to. Incl.!&"
BM hie faults, but on th~ whole to be' ~lied 00: I$ in
the .,opposition paJ:ty to &;rimz SliM.,. Know~ ,$(l>llh1 Ul'dll
and e little Pushtu. Has agi!u oollSldei'ably. i~ tht> 1_
few y@fS.

'!M. l't~'t :s:&:mm., (;Kator) of KestL Second son of

Mehtarjao Ghulam Destgir.

:~~. SllD'l ~. Son of Mirzeolbadet .Khan (No. 44)

(Sangale). Persian Secretary to Hls Highnel!s. A good
mannered and active man. A good polo player.

:00. SAn) Amun, SOil of Khan Sahib Nur Ahmad Khan,

(No. 90). Jemadar of the Chitrsl Levies. Very young.
but is doillg extremely well. Good·mallnered lInd keen.

'91. SAm BEG Lal of Rain, Turikho. YOUDge.~t brother of

Purdum Khan (No. 92) and ~ohd. Beg (No. 71). A
, Rain.
good polo player. Owns much land in


:~. S.&Em ~AGIl!I' (Zundre). Charvelu ,1£ Ma..tuj. Is EOiSte"..

brother of Shah7.ada Khushwaqt-ul-Mulk. h a Su!mi
convert: IlI,I, was all 31,tj~e agent in the Sllnnii.~ng
c;lImpaigll, 1925 lR au intelllgeut youth.
1~. ~A:8:l:rn·~ D d , Shah~dll., of Broz. Is the-
sixth SOli of the late Higbn~$I!. A nO~t~tity, S~ks

1.1. ~~ .r~ nu. EldiS$t _ of th. late-

Mehtarjao MllkruM\W Ame, legitim&i<l son of Hulk A~
1& Mental' of Tuin. Hie father WIllS ord~ to JiV<Si i~
Chitt&l by Gov<lr=~nt and died h<lr<l in 1930. Whi1$$
&1;"$ received & subsidy of Ra. 60 thro~h thiS KlM!~
lOO, ~ {Khu~hamade). Son of - WIll!ir. Appoi!lt$d
Charvelu of Reshon in 1928 in plaee of his f$iher ";h,, ~,~
murdered Jen a suspected 'adultery ~ by relativ$!! I:If
Mehtarjao ' La! . ~man KhM. !

IMo SHE. (Riza) of Broz. Subedar in the BodygntU"d. Is!
an important man in Broz.

I •

106. ~ ltH.&![ IMi~ {l~MM!!' (Singe). Hakim of

Reshun. lVa, member of rate Mehtar's COuncil or' is
now Member. Rendered most yaloo.ble ~ervice8 to Gov-
ernment in 1895 and afterwards. He Wltli in the For'
during the seige and took part in the fighting that. preceded
it. Was appointed to Reshun to bring that turbulent villa~
.into order, -and has succeeded in doing so. Has traWl·.
led with Lord Cunon, Lord Kitchener, and other distin-
guished visitors to Chitral. He .has an intiumt<>. knowledg9
of affairs, people and customs. An able and cheerfiU
man. Universally respected. Was a. Maniai but u.,came
a nominal Sunni during f.he Mal~lai agitation, 1925.
Speaks Urdu.

1116. sn'ADJI.'l' ~R.&~. (Zundre) of Buni. Is a nephev. of

the late Khan of Buni who was the only man of the
village to ~8ist the 8Ul'V1VO!-S of the KUl'agli defile disaster
at gt'oot risk .to himself. Sifad~t Khan is It worthy little
man. His cou$in Mir Ahroad Khan, son of the Khlm of
.Buni, lives in the same village•

.lOT. sm:AJWDD ~~ (Arbabzada) of Warkup in 'l'arikbo.

Is BaramOllh of Turlkho. . Owes hie position to his
grandfathpr having bwn a fOllter·brother of M$llw Am.m-

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