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Good morning everyone, as I am writing this speech of mine, several questions came to my mind.

First question, what will I say that will make you listen to me... I bet some you now would rather go back
to the comfort of your rooms or classroom than standing there. Might be some of you are now
murmuring or thinking what kind of non sense am talking about.

Second question, would anything that I will say to you will matter? or maybe you might just be too tired
or sleepy or still got that that hang-over last night to ponder on it or even try to understand it.

Third question, is there someone among you who will appreciate what will I gonna tell you today or
maybe you just want me to get on with it and get it done immediately.

Well, I am asking these questions because sometimes it becomes so easy to be non-caring and apathetic
of the things that happen around us or in tagalog sa panahon ngayon mas madali ang maging walang
pakialam at di makialam sa mga bagay bagay sa ating paligid. to put in in some of our colleagues
language " Snappy and lousy, same salary" and if not most of us, some of us would rather chose the
latter, than standing on what is right or on the standard set.

Even I at times seems to be tempted to stay low and let others do the job because sometimes we avoid
responsibility, we don't want it, if there's a way we must escape from it.

However, there is always a time for reckoning, time will come that we will be held accountable for the
time that we opted to relax, it is not always that we find escapes from our supposed to be
responsibilities, time will come that eventually we will have to face it.

The question is, if that time comes are we ready for it? are we capable to face it? are we equipped to
deal with it?

If you are one those who prefers to receive the same salary and prefers to be lousy, then I am definitely
sure you will fall short on the responsibility given to you, and definitely the accountability that you'll be
paying is more than what you've earned.

My co police officers, being responsible is not an inborn skill, it is a learned skill that ought to be
practiced and lived everyday.

The way you treat responsibility each day defines what kind of person are you... Some are afraid or feel
awkward to be branded as snappy, kasi ika nga ang snappy ang siyang unang namamatay, But i believe
otherwise, kung me snappy mang namamatay it is because they saw the neccessity of it, kumbaga ito'y
dahil sa hinihingi ng pagkakataon, but if a lousy person dies, it is mostly because of the lack of skills and
kakulangan sa pakiramdam that brought him to his grave, he died a meaningless death..

So if I'm going to die anyway, I'd rather die due to the bout u?
I may sound an idealist, but for us police officers, there's no other way that we can live but to live
responsibly as we have the public to protect and the credibility of our organization to uphold.

What kind of persons are we, define the kind of organization that we composed of, it define the kind and
quality of services that we deliver.

We might think, di bale na kung di ko gagawin marami namang snappy diyan na pwedeng gumawa, or
we can always say leave it to those who know the job well, however, we must not forget, each of us is a
part of the organization and play a vital role, magiging mabagal or tiyak di natin mararating ang atin
paroroonan if some of us chose to walk slow and worst walk going to left while majority chooses right.

Some of you might be commenting right now " weeehhh" tapusin na yan mainit na, but, comes tonight, I
hope you will be able to dig in your conscience, and fine the answer to the question, are you helping the
PNP reached its destination for 2030 and beyond or are you one of those who keep pulling our far or
away from what it want to achieve?

Let us think about it, and hope we can decide which way are we going to take...

for that, thank you for the time and previlege, good morning

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