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Complete the crossword below


2 3

Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r

Across Down
2. wo rds which are regulary used to gether. the relatio n 1. the so und /ə/. it is feature o f many weak fo rms.
between the wro ds may be grammatical o r lexical. e.g. do 3. to put new language into a situatio n that sho ws what it
the sho pping, means. e.g.sho wing pics o f a family ho liday, using past
4 . things which teachers use in a class. e.g. hando uts, simple.
pictures, flashcards. 6 . to read a text quickly to get a general idea o f what it is
5 . to learn a language witho ut studying it, just by hearing abo ut.
and/o r reading it and then using it.
6 . an appro ach which uses a syllabus based o n
grammatical structures.

designed by Tetyana Skrypkina


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