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What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the study of how food and drink

affects our bodies with a special regard to the
essential nutrients necessary to support
human health. It looks at the physiological
and biochemical processes involved in
nourishment and how substances in food
provide energy or are converted into body
tissues. These nutrients which are the source
of energy for our bodies are classed as:
carbohydrates, fats, fibre, minerals, proteins,
vitamins, and water. Good nutrition means
obtaining the right amount of nutrients from
healthy foods in the right combinations. An
important part of the study of nutrition is
looking at the diseases that can result from
malnutrition and the role food plays in the
development of chronic disease.

Poor nutrition can lead to a lack of energy,

digestive problems, food allergies, weight gain,
depression and anxiety as well as many of
today’s most prevalent chronic diseases like
coronary heart disease, cancer, ADHA. Having
nutritional knowledge and making informed
choices about the foods you eat can help you
achieve optimum health over your lifetime.
Nutrition is also about why we choose to eat the
food we do, even when we know they may not be
good for us. What is going on at a cellular level
and how does that effect what we crave and set
up food cycles that are unhealthy or damaging.
Nutritionist advise people on what to eat and how
to modify their diet so they can maintain or
restore optimal health or to help relieve ill health
and combat disease.
There is almost daily advice in the media on what
to eat and what not to eat (and drink), most of it is
confusing and contradictory. Celebrity chefs and
fine dining have continued to grow in popularity.
As have food fads and quick win diets. Food is a
subject close to everyone’s heart (and stomach!)
and more and more people are realizing what you
eat can affect your short term, as well as your
long term health.
Naturopathic nutrition seeks to uncover and
support the cause of a disease, rather than just
treating the symptoms as conventional medicine
often does. Many people find that improving a
poor diet to cure one symptom can often lead to
other health benefits such as increased energy
levels, improvements in skin and better sleep
amongst a number other benefits.
Whether you take your studies further to become
a nutritionist or not, the knowledge you gain will
be invaluable as it is knowledge you will integrate
into daily life to the benefit of your own health and
well being.

Human reproduction is any form of sexual

reproduction resulting in human fertilization. It
typically involves sexual intercourse between a
man and a woman. During sexual intercourse, the
interaction between the male and female
reproductive systems results in fertilization of the
woman's ovum by the man's sperm. These are
specialized reproductive cells called gametes,
created in a process called meiosis. While normal
cells contains 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs, gamete
cells only contain 23 chromosomes, and it is
when these two cells merge into one zygote cell
that genetic recombination occurs and the new
zygote contains 23 chromosomes from each
parent, giving them 23 pairs. A typical 9-
month gestation period is followed by childbirth.
The fertilization of the ovum may be achieved
by artificial insemination methods, which do not
involve sexual intercourse. Assisted reproductive
technology also exists.

Respiratory System in Humans

Respiration is the process by which energy is
released from food in our body. The function
of respiratory system is to breathe in oxygen
for respiration producing energy from food,
and to breathe out carbon dioxide produced
by respiration. With the help of lungs gases
are exchanged between the blood and the air.
Gases exchanged are oxygen and carbon
Created On: Feb 26, 2016 17:10 IST
Modified On: Mar 15, 2016 13:25 IST
Respiration is the process by which energy is
released from food in our body. The function of
respiratory system is to breathe in oxygen for
respiration producing energy from food, and to
breathe out carbon dioxide. With the help of lungs
gases are exchanged between the blood and the
air. Gases exchanged are oxygen and carbon
dioxide. We can live without food and water for
many days but we cannot live for more than a few
minutes without air, as it is necessary for
breathing. So, before discussing the human
respiratory system, it is necessary to know the
process of breathing which is an important part of
Process of Breathing:
During breathing we take air in to our lungs
through the nose, and then expel it. The taking in
of air rich in oxygen in to the body during
breathing is called inhalation and giving out of the
air rich in carbon dioxide is called exhalation.
Both the process takes place regularly during
breathing. Therefore, a breath means ‘one
inhalation plus one exhalation’.

Excretory System in Humans

Excretion is the process of removal of toxic
wastes from the body of an organism. The
major wastes produced by us are: Carbon
dioxide and Urea. Carbon dioxide is produced
by the process of respiration and urea is
produced by the decomposition of unused
proteins in the liver. There are different
organs which removes waste from the body.
These are lungs and kidneys. Our lungs
excrete carbon dioxide and kidneys urea.

Excretion is the process of removal of toxic

wastes from the body of an organism. The major
wastes produced by us are: Carbon dioxide and
Urea. Carbon dioxide is produced by the process
of respiration and urea is produced by the
decomposition of unused proteins in the liver. It is
necessary to remove these wastes from our body
as their accumulation is poisonous and harm us.
There are different organs which removes waste
from the body. These are lungs and kidneys. Our
lungs excrete carbon dioxide and kidneys urea.
So, the kidney is the main excretory organs of the
human body.
First we will see how carbon dioxide is removed
through lungs: Carbon dioxide is produces as a
waste product in the body by the oxidation of food
during respiration. This carbon dioxide enters
from the body tissues in to the blood stream by
diffusion. Blood carries this carbon dioxide to the
lungs. When we breathe out, then the lungs
excrete carbon dioxide which goes in to the air
through nostrils.

The excretory system of human beings collects

the liquid wastes of the body and helps it get rid
of them. It consists of the following main organs:
Two kidneys, two ureters, Bladder and
Urethra. The kidneys are bean shaped organs
towards the back of our body just above the
waist. Everyone has two kidneys. Blood
constantly passes through our kidneys. The renal
artery or kidney artery brings in the dirty blood
containing waste substances in to the kidneys.
So, the function of kidney is to remove the
poisonous substance urea, other waste salts and
excess water from the blood and excrete them in
the form of yellowish liquid called urine. The
cleaned blood is carried away from the kidneys
by the renal vein or kidney vein.

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