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Hail Alma Mater!


“A caterpillar undergoes a four stages of its life cycle before it turns into a butterfly wherein
every stage has a different goal which is undergoing a remarkable transformation, called
“metamorphosis” to become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that will emerge.
Same with Regional Training Center 8, as time goes by each day, distinct experiences,
challenges and alterations have gone through. From the great devastation of Supertyphoon “Haiyan”
brought to Tacloban city, particularly to RTC 8, mass restoration and reconstruction of the institution
is a must for it to become operational again to employees and especially to trainees.
Through the effort of our very own PSUPT EDWARD DAYA QUIJANO Regional Training
Director the man behind the development successfully hit the mark in bringing back our institution
after the disaster.
Before Class Kasangga had stepped on to the grounds of RTC 8, traces of development in
the atmosphere were visible aftermath the typhoon. And as we crossed the threshold of the
Philippine Public Safety College wall, the shoulder of responsibility immediately instilled in our minds
for we are now part of the family. Our seniors have done their part and it is now our time to do ours
the best way we can.
Through the best efforts made by class Kasangga in enhancing RTC 8 grounds, structures
and improvements were added inside the training camp, to name with: the molded realistic PNP
badge and the inscribed PNP Badge of Honor on the RTC wall on the entrance gate of the institution,
the built structure “I Love RTC 8”, and the covered walk. These improvements mentioned was
inaugaurated on the 23rd founding anniversary celebration of RTC 8 last March 17, 2017. Another
improvements were the bench built beside the admin building and in front of the dispensary, the
mini park and the improved Grotto near the admin office in which beneath the Grotto was a mini fish
pond with exciting lights during night time, the relocation and renovation of the Male recruit’s Dorms,
and the scenery of RTC 8 grounds. This fascinating landscape of flowers and other ornamental
plants will be observed as you enter the institution.
With the above mentioned changes, RTC 8 wants to overlook the nightmares brought about
to us by the Supertyphoon “Haiyan”. Giving them light from darkness that the school is much more
capable today as a molding ground for our survivors and heroes.
Move forward for a progressive RTC 8!!!

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