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LECTURE READY Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-taking, and Discussion Th 3 Language’ Peg Sarosy = Kathy Sherak LECTURE |] gR READY ae Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-taking, and Discussion Peg Sarosy American Language Institute San Francisco State University Kathy Sherak American Language Institute San Francisco State University OXFORD 198 Madison Avenue ‘New York, NY 0016 USA (Great Clarendon Street (Oxford OK2 6DP UK (Oxford University Pres is a department ofthe Univesity of Oxford ‘Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam Hong Kong. Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melboume Mexico ity Naircbi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto ‘With ofices in ‘Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japon Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Uxraine Vietnam, ‘OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are registered trademarks of Oxford University Press. (© oxford University Press 2007 Database right Oxfoed Univerlty Press (makes) ‘No unauthorized photocopying. ‘Allrights reserved. Nopart of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form orby any means, ‘without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University res, oras expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed withthe appropriate copyright clearance organization. Enquiries concerning ‘reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford Univesity Press atthe address above. ‘You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you mus impose this same condition on any acquirer. ‘Any websites referred to i this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Pres for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsiblity forthe content. ‘Executive Publisher Janet Aitchison ‘Senior Acquisitions Bitor: Pietro Alongt itor: Dena Dane Associate Bator: Scot Allan Wallick ‘Art Director: Marit Hagsted Design Project Manager: Nicoletta Barolint (Cover Design by Delgado and Company Senior Art alto Judi deSouter Production Manager: Shanta Persaud ‘Production Controller: Robin Roberson Student Book ISEN-13: 978 019430565 3, ‘Student Book pack (US. sles only) 1SBN-13: 978 019 4417006 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘stations Karen Minot, 79 (maph Peter Newell, 0; HJ. Ford, 1 ‘We would ito thank the flowing for ther persion to reproduce photograph: (Corbis: Michael MacorSan Francisco Chronicle, 24 (segway); Judi ‘DeSouter for OUP: 2,24 (DVD player), 32,4 (TV), 42,64, 86, 108; ‘Alamy: Royal Geographical Society, 100 (hote} PCL, 100 London}. 34 (shopping bags}; Danita Delimont, 101 (brary): JTB Photo, 101 (museuml: ‘Sean Potter, 34 (cel phone); Dave Thompson, 56 tablet); imagebroker, ‘56 (MPS player David Noble Photography, 76 (prairie; Peter Adams Photography, 78 (desert, coating}; Pil Talbot, 34 (Mercedes logo}: Index Stock lmageryfiage Source Unlimited: 10 Pars: Ewing Galloway, 36 computer: Getty Image: Giles Mingasson, 100 (binoculars: Super Stock: Agefoto Stock, 24 (palm plot) Globe Photos IncjFitzrey Barer, 46: Inmagine: Photodisc, 56 (les jupiter Unlimited: Comstock.comp, 78 forest) ‘We would eto thank he following for thee: “Global Brands" by R. Berner. Copyright © 2005 by BusinessWeek. Information reprinted with permission. “Celebrity Worship Syndrome” by Kenturah Gray. Copyright © 2003 by ‘ABCNews Information reprinted with permision. “For Many Public Buildings, Form Doesnt Follow Punction, Study Finds” bby Jeff Grabmeler for Oblo State Research. Information reprinted with permission. Information for “Burning the Candle a Both Bnds” from Gannett Health Service (www gannett come edu), 2006. Used with permission. ‘ww.irlanguas Language obo tule

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