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May 1955 TRUSCOTT: Expectations for the Future in War Wounds of the Abdomen 225

Summary made through adequate incisions to allow treat-

The forward surgeon dealing with abdominal ment of injuries which are likely to be multiple.
injuries must be in the right place with the right His post-operative care must be simple and carried
support at the right time. His operations will be on long enough to ensure safe travel to the next
based on ordinary civilian surgery, but must be unit behind.


Assistant Director, Paediatric Unit, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School; Sometime Radcliffe Travelling Fellow

Delays in diagnosis and mistakes in the manage- SODIUM AND CHLORIDE

ment of the fluid balance are responsible for ml.
nearly all the difficulties which arise in cases of 'physiological'
intestinal obstruction in the paediatric age group. g. NaCI saline
First five days .. .. None None
The technical procedures required to correct the Up to one month .. .. 0.25-0.5 25-50
obstruction, whether in the newborn period or One month to six months . i.0
Six months to two years .. I.5-2.0
later, are now done so well that they seldom I50-200
cause trouble. This article will deal with the Older children ... . 2-4 200-400
management of the fluid balance in four types of Because the administration of some glucose
case: the newborn with oesophageal atresia or prevents as much tissue breakdown from occurring
with obstruction lower down in the gastro- as would occur if the patient were completely
intestinal tract, infantile hypertrophic pyloric starved, the water requirements are given as a
stenosis, acute intussusception and appendicitis solution of glucose. Dextrose has at least two
with peritonitis. other important actions in starvation, namely,
Some general principles will first be stated. reducing the sodium loss in the urine and reducing
The aim of fluid administration is to provide the output of organic acids. It is desirable to
(i) water and electrolytes in the amounts which
the child would require if he were not ill-i.e. spread the administration ofas the maintenance
maintenance requirements-and (2) a replace- electrolyte Thus
requirement over long a period as
a most useful solution is 1/5
ment for those lost through vomiting, gastric or possible.
' physiological' saline made isotonic with glucose
duodenal suction, or diarrhoea.
The maintenance requirements for children of (i.e. o.i8 per NaCl and 4.3 per cent. dex-
different ages and weights have now been worked trose). Recently has been suggested that cane
out and it is seldom necessary, or advisable, to sugar may be used to supply more energy than
glucose, as it can be given in a io per cent. solution
take blood from the infant for biochemical without causing glycosuria, whereas glucose, if
examinations to be made in the laboratory. The in more than a 5 per cent. solution, tends to
maintenance requirements by age and weight are given
cause glycosuria and have a dehydrating effect;
shown in the following table (modified after Dodd the continuance of intravenous fluids is usually
and Rapoport):
only necessary for such a short time that, in the
writer's opinion, the proper use of glucose and
First five days ....... . 40 ml./kg. electrolyte solutions gives very satisfactory results.
Up to one year .. ...... i60 ml./kg. The route of administration of parenteral fluids
One to two years .. ...... 20 ml./kg. should be the intravenous one, unless, as is the
Two to four years .. .. .. 1oo ml./kg.
Ten years .. .. .. .. 70 ml./kg. case in most cases of pyloric stenosis, it is only

The prolonged
1oo to 200 ml. ofof normal
necessary to give administration saline.
a hypotonic
are premature), the surgeon must be most careful
not to give too much fluid intravenously. Gross
solution subcutaneously, even when hyaluronidase states that he has seen many more newborn
is given at the same time, is dangerous, since after babies requiring surgery die of overhydration
the first few hundred millilitres absorption is than from dehydration: to borrow his phrase, the
appears that, because of the
unsatisfactory. ofItdiffusion surgeon must have 'a pre-set limitation of the
different rates of glucose and electro- 24-hour fluids.' So often one has seen the house
lytes, the infant may lose much of his circulating surgeon, justifiably proud of setting up an infusion
sodium and chloride into the unabsorbed depots on such a small subject, meeting with disaster
of hypotonic fluid. The site of intravenous because he has let ' a little more fluid run in to
infusion depends on the skill of the operator and keep the drip thegoing.' The total amount of fluid
the amount of movement of the infant that may given during first five days of life should not
be necessary. If the infant has to be taken from exceed 20 ml./lb./24 hours plus blood to replace
the ward to the operating theatre and back, it is any lost at operation; no sodium chloride is re-
usually wise to perform a ' cut-down' at the quired toduring this time. Perhaps it is not out of
wrist or ankle (it should practically never be place stress the importance of keeping the
necessary to ' cut-down' in the antecubital fossa). infant warm and undisturbed (Lee, 1951).
If the infant has returned from the theatre, it is
usually possible to avoid cutting down, and to Pyloric stenosis. The infant may have become
give ' stick-in' infusions into a vein on the scalp, severely alkalotic as a result of the vomiting of
the dorsum of the hand, or the surface of the gastric contents. Therefore, if the stomach is
washed out, a saline solution and not a bicar-
wrist. To do this type of infusion successfully a bonate solution should be used.
short-bevelled needle, gauge S.W.G. 24, 22, or 20,
is required. The needle can usefully be attached This is one of the few occasions when a chemical
to semi-transparent plastic tubing, so that the examination is desirable. The extent of the
operator can see at once when the needle is in the chloride loss should be assessed by an estimation
vein. Some house surgeons prefer to use the of the serum chloride. This can be performed
Kempton set. on blood obtained by heel prick and a vene-
The actual measurement of the fluid withdrawn puncture is not necessary. The incidence of post-
by duodenal or gastric suction is most important operative complications is greatly reduced if the
chlorides lost by vomiting are replaced by
and should be considered a very special responsi-
bility. Aofvolume equal to that withdrawn of a subcutaneous infusion before the operation. If
solution 'physiological' sodium chloride, or the serum chlorides are below 90 m.Eq./l. (normal
preferably ina solution containing 12 m.Eq./l. Ioo m.Eq./l.) 'physiological' 0.9 per cent.
potassiumover and addition should be given intra- sodium chloride should be given subcutaneously;
venously above the maintenance require- quicker absorption is obtained if i ml. hyaluroni-
ment. Such a solution can be prepared by dase is added to each Ioo ml. saline. It is not
addinga 4.4 ml. of 2 per tocent. potassium chloride possible to give a precise figure for the amount of
sodium chloride required. An approximate guide
(from sterile ampoule) Ioo ml. of the sodium is 70 ml. for each io m.Eq./l. fall in serum chloride,
chloride solution.
The occurrence of a hypokalaemic hypo- but it is wise to check the serum chloride after
chloraemic alkalosis is to be expected in cases of 120 ml. saline have been given.
intestinal obstruction. It occurs to some degree Acute intussusception. The prognosis in acute
after all operations. The reasons why it occurs intussusception varies directly with the time
in intestinal obstruction are not altogether clear, which elapses between the onset of the condition
but it seems to be established that paralytic ileus and the operation, and the longer the time interval
can often be prevented by the judicious adminis- the worse the outlook and the greater the degree
tration of potassium in severe cases of obstruction. of shock. In practice, if the degree of shock is
The solution referred to above when used to great, the advantages of a couple of hours spent
replace fluids withdrawn by suction would seem in resuscitating the patient certainly outweigh the
to provide a suitable amount of potassium. disadvantages of theoutlined
slight additionalbutdelay. The
Obstruction in the newborn. During the first principles already apply, because of
three days of life the infant requires very little the shock it is wise to start intravenous therapy-
fluid; in many maternity units it is the custom to with a blood transfusion, a dextran infusion, or
withhold all fluids from
premature, but otherwise an infusion of small pool plasma. The infant
normal, babies for the first 72 hours after birth. with acute intussusception is often plump, but
It follows that if a baby is born with intestinal this should not be considered an excuse for sub-
obstruction (and a high proportion of such babies stituting subcutaneous infusions for intravenous
May I955 STAPLETON: Fluid Balance in Intestinal Obstruction in Infancy and Childhood 227
ones during the post-operative period; the writer in intestinal obstruction in children without many
has seen serious trouble from this cause. laboratory investigations, so long as the measure-
Acute appendicitis with peritonitis. The straight- ments of the volumes of fluid removed by suction,
forward case of appendicitis diagnosed early does lost at operation, and given intravenously are
not require any intravenous fluids. Once severe made accurately.
peritoneal irritation has occurred,. there is an
increased danger of paralytic ileus developing. BIBLIOGRAPHY
In treating such cases intestinal suction is used. DODD, K., and RAPOPORT, S. (I950), ' Mitchell-Nelson Text-
The volume of fluid aspirated must be replaced book of Pediatrics,' sth edition, p. 20z; W. B. Saunders
by the intravenous route, giving the solution of
sodium and potassium chloride described earlier.
GROSS, R. E., and FERGUSON, C. C. (I952), Surg. Gynaec. &
Obstet., 95, 631.
In summary, fluid balance can be maintained KEMPTON, J. J. (195g), Brit. med. J., i, 1140.
LEE, C. M. (I951), Ann. Surg., I34, io66.


Department of Surgical Studies, Middlesex Hospital, London, W.I

The last 20 years have seen a great improve- TABLE I

ment in the results of treatment of patients with Source Volume
acute intestinal obstruction. In the main this
improvement is due to an increasing understanding Saliva .. .. .. . 1500 ccs.
of the importance of the two basic pathological Gastric secretion .. .... 2500 ccs.
effects of obstruction, namely, intestinal disten- Bile .. .. .. .... 500 ccs.
Pancreatic juice .. .. 700 ccs.
sion, and the loss from the body of large quantities Secretion of intestinal mucosa .. 3000 ccs.
of fluid and electrolytes. It is now well recog-
nized that in the treatment of intestinal obstruction Total .. .. .. .. .. 8200 ccs.
the relief of this distension and the replacement Normal Plasma Vol . . .. 3500 ccs.
of fluid losses play as great a part in the successful
outcome of the case as the release of the obstruc- The normal volume of digestive juices secreted per
tion itself. In many cases the management of the 24 hours, by an adult. (From Gamble, 1950.)
patient's water and electrolyte equilibrium will
removed by intestinal suction. Certain salient
pose very complex problems, and in all cases an facts about these secretions must be borne in
exact analysis of the exchanges taking place will
require intricate biochemical calculations, but mind. First, the total volume of fluid secreted
these considerations must not be allowed to into the alimentary tract each 24 hours amounts
obscure the fact that the great majority of these to over 8 litres (Table i). When it is remem-
cases can be successfully handled by attention to bered that the normal circulating plasma volume
a few simple concepts. is only 3 litres, it is apparent that losses from the
intestine can readily and rapidly lead to a danger-
The Nature of the Fluid Losses ously large fluid deficit. Secondly, such losses
The crux of the problem of the maintenance of consist not of water but of a solution of electrolytes
fluid and electrolyte equilibrium in patients with which, though varying in composition in each
intestinal obstruction consists in the assessment secretion, is in all of them essentially isotonic
and replacement of the abnormal losses which with the plasma electrolytes. Fig. x shows the
occur from the alimentary tract. These abnormal composition of these secretions in their pure
losses consist of the secretions into the intestinal form, but as lost from the body in intestinal
canal, which accumulate proximal to the obstruc- obstruction they are, of course, diluted to a
tion and are to a varying extent vomited up, or variable extent by ingested water, and Table 2

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