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Lesson Procedure

Stage & stage aims Procedure Interaction Materials
5-7 Lead in:  Welcome and greet students t-s Slide 1
Ss activate contextual and schematic  Articulate the goal of the lesson and acknowledge any ideas the ss may bring up
knowledge to aid top-down processing
related to discourse, the genre, or topic. s-s Slide 2
and introduce the context of the lesson.
 SS will be shown a list of 5 different apps used by language learners. Students need
to share their experience with these apps if they are familiar with them in their
 ICQ may include:
o How much time do you need?
o Do you know any of these apps?
o Have you tried any of these app?
o What was good/bad about them?
o Are you writing?
 Allow ss to talk, set the timer based on how much time the ss would like for the task.
 Feedback in open class by asking random ss to share their or their group’s experience
2-3 pre-reading:  Ask the class if they would like to try any of these apps? Then direct them to the s-t Slide 3
ss anticipate what the reading is about to questions on the slide.
help create interest, and form and
activate their schema related to the text.
 Once ss start discussing the importance of apps reviews, and general features of a
desirable language learning app, direct ss to the reading.

5-10 Skim reading:  Direct the ss to reading texts. Explain how the layout of the text on paper is different s-t Slide 4
students skim to identify the gist of the then how it looks online. Show the ss the App info (as seen on Google Play Store from Reading
reading, and practice skimming
a smartphone) and the list of user-generated app reviews. texts
 Show the learners the reading choices, and have them select different reading texts
in their groups. Each ss will be using their selected text during the different phases of
the lesson.
 Direct the ss to the gist questions on the board.
 ICQs may include:
o How much time do you need?
o Are writing or discussing the questions?
o Do you have the same or different reading text as your groupmates?
o Do you use a marker or pen to underline the work cards?
 Allow the ss to complete the task providing guidance if needed. Set the timer for the
task based on ss feedback.
 Once the timer goes off, have them find another ss with the same reading text to
check their answers. s-s
 Once ss complete their peer-check and get back to their seats, direct ss to the review
on the board.
3-5 Introduce cohesion:  Direct ss to the review on the board. s-s Slide 5
Raise ss awareness of the importance of  Have ss think with their group about possible reasons we can make sense of the
lexical cohesion in delivering a coherent
message. This stage is also used to get
students interested in cohesion while  Ask them to look at the reviewer’s choice of words, and then ask them if the writer’s
anticipating an explanation. ideas are connected.

3-5 Discourse presentation or review:  SS will be directed to the slide. Tell them that there is more information than they s-t Slide 6
This stage will be used to demonstrate need to know for this lesson.
how lexical cohesion fits in discourse and
is one of the ways ideas can be connected
 Ask them: how do we connect ideas when we write? Elicit some responses and point
in a text. to where it fits on the flow chart.
This stage also tests students’ knowledge  Point to the green boxes and tell ss that these boxes will be focus of the lesson
of discourse markers and features.
15-20 Guided discovery:  Show ss the worksheets. Tell them that they will use the worksheet to see how s-t Slide 7
Ss notice how lexis is used to connect vocabulary is used to connect ideas in a text. Show them the large boxes. Each box on worksheet
ideas in a text using inductive processes to
make learning more memorable
the worksheet represents a green box on the slide. The grey areas give examples of
words that are in that category. SS will use the example to find similar relationships in
the texts. Then direct ss to the two different worksheets available. Tell them each
worksheet covers two different green boxes. Choose which worksheet you would like
to use.
 ICQs may include:
o Does everyone have the same worksheet/ reading text?
o What kind of information is in the gray section?
o What will you use that information for?
o What will you use the reading text for?
o Do you have to complete all the worksheet?
o How much time do you need?
o Will you be working alone or in groups? Who can you ask for help? S
 Monitor the task closely and provide guidance where needed. Allow ss to use their
groupmates for assistance before intervening. s-s
 Students who complete the should share answers with their classmates. SS need to
compare answers with ss who have the same reading text and/or the same
worksheet. Feedback will be given at the ss tables individually or in their groups.
 To signal the end of the stage, have ss write examples from their reading next to
each green box on the board. s-s
 For possible CCQs see the language analysis above.
Personalising learning:  SS will then be asked if they want to try out connecting ideas using just vocabulary t-s
Giving ss choice allows them take choices.
responsibility for their learning, promotes
autonomy, and should be motivating
 Ss may be given a choice between group and independent writing. Their choices
include either writing an app review using a prompt or completely on their own.
5 Extension option 1 – Production:  Students will be shown an app review with sentences blacked out. Learners need to s-t Slide 8
Ss demonstrate their understanding of the first write the sentence before the prompt, then after it. SS should be challenged to
lesson, and apply their new knowledge. It
provides the teacher feedback on the
not use conjuncts.
effectiveness of presentation phase.  ICQ may include:
o Are you working alone or with a group?
o How much time do you need?
o How will you connect your ideas?
o Will you use words like firstly, then, however?
 Have ss complete the task simultaneously by pointing to the sentence they need to s-t
be writing. Give them some time (and check) that they are on-task. Move on to the s-s
next sentence and repeat.
 Once ss are done, ask them to compare their responses (peer-checking stage) s-s
Slide 9
 If ss are interested, ss may be shown the original text in the reviews.
10-15 Extension option 2 - Production:  Ss think of an app that has helped in learning English. Then have them brainstorm s-t Slide 10
Ss demonstrate their understanding of the words that can be used in the review. Have them think of 5 words that describe s
lesson, and apply their new knowledge. It
provides the teacher feedback on the
features, pros & cons, adjectives. Have them think of synonyms (or related words)
effectiveness of presentation phase. that can be used for the words they had initially brainstormed.
 Get them to write the review. Challenge the ss to avoid using conjunctions to tie s
 Once ss are done, ask them to compare their responses (peer-checking stage) s-s
2-5 Peer/self checking:  SS will refer to their worksheets and see if the writing includes synonyms, s-s Slide 11
SS can receive feedback on how to use hypernyms, antonyms, and lexical chains. SS will also give each other feedback on worksheet
lexical cohesion to improve their writing.
Peer and self-checking helps promote
autonomy, and help learners gauge their
own learning.
2-5 Self-reflection:  Direct the ss to the last slide to review the lesson. Ask them to discuss the boxes in s-s Slide 12
Ss think about what they learned and how their groups.
they learned as means to promote self-
reflection and autonomy. This stage helps
 Monitor and join discussions where appropriate.
raise awareness of different study
strategies and provides valuable feedback
to the teacher.

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