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Students names:Lissette Zambrano Parrales - Lissette Zavala Brito.

Teacher: Msc. Marco Álvarez Gálvez.


Morfología y Fisiología de Organismos ACUG1008

Unilateral Eyestalk Ablation

It is used in almost all marine shrimp maturation / reproduction facilities in the world, to stimulate shrimp
females to develop mature ovaries:

1) Causes inhibitions in females that prevent them from developing mature ovaries in captivity.

2) Even in ablation condition by study increases the total production of eggs and increases the percentage
of females in a given population that will participate in reproduction.

The relationship between removal of one (or both) eyestalk of a female decapod crustacean and ensuing
gonadal development. The ablation of the eyes has also been shown to stimulate early gonadal
development in males.
Considering that eyestalk ablation effects the hormone balance for numerous physiological processes in
addition to stimulation of gonadal hypertrophy, what are the practical effects of this operation and at what
cost do we achieve induced ovarian development using eyestalk ablation? The following observations have
been made concerning use of eyestalk ablation in captive reproduction, and may be related to either
captivity conditions, eyestalk ablation, or both:

1) Captive spawn size (number of eggs per spawn) is smaller than in wild-matured females, regardless of
whether pediatric ablation is used.
2) Eyestalk ablation increases total eggs production in captivity by producing more frequent spawning,
but not larger spawns. For example, they found that ablated females produced twice as many eggs as
non-attacked females. In general, slightly larger individual spawn are reported for non-flattened females,
but the spawning frequency is considerably higher in animals subjected to ocular ablation.
3) There is no strong trend towards decreasing spawning size over time. Found a decrease in eggs /
spawns in both ablated and non-spaced females at 80 and 110 days, respectively.
4) A reduction in fertility has been observed with successive generations of captives in P. stylirostris and P.
semisulcatus. This seems to be correlated with the conditions of captivity, not with the ablation of the
eye. In P. vanamei an increased fecundity has been observed instead of diminished with successive
generations, probably due to selection.

5) The duration of the mount cycle is shorter in the females abducted by the eyes than in the intact females.

6) Frequently, but not always, a higher mortality rate of females abducted by ocular speech is reported.

7) It has been suggested that ablation of the eyes of the eye impairs the female condition, measured as Kn,
a relative condition factor.

8) in some cases it has been observed that ocular eye ablation produces a lower rate of eggs in the
incubation than non-separated females; wild females of P. monodon had the highest hatching rate, followed
by wild populations eliminated, followed by populations of ablated ponds.

9) It has been observed that the slagging rate decreases over time under captive conditions and has been
shown to be partially related to diet. Occasionally, it is reported that the elimination rate decreases within a
period of intermoltura (period of intermoltura, when its new exoskeleton is filled and it is a period of rest
and growth for a crab.).

10) Ovarian color in captive females, especially in females abducted by the eyes, is often quite different
from wild maturation.

11) Occasionally, it is observed that the nauplii of the captive females are transparent, instead of having a
brownish-green tinge.

12) Occasionally, slow development times of the larvae (rates of metamorphosis in Protozoea, Mysis and PL)
are observed in the populations in captivity.

13) Physical abnormalities are sometimes observed in the nauplius stages. Symptoms range from missing or
abrupt caudal mushrooms to compression of the abdomen, flattened abdomen or, in some cases, two
14) The survival of Nauplio (or Protozoea I) to Postlarva is sometimes lower in larvae produced in captivity
than in wild.
15) The survival (during fattening) of PL produced in captivity is often, but not always, lower, and survival is
less predictable than in PL produced from healthy wild females.
16) A higher incidence of physical abnormalities in growth correlates with reproduction in captivity.
Common abnormalities include curved rostrum, abbreviated or blunt rostrum, disfigurement of one or
more segments of the tail and enlarged carapace, especially over the gills. A positive correlation was
reported between the incidence of IHHN virus and physical anomalies.
17) Some offspring of females reared in captivity are clearly inferior in terms of fattening performance,
which exhibit "rarefaction" or variability in size frequency distributions.

Eyestalk ablation techniques

unilateral eyestalk ablation is accomplished in the following ways:

1) Simple pinching of the eyestalk, usually performed half to two-thirds down the eyestalk. This method
may leave an open wound.
2) Slitting one eye with a razor blade, then crushing eyestalk, with thumb and index fingernail, beginning
one-half to two-thirds down the eyestalk and moving distally until the contents of eyes have been removed.
This method, sometimes called enucleation, leaves behind the transparent exoskeleton so that clotting of
hemolymph, and closure of the wound, may occur more rapidly
3) Cauterizing through the eyestalk with either an electrocautery device or an instrument such as a red-hot
wire or forceps. If correctly performed, this method closes the wound completely and allows scar tissue to
form more readily. A variation of this technique is to use scissors or sharp blade to sever the eyestalk, and
then to cauterize the wound.
4) Ligation by tying off the eyestalk tightly with surgical or other thread. This method also has the advantage
of immediate wound closure. A more complete discussion of eyestalk ablation techniques can be found in
Makinouchi and Honculada-Primavera (1987).

Molt Cycle v. Eyestalk Ablation

Since molting and ovarian development occur at different times of the molt cycle, it has been theorized that
the timing of eyestalk ablation might influence reproductive performance. With a mean molt cycle duration
of 22 days, Browdy nd Samocha (1985a) compared reproductive performance of females s, 9 and 10 days
postmolt (roughly in the second quarter of the molt cycle) with females ablated 13, 14, and 15 days into the
molt cycle (toward the latter part of the third quarter of the molt cycle). They found that in the first 11 days,
females ablated early produced about twice as many eggs as those in the latter ablation group. The authors
concluded that animals ablated early in the molt cycle had to mature and spawn before molting, while most
females ablated later in the molt cycle began to spawn only after molting. lting (ecdysis) is a cyclical pattern
of shedding of cuticle, or exoskeleton, which occurs throughout the life of marine shrimp. As one
exoskeleton is shed, a new and larger exoskeleton hardens, allowing growth to continue. In decapod
crustaceans, the molting process is an energy demanding process, with numerous physiological and
biochemical changes affecting the entire body of the organism. Summary, the energy demanding processes
of spawning and molting appear to occur discretely, with spawning or resorbing of ovaries occurring during
the late intermolt or early premolt stages of the molt cycle.

Latency Period: Eyestalk Ablation to Ovarian Development

Once females have been subjected to eyestalk ablation, complete ovarian development often ensues within
as little as 3 to 10 days, adequate size for reproduction, and not subjected to too much transfer stress. A
longer than normal latency period between cyestalk ablation and ovarian development anticipated,
probably due to seasonal hormonal cycling. Duration of the latency period between eyestalk ablation and
maturation of ovaries is determined by the readiness of the population at the time of eyestalk ablation.

Artificial Insemination, in vitro Fertilization

Artificial insemination is routinely used in some laboratories, (e.g, AQUACOP 1983a) to accomplish
fertilization when environmental conditions (either water quality exogenous influences such as light, noise,
etc., are inhibitory to mating. While artificial insemination can be useful in increasing production in a

maturation laboratory, or in the collection of wild spawners (in open helycum species), it also has long-term
significance in its potential for interspecific and intraspecific pairings of individual males and females for
genetic selection of desirable traits in domestic stocks. Because of the 121 physiological differences in the
genitalia of open and closed thelyca species the procedures are distinct for each group In open thelycum
species, artificial insemination is accomplished by removal of spermatophores from a male, manually or by
electroejaculation (Sandifer et al. 1984), removal of sperm from spermatophores, and placement of the
sperm mass externally near the female gonopores prior to spawning. This procedure apparently requires
tedious synchronization of addition of the sperm suspension with spawning, but might be a practical
method for use in interspecific hybridization with either closed open thelycum species. In vitro fertilization
of P. merguiensis has been recently reported by Nair (1987). Clark et al. (1973) reported one instance of in
vitro fertilization in the brown shrimp, P aztecus, although the results have not been replicated. Successful
vitro fertilization has also been reported recently in palaemonid shrimp (Berg et al. 1986). In the penaeid
shrimp Sicyonia ingentis, cryopreservation of sperm has been reported (Anchordoguy et al. 1988).
Interspecific hybridization to achieve heterosis, or stock improvement, is not yet a commercial reality,
although artificial insemination has been used to produce hybrids of P. stylirostris and P. setiferus (Lawrence
et al. 1984) and P. schmitti and P. setiferus (Bray et al. 1990) Genetic manipulation of domestic stocks is still
very primitive today However, closing of life cycles opens the way for stock improvement through selection
for traits such as growth rate, disease resistance, and tolerance of specific environmental parameters.
Selection for improved growth will likely succeed, as in other domestic stocks, despite relatively low levels
of genetic variation in penaeid populations (Lester 1979a,b; Lester 1983; Mulley and Latter 1980, Mulley
and Latter 1981a,b; Redfield et al. 1981). Considerable genetic variation in the growth rate of larval
penaeids is indicated by the heritabilities reported by Lester (1988) for size of P. vannamei postlarvae (h
0.15 0.32 0.36 40) and P. stylirostris (h 0.84 t 0.79 - 1.02 0.60). In the American lobster, Homarus
americanus, Hedgecock and Nelson ( 1978 ) suggested that up to 30 % of the variation in juvenile growth
may be heritable.
Percent Females Participating in Nauplius Production
It is clear that even using the stimulus of eyestalk ablation, participation in breeding is extremely variable
among females. This pattern also has been seen in populations of other species, and Wyban et al. (1990)
indicated that a great deal of the variability among P. vannamei females in reproductive performance may
be due to genetic factors. Knowledge of participation vs. non-participation in breeding can be utilized to cull
and replace non performi ng females from a population, thereby increasi ing the percentage of temales
participating and larval production.

Seawater parameters for reproduction

Seawater is a complex medium consisting of primary and trace elements, and its elemental composition
may vary in dramatic to subtle ways from location to location, from estuary to nearshore water to offshore
water, and among different ocean-fronting locations. Even temporary storage of seawater has been shown
to alter its ability to support bacteria, which indicates the subtle changes which may occur in water
treatment systems. It is instructive to remember that in nature, all members of the genus Penaeus migrate
to generally oceanic character water by adulthood, and reproduction occurs in this life cycle phase.

Salinity should be maintained from 28 to 36 ppt for most species. Optimal salinity by species has not been
experimentally determined, but this range is widely used in penaeid research and commercial laboratories.

This penaeids range also generally matches the oceanic-character water to which are exposed during
breeding. Browdy and Samocha (1985a,b) and Browdy et al. (1986) had excellent reproduction results with
P. semisulcatus at 40 ppt. In the case of P. monodon, Bray et al. (1988) found that broodstock cultured in
hypersaline ponds (45 ppt and slightly higher) were mating, but required 3-5 weeks conditioning to 35 ppt
seawater to develop ovaries, achieve normal exoskeleton coloration, and begin spawning.

While many aspects of temperature regimes have not been tested, the range of 27 to 29° C is believed to be
almost universally optimal. Generally, temperature below 26° C will greatly reduce reproductive
performance in most species. Slightly lower optima are probable in more temperate and deeper water
species. Increasing temperature day length are considered to be important cues in nature for onset of
spawning in a number of species, although response to natural stimuli may be lessened by use of eyestalk
ablation. As time in spawning tanks prior increased, percentage hatch decreased. This phenomenon may be
an argument for using slightly increased temperature in spawning tanks as a stimulus to spawning, so long
as other factors relating to temperature, eg. Bacteria levels, are not detrimental.

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