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Dear respondents,

We are BM222 Part 4A students from the Faculty of Business Management in UiTM Shah
Alam. We are conducting a study on the saving habits of BM222 Part 4 students as a partial
course requirement. We would appreciate if you would complete this questionnaire as
truthfully as possible. Your feedback will be kept strictly confidential.

Our representative will collect your completed questionnaire shortly.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.


Please indicate (/) in the appropriate boxes information about yourself. Each question
should only have ONE answer. All responses are strictly confidential.

1. Gender:



2. Age:

18 and below 21-22

19-20 23 and above

3. Marital status:



4. Where did you get your monthly income allowance?

Parents allowance Study Loan/PTPTN

Scholarship Others please state: __________

Part-time job
5. How much allowance income do you get per month?

RM0 - RM200 RM801 - RM1000

RM201 - RM500 More than RM1000

RM501 - RM800

6. Do you engage in have part-time work?



Part B : Saving Habit

Choose and tick (/) one appropriate answer only.

1. I save my money



2. When I get money I always.............

Spend it immediately

Spend half, save half

Save all

3.When I set saving goals for myself, I will ............

Achieve them

Not achieve

Achieve only certain goals

4.For saving purpose, I am more concerned with what happens to me in

Short run
Long run

5.I always failed to control myself from spending money.



6. I have the ability to prepare my own weekly (monthly) budget.



Part C: Methods of Savings

Choose and circle one appropriate answer only.

1. In order to save, what do you do before you make a purchase?

a. Compare price
b. Buy spontaneously
c. Make a list
d. Others:....................

2. What do you do to reduce your expenses?

a. Buy only necessary things

b. Reduces my spending on entertainment purpose

c. Use my personal item (eg cleanser, shampoo) wisely

3. How do you save your money?

a. Piggy bank

b. Saving Account

c. Unit Trust (ie: ASB, Maybank Unit Trust etc.)

d. Others: ........................

4. Do you channel your money into investment?

a. Yes
b. No

5. What type of investment do you have?

a. Fixed deposit

b. Common stock

c. Investment in gold

d. Investment in silver

6. How often do you save?

a. Everyday

b. Once in a week

c. Once in a month

d. Twice in a month

PART D: Reasons for savings

Please tick (/) your answer to each statement using Likert scale:
1 - Strongly disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Neutral; 4 – Agree; 5 - Strongly agree

No. Statements. 1 2 3 4 5
1. I save to achieve certain goals.
2. I save money for emergency.
3. I put money aside on a regular basis for the future.
4. I save money because of encouragement from my parent.
5. I save for the marriage purpose
6. I save money for the vacation purpose
7. I save money for entertainment purpose
8. Overall, what is your opinion about saving habits?


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