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Name of the Student-







Name of Supervisor-

Method of Teaching-

A V Aids-
Previous knowledge about topic-

General objective-

Specific objectives-
1. To establish Self-introduction- Student teacher introduces
rapport with the himself/herself.
2. To introduce the Introduction of topic- Student teacher introduces
topic. about the topic.
3. To assess previous Assessing previous knowledge of the Student teacher assesses the
knowledge of the group- knowledge of the group
group. regarding topic.
4. To define_____. Definition- Student teacher defines_____. Define_____.
Administration of feed directly into the
stomach through a tube passed into the
stomach through the nose (nasogastric)
Time or mouth (orogastric).
5. should To explain about Purposes- Student teacher explains about What are the risk
be the risk factors or1. To provide adequate nourishment to the risk factors or etiology. factors or
mention etiology of the patients who cannot feed themselves. etiology of_____?
ed in disease. 2. To administered medication.
minutes 3. To provide nourishment to patient
who cannot be fed through mouth,
e.g. surgery in oral cavity,
unconscious or comatosed state.
6. To describe about Indications- Student teacher describe about Describe
the 1. Head and neck injury. the pathophysiology of pathophysiology in
pathophysiology of 2. Coma. disease. brief.
disease. 3. Obstruction of esophagus or
4. Severe anorexia nervosa.
5. Recurrent episodes of aspiration.
6. Increase metabolic needs- burns,
cancer, etc.
7. Poor oral intake.

7. To enlist the signs Articles- Student teacher enlist the signs What are the signs
and symptoms of 1. Formula feed. and symptoms. and symptoms of
disease. 2. Graduated container. disease?
3. Large syringe (30-60 ml).
4. Water in a container.
5. Stethoscope.
6. Kidney tray.
7. Towel.
8. Clean gloves.

8. To discuss about Nursing action- Student teacher describes What is the

the treatment of 1. Identify the patient and explain about the treatment. treatment
disease. procedure to patient and that feeding of_____?
will take around 10-20 minutes to
complete. Also explain that patient
will experience a feeling of fullness
after feeding.
Proper explanation allays anxiety and
ensures cooperation. Explanation to be
given to patients who are comatose or
unconscious as they may here and
perceive the instructions.

2. Assess for food allergies, time of last

feed, bowel sounds and laboratory
3. Place container with feed inn warm
4. Assist patient to Fowler position (35-
45 degree).
5. Wash hands.
6. Spread towel and mackintosh over
patient’s chest.
7. Don gloves and attach syringe to
nasogastric tube.
8. Aspirate stomach contents. If there is
doubt about the tube placement inform
physician and obtain an order for x-ray.
9. If residual contents are with in normal
limits and placement of the tube has
been confirmed, return gastric contents
to stomach through syringe using
gravity to regulate flow.
10. If tube placement is confirmed in
stomach, pinch the feeding tube and
attached barrel of feeding syringe to
11. Fill syringe barrel with water and
allowed fluid to flow in by gravity, by
raising barrel above level of patient’s
12. Pour feed into the syringe barrel and
allow it to flow by gravity. Keep on
pouring feed/ formula to barrel when it
is three quarter empty. Pinch tube
whenever necessary to stop when
13. After feeding is completed, flush tube
with at least 30cc of plain water.
14. After tube is cleared close end of
feeding tube.
15. Rinse equipment with warm water and
16. Keep head of bed elevated for 30-60
mint after feeding.
17. Wash hands.
18. Document type and amount of feeding,
amount of water given and tolerance of
19. Monitor for breath sounds, bowel
sounds, gastric distension, diarrhea,
constipation and intake and output.
20. Instruct patient to notify nurses if he
experiences sensation of fullness,
nausea and vvomiting.

9. To describe about Special considerations Student teacher describe about What are the
the prevention of  Intermittent/continuous feeding of the prevention of disease. preventive
disease. solution from, an intravenous pole measures of
and adjusting rate of disease?
administrations by flow regulators
are done in same situations.
 Siphon method can be used to
administer clear fluids.
 Change the NG tube according to
institutional policy.
 Change the articles every 24hr or
according to institutional policy.
10. To conclude the Conclusion- Student teacher concludes the
topic. topic
11. To summarize the Summarization-
topic. Today we have discussed about the
_____ topic under the following

 Definition
 Etiology or risk factors
 Pathophysiology
 Signs & symptoms
 treatment
 Preventive measures

12. To recaptualise the Recaptualization-

 What is_____?
 What are the signs and symptoms
 What are the preventive measures?
 Clement. I, Text Book on Basic Concepts on Nursing Procedures, JP
Brothers Medical Publisher Private Limited, Delhi,
 R Rekha, Jacob Annamma, Clinical Nursing Procedure : Art Of
Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition, JP Brothers Medical Publisher Private
Ltd Delhi,

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