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Mahfuzul Alam


Is Management a Science or an Art:

When we deign the act of doing something a science, what we mean is that, that act has been
structured under a system. This act will then adhere to certain rules and remain confined to
certain governing principles. But most importantly, the act will not involve any uncertain variables
that may result in any undesired output. That is to say, when something has been worked out
into a definable form of science, it should run like clockwork, like a well-oiled machine.

Now, when we define art, we can only give the vaguest impressions of a definition. We cannot
confine art into anything as rigorous as a set definition. Art is fluid. It changes with the whims of
the artist. Art follows the rules of inspiration. So, the result of art may be breathtakingly
successful, or it may be a horrendous failure. But whatever it is, it is always unpredictable.

Moving on to the topic of management, we have to define it first before we can surmise its nature.
Management too is difficult to define. In short it is the optimizing the use of resources to achieve
certain goals efficiently and effectively.

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