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Day 1
1. ABASH [uh-BASH] verb
cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-
conscious; To make ashamed | लज्जित करना
2. ABATE (uh BATE) verb
To subside; to reduce in amount, degree or
3. ABDICATE (AB duh KATE) verb
To step down from a position of power or
responsibility; renounce
4. ABERRATION (AB uh RAY shun) noun
Something not typical; a deviation from the
standard | सामान्य से विचलन
5. ABHOR (ab HWAR) verb
To hate very, very much; to detest
6. ABJECT (AB jekt) adj.
Showing humiliation or submissiveness; most
unfortunate or miserable; hopeless
7. ABNEGATE (AB nuh GATE) (v.)
To deny oneself things; to renounce.
8. ABORTIVE (uh BAWR tiv) (adj.)
Failing to accomplish an intended result.
9. ABRIDGE (uh BRIJ) (v.)
To shorten; to condense
10. ABSOLUTE (AB suh LOOT) (adj.)
Perfect or complete or pure; not capable of being
11. ABSOLVE (ab ZOLV) (v.)
To forgive and free from blame; free from sin or
an obligation;
12. ABSTINENT (AB stuh nunt) (adj.)
Abstaining; voluntarily not doing something,
especially something pleasant that is bad for you
or has a bad reputation
13. ABSTRACT (AB strakt) (adj.)
Theoretical; impersonal
14. ABSTRUSE (ab STROOS) (adj.)
Hard to understand
15. ABYSMAL (uh BIZ mul) (adj.)
Extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless
16. ACCOLADE (AK uh LADE) (n.)
An award; an honor (generally used in plural)
17. ACCOST (uh KAWST) (v.)
To approach and speak to someone
18. ACERBIC (uh SUR bik) adj.
Bitter; sour; severe
19. ACQUIESCE (AK wee ES) (v.)
To comply passively; to accept; to assent; to

Day 2
1. BANAL [buh-NAL; BANE ul] adj.
unoriginal; ordinary; repeated too often
2. BANE [bane] noun
something causing misery or death; curse,
nemesis, scourge | Baneful means Harmful
3. BASTION [BAS chun] noun
projecting part of a rampart or other fortification;
a fortified place; stronghold or fortification that
remains intact. citadel
4. BEGET [bi GET] verb
To give birth to; to create; to lead to; to cause;
bring forth, engender
5. BELABOR [bi-LAY-ber] verb
to explain, worry about, or work at (something)
repeatedly or more than is necessary.
6. BELEAGUER [bi LEE gur] verb
annoy persistently; to surround; to besiege; to
harass. circumvent, hem in, badger, bug,
pester, tease
7. BELIE [bi LYE] verb
To give a false impression of; to contradict;
8. BELITTLE [bi LIT ul] verb
cause to seem less serious; denigrate, derogate;
diminish; disparage, pick at
9. BELLIGERENT [buh LIJ ur unt] adj.
characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight;
combative; quarrelsome; waging war
10. BEMUSED [bi MYOOZD] adj.
perplexed by many conflicting situations or
statements; confused; bewildered
11. BENEFACTOR [BEN uh FAK tur] noun
a person who helps people or institutions;
(especially with financial help)
12. BENEVOLENT [buh NEY uh lunt] adi.
Generous; philanthropic; showing or motivated
by sympathy and understanding;
13. BENIGN [bi NYNE] adi.
Gentle; not harmful; mild; kind; benignant
14. BEQUEST [bi KWEST] noun
a gift of personal property by will; िसीयत
15. BEREFT [bi REFT] adj.
Deprived or left desolate; Bereaved, mourning
16. BESET [bi SET] verb
assail or attack on all sides; to surround
17. BLASPHEMY [BLAS fuh mee] noun
profane language; an insult to something held
18. BLATANT [BLAT unt] adj
without any attempt at concealment; completely
obvious; unpleasantly and offensively loud, noisy

Day 3
1. CACOPHONY [kuh KOF uh nee] noun
Harsh-sounding mixture of words, voices or
sounds; harsh discordance of sound; dissonance
2. CADENCE [KADE uns] noun
Rhythm; the rise and fall of sounds
3. CAJOLE [kuh JOHL] verb
influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or
flattering | ख़ुशामद करना
4. CALLOW [KAL oh] adj.
young and inexperienced; immature
5. CANDOR [KAN dur] noun
the quality of being honest and straightforward
6. CAPITALISM [KAP i tuh LIZ um] noun
an economic system based on private ownership
of assets
7. CAPITULATE [kuh PICH uh LATE] verb
surrender under agreed conditions
8. CAPRICIOUS [kuh PRISH us] adi.
determined by chance or impulse rather than by
necessity; unpredictable
9. CARICATURE [KAR uh kuh chur] noun
a representation of a person exaggerated for
comic effect; falsification
10. CASTIGATE [KAS tuh GATE] verb
To criticize severely; to chastise
11. CATALYST [KAT uh list] noun
substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical
12. CATEGORICAL [KAT uh GAWR i kul] adj.
relating to or included in a class or classes;
unconditional or absolute
13. CATHARSIS [kuh THAR sis] noun
Purification that brings emotional relief; purging
of the emotions | साफ़ हो जाना
14. CATHOLIC [KATH uh lik] adj.
free from provincial prejudices or attachments;
universal; embracing everything; extensive;
15. CAUSTIC [KAW stik] adj.
Like acid; corrosive; capable of destroying
16. CELIBACY [SEL uh buh see] noun
abstaining from sexual relations
17. CENSURE [SEN shur] verb
harsh criticism or disapproval
18. CEREBRAL [SER uh brul] adj.
of or relating to the brain; intellectual
19. CHAGRIN [shuh GRIN] noun
strong feelings of embarrassment; humiliation
20. CHARISMA [kuh RIZ muh] noun
personal attractiveness that enables you to
influence others

Day 4
1. DAUNT [dawnt] verb
cause to lose courage; to make fearful
2. DEARTH [durth] noun
an insufficient quantity or number; scarcity
3. DEBACLE [day BAH kul] noun
a sudden and violent collapse; fiasco | असफलता
4. DEBAUCHERY [di BAW chuh ree] noun
Wild living; excessive intemperance | भ्रष्टाचार
5. DEBILITATE [di BIL i TATE] verb
make weak; to cripple; enervate द़ु र्बल करना
6. DECADENT [DEK uh dunt] adj.
Decaying in terms of morals; | पतनशील
7. DECIMATE [DES uh MATE] verb
To kill or destroy a large part of | नाश करना
8. DECOROUS [DEK ur us] adj.
Proper; orderly; in good taste
9. DEDUCE [di DOOS] verb
To conclude from evidence; to infer
10. DEFAME [di FAME] verb
charge falsely or with malicious intent; slander
11. DEFERENCE [DEF ur uns] noun
courteous regard for people's feelings; respect
12. DEFINITIVE [di FIN uh tiv] adj.
clearly defined or formulated; conclusive; final
13. DEGENERATE [di JRN uh RATE] verb
To break down; to deteriorate; immoral कुलाचार
14. DEJECTION [dih JEK shuh n] noun
Depression or lowness of spirits वनराशा
15. DELETERIOUS [DEL i TEER ee us] adj.
harmful to living things
16. DELINEATE [di LIN ee ATE] verb
represented accurately or precisely
17. DELUDE [di LOOD] verb
be dishonest with; to deceive; cheat; mislead
18. DELUGE [DEL yooj] noun
a heavy rain; a flood; an inundation
19. DEMAGOGUE [DEM uh GAWG] noun
a leader who seeks support by appealing to
popular passions; rabble rouser
20. DENIZEN [DEN i zun] noun
a plant or animal naturalized in a region;
21. DEPRAVITY [di PRAV i tee] noun
impairment of virtue and moral principles;
extreme wickedness or corruption | भ्रष्टता
22. DEPRECATE [DEP ruh KATE] verb
express strong disapproval of; deplore
23. DERIDE [di RIDE] verb
treat or speak of with contempt; to ridicule
मजाक उडाना

Day 5
1. EBULLIENT [i BUL yunt] adj.
Boiling; bubbling with excitement; exuberant;
joyously unrestrained
2. ECCENTRIC [ik SEN trik] adj.
Not conventional; a little kooky; irregular
3. ECLECTIC [i KLEK tik] adj.
Choosing the best from many sources; drawn
from many sources
4. EDIFY [ED uh FYE] verb
To enlighten; to instruct, especially in moral or
religious matters; make understand
5. EFFACE [i FASE] verb
To erase; to rub away the features of
6. EFFUSION [i FYOO zhun] noun
A pouring forth; an unrestrained expression of
emotion; blowup, ebullition, gush, outburst
7. EGALITARIAN [i GAL i TAIR ee un] adj.
Believing and favoring social equality
8. EGOCENTRIC [EE goh SEN trik] adj.
limited to or caring only about yourself and your
own needs; selfish
9. EGOIST [EE-goh-ist] noun
a conceited and self-centered person; [Altruist]
10. EGREGIOUS [i GREE jus] adj.
Flagrant; conspicuously and outrageously bad or
reprehensible | जर्रदस्त, कट्टर
11. ELATION [ih-LEY-shuh n] noun
A feeling of joy and pride; high spirits; lightness
12. ELICIT [i LIS it] verb
call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response;
educe; evoke | प्रकाश में लाना
13. ELLIPTICAL [i LIP ti kul] adj.
rounded like an egg; oval; obscure
14. ELUSIVE [i LOO siv] adj.
skillful at evading capture; hard to pin down;
15. EMIGRATE [EM uh GRATE] verb
leave one's country of residence for a new one; to
16. EMINENT [EM uh nunt] adj.
standing above others in quality or position; well-
known and respected
17. EMPIRICAL [em PIR i kul] adj.
Relying on experience or observation; not merely

[to immigrate is to arrive in one country from another]


Day 6
1. FABRICATION [FAB ruh KAY shun] noun
the act of making a product from raw materials; a
2. FACETIOUS [fuh SEE shus] adj.
cleverly amusing in tone; humorous; not serious
3. FACILE [FAS il] adj.
fluent; skillful in a superficial way; arrived at
without due care or effort; lacking depth
4. FACTION [FAK shun] noun
a group, usually a small part of larger group,
united around some cause, disagreement within
an organization, a dissenting clique
5. FARCICAL [FARS i kul] adj.
absurd; ludicrous; broadly or extravagantly
humorous; ridiculous
6. FASTIDIOUS [fa STID ee us] adj.
giving careful attention to detail; meticulous;
finicky; demanding
7. FATALIST [FATE uh list] noun
someone who feels powerless to change his or her
destiny; believes in fate that cannot be changed.
8. FATUOUS [FACH oo us] adj.
devoid of intelligence; foolish; silly; idiotic
9. FAUNA [FAW nuh] noun
all the animal life in a particular region or period
10. FECUND [FEE kund] adj.
capable of producing offspring or vegetation
11. FELICITY [fi LIS i TEE] noun
Skillfulness; pleasing and appropriate manner or
style; happiness
12. FERVOR [FUR vur] noun
feelings of great warmth and intensity; ardor; zeal
13. FETTER [FET ur] verb
shackle; to restrain; to hamper
14. FIDELITY [fi DEL i TEE] noun
the quality of being faithful; loyalty
15. FIGURATIVE [FIG yur uh tiv] adj.
not literal; metaphorical; using figures of speech
16. FINESSE [fi NES] noun
subtly skillful handling of a situation; craftiness
17. FLAGRANT [FLAY grunt] adj.
Glaringly bad; notorious; scandalous.
18. FLAUNT [flawnt] verb
display proudly; to show off
19. FLOUT [flout] verb
treat with contemptuous disregard | अनादर करना
20. FOIBLE [FOI bul] noun
a minor weakness or peculiarity in someone's
character | चररत्र की द़ु र्बलता
21. FOMENT [foh MENT] verb
try to stir up; to instigate; provoke | भडकाना,

19. HERMETIC [hur MET ik] adj.

Day 7 completely sealed or airtight
20. HEYDAY [HAY DAY] noun
1. GARRULOUS [GAR uh lus] adj. the period of greatest prosperity or productivity;
full of trivial conversation; talkative; chatty prime; zenith; peak
2. GENRE [ZHAHN ruh] noun 21. HIATUS [hye AY tus] noun
a kind of literary or artistic work an interruption in the intensity or amount of
3. GENTEEL [jen TEEL] adj. something; a break, often from work
marked by refinement in taste and manners; 22. HIERARCHY [HYE uh RAHR kee] noun
aristocratic; polite; well-mannered a series of ordered groupings within a system;
4. GESTICULATE [je STIK yuh LATE] verb pecking order.
show, express or direct through movement; to 23. HISTRIONIC [HIS tree ON ik] adj.
make gestures, especially when speaking characteristic of acting or a stage performance;
5. GLUT [glut] noun overly dramatic
supply with an excess of; surplus; overabundance 24. HOMILY [HOM uh lee] noun
6. GRANDILOQUENT [gran DIL uh kwunt] adj.
a sermon on a moral or religious topic; धमाब पदे श
lofty in style; pompous; magniloquent; using a lot
25. HOMOGENEOUS [HOH muh JEE nee us] adj
of big and fancy words to sound impressive.
all of the same or similar kind or nature; uniform
7. GRANDIOSE [GRAN dee ohs] adj.
26. HUSBANDRY [HUZ bun dree] noun
impressive because of unnecessary largeness or
the practice of cultivating the land or raising
grandeur; absurdly exaggerated; ददखावटी, भव्य stock; thrifty management of resources
8. GRATUITOUS [gruh TOO i tus] adj. 27. HYPERBOLE [hye PUR buh lee] noun
Unnecessary; complimentary; given freely (said extravagant exaggeration; overemphasis;
of something bad); unprovoked; done without
good reason; uncalled for.
28. HYPOTHETICAL [hye puh THET i kul] adj.
9. GRAVITY [GRAV i tee] noun
Uncertain; unproven; theoretical; supposed.
the force of attraction between all masses in the
universe; seriousness; importance.
10. GREGARIOUS [gri GAIR ee us] adj.
temperamentally seeking and enjoying the
company of others; extroverted; sociable
11. GUILE [gile] noun
shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in
deception; cunning; artfulness; duplicity. छल
12. HACKNEYED [HAK need] adj.
repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse;
trite; stale; clichéd; worn-out | दिसा-दपटा
13. HAPLESS [HAP lis] adj.
deserving or inciting pity; unlucky; unfortunate
14. HARBINGER [HAR bin jurr] noun
something indicating the approach of something
or someone; forerunner | अग्र-दू त
15. HARMONY [HAHR muh nee] noun
Compatibility in opinion and action; agreement;
accord; harmonious relations | एकता, मे ल
16. HEDONISM [HEED uh niz um] noun
an ethical system that values the pursuit of
pleasure; self-indulgence; profligacy
17. HEGEMONY [hi JEM uh nee] noun
the dominance or leadership of one social group
over others; domination; supremacy
18. HERESY [HER i see] noun
a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a
religion; unorthodoxy | दवरुद्ध मत

Day 8
1. ICONOCLAST [iye KON uh KLAST] noun
someone who attacks popular beliefs, ideas or
institutions | मू दतबपूजा का दवरोध करने वाला
2. IDEOLOGY [IYE dee OL uh JEE] noun
an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a
group | दवचारधारा
3. IDIOSYNCRASY [ID ee oh SINK ruh see] noun
a behavioral attribute peculiar to an individual;
peculiarity; eccentricity; व्यज्जिगत दवदशष्टता
4. IDYLLIC [iye DIL ik] adj.
charmingly simple and serene; naturally peaceful
5. IGNOMINY [IG nuh MIN ee] noun
a state of dishonor; deep disgrace | र्दनामी
6. ILLICIT [i LIS it] adj.
Illegal; not permitted; unlawful; contrary to
accepted morality or convention
7. IMMINENT [IM uh nunt] adj.
close in time; about to occur | दनकटस्थ
8. IMMUTABLE [i MYOO tuh bul] adj.
Unchangeable; absolute; undeniable; not subject
or susceptible to change or variation
9. IMPARTIAL [im PAHR shul] adj.
Fair; unbiased; free from undue bias or
preconceived opinions
10. IMPECCABLE [im PEK uh bul] adj.
without fault or error; flawless | त्ऱुदटहीन
11. IMPERIAL [im PEER ee ul] adj.
Majestic; Regal of a dominion under control of a
single authority | साम्राज्य-संर्ंधी
12. IMPERVIOUS [im PUR vee us] adj.
not admitting of passage or capable of being
affected; impenetrable; invulnerable
13. IMPETUOUS [im PECH oo us] adj.
Impulsive; extremely impatient; characterized by
undue haste and lack of thought | अदववेकी
14. IMPLEMENT [IM pluh munt] verb
To carry out; pursue to a conclusion or bring to a
successful issue; accomplish, action, execute
15. IMPOTENT [IM puh tunt] adj.
(of a male) unable to copulate; powerless;
16. IMPUGN [im PYOON] verb
To attack, especially to attack the truth or
integrity of something; Attack as false or wrong;
र्हस करना
17. INANE [i NANE] adj.
devoid of intelligence; silly; senseless.
18. INAUGURATE [in AW gyuh RATE] verb
commence officially; induct | उद् िाटन करना

Day 9
1. JUDICIOUS [joo DISH us] adj.
marked by the exercise of good judgment in
practical matters | न्यायसं गत
2. JUXTAPOSE [JUK stuh POSE] verb
place side by side
3. KINETIC [ki NET ik] adj.
relating to the motion of material bodies and their
forces; lively; active.
4. LABYRINTH [LAB uh rinth] noun
complex system of paths in which it is easy to get
lost; maze; warren; jumble; muddle
5. LACONIC [luh KON ik] adj.
brief and to the point; using few words, especially
to the point of seeming rude.
6. LAMENT [luh MENT] verb
a cry of sorrow and grief; to mourn
7. LAMPOON [lam POON] verb
ridicule with satire; to mock; to parody
8. LANGUISH [LANG gwish] verb
become feeble; to become weak, listless, or
9. LARGESS [lahr JES] noun
liberality in bestowing gifts; generosity; charity;
philanthropy | उदारता
10. LATENT [LAYT unt] adj.
potentially existing but not presently evident or
realized; present but not visible; hidden
11. LAUD [lawd] verb
praise, glorify, or honor; to applaud; to extol
12. LEGACY [LEG uh see] noun
a gift of personal property by will; a bequest
13. LETHARGY [LETH ur jee] noun
inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy;
sluggishness; laziness
14. LEVITY [LEV i tee] noun
a manner lacking seriousness; lightness; frivolity
15. LIBEL [LYE bul] noun
a false and malicious publication to defames
someone; slander
16. LITIGATE [LIT uh GATE] verb
engage in legal proceedings; to try in court
17. LOQUACIOUS [loh KWAY shus] adj.
full of trivial conversation; talking a lot
18. LUCID [LOO sid] adj.
transparently clear; easily understandable
19. LUGUBRIOUS [loo GOO bree us] adj.
excessively mournful; शोकाक़ुल
20. LUMINOUS [LOO muh nus] adj.
softly bright or radiant; giving of light; bright

22. MENTOR [MEN tur] noun

Day 10 a wise and trusted guide and advisor; counselor;
1. MACHINATION [MAK uh NAY shun] noun 23. MERCENARY [MUH suh NER ee] noun
a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends; a person hired to fight for another country than
intrigue | क़ुचक्र their own; one who do anything for money.
2. MAGNANIMOUS [mag NAN uh mus] adj. 24. MERCURIAL [mur KYOOT ee ul] adj.
noble and generous in spirit; forgiving liable to sudden unpredictable change | अज्जस्थर
3. MAGNATE [MAG nate] noun 25. METAMORPHOSIS [MET uh MAWR fuh sis]
a very wealthy or powerful businessman; mogul, (noun) a sudden change; striking change in
power, top executive, tycoon appearance or character or circumstances |
4. MALAISE [ma LAYZ] noun
physical discomfort, as mild sickness or
depression; unease | अस्वस्थता
5. MALFEASANCE [mal FEE zuns] noun
wrongful conduct by a public official
6. MALINGER [mul LING ger] verb
To pretend to be sick to avoid doing work
7. MALLEABLE [MAL ee uh bul] adj.
capable of being shaped or bent; लचीला
8. MANDATE [MAN date] noun
a document giving an official instruction or
command | आज्ञापत्र
9. MANIFEST [MAN uh FEST] adj.
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or
judgment; visible; evident
10. MANIFESTO [MAN uh FES toh] noun
a public declaration of intentions or beliefs
11. MARSHAL [MAHR shul] n./verb
a military officer of highest rank; to arrange in
order; make ready for action or use; organize
12. MARTIAL [MAHR shul] adj.
suggesting war or military life; warlike
13. MARTYR [MAHR tur] noun
one who voluntarily suffers death for a cause
14. MATRICULATE [muh TRIK yuh LATE] verb
enroll as a student; admit; register; enlist
15. MAUDLIN [MAWD lin] adj.
effusively or insincerely emotional | भाव़ुक
16. MAVERICK [MAV ur ik] noun
someone who exhibits independence in thought
and action; a nonconformist; a rebel
17. MAXIM [MAK sim] noun
a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits;
a fundamental principle; an old saying; adage
18. MEDIATE [MEE dee ATE] verb
act between parties with a view to reconciling
differences; arbitrate; intercede; intermediate.
19. MELLIFLUOUS [muh LIF loo us] adj.
pleasing to the ear; sweetly flowing | मध़ुर
20. MENDACIOUS [men DAY shus] adj.
given to lying; dishonest; untruthful
21. MENDICANT [MEN duh kunt] noun
A beggar; vagrant; homeless

19. OBTUSE [ub TOOS] adj.

Day 11 Insensitive; blockheaded; not-sharp; slow to
understand; imperceptive
1. NARCISSISM [NAHR si SIZ um] noun 20. OFFICIOUS [uh FISH us] adj.
an exceptional interest in and admiration for Annoyingly eager to help or advise; intrusive in a
yourself; excessive love of oneself | आत्ममोह meddling or offensive manner; bossy
2. NEBULOUS [NEB yuh lus] adj. 21. ONEROUS [OHN ur us] adj.
lacking definite form or limits; vague; hazy; not easily borne; wearing; burdensome; arduous;
unclear; indistinct | अस्पष्ट oppressive; difficult | कष्टदायक
3. NEFARIOUS [ni FAIR ee us] adj. 22. OPAQUE [oh PAKE] adj.
extremely wicked; evil; flagrantly wicked; not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant
despicable; immoral; infamous energy; impossible to understand; impervious
4. NEOLOGISM [nee OL uh JIS um] noun 23. OPULENT [OP yuh lunt] adj.
a newly invented word or phrase rich and superior in quality; luxurious; lavish.
5. NEPOTISM [NEP uh TIZ um] noun 24. ORTHODOX [AWR thuh DOKS] adj.
favoritism shown to relatives or friends by those adhering to what is commonly accepted;
in power standard; conventional;
6. NIHILISM [NYE uh LIZ um] noun 25. OSTENSIBLE [ah STEN suh bul] adj.
complete denial of established authority and appearing as such but not necessarily so; apparent
institutions; the delusion that things do not exist | (but misleading); professed; supposed | काल्पदनक
शून्यवाद 26. OSTENTATIOUS [AHS ten TAY shus] adj.
7. NOMINAL [NOM uh nul] adj. intended to attract notice and impress others;
relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a showing off; excessively conspicuous | ददखावटी
name; existing in name only; insignificant;
minimal | नाममात्र
e.g. Moni was the nominal chairman of the committee.
8. NOSTALGIA [no STAL juh] noun
longing for something past; homesickness
9. NOTORIOUS [noh TOHR ee us] adj.
known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous
10. NOVEL [NOV ul] adj.
original and of a kind not seen before; innovative.
11. NOXIOUS [NOK shus] adj.
injurious to physical or mental health; offensive;
baneful; deadly; pernicious; pestilent | हादनकारक
12. NUANCE [NOO ahns] noun
a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or
attitude; distinction. | अदत सूक्ष्म अंतर
13. OBDURATE [OB doo rit] adj.
stubbornly persistent in wrong doing; adamant;
obstinate; insensitive; unrepentant
14. OBFUSCATE [ob FUS kate] verb
make obscure or unclear; to confuse; complicate.
15. OBLIQUE [uh BLEEK] adj.
slanting or inclined in direction or course or
position; indirect; sloping | परोक्ष
16. OBLIVION [uh BLIV ee un] noun
the state of being disregarded or forgotten;
stupor; forgetfulness | दवस्मरण
17. OBSCURE [ub SKYOOR] adj.
not clearly expressed or understood
18. OBSEQUIOUS [ub SEE kwee us] adj.
attempting to win favor from influential people
by flattery; fawning; subservient; servile | चापलू स

20. PECCADILLO [PEK uh DIL oh] noun

Day 12 a petty misdeed; a minor offense | अल्पदोष
21. PEDANTIC [puh DAN tik] adj.
1. PACIFY [PAS uh FYE] verb
excessively concerned with minor details or
To calm someone down; to placate; soothe
rules; over-scrupulous; boringly scholarly or
characterized by extreme care and great effort
22. PEDESTRIAN [puh DES tree un] n/adj.
3. PALLIATE [PAL ee ATE] verb
a person who travels by foot; unimaginative; dull;
lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent
banal; ordinary
of; to assuage; to mitigate
23. PEJORATIVE [pi JAWR uh tiv] adj.
4. PALPABLE [PAL puh bul] adj.
expressing disapproval; negative; disparaging
capable of being perceived or touched; obvious
24. PENCHANT [PEN chunt] noun
tangible | स्पशब नीय a strong liking; a predilection, preference, taste
5. PALTRY [PAWL tree] adj. 25. PENITENT [PEN i tunt] adj.
insignificant; trivial; worthless; measly; not feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds;
worth considering
sorry; repentant; contrite | पश्चातापी
6. PANACEA [PAN uh SEE uh] noun
26. PENSIVE [PEN siv] adj.
hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases
Thoughtful and sad; wistful | दचंताग्रस्त
7. PARADIGM [PAR uh dime] noun
a standard or typical example or model
8. PARADOX [PAR uh DOKS] noun
a statement that contradicts itself | दवरोधाभास
9. PAROCHIAL [puh ROH kee ul] adj.
narrow or confined in point of view; provincial;
insular | सं कीणब
10. PARODY [PAR uh dee] noun
a composition that imitates or misrepresents a
style; satirical imitation; caricature; lampoon;
mockery | हास्यपूणब व्यंग काव्य
11. PARSIMONIOUS [PAHR suh MOH nee us]
(adj.) excessively unwilling to spend; stingy;
12. PARTISAN [PAHR ti zun] noun
One who supports a particular person, cause or
idea. | पक्षपाती
13. PATENT [PATE unt] n/adj.
a document granting an inventor sole rights to an
invention; obvious; clearly revealed to the mind.
14. PATERNAL [puh TUR nul] adj.
characteristic of a father
15. PATHOLOGY [puh THOL uh jee] noun
the branch of medical science that studies
16. PATRIARCH [PAY tree AHRK] noun
the male head of family or tribe
17. PATRICIAN [puh TRISH un] noun
a person of refined upbringing and manners;
aristocrat | क़ुलीन
18. PATRONIZE [PAY truh NIZE] verb
Treat as an inferior; to condescend to; support;
frequent as a customer
19. PAUCITY [PAW si tee] noun
an insufficient quantity or number; scarcity; lack;
rarity; dearth.

18. REFUTE [ri FYOOT] verb

Day 13 overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof; to
prove to be false; to disprove [Rebut = Refute]
1. QUALIFY [KWOL uh FYE] verb 19. REITERATE [ree IT uh RATE] verb
prove capable or fit; meet requirements; make to say, state, or perform again; to repeat.
more specific (restrict or modify); 20. RELEGATE [REL uh GATE] verb
2. QUALITATIVE [KWOL i TAY tiv] adj. assign to a lower position; demote; banish
involving distinctions based on qualities 21. RELENTLESS [ri LENT lis] adj.
3. QUERULOUS [KWER uh lus] adj. never-ceasing; continuous; unstoppable.
habitually complaining; grumbling; whining; 22. RELINQUISH [ri LING kwish] verb
fussy | सवबदा दशकायत करने वाला turn away from; give up; surrender; abandon;
4. QUIXOTIC [kwik SOT ik] adj. dispense with, forego; let go; release.
extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical; 23. REMONSTRATE [ri MON strate] verb
romantic; dreamy | कल्पनाय़ु ि To argue in protest or opposition; protest; to raise
5. RAMIFICATION [RAM uh fuh KAY shun] objections | दवरोध करना
(noun) a complex or unwelcome consequence of 24. RENAISSANCE [REN i SAHNS] noun
an action; complication; result; effect; corollary; Rebirth or revival | नवजागरण
branching out or dividing into branches. 25. RENOUNCE [ri NOWNCE] verb
6. RANCOR [RANG kur] noun turn away from; formally give up or resign;
a long lasting feeling of deep and bitter anger and foreswear; quit; relinquish; abdicate; forsake
ill-will; bitterness; resentment | दवद्वे ष
7. RAPACIOUS [ruh PAY shus] adj.
living by preying on other animals; excessively
greedy; plundering; avaricious; voracious | लालची
8. REBUKE [ri BYOOK] verb
To criticize sharply; reproof; censure | दनन्दा करना
9. REBUT [ri BUT] verb
overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof; deny;
disprove | गलत सादर्त करना
10. RECALCITRANT [ri KAL si trunt] adj.
stubbornly resistant to authority or control;
disobedient; unruly; fractious; refractory |
11. RECANT [ri KANT] verb
To openly confess error; abjure; forswear; retract;
renounce; repudiate; disavow; formally reject a
formerly held belief.
12. RECIPROCAL [ri SIP ruh kul] adj.
mutual; shared; interchangeable | पारस्पररक
13. RECLUSIVE [ri KLOOS iv] adj.
withdrawn from society; seeking solitude;
isolated; hermitlike; एकान्तता लाने वाला
14. RECONDITE [REK un DITE] adj.
difficult to penetrate; hard to understand; over
one’s head; obscure; abstruse
15. RECRIMINATION [ri KRIM uh NAY shun] n.
mutual accusations; परस्पर दोषारोपण
16. REDOLENT [RED uh lunt] adj.
having a strong pleasant odor; fragrant; aromatic.
serving to bring to mind; suggestive; evocative,
remindful, reminiscent.
17. REDUNDANT [ri DUN dunt] adj.
more than is needed, desired, or required;
excessive; excess; superfluous.

17. SENTIENT [SEN shunt] adj.

Day 14 Able to perceive by the senses; conscious |
1. SACCHARINE [SAK uh rin] adj.
18. SEQUESTER [si KWES tur] verb
overly sweet or sentimental; cloying, syrupy,
keep away from others; seclude, sequestrate,
withdraw; adjourn | एकां त में रहना
2. SACRILEGE [SAK ruh lij] noun
a violation of something sacred; blasphemy,
desecration, profanation; irreverence; disrespect;
| अपदवत्रीकरण
must be kept sacred; inviolable | पदवत्र
4. SAGACIOUS [suh GAY shus] adj.
acutely insightful and wise; discerning; shrewd;
keen in judgement; perspicacious; sapient; |
ऱ्ु ज्जद्धमान
5. SALIENT [SAYL yunt] adj.
having a quality that thrusts itself into attention;
sticking out; conspicuous; leaping; noticeable;
striking; prominent | प्रम़ु ख
6. SALUTARY [SAL yuh TER ee] adj.
tending to promote physical well-being;
beneficial to health; remedial; curative; useful.
(adj.) making a show of being morally superior to
other people; pretending to be devout; affecting
religious feeling; self-righteous; pious; holier-
than-thou | पाखं डी
8. SANGUINE [SANG gwin] adj.
confidently optimistic and cheerful; hopeful
9. SANGUINARY [SANG-gwuh-ner-ee] adj.
involving or causing much bloodshed; brutal;
gory; bloodthirsty | रिमय
10. SARDONIC [sahr DON ik] adj.
disdainfully or ironically humorous; mocking;
scornful; sarcastic. | दतरस्कारपूणब
emit or reflect light in a flickering manner;
sparkle, either literally or figuratively; glitter
12. SCRUPULOUS [SKROO pyuh lus] adj.
characterized by extreme care and great effort;
strict; careful; conscientious, painstaking; very
concerned to avoid doing wrong; principled |
ईमानदार, न्यायसंगत
examine carefully for accuracy; inspect; analyze |
जााँ चना
14. SECULAR [SEK yuh lur] adj.
not concerned with or devoted to religion;
15. SEDITION [si DISH un] noun
an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful
authority; treason; agitation | राज-द्रोह
16. SENSORY [SEN suh ree] adj.
relating to or concerned in sensation | संवेदनात्मक

20. TRANSCEND [tran SEND] verb

Day 15 be greater in scope or size than some standard; to
surpass; exceed; excel.
1. TACIT [TAS it] adj. 21. TRANSGRESS [trans GRES] verb
implied by or inferred from actions or statements; act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or
not spoken; unstated; understood. promises; to violate (a law); to sin; misbehave;
disobey. उल्लंिन करना
habitually reserved and uncommunicative; silent;
22. TRANSIENT [TRAN shunt] adj.
concise; reticent, un-talkative
lasting a very short time; temporary;
3. TANGENTIAL [tan JEN schul] adj.
23. TREPIDATION [TREP i DAY shun] noun
of superficial relevance if any; not especially
a feeling of alarm or dread; fear; apprehension;
relevant; peripheral; digressive
nervous trembling; anxiety; unease
4. TANGIBLE [TAN juh bul] adj.
24. TURPITUDE [TUR pi TOOD] noun
perceptible by the senses especially the sense of
a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or
touch; touchable; palpable; physical
practice; wickedness; immorality | अधमता
being essentially equal to something; identical.
6. TAUTOLOGICAL [TAWT uh LOG i kul] adj.
characterized by unnecessary repetition; circular;
redundant; superfluous
7. TEMERITY [tuh MER i tee] noun
fearless daring; boldness; recklessness; audacity
8. TEMPERATE [TEM pur it] adj.
not extreme; mild; moderate; restrained
9. TENABLE [TEN uh bul] adj.
based on sound reasoning or evidence; valid;
defensible, as in one’s position in an argument;
capable of being argued successfully | तकबसंगत
10. TENACIOUS [tuh NAY shus] adj.
stubbornly unyielding; persistent; not letting go;
obstinate; good at remembering.
11. TENET [TEN it] noun
a religious doctrine proclaimed as true without
proof; a shared principle or belief; ideology
12. TENTATIVE [TEN tuh tiv] adj.
unsettled in mind or opinion; experimental;
temporary; uncertain; probationary; provisional
13. TENUOUS [TEN yoo us] adj.
very thin in gauge or diameter; weak; fragile;
feeble | त़ुच्छ
14. TERSE [turs] adj.
brief and to the point; succinct; concise; brief;
15. THEOLOGY [thee OL uh jee] noun
the rational and systematic study of religion
16. TIRADE [TYE rade] noun
a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation;
outburst | दनंदा-भाषण
17. TORPOR [TAWR pur] noun
a state of motor and mental inactivity; apathy;
sluggishness; hibernation | अकमब ण्यता
a basis for comparison; a standard; criterion;
19. TOUT [tout] verb
advertise in strongly positive terms; to praise
highly; show off.


Day 16 (noun) the appearance of truth; the quality of
seeming to be true; similarity to reality | सं भाव्यता
1. UBIQUITOUS [yoo BIK wi tus] adj.
19. VERNACULAR [vur NAK yuh lur] noun
being present everywhere at once | सवब व्यापक the everyday speech of the people (it's the way
2. UNCONSCIONABLE [un KON shuh nuh bul] people really talk with each other); slang; idiom |
(adj.) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or
स्थानीय भाषा
moderation; not controlled by conscience;
20. VESTIGE [VES tij] noun
amoral; unscrupulous; unreasonable | अऩुदचत an indication that something has been present;
3. UNCTUOUS [UNGK choo us] adj.
remaining bit of something; a last trace | शेष
excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily;
insincere | दचकनी च़ुपडी र्ात
4. UNIFORM [YOO ni FAWRM] adj.
the same for everyone; consistent; unchanging
5. UNREMITTING [UN ri MIT ing] adj.
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long
continuing; unceasing; unabated; relentless;
6. UNWITTING [un WIT ing] adj.
not aware or knowing; unintentional; ignorant;
oblivious | र्े खर्र
7. URBANE [ur BANE] adj.
showing a high degree of refinement; poised;
sophisticated; suave | शीलवान
8. USURP [yoo SURP] verb
seize and take control without authority | हडपना
9. UTILITARIAN [yoo TIL i TAIR ee un] adj.
designed to be useful or practical rather than
attractive | उपयोगी
10. UTOPIA [yoo TOH pee uh] noun
an imagined place or state of things in which
everything is perfect | आदशबलोक
11. VACILLATE [VAS uh LATE] verb
be undecided about something; to waver; hesitate
| संदेह करना
12. VAPID [VAP id] adj.
Lifeless; offering nothing that is stimulating or
challenging; bland; unexciting; dull | नीरस
13. VEHEMENT [VEE uh munt] adj.
marked by extreme intensity of emotions or
convictions; forceful; violent; fervent
14. VENAL [VEEN ul] adj.
capable of being corrupted or bribed; willing to
do anything for money.
15. VENERATE [VEN uh RATE] verb
regard with feelings of respect and reverence; to
treat as something holy, especially because of
great age | सम्मान करना
16. VERACITY [vuh RAS i tee] noun
conformity to facts; accuracy; truthfulness;
authenticity; faithfulness; fidelity
17. VERBOSE [vur BOHS] adj.
using or containing too many words; talkative;
circumlocutory; garrulous; not succinct = brief |

17. WANTON [WAN tun] adj.

Day 17 malicious, unjustifiable, unprovoked, प्रचंड
18. WILLFUL [WIL ful] adj.
1. VEX [veks] verb
done by design, deliberate, stubborn | जान र्ू झ कर
disturb, especially by minor irritations; to annoy;
दकया हुआ
to confuse; to pester; | खीझाना
19. WISTFUL [WIST ful] adj.
2. VIABLE [VYE uh bul] adj.
Workable; capable of life or normal growth and Yearning; sadly, longing | उदास, तडप
development; executable; feasible; practicable. 20. ZEALOUS [ZEL us] adj.
3. VICARIOUS [vye KAIR ee us] adj. marked by active interest and enthusiasm, fervent
experienced at secondhand; indirect; living | उत्साही
through the experiences of another as though they
were one’s own experiences.
If your child becomes a big star, you might have
a vicarious experience of celebrity.
a change of circumstances or fortune, typically
one that is unwelcome or unpleasant; natural
change | उतार-चढाव
5. VILIFY [VIL uh FYE] verb
spread negative information about; to defame;
disparage; malign | र्दनाम करना
6. VINDICATE [VIN duh KATE] verb
show to be right by providing justification or
proof; to clear from all blame or suspicion; justify
7. VINDICTIVE [vin DIK tiv] adj.
having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire
for revenge; vengeful; spiteful; malicious
8. VIRTUOSO [VUR choo OH soh] noun
a person highly skilled in music or another artistic
pursuit; skillful; dazzling | कलाप्रवीण व्यज्जि
9. VIRULENT [VIR uh lunt] adj.
extremely poisonous or injurious; producing
venom; malignant; full of hate
10. VISIONARY [VIZH uh NER ee] noun
a person with unusual powers of foresight; a
dreamer; someone with impractical goals or ideas
about future.
11. VITIATE [VISH ee ATE] verb
make imperfect; to pollute | दू दषत करना
12. VITRIOLIC [VI tree OL ik] adj.
harsh or corrosive in tone; caustic; full of
bitterness; acerbic; acrimonious; rancorous
13. VOCATION [voh KAY shun] noun
the particular occupation for which you are
trained; a job | व्यवसाय
14. VOCIFEROUS [voh SIF ur us] adj.
conspicuously and offensively loud or noisy
15. VOLATILE [VOL uh tile] adj.
substance that changes readily from solid or
liquid to vapor; quick to evaporate; highly
16. VOLITION [voh LISH un] noun
the act of making a choice; will | इच्छाशज्जि

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