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Bahasan yang lazim muncul di sesi kedua:

1. kelengkapan kalimat (Subject-verb rules).

2. Kalimat sederhana – majemuk – kompleks (simple –compound-complex sentence).
3. Kata ganti (pronoun)
4. Kesertaraan bentuk (paralellism)
5. Konsep waktu (tenses)
6. Kata ganti perangkai (relative pronoun)
7. Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence)
8. Perbandingan (comparison)
9. Pola pemakaian kata kerja (gerund – to infinitive)
10. Kausatif (causative)
11. Angan – angan (subjunctive)
12. Inverse (inversion)
13. Keefektifan ungkapan ( effectiveness)
14. Pemadatan ungkapan (shortened clause)
15. Jenis kata (parts of speech )
16. Susunan kata (word order)
17. Kalimat aktif-pasif (active-passive voice)
18. Kata penghubung berpasangan (Paired conjunction)
19. Kata kerja berfrasa (Phrasal verbs )
20. Appositive (keterangan kata benda)

Latihan – latihan

1. The sun ……… vast amounts of gases.

a. Gives off
b. With
c. Which
d. from

2. No one knows when is her birthday.


3. As soon as the silkworm eggs hatch into caterpillars, they are ready to spin its cocoons.

4. The earth spins on its axis and ……….. 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds for one
complete rotation.
a. Need
b. Needed
c. Needing
d. Needs

5. By the twenty-first century, the computer ………………… a necessity in every home.

a. To become
b. Has became
c. Becoming
d. Will have become
6. Charlie Chaplin was a comedian where was best known for his work in silent movies.

7. If water is heated to 212 degree F, ……………………….as steam.

a. It will boil and escape
b. It is boiling and escaping
c. It boil and escape
d. It would boil and escape

8. The speed of light ……………….the speed of sound.

a. Is faster
b. Is more fast than
c. Is faster than
d. The fastest than

9. One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning ………

a. To repeat
b. Repeating
c. How to repeat
d. Repeat

10. I’ll have my assistant …………………….for an appointment.

a. Called
b. Calling
c. Will call
d. Call

11. The students wish they …………………to go to class today.

a. Don’t have
b. Didn’t have
c. Will not have
d. Haven’t had

12. Never ……………………so much snow.

a. I have seen
b. Have I seen
c. Having I seen
d. Seen I have

13. Adyta rarely never wins a prize in any contest she takes part.

14. When …………….at this store, the buyers gets a guarantee on all items.
a. Purchase
b. Was purchasing
c. Purchasing
d. They are purchased.

15. The dishwasher quit his job because he was making only four dollars a hour.
16. The X-ray treatment …………….up to the time that he was dismissed from the hospital.
a. Gave daily
b. Were given daily
c. Basically have given
d. Daily are given

17. William is not enough strong to lift that huge stone without our help.
18. They want either to swim …….to play soccer.
a. And
b. Or
c. Nor
d. But

19. Sheena excels ……mathematics and economics.

a. On
b. In
c. At
d. Within

20. Paris, ………………………is very famous for its fashion mode as well.
a. A capital city of France
b. The capital city of France
c. The more beautiful city
d. The beautifulest city

Ragam pertanyaan sesi reading comprehension

1. Gagasan utama (main idea)

2. Pengungkapan kembali (restatement)
3. Inferensi (inference)
4. Kosakata (vocabulary)
5. Pilihan data (exception)
6. Rujukan kata (reference)
7. Sikap/ pendapat/ tujuan penulis (author’s attitude/ opinion/ purpose)
8. Kebertalian gagasan (organization of idea)
9. Prediksi topic yang mendahului/ mengikuti teks (preceding/ following topics)
10. Unjuk sokong gagasan (supporting idea)
11. Analogy (analogy)

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