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Sugar Frosted Seppuku

A ludicrously Japanese storytelling game of high-action cereal commercials.

Part of a balanced breakfast.

By Caesar Salad for 24 RPG with Special Thanks to Viral

In Sugar Frosted Seppuku, you play the creator of a series of breakfast cereal commercials that air
during Japan’s most popular giant-robot, masked-hero, radioactive-lizard action hour (only fifteen
seizures this quarter). In order to win the largest share of advertising profits for your Corporate Masters,
you have to craft the most exciting forty-five-second spot possible while meeting all the proper
demographic requirements. If you bring in the most yen for your Corporate Masters, you win!

In order to commit Sugar Frosted Seppuku, you’ll need the following things:

1. A copy of these rules. Good work!

2. Yourself and two or more friends.
3. A single d20.
4. A forty-five second timer – in a pinch, your microwave works well, and you could heat up some
delicious ramen.
5. Pens or pencils for the character sheet. Crayons, colored pencils, or markers couldn’t hurt
6. Something to wager with – pennies, glass beads, poker chips – and a bowl to keep them in.
These will be your yen.

Every player must pick a name for their cereal and write it down on the character sheet. Give each
player five yen. You can earn a sixth, bonus yen by drawing out the design for your cereal box, including
your action-packed mascot! Creativity and humor are necessary; skill is not.

The game is split into four rounds, set during the commercial breaks of the show. Each round, every
player will wager up to five yen. Every yen is a roll on the Commercial Props table of their choice, only
one roll per table. So if you wagered two yen, you could choose to roll on the Location and Monster
tables, or the Mood and Hero tables, or any two tables of your choice. This will yield up to five Props per

Once you have your Props, you have forty-five seconds to describe a commercial for your breakfast
cereal, utilizing each of the five Props. There is no preparation or time to think beforehand. Dive right in!
Be wacky, off the cuff, and non sequitur. Think Mr. Sparkle. Your commercial can veer wildly between
whatever plots and subjects you want, but it must include your Props and must, in the end, be about
selling your cereal.

The other players will determine if a Prop’s use was adequate enough. For every Prop used, you get your
wager back, plus an extra yen. For every prop missed, you lose one yen wagered. If you finish under the
time, there is no penalty. If time runs out, you lose the yen for each Prop you didn’t get to.

Play continues around the table until all players have made a commercial, and then a new round begins.

The minimum wager for the first round is two yen. Three for the second round, four for the third round,
and the big finish requires at least five yen wagered – one for each Prop table.
Once per commercial, any player may throw in one Yen into the bowl and shout out a word of their
choice off any of the tables that the current player must immediately work into his commercial. If he
does so successfully, he gets the yen. If he cannot, he loses an extra yen.

After all four rounds, the player with the most yen is the winner, he whose cereal reigns supreme! In the
event of a tie, the players can either share the win or may demand a face off commercial round with no
maximum wager size.

Commercial Props

1. The Breakfast Table

2. Climbing Tokyo Tower

3. Sumo Wrestling Ring

4. In a Thunderstorm

5. Nuclear Power Plant

6. On the Moon

7. Elementary School

8. A Very Quiet Library

9. Office Cubicle Farm

10. A Rolling, Grassy Field

11. Under the Ocean

12. An Erupting Volcano

13. Inside Someone’s Dream

14. A Baseball Stadium

15. Inside the Human Body

16. Darkest Africa

17. Cyberspace

18. Heaven

19. Samurai-Era Japan

20. The Kitchen


1. Super Sentai Team

2. A Talking Shiba Inu

3. A Cartoon Mouse

4. Average Japanese Salaryman

5. Sumo Wrestler

6. The Sun, Smiling

7. A Magical Butterfly

8. Pure and Mystical Unicorn

9. A Rainbow

10. Sports Legend

11. An American Super Hero

12. Famous Anime Character

13. Heroic Kaiju

14. Anthropomorphic Bowl of Cereal

15. The Buddha

16. Santa Claus

17. Famous American Movie Star, Slumming For a Paycheck

18. God

19. Hyperactive Young Child

20. Pop Idol


1. Giant Radioactive Lizard

2. Crab People

3. Stern Teacher

4. Clueless Dad

5. Evil, Thieving Gnomes

6. Restless, Hungry Ghosts

7. Boredom, Personified

8. Thousands of Spiders

9. A Really, Really Fat Man

10. Space Aliens

11. Satan

12. Annoying Little Brother

13. Everything is On Fire

14. Asteroid

15. Impending Armageddon

16. Tentacles, Tentacles, Tentacles

17. There’s No Milk

18. My Spoon is Too Big

19. Cereal Bowl Octopus

20. The Shame of Your Ancestors


1. Pensive

2. Bewildered

3. Angry

4. Determined

5. Envious

6. Gloomy

7. Relieved

8. Embarrassed

9. Starving

10. Lethargic

11. High

12. Giddy

13. Bored
14. Drunken

15. Joyous

16. Ecstatic

17. Pessimistic

18. Morose

19. Bittersweet

20. Infuriated


1. A Giant Spoon

2. Transforming Mecha

3. Goldfish Bowl

4. Jumbo Jet

5. Twelve Hardboiled Eggs

6. Magical Katana

7. A Defenseless Kitten

8. Box of Crayons

9. World’s Biggest Watermelon

10. Playing Cards

11. The Internet

12. Really Expensive Sushi

13. A Speeding Bullet Train

14. Live Prawns

15. An American Football

16. Laser Gun

17. Mt. Fuji

18 An Eggplant

19. Polaroid Camera

20. Bowl of Rice


Cereal Name

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