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Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781

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Nanoscale hydroxyapatite particles for bone tissue engineering

Hongjian Zhou, Jaebeom Lee ⇑
Department of Nanomedical Engineering, College of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Pusan National University, Miryang 627-706, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydroxyapatite (HAp) exhibits excellent biocompatibility with soft tissues such as skin, muscle and
Received 7 December 2010 gums, making it an ideal candidate for orthopedic and dental implants or components of implants. Syn-
Received in revised form 11 March 2011 thetic HAp has been widely used in repair of hard tissues, and common uses include bone repair, bone
Accepted 16 March 2011
augmentation, as well as coating of implants or acting as fillers in bone or teeth. However, the low
Available online 1 April 2011
mechanical strength of normal HAp ceramics generally restricts its use to low load-bearing applications.
Recent advancements in nanoscience and nanotechnology have reignited investigation of nanoscale HAp
formation in order to clearly define the small-scale properties of HAp. It has been suggested that nano-
HAp may be an ideal biomaterial due to its good biocompatibility and bone integration ability. HAp bio-
Nanoscale particles medical material development has benefited significantly from advancements in nanotechnology. This
Hydroxyapatite feature article looks afresh at nano-HAp particles, highlighting the importance of size, crystal morphology
Bone tissue engineering control, and composites with other inorganic particles for biomedical material development.
Ó 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction composition and physical structure. Scaffolds used for tissue engi-
neering applications should also be biocompatible; able to provide
Bone is a natural organic–inorganic ceramic composite consist- appropriate mechanical support; exhibit favorable surface proper-
ing of collagen fibrils containing embedded, well-arrayed, nano- ties such as promoting adhesion, proliferation and differentiation
crystalline, rod-like inorganic materials 25–50 nm in length [1– of cells; and provide an environment in which cells can maintain
3]. Structural order in bone occurs at several hierarchical levels their phenotypes.
and reflects the materials and mechanical properties of its compo- Recently, HAp has been used for a variety of biomedical applica-
nents (Fig. 1). Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is chemically similar to the tions, including matrices for drug release control and bone tissue
inorganic component of bone matrix – a very complex tissue with engineering materials [8,9]. Since HAp has chemical similarity to
general formula Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6. The close chemical similarity of the inorganic component of bone matrix, synthetic HAp exhibits
HAp to natural bone has led to extensive research efforts to use strong affinity to host hard tissues. Chemical bonding with the host
synthetic HAp as a bone substitute and/or replacement in biomed- tissue offers HAp a greater advantage in clinical applications com-
ical applications [4,5]. pared to most other bone substitutes such as allografts or metallic
Tissue engineering is intensively researching solutions that implants [10]. The main advantages of synthetic HAp are its biocom-
have the potential to reduce the complications related to current patibility, slow biodegradability in situ, and good osteoconductive
treatment methods. Tissue engineering can be defined as an inter- and osteoinductive capabilities [1,11]. A study by Taniguchi et al.
disciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and life showed that sintered HAp exhibits excellent biocompatibility with
sciences to develop biological substitutes that restore, maintain or soft tissues such as skin, muscle and gums. Such capabilities have
improve tissue function [6]. This concept involves three main strat- made HAp an ideal candidate for orthopedic and dental implants
egies: the use of isolated cells or cell substitutes to replace limited or components of implants. Synthetic HAp has been widely used
functions of the tissue; utilization of tissue-inducing substances to repair hard tissues. Common uses include bone repair, bone aug-
such as growth factors; and scaffolds to direct tissue development. mentation, as well as coating of implants or acting as fillers in bone
An ideal scaffold for bone tissue engineering is a matrix that acts as or teeth [12–18]. However, the low mechanical strength of normal
a temporary substrate allowing cell growth and tissue develop- HAp ceramics restricts its use mainly to low load-bearing applica-
ment. This occurs initially in vitro and eventually in vivo. The scaf- tions. Recent advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology have
fold should be able to mimic the structure and biological function reignited interest in the formation of nanosized HAp and the study
of the native extracellular matrix (ECM) in terms of both chemical of its properties on the nanoscale.
Nanocrystalline HAp powders exhibit improved sinterability
⇑ Corresponding author. and enhanced densification due to greater surface area, which
E-mail address: (J. Lee). may improve fracture toughness, as well as other mechanical

1742-7061/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2770 H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781

Fig. 1. The hierarchical structure of bone at its various length scales. The microstructure of cortical bone consists of osteons with Haversian canals and lamellae, and at the
nanoscale, the structural units are collagen fibers composed of bundles of mineralized collagen fibrils. Copyright Elsevier and reproduced with permission [7].

properties [11]. Moreover, nano-HAp, compared to coarser crystals, microflowers and microsheets) have been successfully synthesized
is expected to have better bioactivity [19]. Thus, nano-HAp parti- by many powder processing techniques, including sol–gel synthe-
cles can be utilized for engineered tissue implants with improved sis [24–28], solid state reactions [29], co-precipitation [30], hydro-
biocompatibility over other implants. Nanotechnology has the po- thermal reactions [31], microemulsion syntheses [32] and
tential to significantly benefit development of HAp biomedical mechanochemical synthesis [33].
materials. To our knowledge, several reviews of nanocrystalline
calcium orthophosphates have been published in recent years. 2.1. HAp nanoparticles
For example, Dorozhkin et al. [20,21] reviewed the current state
of technology and recent developments of various nanosized and From a practical application perspective, suitable nano- or
nanocrystalline calcium orthophosphates, involved in synthesis micromaterials with specific morphologies not only need to be
and characterization as well as biomedical and clinical applica- capable of being synthesized in large quantities with a desired
tions. Moseke et al. [22] reviewed the synthesis and properties of composition, reproducible size and structure, but also of being
tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) in biomaterial applications such prepared and assembled using environmentally responsible tech-
as cements, sintered ceramics and coatings on implant metals; niques. Recently, environmentally friendly synthetic methodolo-
Johnson et al. [18] reviewed the compression, flexural and tensile gies, including molten-salt synthesis, hydrothermal processing,
properties of calcium phosphate (CaP) and CaP–polymer compos- biomimic synthesis and template synthesis, have been imple-
ites for applications in bone replacement and repair; Tran et al. mented as viable techniques for the synthesis of a range of materi-
[23] summarized studies that have demonstrated enhanced als [34,35]. Nanosized HAp particles can be prepared by a variety of
in vitro and in vivo osteoblast functions (e.g. adhesion, prolifera- techniques such as mechanochemical synthesis [36], combustion
tion, synthesis of bone-related proteins and deposition of cal- preparation [37] and various wet chemistry techniques [38,39].
cium-containing mineral) on nanostructured metals, ceramics, Among the most reported precipitation processes, chemical agents
polymers, and composites. After reviewing these feature articles such as citric acid [40,41], amino acids [42] and ethylenediamine-
to avoid any redundancy, we focus on calcium orthophosphate, tetraacetic acid (EDTA) [43,44] have been used to mediate HAp
and characterize its properties in the condition of nano-HAp with nucleation and crystal growth. These modifiers exert significant
different morphologies and porous structures-materials that offer control over crystal morphology due to affinity between the mod-
great promise as bone substitutes and/or replacements in biomed- ifying agent and the HAp crystals. However, there has been less fo-
ical applications. Moreover, we summarize how composites of HAp cus on the precipitation kinetics of nucleation and growth, which
and other inorganic nanomaterials can enhance the bioactivity and are related to the degree of supersaturation, SHAp. This value can
biocompatibility of HAp – an area that has become the focus of re- be calculated as follows:
cent research. The remainder of this feature article is organized
into five sections. In the Section 2, the synthesis of morphologically IAPHAp
S¼ ; ð1Þ
different nano-HAps is introduced. Section 3 discusses the fabrica- K sp
tion of the porous structure of nano-HAp. Section 4 reviews the
bio-orthopedic properties of nanoscale HAp for application in bone where IAPHAp is the ionic activity product expressed as:
tissue engineering. Section 5 introduces composites of HAp and
other inorganic nanomaterials for enhancing the bioactivity and
IAPHAp ¼ ½Ca2þ 5 ½PO3 3  5 3
4  ½OH cCa2þ cPO3 cOH : ð2Þ

biocompatibility of HAp. Finally, in Section 6, we provide a sum-

The brackets represent ion concentrations of the respective spe-
mary and our own perspectives on this active area of research.
cies and c values are the activity coefficients of the ions. Ksp is the
solubility product of HAp. With a higher degree of supersaturation,
2. Synthesis of nanoscale HAp a greater driving force for precipitation, i.e. a faster precipitation
rate, was expected with increasing IAPHAp [45].
HAp (Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6) nano- and microcrystals with multiform Biological mineralization (or biomineralization) is the process
morphologies (separated nanowires, nanorods, microspheres, of in vivo inorganic material formation. The new theory of ‘‘aggre-
H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781 2771

gation-based crystal growth’’ [46] and the new concept of the influence on product shape. Possible formation mechanisms for
‘‘mesocrystal’’ [47] highlight the roles of nanoparticles in biological Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6 nano- and microcrystals with diverse morphology
crystal engineering. Mimicking the formation of natural CaP, hard are presented in Fig. 2. A strong blue emission peak at approxi-
tissues contribute significantly to the biological function of engi- mately 428 nm was observed at room temperature, and the photo-
neered materials. Many advances have been made in biomaterial luminescence (PL) intensity of this emission varied with
research with the rapid growth of nanotechnology. The study of Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6 morphology over a range of pH values. CO 2 radi-
CaPs is a specific area in nanotechnology, which may be applied cals in the HAp lattice interstitials may be responsible for self-acti-
readily in the repair of hard and soft skeletal tissues [48–50]. Moll- vated luminescence. These types of phosphors do not contain
azadeh et al. [51] prepared HAp crystals using an in situ biomi- metal ions as activators and contain no toxic elements; thus, they
metic process in the presence of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). They are considered environmentally friendly luminescent materials.
systematically investigated the effects of polymer amount and The microsized Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6 sample prepared at pH 5.0 with
molecular weight on the physical properties of HAp crystals. The strong blue emission, spherical morphology, non-aggregation and
results indicated that the development (size and shape) of HAp high crystallinity can potentially be used as a new, efficient and
nanocrystals precipitated in an aqueous solution of PVA was inver- environmentally friendly blue luminescent material.
sely related to the polymer molecular weight (i.e. the smallest Qiu et al. [57] prepared nanocrystalline HAp by precipitation
crystallite size was observed with the highest PVA molecular with the aid of ultrasonic atomization using Ca(NO3)24H2O and
weight). It is thought that HAp formation is initiated through the (NH4)2HPO4 as raw materials. The results showed that the synthe-
interaction of Ca2+ ions with the negative side groups on the poly- sis method used in this study can effectively shorten reaction time
mer surface. The larger number of reaction sites in the higher while improving powder homogeneity compared to other pub-
molecular weight PVA polymer led to a higher number of HAp nu- lished methods. It was also found that addition of a small amount
clei, and therefore a smaller crystallite size. of the surfactant glycine during precipitation synthesis can reduce
The hydrothermal method, a typical solution-based approach, HAp nanoparticle agglomeration. However, Poinern et al. [1] and
has proven to be an effective and convenient process to prepare LeGeros [11] developed a chemical route to synthesize HAp using
various inorganic materials with diverse, controllable morpholo- calcium nitrate and potassium hydrogen phosphate as the main
gies and architectures [52–55]. The environmentally acceptable raw materials. This hydrothermal method also used ultrasonic irra-
advantages of this method include easily controllable reaction con- diation followed by heat treatment to manufacture nanosized HAp.
ditions, relatively large scale and high yield in terms of quantity of This study has shown that nano-HAp particles with a spherical
the desired products, and frequent use of water as the reaction morphology in the nanometer range (approximately 30 nm ± 5%)
medium. Zhang et al. [56] developed a general strategy for the syn- can be synthesized using a hydrothermal chemical precipitation
thesis of HAp nano- and microstructures using water as a reaction method incorporating low-power sonic irradiation. The crystallin-
medium through a simple hydrothermal process. Several dominant ity and morphology of HAp depends on the Ca/P ratio, ultrasonic
morphologies were achieved (nanorods, nanowires, microsheets, irradiation and temperature. An ultrasonic power of 50 W and
burr-like microspheres and microflowers). The pH value plays a temperatures in the range of 400 °C are sufficient to produce the
crucial role in obtaining Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6 samples with various nano-HAp. This offer an economic route for the synthesis of
morphologies. The use of trisodium citrate also has an important nano-HAp with a strong scale-up capability.

Fig. 2. Schematic for the formation and morphology evolution mechanism of Ca5(PO4)3OH samples with various morphologies based upon different pH values [56].
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Li et al. [58] studied the crystalline behaviors of HAp influenced can effectively be utilized for synthesizing pure nano-HAp
by different forms of citrates and explained this behavior using the powders.
classical theory of crystal nucleation and growth in solutions. They Particle formation by sol–gel is a very complex process. It in-
found that the supersaturation value decreased, i.e. the speed of volves nucleation, growth, aggregation and agglomeration [74,75].
crystal nucleation decreased, with increasing citric acid monohy- Lee et al. [76] also synthesized highly sinterable, nanosized HAp
drate (C6H8O7H2O, CiA) concentration or with decreasing triso- powders using a wet chemical route with recycled eggshell and
dium citrate (Na3C6H5O72H2O, NaCit) concentration. The phosphoric acid as calcium and phosphorous sources, respectively.
presence of CiA inhibited the fast-growing of (0 0 l) planes and in- Raw eggshell was easily converted to CaO by the calcining process,
creased the crystallinity of (h k 0) planes. This resulted in homoge- and phosphoric acid was mixed with the calcined eggshell by a wet
neously grown particles rather than the prismatic particles ball-milling method. The observed phases of the powder synthesis
obtained when synthesis is performed without CiA. By raising process were dependent on the mixing ratio (wt.%) of the calcined
the synthesis temperature, finer and more homogenously grown eggshell to phosphoric acid and the heating temperature. The
particles could be prepared in the presence of CiA. With increased ball-milled, nanosized HAp powder, which has an average particle
ripening time, a higher crystallinity of HAp with lower amounts of size of 70 nm, is fully densified at 1300 °C for 1 h. The Ca/P ratio
CaO phase was obtained. This could be explained by crystal growth for the stoichiometric composition of HAp was controlled by adjust-
in solutions, i.e. prolonged maturation time resulting in a higher ing the mixing ratio. In addition, HAp can be successfully produced
amount of unreacted Ca(OH)2 that can be involved in the crystal from recycled eggshells, seashells and phosphoric acid. The phases
growth of CaP powders. obtained depend on the ratio of calcined eggshells/seashells to
Utilizing nanotechnology, calcium and phosphate can be phosphoric acid, the calcination temperature and the mechano-
manipulated at the molecular level and assembled to produce chemical activation method (ball milling or attrition milling) [77].
materials with unique structural and functional properties. The Mostaghaci et al. [78] synthesized nanosized HAp using an Iranian
preparation of CaP powders with a particular morphology, stoichi- strain of Serratia. Results showed that the optimum powder pro-
ometry, crystallinity and crystal size distribution is important in duction was achieved at approximately pH 8 and a temperature
biomedicine and materials science. Various processes have been of 37 °C. The powder particles were single crystals and ranged in
employed to prepare CaP powders, including co-precipitation size from 25 to 30 nm. Moreover, particle shapes and the sizes were
[59], sol–gel process [60,61], spray pyrolysis [62], hydrothermal relatively uniform and exhibited lower agglomeration relative to
synthesis [63,64], emulsion processing [65,66] and mechanochem- conventional methods. This powder could be used in the regenera-
ical method [67]. Among these methods, the sol–gel method has tion of bone defects, fabrication of medical implants, and as a vector
received the most attention because of its well-known inherent for pharmaceutical and biological materials such as genes.
advantages, namely homogeneous molecular mixing, low process-
ing temperature, and ability to generate nanocrystalline powders, 2.2. HAp nanorods and nanoflakes
bulk amorphous monolithic solids and thin films [68]. Natarajan
et al. [69] prepared nanosized HAp particles using the sol–gel Bone is a composite, consisting of HAp nanorods embedded in a
method from the water-based solution of calcium and phosphorus collagen matrix. In the biomineralization process of vertebrate
precursors. In that study, two calcium precursors, i.e. calcium ni- hard tissues, some specific molecules control the nucleation and
trate tetrahydrate and calcium acetate, were chosen. The influence growth of inorganic crystals (HAp), resulting in the formation of
of aging period, pH, viscosity and sintering temperature on the hierarchical structure of teeth and bones with superior mechanical
crystallinity and morphology of HAp particles were investigated properties [79,80]. Thus, controlled syntheses of apatitic crystals
for the two calcium precursors and a triethyl phosphate precursor. with various morphologies have been the focus of intensive re-
The morphology of nano-HAp when the phosphorous precursor search in order to understand more completely their biominerali-
was used was dependent on the type of calcium precursor used. zation and utility in industrial and biomedical applications [81].
Gopi et al. [70] reported the synthesis and characterization of Inspired by biomineralization, molecular manipulation of inor-
nano-HAp powders by a novel ultrasonic coupled sol–gel synthe- ganic crystals with organic growth modifiers gradually developed
sis. The resulting powders were sintered by conventional means into a powerful tool for the design of novel tissue engineering
at different temperatures. These results show that nano-HAp pow- materials [82,83].
ders synthesized by ultrasonic coupled sol–gel synthesis showed a The molecule–template combination exerts significant control
remarkable particle size reduction compared with the conven- over crystal morphology and has been discussed in many articles
tional sol–gel method, hence; these powders could be used as a [84–87]. A variety of organic molecules such as hexadecyltrimeth-
coating material in biomedical applications. yl-ammonium bromide (CTAB), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), ami-
With the increasing need to develop clean, non-toxic and envi- no acids, proteins and monosaccharides have been used to
ronmentally friendly techniques, HAp powders have been ex- synthesize HAp with fibrous- and flake-like morphologies [86,88–
tracted using bioproducts such as corals, cuttlefish shells, natural 92]. Kalita et al. [93] synthesized bioactive HAp (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2)
gypsum, natural calcite and bovine bone [71,72]. Chemical analysis ceramic powder in the lower end of the nanoregime using micro-
has shown that these products, typically considered as biowaste, wave radiation, which offers several advantages. The applied
are rich sources of calcium in the form of carbonates and oxide. microwave power of 600 W, pH of the suspension, mole ratio of
One such biowaste is chicken eggshells. Every day, a million tonnes Ca/P in the starting chemicals, and the chelating effect of EDTA
of eggshells are generated as biowaste around the globe. Eggshell served as important factors in the synthesis of nanocrystalline
represents 11% of the total egg weight and is primarily composed HAp powder. Results confirmed a highly crystalline nanopowder
of calcium carbonate (94%), calcium phosphate (1%) and organic (5–30 nm) with elemental composition of Ca and P in the HAp
matter (4%) [37]. Besides being economically cheap and plentiful phase and possessing mixed (elliptical and rod-shaped) morphol-
in nature, eggshells have been shown to be biocompatible with the ogy. Tari et al. [94] reported that using poly(sodium 4-styrene sul-
human body during implantation but not osteoconductive. Hence, fonate) (PSSS) as a nucleation- and growth-controlling agent
converting these powders into HAp prior to implantation is advan- resulted in the precipitation of well-crystallized HAp nanoparticles
tageous. Sanosh et al. [73] reported a simple sol–gel precipitation through microemulsion. During PSSS mixing with a calcium precur-
technique to synthesize nano-HAp powders using CaO derived sor, rod-like micelles were formed, which control the morphology
from chicken eggshells. Their study shows that biowaste egg shells and crystallization of nano-HAp. The investigations showed that
H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781 2773

the obtained HAp nanorods have an average width and length of Recently, considerable attention has been paid to the biomimetic
about 30 and 200 nm, respectively. Shanthi et al. [95] reported that mineralization process because this process may lead to the fabri-
CTAB is used as the capturing material for successfully prepared cation of novel materials that cannot be produced by conventional
nano-HAp rods at ambient temperature and normal atmospheric methods [97–101]. Zhang et al. [102] reported the mineralization
pressure. A cytotoxicity test using a normal cell line indicated the of nano-HAp on self-assembled collagen; the nanocomposite
biocompatible range of the nanocrystalline HAp and its fairly formed has a similar structure and biocompatibility to natural
non-toxic nature. bone. Tang et al. [103] reported the fabrication of nano-HAp under
Calcium phosphates comprise a large family of compounds with the control of amino acids and found that both bone mimetic plate-
important biological applications-including osteologic implant for like and dental-mimetic rod-like nano-HAp can be produced under
coatings, grafts, scaffolds and bone cavity fillings, and vehicles for the control of different amino acids. This method makes it possible
drug, protein and gene delivery-due to their similarity with the to control nano-HAp mineralization by purely synthetic polymers
mineral constituents of human bones and teeth. The properties rather than natural biomacromolecules. Since the synthetic poly-
of calcium phosphate, including bioactivity, biocompatibility, solu- mer has a relatively low cost and can be more easily designed,
bility, mechanical properties and absorption, can be tailored over nano-HAp synthesized by this method has many potential
wide ranges by controlling particle composition, size, morphology applications. Yao et al. [104] employed double-hydrophilic block
and assembly. For these reasons, it is of great importance to devel- copolymer (DHBC) poly-(vinylpyrrolidone)-b-poly(vinylpyrroli-
op synthesis methods focused on the precise control of particle done-alt-maleicanhydride)-b-poly-(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP-b-
size, morphology and chemical composition. Jiang et al. [96] pre- P(NVP-alt-MAn)-b-PVP) to synthesize a biomimetic template for
sented an approach using CaP that offered careful size and struc- HAp nanocrystal synthesis. Needle-like HAp nanocrystals can be
tural control via a template-guided process. In their study, HAp formed in the presence of PVP108–P(NVP-MAn)28–PVP108, as shown
nanorods and well-aligned hybrid HAp composites were prepared in Fig. 4. Compared to the HAp nanocrystals formed in the presence
via a template-guided synthesis procedure (a schematic illustra- of poly-(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) homopolymer, those formed with
tion of the formation of HAp nanorods is shown in Fig. 3). First, DHBC are more stable and do not precipitate in water after prepa-
phosphate ester was used as a structure-directing agent for prepar- ration. The crystallization process and the morphology of the final
ing HAp nanorods. After hydrothermal treatment, CaP nanorods nano-HAp crystals can be controlled by adjusting the DHBC molec-
with well-controlled particle size and porosity can be obtained. ular structure. Cho et al. [105] prepared nanosized HAp powders
Second, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) molecules were found to with high crystallinity and appropriate stoichiometry by a high-
be effective in controlling particle size and the subsequent align- temperature flame spray pyrolysis process from spray solutions
ment of HAp. HAp composites with well-organized microstruc- containing PEG. The mean sizes of HAp powders obtained from
tures were prepared using CMC. CMC has carboxyl groups that PEG spray solutions were changed from several tens to several
can attract Ca2+ ions, thereby guiding the growth of HAp grains. hundred of nanometers according to the PEG concentrations in
These proposed processes can also be applied to the preparation the spray solutions at a post-treatment temperature of 800 °C.
of CaP materials with well-controlled microstructures using other HAp powders post-treated at a low temperature of 400 °C had a fi-
similar templates for a wide range of applications. ber-like morphology. On the other hand, post-treated HAp pow-
HAp is the basic component of natural bone. In the bone forma- ders at temperatures of 600 and 1000 °C had a rod-like
tion process, HAp mineralization is controlled by collagen, which is morphology with a low aspect ratio and spherical-like morphology,
a special protein containing an ionic group that can interact with respectively. The mean sizes of HAp powders post-treated at tem-
HAp, and a dispersive group, which can stabilize HAp in the phys- peratures of 600 and 1000 °C were 32 and 213 nm, respectively.
iological environment. However, dental structures are also com- The application of nanostructured HAp with different morpholo-
posed of HAp, which is needle-like and forms under the control gies for bone tissue engineering has been introduced above. How-
of proteins. Nearly the entire biological mineralization process is ever, several other applications of nano-HAp are also in progress.
a crystallization process controlled by organic components. Surface modifications of HAp nanoparticles have been performed

Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the formation of HAp nanorods. Copyright Elsevier and reproduced with permission [97].
2774 H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781

Fig. 4. TEM images of HAp nanocrystals templated by PVP108–P(NVP-MAn)28–PVP108 after the 1 day (a), 8 day (b) and 13 day (c) preparations. Copyright ACS and reproduced
with permission [104].

in order to modulate their colloid stability, prevent dissolution in the sized, calcium-deficient HAp (Ca-deficient HAp) precipitate con-
case of low pH, prevent inflammation, serve as an intermediate layer taining H2O2. The porous bodies were sintered by a microwave
to allow strong bond formation between HAp–polymer matrices, process with activated carbon as the embedding material to pre-
and potentially enhance its bioactivity or improve its conjugation pare nano- and submicron-structured ceramics. The study results
ability with special functional groups [106–108]. HAp nanoparticles suggest that porous carbonated biphasic CaP ceramics with a nano-
have also served as non-viral carriers for drug delivery and gene structure promote osteoblast adhesion, proliferation and differen-
therapy because of their established biocompatibility, ease of han- tiation [119]. In conclusion, porous carbonated biphasic calcium
dling and well-known adsorption affinity [109–112]. Furthermore, phosphate (BCP) ceramics with a nanostructure are simple and
HAp nanoparticles can be stably loaded with radioisotopes [111]. quick to prepare using microwaves. Compared to those produced
After loading with genes or drugs by adsorption, HAp nanoparticles by conventional sintering, carbonated BCP ceramics may be better
provide a protective environment that shields them from degrada- bone graft materials.
tion while providing a convenient pathway for cell membrane pen- Since synthesized HAp is very brittle, it cannot be used for load-
etration and the controlled release of the genes/drugs [112]. The bearing bone replacements. Hence, implant materials composed of
research results indicate the potential of nano-HAp in gene delivery hard and soft phases (composite materials) are used for total bone
and as drug carriers [112,113]. Readers who are interested in learn- replacement [120]. Composites of HAp with polymers such as poly-
ing more may refer to several elegant and more comprehensive re- methyl methacrylate, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyval-
views, e.g. those by Dorozhkin [20,21,114]. eate) and polyacrylic acid show improved mechanical properties,
as well as good biocompatibility and bioactivity [121,122]. Degrad-
3. Porous structure of nanoscale HAp able and non-degradable polymers are used in controlled drug
delivery, scaffolds for tissue engineering, wound dressing, cosmetic
HAp ceramics have been widely used as artificial bone substi- skin masks and protective clothing. Imai, Furuichi and co-workers
tutes because of their high biocompatibility, bioaffinity and osteo- [122,123] reported hierarchical laminated architecture and porous
conductibility. However, induction of bone growth into HAp blocks structures after calcinations of the polymer composite (poly(-
is unsatisfactory, because it is very slowly replaced by host bone acrylic acid)) at 700 °C. Polyacrylamide hydrogel is a biomaterial
after implantation. For this reason, porous bodies and granules of and non-degradable water-based polymer used as tissue filler.
HAp ceramics have been developed and have been widely used Joshy et al. [124] investigated mineralization of HAp in a UV-poly-
in clinical settings. However, due to the closed structure of conven- merized acrylamide gel matrix by varying precursor concentration
tional porous HAp, which has non-uniform pore geometry and low and pH (pH 8–10). During polymerization, diammonium hydrogen
interpore connections, it is very difficult for implant pores to be- phosphate ions were implanted in the gel matrix and subsequently
come completely filled with newly formed host bone [115]. How- immersed in calcium nitrate solution. Thin, laminated, macropo-
ever, porous HAp ceramics with highly interconnecting structures rous structures, embedded with nanospheres and ribbons of HAp
have been developed, and osteoconduction can occur deep inside were mineralized. The HAp was found to be oriented along the
such ceramics. Wang et al. [116] systematically studied the effects c-axis, which could lead to preferential binding of acidic proteins
of electrical polarization of porous HAp ceramics using two types on its surface. The laminated structures displayed a resorbable nat-
of cylindrical porous HAp ceramics with high and low interpore ure, whereas flake-like structures obtained at higher concentra-
connections (HAp-H and HAp-L, respectively) on bone ingrowth. tions were found to be bioactive. This composite could be an
Electrical polarization was effective in enhancing bone ingrowth alternative to the use of silicone gel to avoid the long-term risk
through all the pores of HAp-H implants; however, this advantage of fibrosis and migration when implanted. Muthutantri et al.
was not apparent in the HAp-L implants. This suggested that en- [125] developed a novel fabrication technique, a combination of
hanced bone ingrowth into HAp porous bodies due to electrical slurry dipping and electrospraying, to produce HAp foams as po-
polarization may be a co-operative interaction between the osteo- tential matrices for bone tissue engineering applications. Slurry-
conductivity of HAp porous bodies and the enhanced osteogenic dipped and electrosprayed scaffolds for different time intervals
cell activity induced by large charges stored on pore surfaces. were compared with foams prepared by the individual methods
The size and density of interpore connections, as well as those of dipping and electrospraying. Significant differences in strut
of pores, are important factors for osteoconduction into the central crack distribution and strut thickness and porosity were observed
area of porous HAp. Diverse characteristics, such as pore size, pore on sintered foams prepared under various conditions. All sintered
shape, pore interconnectivity and total porosity of the scaffold, are structures had average porosities in the range of 84–94% and desir-
considered important factors for successful tissue regeneration able pore interconnections, whereas the combined method pro-
[117,118]. Microwave heating has also been applied to fabricate duced foams of uniform pore distribution, thicker struts and
interconnective porous structured bodies by foaming as-synthe- improved mechanical properties.
H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781 2775

A new direct rapid prototyping process called low-temperature after immersion for 1–3 months were investigated and showed
deposition manufacturing (LDM) was proposed to fabricate scaf- that the damaged surfaces were remarkably recovered. The
folds [126]. This process integrated extrusion/jetting and phase mechanical property and chemical stability of the HAp coating lay-
separation and can therefore fabricate scaffolds with hierarchical ers on both specimens were then determined via the Vickers hard-
porous structures, creating an ideal environment for new tissue ness test and concentration measurement of extracted Ca2+ ions,
growth. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of fabricated respectively, after strong acidic treatment. The cellular behavior
scaffold structures with different polymer matrices are shown in of mouse calvaria-derived pre-osteoblastic cells (MC3T3-E1) was
Fig. 5. The interconnected computer-designed macropores allow also examined on the HAp layers regenerated on micro-scratched
cells in new tissues to grow throughout the scaffold. Moreover, HAp disks for the purpose of their potential applications on maxil-
the parameter-controlled micropores allow nutritional compo- lofacial bone conservation and reconstruction for prosthetic den-
nents in, and metabolic wastes out. The macrocellular morphology, tistry, and artificial disk preparation of a vertebral column. These
microcellular morphology, porosity and mechanical properties of results of HAp coating on the scratched areas of the tooth suggest
poly(a-hydroxy acid)-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) composite scaf- that this technique could be suitable for the development of long-
folds prepared by the proposed method were investigated. These term prevention of micro-cleavage and tooth health supporters to
highly controllable scaffolds may play an important role in tissue reduce discoloration, and for other maxillofacial and orthopedic
engineering. LDM could also be combined with multinozzle depo- applications. Another interesting result published by our group
sition or cell deposition to accurately control materials or cells concerned the regeneration of a micro-scratched tooth enamel
point-by-point. Sinha et al. [127] report a novel method of produc- layer by nanoscale HAp solution [136]. Nanoscale HAp powders
ing HAp–PVA microspheres suitable for biomedical application. with a mean particle size of 200 nm were used to regenerate the
Spray drying is a well-established industrial process that produces enamel layers of damaged teeth. An artificially scratched tooth
fine ceramic powders. Integrating this with a method akin to bio- was immersed in a nanoscale HAp powder suspension in deionized
mineralization provides a direct route to produce HAp micro- water (70 wt.% HAp) at 37 °C for a period of 1–3 months. After
spheres with highly controlled morphological features. 3 months, the scratched surface was finally inlaid with HAp and
the roughness increased from 2.80 to 5.51. Moreover, the hardness
4. Bio-orthopedic properties of nanoscale HAp of the newly generated HAp layer on the crown was similar to that
of the innate layer. Ca2+ and PO3
4 ions from the HAp powders dis-

Bone substitutes are required to repair segmental defects solved in deionized water were precipitated on the tooth to pro-
caused by the removal of infected tissue or bone tumors. The most duce cement pastes on the enamel surface due to its high degree
desirable form of bone substitutes, in such cases, is autologous of recrystallization, resulting in a hard, newly regenerated HAp
bone. However, autografts are not always available and may result layer on the enamel layer. This nanoscale HAp powder solution
in morbidity at the donor site. An allograft is preferred in some might be used to heal decayed teeth as well as to develop tooth-
cases, but the possible immune response and disease (i.e. human whitening materials.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or hepatitis B) transmission are det- In addition, our group reported the clinical evaluation of SB-1™
rimental to the recipient [128]. Bone graft substitutes have at- as a synthetic bone in sinus bone grafting. The SB-1™ used consists
tracted much attention because of their advantages over both of synthetic HAp with 500–1400 lm particle size and has the same
autografts and allografts [129]. In the case of a bone, an optimized chemical composition as the inorganic part of human bones. Rab-
biomaterial should be as biomimetic as possible, i.e. it should con- bits with damaged bones were treated surgically with SB-1™ and
sist of poorly crystalline, carbonate-substituted apatite with suffi- the progress of bone recovery was monitored using X-ray tech-
cient mechanical properties [130]. HAp artificial bones are now niques. The result showed that the SB-1™ was well integrated with
widely used in clinical practice and show satisfying repair function the surrounding host bone and promoted induction of new bone,
in a series of studies [131–133]. Nonetheless, there are some weak- leading to bonding with newly formed bone and recovery of dam-
nesses, such as weak intensity and slow degradation. To strengthen aged bone tissue. In particular, it was found through an in vivo
HAp, researchers have carried out omnidirectional investigations study with rabbit that SB-1™ was superior in terms of bonding
and the challenge in HAp development is whether biological prop- with host bones as well as induction and integration with new
erties can match mechanical properties [134]. bone compared to the allografts and bone grafts with low HAp
Recently, our group reported HAp coating on scratched areas of contents.
a human tooth and HAp disks by the immersion method in a HAp Zhu et al. [128] evaluated the osteoconductive properties of
colloidal solution (620 lm average diameter dispersed in deion- nano-HAp material and its potential application as artificial bone
ized water) [135]. The surface morphologies of the scratched area in repairing bone defects, and attempted to analyze the scientific

Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of scaffolds fabricated with different polymer matrices. Copyright ACS and reproduced with permission [126].
2776 H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781

basis of these properties. Their animal model of bone defects was 20 ± 5, 40 ± 10 and 80 ± 12 nm in diameter, and studied their ef-
based on the bilateral radius of 39 New Zealand white rabbits, fects on proliferation of two bone-related cells: bone marrow mes-
which were randomly divided into an experimental group (bone enchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteosarcoma cells (U2OS). Cell
defect repaired with nano-HAp artificial bone), a control group culture experiments showed improved cytophilicity of the nano-
(bone defect repaired with HAp artificial bone) and a blank group phase mineral relative to conventional HAp. Greater cell viability
(defect left empty). The experimental group was found to stimulate and proliferation of MSCs were measured for nano-HAp, remark-
a callus bonier than the control and blank groups. These differences ably so for the 20 nm particles. Interestingly, the growth of osteo-
in bone conduction are statistically significant (P < 0.05). Therefore, sarcoma cells was inhibited by nano-Hap, and 20 nm particles
nano-HAp artificial bone can potentially be used for bone defect were the best retardant. Nano-HAp has been suggested to exhibit
treatment. Osteosarcoma is a primary malignant bone tumor, most favorable cell proliferation to optimize biological functionality,
prevalent in children and adolescents, and is usually highly aggres- for which particle size is believed to play a key role. These
sive and eventually lethal. Despite multimodal therapies, there is in vitro findings are of great significance for understanding the
no effective approach to treat this malignant disease. Shi et al. cytophilicity and biological activity of nanoparticles during bio-
[137] observed the biological response of osteosarcoma cells to mineralization. Li et al. [143] investigated the effects on highly
two kinds of nano-Hap: nano-HAp-S and nano-HAp-L. These nano- malignant melanoma cells of nano-HAp particles with different
spheres have the same crystallinity (phase) and morphology but morphologies. Three types of HAp particles with different mor-
differ in size. Cells treated with both forms of nano-HAp were phologies were synthesized and co-cultured with highly malignant
inhibited and mainly led to apoptotic cell death. The caspase-9- melanoma cells using phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as a control.
dependent intrinsic apoptotic pathway plays a role in this. Inter- A precipitation method with or without citric acid addition as a
estingly, the suppression and apoptosis of osteosarcoma cells were surfactant was used to produce rod-like nano- and micron-sized
directly related to the size of nanoparticles, and the larger-sized HAp particles, respectively, and a novel oil-in-water emulsion
nano-HAp was more effective than the smaller particles. In the col- method was employed to prepare ellipse-like nano-HAp particles.
lagen matrix, tens to hundreds of these nano-blocks combine into Experiment results indicated that the particle nanoscale effect,
self-assembled biomaterials that have remarkable physical and rather than particle morphology of HAp, was more effective in
chemical features such as unique mechanical strength, insensitiv- inhibiting highly malignant melanoma cell proliferation. Appleford
ity to growth/dissolution and flexible structures [138,139]. Thus, et al. [144] found that the bone formation and angioconductive po-
features of smaller HAp nanoparticles may more closely resemble tential of HAp scaffolds closely matched to trabecular bone in a ca-
features of HAp during biomineralization than features of the lar- nine segmental defect after 3 and 12 weeks of implantation.
ger HAp particles that are conventionally used. Therefore, nano- Histomorphometric comparisons were made between naturally
HAp may promote osteoblast adhesion, proliferation and synthesis forming trabecular bone (control) and defects implanted with scaf-
of alkaline phosphatase and lead to rapid repair of hard tissue in- folds fabricated with micro-size HAp (M-HAp) and nanosized HAp
jury [140,141]. (N-HAp) ceramic surfaces. As shown in Fig. 6, no significant differ-
Nano-HAp has been reported to be a better candidate in bio- ences were identified between the two HAp scaffolds; however,
medical applications. Cai et al. [142] prepared nano-HAp, typically significant bone in-growth was observed after 12 weeks with

Fig. 6. Bone tissue cross-section of N-HA scaffold under phase contrast (a) 3 and (c) 12 weeks post-surgery with corresponding cross-polarized light micrographs shown in
(b,d) representing birefringence of collagen strands. 200 original magnification. S, scaffold; M, mineralized bone; C, collagen birefringence; V, vessel. Copyright ACS and
reproduced with permission [144].
H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781 2777

43.9 ± 4.1% and 50.4 ± 8.8% of the cross-sectional area filled with tion mechanism of HAp–PEG–MWCNT preparation is shown in
mineralized bone in M-HAp and N-HAp scaffolds, respectively. This Fig. 7. First, two types of pre-functionalized MWCNTs were pre-
study showed the potential of trabecular bone modeled, highly pared: acid-oxidized MWCNTs, and MWCNTs covalently modified
porous and interconnected HAp scaffolds for regenerative by PEG. The influence of acid-oxidation time, pre-phosphorylation
orthopedics. and PEGylation of MWCNTs on in situ growth of HAp was further
investigated in simulated body fluid (SBF) with ionic concentra-
5. Composites of HAp and inorganic nanomaterials tions of 2, 5 and 10 times, respectively, at 37 °C for 24 h. The results
showed that these factors have positive effects on HAp crystal
The low fracture toughness and poor wear resistance of HAp can growth, with PEGylation of MWCNTs playing a key role during
be improved by adding second-phase reinforcement. Carbon nano- deposition. Finally, the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MU) assay
tubes (CNTs) have already shown their potential as effective rein- was performed to evaluate cytotoxicity, which showed that PEGy-
forcements for HAp and other ceramics [145–148] to improve lated MWCNTs wrapped by HAp crystals have the best
fracture toughness. Reports are available on the processing of biocompatibility.
HAp–CNT composite coatings for orthopedic implants through Inspired by self-assembly of nano-HAp association with the
plasma spraying [149–152], laser surface alloying [153,154], elec- 67 nm periodic microstructure of collagen, Liao et al. [166] used
trophoretic deposition [155,156] and aerosol deposition [157]. In MWCNTs with an approximately 40 nm bamboo periodic micro-
addition to conventional sintering [158,159] and hot isostatic structure as a template for nano-HAp deposition to form a nano-
pressing [160,161], spark plasma sintering (SPS) [161–163] has HAp–MWCNT composite. Spindle-shaped units consisting of an
also been employed to fabricate free-standing HAp–CNT compos- assembly of near-parallel, fibril-like nano-HAp polycrystals were
ites. Omori et al. [161] reported consolidation of multiwalled formed and oriented at a specific angle to the long axis of CNTs.
(MW) CNTs by SPS followed by dip-coating with HAp and a second Spindle-shaped units detached from the MWCNT template are able
round of SPS consolidation of the coated preform. They observed a to maintain the ordered parallel structure of the nano-HAp poly-
consolidated coating of HAp on CNTs without crack formation. An- crystal fibril. Tang et al. [167] found that biomimetic synthesis of
other study on SPS of HAp–CNT composites used nano-HAp pow- HAp on SDS functionalized MWCNTs by using an alternate soaking
ders and CNTs, mixed by ball milling, as the starting material. process (ASP) in Ca/P solutions. The results showed that nano-HAp
Sarkar et al. [162] found the fracture toughness of HAp–CNT com- crystals were formed on SDS functionalized MWCNTs, and miner-
posite to be as high as 1.27 MPa m0.5, with 2.5 vol.% CNT addition, alized MWCNTs remained in a dispersed state. HAp–MWCNT
which was a 30% increase over HAp. Xu et al. [163] performed nanohybrids, combining the osteconductive properties of HAp
extensive mechanical stirring to homogeneously mix CNTs with and the excellent mechanical properties of MWCNTs, will provide
spray-dried HAp powder to prepare feedstock for SPS processing. a promising material for bone tissue engineering.
The Young’s modulus has been reported to be 131 GPa with Balani et al. [151] synthesized HAp-reinforced with sub-
2 vol.% CNT addition, although no direct comparison with HAp micrometer Al2O3 and CNTs as a coating on a Ti–6Al–4 V substrate
has been reported. The biocompatibility of CNT-reinforced HAp via plasma spraying. The addition of Al2O3 and CNTs to HAp shows
composite has also been studied by Xu et al. This group determined improvements in the hardness and elastic modulus by 65% and
the beneficial effect of CNT on osteoblast cell proliferation. Lahiri 50%, respectively, compared to HAp. Consequently, HAp–Al2O3–
et al. [164] investigated CNT-reinforced HAp composite synthe- CNT coatings have been nano-scratched to determine their wear
sized using SPS. Quantitative microstructural analysis suggests performance. Reinforcement of HAp by Al2O3 decreases wear vol-
that CNTs play a role in grain boundary pinning and are responsible ume by more than 13 times, whereas HAp–Al2O3–CNT coating
for improved densification and retention of nanostructure shows an even further decreased wear volume of 5 times com-
throughout the thickness of the sintered pellet. HAp crystal forms pared to that of HAp–Al2O3 coating. Ajeesh et al. [168] prepared
a coherent interface with CNTs, resulting in a strong interfacial sintered iron oxide–HAp nanocomposite ceramics from powders
bond. The uniform distribution of 4 wt.% CNTs in the HAp matrix, produced through a co-precipitation process. The phase purity
good interfacial bonding and fine HAp grain size help to improve and bioactivity of the composites were analyzed as a function of
fracture toughness by 92% and elastic modulus by 25% compared percentage of iron oxide in the composite. In all the prepared com-
to a HAp matrix without CNT. posites, HAp retains the same phase identity and high X-ray opac-
Xiao et al. [165] introduced a simple and effective approach to ity as a composition containing 40 wt.% iron oxide. Increased cell
functionalize MWCNTs by in situ deposition of HAp to improve viability and cell adhesion showed that the prepared composite of-
hydrophilicity and biocompatibility. The scheme of biomineraliza- fers considerable potential for bone tissue engineering

Fig. 7. Scheme of biomineralization mechanism of the preparation of HAp–PEG–MWCNTs. Copyright Elsevier and reproduced with permission [165].
2778 H. Zhou, J. Lee / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2769–2781

applications. Jiang et al. [169] designed and synthesized nano-HAp from advances in nanotechnology. Several methods for synthesiz-
crystals carrying incorporated Fe ions by a co-precipitation meth- ing HAp on the nanoscale have evolved in the past few decades.
od. The results showed that lattice substitution or incorporation Due to the chemical similarity between HAp and mineralized bone
occurs between Fe ions and nano-HAp, which is quite different of human tissue, synthetic HAp exhibits a strong affinity to host
from the mechanical mixture of Fe3O4 nanoparticles and nano- hard tissues. A significant amount of research in this area is ex-
HAp crystals. The nano-Fe–HAp with a synthetic molar ratio of pected to be focused on the nanoscale for enhanced applications
1:2 (calculated by Fe3O4:HAp) exhibited a needle-like crystal shape as resorbable scaffolds that can be replaced by endogenous hard
and relatively good crystallinity. However, when the molar ratio tissues over time. In the future, the ability to functionalize surfaces
was increased to 1:1, some Fe3O4 nanoparticles were separated with different molecules of varying natures and dimensions based
from the nano-Fe–HAp crystals. Magnetization measurements on their means of attachment to cells, as well as the potential to
showed that nano-Fe–HAp crystals were in a superparamagnetic nanostructure the surface physically, chemically and topographi-
state, proving that the existence of Fe ions in nano-HAp crystals cally, will enable selective targeting within biological systems to
contributed to the magnetic properties of nano-Fe–HAp crystals. show specificity towards individual proteins and peptides. Under-
As one component of biomedical composites, nano-Fe–HAp has standing the influence of nano-HAp particle size, crystal morphol-
the potential to promote bone regeneration. ogy controls and interfaces with cells from a higher level is
Bioactive nano-titania ceramics with excellent biomechanical essential for the future development of nanotechnology and bio-
compatibility and bioactivity were prepared by using HAp additive technology. Such an interdisciplinary approach is very compli-
as a grain growth inhibitor. The mechanical properties of nano- cated, and the effective collaboration of scientists from different
titania ceramics were analogous to those of human bone. The disciplines is necessary.
amount of HAp additive played an important role in determining
the grain/particle size of nano-titania ceramics, which had a great Acknowledgments
effect on osteoblast proliferation in cell culture experiments. Cell
culture experiments also showed that the bioactive HAp additive This research was supported by the International Research and
itself also significantly affected the cytocompatibility of nano-tita- Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Kor-
nia ceramics. These results indicated that the content of HAp addi- ea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technol-
tive not only had an effect on the bioactivity of nano-titania ogy (MEST) of Korea, and National Fisheries Research and
ceramics due to the bioactivity of the additive itself, but also had Development Institute (Grant Nos. K20091003000, FY2009,
an effect both on the biomechanical compatibility and bioactivity 20100434961-00).
of nano-titania ceramics by adjusting the grain/particle size of
the ceramics. The HAp and ZrO2 nanopowders were prepared by
chemical reactions and alcohol–aqueous solution heating, respec- Appendix A. Figures with essential colour discrimination
tively. The nanosized HAp-ZrO2 powders with a homogeneous dis-
tribution could then be synthesized by ball-milling. HAp-ZrO2 Certain figures in this article, particularly Figures 4, 6, 7, are dif-
ficult to interpret in black and white. The full colour images can be
bioceramics with small grain sizes could be obtained by using
hot-press sintering technology [170]. The in vitro biocompatibility found in the on-line version, at doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2011.03.019.
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