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Heart of Has*ngs

Trustee Nominees 2018

Personal statements

David Bysh I have been involved in the construc*on industry for some 46
years. For the past 25 years the majority of my work involved
consultancy for Housing associa*ons and Local Authori*es. I have
image worked with the majority of Registered Social landlords in London
and the South East, organising and managing a full range of
projects, ranging from the management of a significant planned
maintenance programme for a major RSL in London, to the project
management of a major – 3 year housing replacement project not
far from Has*ngs.
This experience has been invaluable in community organisa*on,
working with communi*es and par*cularly tenants and
management organisa*ons.
The availability of true “affordable housing” is posing a significant
challenge to communi*es, with the consequen*al social dis-
engagement and financial hardship.
I would like to become a trustee of Heart of Has*ngs to provide
my strong project management and financial cost planning skills to
the ethos of the CLT and its members.
Steve Foreman Why do I want to be a Trustee? I have lived and worked in Has*ngs
for more than 40 years and want to con*nue to play a part in
assis*ng others into a secure home and to acquire the work
knowledge and skills for a happy and successful life.
What can I bring? While I am now re*red from paid employment I
decided to con*nue work in a voluntary capacity. I have
experience as a Trustee and have recently re*red as a Board
Member of a community housing associa*on. I have had a
successful career in construc*on and housing and believe my
experience and knowledge will benefit Heart of Has*ngs CLT. In
the la]er part of my career I worked for The Audit Commission
where I advised on all ma]ers rela*ng to housing and asset
management. I am passionate that service users should have the
opportunity to play a meaningful and ac*ve part should they wish.
Darren French I’ve lived in the Ore Valley area of Has*ngs since 1998 and during
my *me I’ve had quite a close rela*onship with the power sta*on
site. I used to hang around round there when I was younger, and
my Dad was security on site during the demolishing of the old
power sta*on. I joined the BUD team 2 years ago as a volunteer,
and the site has become a second home. I would love the
opportunity to become a trustee, because I feel that as somebody
who has started as a volunteer I have a unique perspec*ve on
Heart of Has*ngs projects, both in the Ore Valley and in White
Rock area and believe that I can use this knowledge to help Heart
of Has*ngs achieve it’s aims. Volunteering on this project has
changed my perspec*ve on life for the be]er and if I can help
others achieve a similar outlook I would be very proud.

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