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Chicamocha News

Holy Week in My Town

It was a beautiful week where the family shared and it let us to be in union so the
principal topic was the praying. There was a program of activities where were
carried out different solemn , paschal vigils besides processions , eucharists
and meetings of catholic families also where joined we could share of these
wonderful celebrations .

It was a week of tranquility and peace for everybody the Concepcioneros on the
other hand the Via cruces marked this important celebration when we walked by
the road of the cross, so it was very big and very devotional that never we will be
tired and we won´t understand why of the mystery ? and that it is not in the cross
but who is crucified in it. Finally all finished with the dead and sepulture of Jesus.

En semana santa yo comi bastante mantecada sopa de pan yo fui con mi familia a
misa el dia jueves y el viernes se organizo un viacrucis en mi pueblo al cual fue
asistió muchas persdonas además antes de comenzar la semana de clases
realicxe las tareas que tenia y prepare alguna slecciones

In holy week I ate a lot of foods such as soup of bread, mantecada and fish
besides I went with my family to mass on Thursday and so I prayed later on Friday
my town Concepcion organized a via cross where many people assisted because
liked to make this celebration however all wasn´t to pray also I made my tasks and
I prepared some lessons of my school.

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