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Closing Program – Training Workshop on Teaching Reading of School Heads

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in
reading it at all.” – Oscar Wilde

Reading as a habit can make us better person. Researchers and biographies of

great men and women tell us that most of our leaders and heroes became great
because of the inspiration they got from reading books especially during their
childhood days.

Being an instructional leader, it is our mandate to expose our learners with

books which does not only inspire them but would provide knowledge. As the
recent reading validation conducted by the CID spearheaded by our Chief
Donna Panes, it reveals that most of the school children in Sarangani were not
able to interact with the printed words. Thus, 3-day training which just
concluded is our response to orient everyone on the process of implementing
reading interventions in our schools. This workshop is also a beginning for all
of us to take serious lead on exposing our learners to books and any other
reading resources that will help build the reading skills of our learners. Most
importantly to think of the end result which would make significant change to
the lives of these learners.

Again, our challenge is to make reading a habit, not only of our learners, of
teachers but for us school leaders, reading gives us entertainment, providing
good reading resources are great investment. As Francis Bacon, the great
essayist, said, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some
few to be chewed and digested.” In other words of the great poet, John Milton
“A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and
treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.”

Finally, as part of reinvigorated emphasis on reading, let us encourage

everyone to spend more time to read, include in our strategic development plan
reading interventions, make a habit and have enjoyable break and look forward
to an exciting legacy where your children further develop their love of reading.

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