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NC Milling Machine

Yoga Febrian Pratama - B6TB1712

Through the workshop, the working method of an NC program is studied from the program
written for each technical drawing given in class. In addition, actual operation of NC milling
machine to machine parts was done to experience automatic programming.

Workshop Apparatus: Tools and Materials

An NC milling machine with serial number BN85, manufactured by Makino Milling Machine
Co., Ltd., was used to study NC Milling techinques. The NC milling machine is controlled using
a numerical control (NC) system and possesses a built-in servo mechanism. The machine can be
seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The apparatus used in the experiment

The machine has a maximum usable tool diameter of 140 mm and in this experiment, two end
mill cutting tools with different diameters were used. The first one has a diameter of 10 mm
and the other one possesses a diameter of 4 mm. In addition, a drilling-type cutting tool with a
diameter of 10.1 mm was also used. In order to cut a screw thread inside the drilled hole, an M6
Tap was used. Several programs in the computer were used in order to produce the numerical

Workshop Procedure
Before machining the previously milled workpiece, the basics of numerical control programming
was studied. This is done by learning the basic programming codes first. Next, a set of codes
was written to automatically cut a shape seen in Figure 2 on a wood board.

Figure 2: Profile to be coded

After that, the basic operating directions of several programs that was used for the workshop was
studied. This includes a program called Designer, which enables the user to obtain the needed
code of a desired shaped that would be milled to a workpiece. The previously written code was
simulated using a computer program. Using the designer, the code for the desired shape that
will be milled automatically to the workpiece was obtained. The code was simulated before it
was sent to the machine. In order to mill, the following conditions were used:
1. Feed Rate 切削送り: 300 mm−1
2. XY Pick Rate XY ピック送り: 300 mm−1
3. Z Pick Rate Z ピック送り: 300 mm−1
4. Spindle speed 回転数: 300 mm−1
The workshop leader calibrated the machine and the code to mill the workpiece was ran. The
workpiece was then milled and machined to form the second part of the vice, which complement
the previously manually milled workpiece. The machined workpiece was then deburred using a
rasp. The compability of the machined vise part was checked by assembling it with the workpiece
machined from the previous workshop.
Then, using a 4-mm radius milling tool, free shapes and patterns were milled using the same
process. However the following production condition was used:
1. Feed Rate 切削送り: 400 mm−1
2. XY Pick Rate XY ピック送り: 400 mm−1
3. Z Pick Rate Z ピック送り: 100 mm−1
4. Spindle speed 回転数: 3500 mm−1
To design the shapes and patters, the program Designer was once again used. The phrase 武
士の意志 was milled on the unmachined surface of the second part of the vice. Following the
engraving of the phrase, the surface is smoothened using sandpaper, afterwards.

Workshop Results
The code needed for the first part of the experiment to produce the needed figure on Figure 2 is
shown below.
G90 G00 G54 X0 Y0 S2000
X20.0 Y-30.0
G01 Z-7.0 F50
G01 X115.0 Y-30.0
G01 Y-75.00
G02 X20.0 Y-55.0 R20.0
G01 Y-20.0
G00 Z50.0
X0 Y0 M05
The result of the workshop is shown in Figure 3.

(a) (b)

Figure 3: (a) Top view and (b) side view of the end product.

From the result of the workshop, it was apparent how the manufacturing industry relies heavily
on computer-numerical control (CNC) machining. The CNC was definitely does not cost less
than a manual machining process, however the process itself is very cost-efficient. For example,
the result of the various mills done to the workpiece was done nicely and the deburring process
takes way less time from the previous workshop, which involves manual milling. There was less
burr felt as well. Thus it can be confirmed that CNC indeed supplies efficient, expedient and
precise production capacity ideal for creating large quantities of items (Heavy duty and mass

The numerical control also offers advantages. Operating the manual control can be done solely
by one person and since each works automatically, only one person is needed to operate the
machines. However in manual processes, one person can indeed operates all the machine, but it
would take much time and to compesate on this, a skilled worker on every machine is needed
which is not cost effective for the company. The CNC would simplify the work of the person in
charge because they don’t have to check on the product every few minutes to ensure the size of the
cut is correct. The machine is able to do every steps it is programmed to do by itself, instead of
needing treatments (tool change or setting gears, for example) from another skill worker.
Thus, it is apparent that NC milling should be done mainly on mass production or making
complex models as NC machines will be able to maximize the use or cetain tools to cut the
number of tools needed to process a command or target. However, it would be unsuitable to
single produce a simple object because it would cost too much.
Next, the result of the phrase engraving was studied. The result is seen in Figure 4. It can be
seen that using a depth of only 0.2 mm was perfect as the text was clearly seen. The result of
the milling was also good as no burr was felt. Following the process, the surface was grinded
using sandpaper/

Figure 4: The milled text on the surface of the workpiece

The latest progress on the workpiece, then can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Latest work progress of the workpiece

The first assigment was to build a code that would result in Figure 6 using a 10-mm diameter
end mill. The code is shown below.
(STARTMC 1,1,1)
G03X20.Y-15.J-5. Figure 6. Profile of the needed component
The second task was to study about machining centers and automatic tool changer (ATC).
Machining centers, also known as milling or drilling machine center, refers to most CNC milling
and drilling machine that usually possesses an automatic toolchanger and a clamp that fixes the
workpiece on a work stage. On a machining center, the tool is rotatable but the work done does
not rotate. The most defining characteristics of a machining center is the orientation of its spindle.
Two types of machining center exists, the vertical machining center and horizontal machining

center. Vertical machining centers favor precision while the later favor production. However they
are generalizations a lot of machining centers are out of this generalization. Recently, another
type of machining center had grown in terms of popularity. The five-axis machining center, which
is able to pivot the tool and/or the part in order to mill and drill at various orientations had
recently been used on various production due to its flexibility.
As mentioned before, most of machining centers includes an ATC, Automatic tool changer or
ATC is used in computerized numerical control (CNC) machine tools. It has the ability to change
tools very quickly, reducing the non-productive time during production. It enables the machine
to have an improved capacity of tools to work with and able to change worn out or broken
The mechanism of this tool includes the tool receiving change command from the control com-
puter. After receiving the command, the tool will move to a certain position called as the tool
change position. The ATC arm goes into the fixed position and obtained the target tool. The
arm, containing two grapping tools, swivels between machine turret and magazine and deliver
tools to the front face of the turret. One will pick up the old tool from turret and the other will
pick up the new tool from the magazine. Then, the tools will be placed on their due position,
The main reason to the usage of ATC is that it increases the productive time and reduces
the unproductive time to a large extent. By swiftly changing the tools, the time at which no
production was done can be reduced by a lot, because when manual changes are made, depending
on the skill of the operator and the tool to be changed, the process can take some time In
addition, it provides the storage of the tools which are returned automatically to the machine
tool after carrying out the required operations, using barcode labels, enhancing the flexibility of
the machine tool. This simplify the process of changing heavy and large tools and enables the
automatic renewal of cutting edges.

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