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S.E. @ and TC) ($smcsfgl- IID @evised) Examination, December- 2015

Sub. Codc: 63461
Day and Date : Wednesday, 16 - 12 - 2015 Total Mark : 100
Timc ; 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
Itrstructiotrs : 1) All questions are compulsory,
2) Figurcs to the right indicare fult marks.
3) Assume suitable data and highlight it.
4) Use ofstd data sheet is allowed.

Q/) Solve any tkee of the following : t18I

a) Design clipper circuit for following specifications :

Vn = 8v(pe) sine wave, Vo" : l.7V

Also draw the input and output waveforms.
b) Give detail analysis of step response ofR-C low pass circuit.
c) With help ofneat circuit explain operation ofvoltage trippler circuit.

d) Design R-C high pass circuit for Fc = 6KI{z andplot frequency response.

p2) Solve any two ofthe following : t16l

a) Draw and explain operation offull wave bridge rectifier with necessary
waveforms. Derive expression for,
i) Ripple factor
ii) Rectifrcationefficiency
iii) ruF
b) Design tull wave rectifierwith LC filterto provide l0Vdc at l00mA. With
ma-rimum ripple of 2%o.

c) Describe operation of Capacitor filter Derive the expression ofripple

factor for same.

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q-t) Solve any two of the following : t16l
a) Design a transistorized series voltage regulator for following data
Vo = 15 V
IL= 1A
b) Design regulated power supply for following specifications Vln = 21V
RL: 8(), Vo = 12V. Use en.ritier to follower voltage regulator.
c) Write shofi note on preregulator and short circuit protection.

Q4) Solve any nvo ofthe following: U6l

a) Draw and explain hybrid equivalent circuit for CE configuration of

b) Draw h-model for CE arnplifier and derive expressions forAi,Av, Ri and

Yo in terms ofh parameters.

c) Derive expression lor lower cutoff frequency of R.C. coupled amplifier

considering coupling capacitor

p5) Solve any two olthe tbllowing : u6l

a) Derive the expression for lower cutofffrequency ofR.C. coupled amplifier
considering square wave.

b) Draw and explain following terms w.r.t. hybrid z-model ofa transistor

) Hybrid capacitance
ii) Base spreading resistance

iii) Transconductance

c) Design single stage Rc-coupled amplifier to give a voltage gain of 80

with stability factor better than 10 and output voltage ofpeak value 4.5 V
in the frequency range 20 t{z to I Milz, Vcc: 1 2Y

hfe = 100, VCE = 50V,Ic (rax) = 100 mA, hie = 4.5 kfr, fT:300 MHa
PD = 500 mW.

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Q6,) Solve any three ofthe following: t18l
a) For silicon transistor hfe = 50, hie= 1KQ, Fr= 300M1{2, Co."= 4pf,
Ic: l.smA,T= 22oC. Calculate :
ii) rr."
) Co-
,9 fp
b) Explain Drain and transfer characteristics ofn-channel enhancement type

c) Draw and explain self-bias circuit ofFET.

d) : :
For CE amplifier transistor has hfe 50, hie:2K, hoe 50x10-6 mho,
RL= 2K, Rc = 8000, R1=4.7KO, R2 - 10Kf,). Calculate,

ii) Av
iil) Ri
w) Yo

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