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Guess the Move Checklist

Before you guess the next move:

1. Thnk defense: what does the opponent's last move do?
a. Does it put you in check or stalemate?
b. If you did nothing, what are the threats if the opponent could
made a second move?
i. Could he put you in check?
ii. What captures could he do?
iii. What tactics could be launched?
c. After you find the best (imaginary, second) move for the
opponent, use the show threat button to verify your guess.
2. Now consider your candidate moves (guesses) for the game. Consider at
least 2-3 moves. For each move X answer the following questions:
a. Is the move X legal (i.e. does not put you in check)?
b. Is X safe or is it a blunder that loses in one or two moves?
c. Does it make my king less safe?
d. What is the opponent's best reply (Y) to your move X ? Look at Y's
checks and captures first.
e. What move (Z) will you make if your opponent makes move Y?
Follow this checklist on every move. The mental discipline required is not
easy. However, if you practice this in GTM it should carry over into your
future chess matches.

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