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College of Nursing

Submitted by:
Rodrigo, Aileen Grace S.
4th Year – BS Nursing

Submitted to:
Dr. Joy Palomarez-Delen, RN, MAN
Professor, Leadership and Management
100 Ways to Motivate Others
Steve Chandler and Scott Richardson
College of Nursing


The book “100 Ways to Motivate Others” by Steve Chandler and Scott Richardson talks
about very useful ways to motivate yourself and others in terms of leadership and accomplishing
tasks. The authors presented 101 tips or advices (an addition of one) on how to make or keep the
people doing the things they are assigned to do because they want to and not just to comply or get
through to what was asked of them.

For every chapter/number, a simple quotation was stated to give emphasis on the title or
the tip, a short scenario was also given to help readers understand the statement. It helps the reader
have a deeper comprehension of the tips and to picture how it is actually applied in real life

Here is an excerpt from the book, which is one of my favourites:

1. Know Where Motivation Comes From
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you
want done because he wants to do it. – Dwight D. Eisenhower
There was a manager who came early to a seminar we were
presenting on leadership. He was attired an olive green polo shirt
and white pleated slacks, ready for a day of golf. He walked to the
front of the room and said, “Look, your session is not mandatory, so
I’m not planning on attending.” “That’s fine, but I wonder why you
came early to this session to tell us that. There must be something
that you’d like to know.” “Well, yes, there is,” the manager
confessed. “All I want to know is how to get my people on the sales
team to improve. How do I manage them?” “Is that all you want to
know?” “Yes, that’s it,” declared the manager. “Well, we can save
you a lot of time and make sure that you get to your golf game on
time.” The manager leaned forward, waiting for the words of
wisdom that he could extract about how to manage his people. And
we told him: “You can’t.” “What?” “You can’t manage anyone. So
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there, you can go and have a great game.” “What are you saying?”
asked the manager. “I thought you give whole seminars on
motivating others. What do you mean, I can’t?” “We do give whole
seminars on this topic. But one of the first things we teach managers
is that they can’t really directly control their people. Motivation
always comes from within your employee, not from you.” “So what
is it you do teach?” “We teach you how to get people to motivate
themselves. That is the key. And you do that by managing
agreements, not people. And that is what we are going to discuss
this morning.” The manager put his car keys in his pocket and sat
down in the first seat closest to the front of the room for the rest of
the seminar. He has spent his whole life trying to manage the
behaviour and emotions of other people, at home as well as at work.
Therefore, his life was full of stress and disappointment. We were
going to show him that motivation comes from the inside, not the

In the book, the authors also stated the difference between a leader and a manager, how
they think and act towards the people around them. It is helpful in defining what you are as a
person – are you a leader? Or a manager?

“A boss creates fear, a leader, confidence. A boss fixes blame, a

leader corrects mistake. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions.
A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.” –
Russel H. Ewing, Author

The book is really helpful in discovering yourself and what you can do to motivate others.
Primarily, motivation comes from within, and as leaders we are ought to bring out that motivation
or keep the motivation in them burning. The 100 Ways to Motivate Others provides ways and
practice for people to apply in their daily lives.
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I learned a lot from the book. It taught me about people and how to lead them. I learned
that motivation is something that you don’t give but rather ignite in the hearts of the people. Its
College of Nursing

very seed is already inside us and the only thing we need to do is to help the people find or awaken
that motivation. It does not come from other people but within ourselves. I think it is essential for
us to find our motivation so that we may be able to do the things we need to do and to do it
effectively, efficiently, and most of all with enthusiasm that we may not feel burdened but rather
happy in doing it.

The tips/ways that were stated in the book were indeed something I agree upon. Some of
those ways I have done, while others I have yet to do. While reading, I have come to realize that
there are some tips (if not all) that I can apply to improve my leadership. It is indeed very helpful.

Here I have listed a few quotes from my favourite chapters in the book that caught me and
I would like to ponder on.
 Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.
—Tom Peters, Author/Business Consultant
 If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and
become more, you are a leader
—John Quincy Adams
 Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
 The great leaders are like the best conductors—they reach beyond the
notes to reach the magic in the players.
—Blaine Lee, Management Consultant
 The best way to predict the future is to create it.
—Peter F. Drucker

 A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more
useful than a life spent in doing nothing.
—George Bernard Shaw
 In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand
like a rock.
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—Thomas Jefferson
 People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader works
in the open, and the boss in covert. The leader leads and the boss drives.
—Theodore Roosevelt
 Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what
he does from day to day to lead himself.
—Thomas J. Watson, Former CEO, IBM
 Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing
—Leo Tolstoy

Out of all the many lessons I learned from this book entitled “100 Ways to Motivate
Others”, ironically, there is a flaw in me that I can’t help but notice. The title reads, ways to
motivate others, yet here I am still trying to find my constant motivation. I think the biggest lesson
I can learn from this book is that in order to make others realize or learn what you know, you have
to know and learn the things first by yourself. Likewise, you can’t accurately and effectively
deliver a second hand story but you have to see or experience it yourself. Just the same, for us to
make others realize what motivates them, we have to realize first what motivates us. And from
there, we are more able to help them ignite and flourish their motivation.

To help others improve is not only one of the lessons this book tells us but it also implies
that each of us can be and should be great leaders of our own.

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