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The Scientific Association of Medical Students of the Carabobo University, Aragua

headquarters (SOCEM UCSA), founded in 2007, is a student, apolitical and non-

profit organization whose main objective is to promote medical research primarily
in the area of pre-degree, without leaving aside the spirit of service and community
care in order to actively contribute to complete the formation of future doctors of
our country.
The objectives of the society are:
 -To Promote scientific research high-level students-To Promote continuous
medical education-
 -Make periodic scientific, academic, cultural and social action events for the
benefit of its members and student community in general
 -Post The results of the activities and scientific works
 -Facilitate academic support for the development of research whose authors
are members
 -Disseminate information on local, national and international scientific
 -To promote actions that address the medical needs of underserved
SOCEM UCSA has 9 committees and work groups. Each committee develops an
important function, but they work together to accomplish the mission of the society.
 SCOME: Standing Committee of Medical Education
 SCOPH: Standing Committee of Public Health
 SCOPE/SCORE: Standing Committee of Professional Exchange and
Research Exchange
 SCORA: Standing Committee of Sexual and Reproductive Health
 SCORP: Standing Committee of Human Rights and Peace
 REPC: Student’s Cardiovascular Prevention Network
 CIMEL magazine: Science and Medical Students magazine
 CPEDEC: Standing Committee of Scientific Evaluation and Development
 Technologies and Publications / Virtual Media
SOCEM UCSA is accredited in two Federations:
 FEVESOCEM-IFMSA: The International Federation of Medical Students
Associations, which has 60 years and even has a representant in the United
Nations and World Health Organization
 FELSOCEM: The Latin American Federation of Medical Students Society, in
which I am part of the Editorial Committee of the CIMEL magazine, and is
my job to read every single one of the articles sent to it, revise and correct
them, in order to make them suitable to be published in that magazine.
Personally, I have been a member of SOCEM UCSA since my first year of medical
school (2012), and it has become an important part of my life, because it has given
me the chance to live awesome experiences, such as getting in touch with patients
since my first year and learning how to become a great doctor, participating in
beautiful activities with the community, and meeting amazing people and traveling
to several places.
I was elected as CPEDEC director in 2013, and it was really great, I organized the
first “Clinical Cases Redaction Workshop”, which had a massive assistance, and
other activities related to teaching to the student community how to do research.
Besides being CPEDEC director, I also was the financial chief in 2015, delegate to
the Venezuelan Federation of Scientific Societies (FEVESOCEM) and currently I
am director of the Standing Committee of Medical Education (SCOME), whose
work is to create activities of medical education for students and for general
community. My first activity this year was a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Workshop, which was dictated by a cardiologist. We also organized discussion of
medical topic, such as STDs, nutrition and cardiovascular health, in public
activities. Right now, we are organizing a Pediatrics Conference in order to raise
funds to replace equipment that was stolen for our university.
And also I’m working in the medical talks for the community of Chuao,, Aragua,
where we are going to be having a camp, to give medical attention to its
community. The camp is called CUMIS, which means “Multidisciplinary
Universitary Campament of Research and Service” and it’s the biggest event of our
society. This year, will be attending approximately one hundred and fifty people,
not just SOCEM UCSA also guests of Valencia, Barinas, Caracas and Merida. It’s
going to be great, but it’s also a lot of work, because we are going to be giving
medical attention, medical education, and odontological services and even going to
have a little pharmacy, using donations, to give medicines to the ones who need it.
There are also going to be certain cultural activities, courtesy of the Chuao
community, as a little surprise for the members. Because of all the things we want
to take there, we have to charge the inscription of each member that´s going, and
also looking for donations of any kind, such as food, medicines and medical
supplies. Also we are applying something called “Sponsor a Patient”, which consist
in a monetary collaboration of not less of five hundred bolívares, given by an
external person, in order to guarantee the attention of one patient. Each CUMIS
participant needs a minimal of 5 sponsors.
The memories of all the experiences I had while being in SOCEM UCSA are very
precious to me, and when I graduate, I want to collaborate with it in every way
possible! And the fact that it is so important in my life is why I decided to make my
final presentation about it.

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