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 Watching with attention, authority, suspicion in the community area is known as – surveillance.

 Limit for registration of birth and death in India is – 21 days

 The most important health status indicator of a country is – IMR (Infant Mortality Rate)
 Case fatality rate represents killing power of disease.
 OPV vaccination doses in Immunization programme – 5
 Diluent for BCG vaccine is Normal saline where as for measles vaccine is Distifedwater
 Immunization with three doses of Tetanus toxoid provides protection for 10 years.
 TRIVALENT OPV has replaced to BIVALENT OPV on may 9, 2016 (National Validation Day)
 Theme of World Health Day 2019 is “Universal Health Coverage Everyone Every Where.”
 Rashes type in chickenpox is – bleomasphic a dew drops.
 Positive shick text indicates susceptibility to Diphtheria.
 Drug of choice in case of Influenza (swine flu/Bird flu) – Oseltamivir
 Anti tubercular drug with causes optic neusites – kthambutop
 Dose of ORS for child with weight – 12 kg – 900 ml.
 Most common Arboviral disease is – Dengue.
 Relapse in Malaria is due to – Hypozoites (Stored in liver)
 Whit leprosy is known as – leishmirniasus
 8th day disease is known as – Tetanus Neonatorum
 “SPARSH” is” an awareness Campaign for “Leprocy‟
 First test to be conducted in HIV – Elisa
weight kgs
 BMI formula is height 2 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

 Chotesterof with high risk of CHD – lDl

 A person is underweight if BMI is less than 18.5
 Index of operational efficiency of Malaria Control – Annual blood examination rate (ABER)
 Jai Vighyan Mission is for control of Rheumatic fever or Rheumatic Heart disease.
 Direct case transfer scheme to pregnant and lactating women is – INDRA GANDHI
MATRITWA SAHYOG YOGANA (Pradhan Mantri Surkshit Matritwa Abhiyaan)
 To improve the quality of care in labor room and maternity OT is – LrQshya (Labor Room
Quality Improvement Intiative)
 Most current intrauterine device is mulic loaded Cut. (Second Generation)
 MMR is calculated on one lakh live births
 Most common complication of IUD insertion is Bleeding but most common cause of removal is
 Absolute contraindication of OCP are breast & Genital cancer, liver disease, thromboembolism,
Heart problem and Hyperlipidemia
 Absolute Contraindication of IUD are suspected pregnancy, PIDs Cervical cancer and breuious
ectopic pregnancy.
 Spermicice used on contraceptive is NoN – OxyNoL-9
 Radio opaque material used in Cu-t is Barium Sulphate.
 Three most common MCH problems are – Malnutrition Infection and unregulated fertility
 Would largest public Health tool is Immunization
 One community development block population is One Lakh (Hundred Villages)
 World Breast feeding week is celebrated in 1st week of August.
 Most common Indirect cause of Maternal Mortality is Anemia.
 Mid Arm circumference is constant during age – 1-5 years.
 Best indicator of Protein quality is – NPU (net protein utilization)
 Most sensitive toop for evaluating Iron status of body – Serum ferretin
 Most essential fatty acid is – Linotic Acid
 Maize eaters are prone to Pellagr (Vit B3 deficiency)
 Primary and most reliable bacterial indicator for water quality is coniform organism (E. coli),
where as recent contamination fecal streptococci and remote contamination chlostridium
 Contact time for chloeination of water is – 1 Hour
 CO2 in air is measured by Kieffer test and the best indicator of air pollution is sulfur dioxide
(Biological indicator is lichen)
 Recommended Noise level A/c to WHO – 85 DB
 Most satisfactory method of Refuse disposal is – Senitary landfill/controlled tipping.
 Cigar shaped eggs and white scaling pattern is seen in – aedes mosquito (Tiger mosquito)
 Human anatomical waste, soiled waste, discarded medians, cytotoxic dnigs are disposal in yellow
 Disposal of Placenta at PHC is treat with bleaching powder and burial.
 Sharp waste is disposed in White translucent container.
 Highest priority is given to Red colour code in triage and heast priority is Black.
 Burtonianline is seen in lead boisconing (plumbrisum)
 Most variable phase of menstrual cycle is pre ovulatory or follicular.
 Corpus leuteum maintain upto 3 month in pregnancy and release both estrogen and progestrone.
 Fern test is done for both ovulation and amniotic fluid leakage.
 Blastocyst is the structure who implanted in upper part of uterine body near the fundus.
 Feto placental circulation or 1st Heart beat present on 21st day post conception (5 week gestation).
 Intersticial implantation completed at deciduas basalis.
 Fetal sex organ differentiation occur at 12wk.
 Nitabuch layer present over syncytiotrophoblast.
 IgG transfer by placenta to the fetus.
 Circumvellate placenta refer as central disc depression.
 At term fetal urine is major source of amniotic fluid production.
 In amnioinfusion isotonic solution used.
 The oxygenated source in fetal circulation is umbilical vein who develop ligamentum teres after
the birth.
 Ideal femal pelvis is gynecoid and ideal plane for labour is outlet.
 Biparietal diameter of fetal skull is visible during the normal labour.

RP LP (4th)
- Position (3rd

LA (1st)
RA (2nd)

 Lightning occur after 36 wk and during 32/40 week fundal height is equal.
 Desent is confirmed by pawlick grip (2nd pelvic)
 Hegar sign demonstrated by softening in lower uterine segment.
 HCG cofirmly diagnosed by blood test which is a probable indicator of pregnancy.
 Neglee‟s formula : LMP + 7 day‟s + 9 month
 During pregnancy vaginal pH is more acidic and organism is doderline bacilli.
 Pregnancy related physiological anemia explain as more plasma then erythrocyte (Hemodilution)
 Ideally amniocentasis done between 14 to 16 weeks.
 Triple test done to diagnose down syndrome.
Normal (Reactive l Positive
Abnormal (Non Reactive l Negative
 Positive nitrazine test confirms amniotic fluid leakage.
 Oxytocin is responsible for polarity of uterus.
 Intervel between labour pain calculated as outgoing of one contraction to outgoing of next.
 Maximum cervical dilation occur during active stage of labour.
 Bishop score explain as maternal readiness for labour and cervical ripening.
 Partograph explain progress of labour.
 Ferguson reflex involve oxytocin release by PV.
 Ideal position to push the Fetus is squatting.
 Restitution is externally visible by head rotation.
 Most confirmatory sign of placenta separation is assessment of umbilical cord length.
 Sucking is major stimulant for Lactation.
 After pain‟s are more common in multipara and feeding mother‟s.
 Uterine atonicity is major cause of PPH.
 Blighted ovum is a condition of gestational sac without embryo.
 Encirclage is technique for cervical incompetency.
 2nd trimester pregnancy termination done by oxytocin infusion.
 TVS + Laproscopy is ideal diagnostic tool in ectopic pregnancy.
 Hypetension before 20 week possible in molar pregnancy in which USG shoul snow storm
 Placenta previa result from defective deciduas characterized by painless bleeding.
 Hypertension is the basic cause behind Abruptio placenta.
 Priority Early bleeding :- Bleeding and pad counting.
Assessment Late bleeding :- maternal l fetal vitals
Basic character in pre- eclampsia is hypertension and most common complaint is headache.
Calling for assistance
 Eclampsia Priorities Injury prevention
Airway and oxygen

 Hypotonic uterus is known as uterine inertia.

 Prolonged labour > 18 hour, precipitate <2 hour.
 Maternal IM Dexamethasone is DOC in preterm.
 FHR is priorities assessment after ROM.

 FHS Location RSA LSA


 In shoulder dystocia internal podalic version is done.

 Trendelenburg used to prevent cord compression and for replacement there is sims.
 Most common fusion in corjoined twin‟s is thorax.
 Clomiphene citrate is ovulation inducing drug.
 TTTS explain as hypo-hyper volemie syndrome.
 FFP is 1st line intervention for DIC.
 3” Uterine displacement explain as „PROCENDETIA‟.
 GDM assessment done at 24-28 week.
 Hyperemesis involve initial alkalosis then acidosis.
 Episiotomy is 2” perineal injury. Most common M - L.
 Schiller test for vaginal pH and spin-barkett for cervical mucus.
 Major uterus support is transverse l cardinal ligament.
 Thelarche is 1st puberty sign.
 Trichomoniasis is most common vaginitis.

1. With mao inhibitors cheese is not given

2. Doc for prophylaxis of mi is aspirin
3. Most common cause of death in mi is dysrhythmia
4. Monitor RR with naloxone wen given for treatment of opiod toxicity
5. Salbutamol is given by both nebulization and i.v
6. Diuretics are given in morning time
7. Fentanyl is used with other anesthetic agents to increase effect.
8. Succinyl choline is used as muscle relaxant for ECT
9. Atropine is doc for symptomatic bradycardia
10. Most common adverse effect of anticancer drug is nausea and vomiting
11. With salbutamol monitor potassium levels as it cause hypokalemia
12. Aminoglycosides are nephrotoxic so monitor serum creatinine with it
13. Drugs which induce sleep are called hypnotics
14. Drugs which decrease secretions and used to prevent aspiration is atropine
15. To make lignocaine long acting epinephrine is given with it
16. Most common side effect of digoxin therapy is loss of appetite
17. Dopamine is used in treatment of shock because it has renal vasodilatory effect
18. Heparin is given to prevent blood clotting during hemodialysis procedure
19. Oxytocin cause water intoxication so monitor intake and output
20. Give kcl with slow infusion and in diluted form because it cause tissue necrosis
21. If client experience hypotension with epidural anaesthesia the nurse should turn him to left side
22. Client receiving mgso4 should have foley catheter in place and hourly intake and output should
be checked
23. Before cataract removal client will have mydriatic drops instilled to dilate pupils
24. Hearing aids should be stored in a cool place in order to preserve life of battery
25. Most common side effect of ntg is hypotension (headache) citrus fruits (orange, lemon) increas
absorption of iron
26. Pethidine is uses to treat post operative shivering
27. Priority management of patient of retinal detachment is cover the eye with path
28. Always keep post op cataract patient in semi fowler position
29. Eye drops are put in lower conjunctiva from inward to outward canthus
30. Hearing aids is used in treatment of otsclerosis
31. With clozapine and carbamezapine monitor wbc count as they cause agranulocytosis
32. Fibrinolytics are not given if patient has hypertension
33. Most common side effect of ace inhibitors is dry cough
34. Iron toxicity (hemochromatosis) is also known as bronze diabetes
35. Sodium valproate cause alopecia and pancreatitis.
 Most common complication of peritoneal Dialysis – Peritonitis
 Most common type of kidney stone – Cu+ oxylate
 Stone Associated 𝑐 Infection – STRUVITE STONE
 Priority in stone management – Pain management.
 PANROSE DRAIN use in puelolithotomy.
 Renal colic radiate to U. Bladder in female and testis in male.
 Most common types of fncontinance – STRESS Incontinence.
 Renal failure cause – M. acidosis
– Hyper kalmia
– Hyper phosythetemia
– Hyper megnesemia
– Hypo cultemia
– Hypo Natremia.
 Hyper kalemia ECG change
(i) Wide QRS complex
(ii) Prolonged PR interval
(iii) ST segment elevation
(iv) Tall “T” wave
 Early dysfunction of kidney detection by serum Creatinine.
 Hyperkalemia treat by – Insuline + dextrose
 Dialysis work on principle of VITRA FILTRATION, Osmosd, diffusion
 Patency of fistula check by thrill and fruit sound.
 Drugs which use for H.D. – Heparin
 Drugs which with old for H.D. – Antihypertensive and digoxin.
 Most common complication of H.D. – Hypotension N/R- stop procedure.
 Position for Renal Biopsy – Prone 𝑐 pillow under Abdomen.
 S/B of Nephrotic syndrome – 1. Proteinuria
– 2. Edema
– 3. Hypoalbuminemia.
– 4. Hyper lipictamia

 Diet in nephritic syndrome – Low protein

– Low Na+
– High Calories
 Urine colour in Womeruloneptinitis – Cocca Colour
 Case of Glomerulo nephritis – Group A – betu hemolyte Streptococcal.
 Most common couretive organism for VIT – E. Col:
 Cystitis – Inflammation of Urinary Bladder.
 Flunk pain & costovertebral Angle tenderness in puelo – nephritis
 Early sign of BPH - se size & force of urine stream.
 D.O.C in BPH – Tumsulosin
 Complication of Prestectomy – urine leakage
 ADH produced by Hypothelemus.
 ALDOSTERONE produced by zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex.
 Calcitonin - se serum HPo4- level
- se serum Cu+ level.
 PTH - se serum Cu+ level
- se serum HPo4- level
 Specific Gravity of urine – 1.06 – 1.024
 Anion gap (A GAP) – 6 – 12 milliliter
 Urine output less than 400 ml in 24 hours – oliguria
 Dysuria – painful micturation.
 Serum creatinine level – 0.6 – 1.3 mglols.
 Most reliable method for urine collection – supra – pubic aspiration.
 Custoscope use for Visulization of V. Bladder
 PARA sympathetic supply cause – Centraction of detrusor muscle & rexation of IUS
 Length of female urethra – 4 cm.
 More chance of UTI, incontinence in female B/o short length df Urethra.
 Renin is produced by JUXTA – Glomerular cells
 NET Feltration pressure – 10 mm of Hg.
 The volume of filtrate formed by both kidney – GLUMERULAR FILTRATION RATE.
 Normal GFR – 125 ml/min, in pregnancy – 187 ml/min
 Maximum re absorption / complete re- absorption of Glucose, Amino Acid in PCT.
 Loop diuretics (lasix or frusemicle) Act on thick ascrcling segment of Nephrone.
 Thin Ascending segment impermeable to water re-absorption.
 Development of kidney – in SACRAL REGION
 Kidney is a retroperioneal organ.
 Right kidney is slightly lower than left kidney B/o considerable space occupied by Liver in Right
 Fibrous layer outside the kidney which provide protection to kidney – Renal Capsule.
 Nephrones are the structural & Functional units of kidney
 Tubes which carry urine from renal pelvis to urinary bladder – URETERS.
 Capacity of V. Bladder – 1 liter.
 INNER layer of V. bladder compused of – TRANSITIONAL EPI.
 Micturation centre – in PONS
 Micturation reflex centre – sural plerus.

 Serum = Plasma – Fibrinogen.

 The sample of serum is taken into plane vial.
 Plasma protein = 6-8 gm%
 Albumine = 4-6 gm% (Maintain osmotic pressure)
 Fibrinogen = clotting protein.
 RBC = NON – nucleated formed element
 Size of RBC = 7.2 µ
 Life span of RBC = 120 days.
 Poly cythemia =  No. of RBC.
 Erythropoiesis = Bone marrow in Adult.
 Erythropoiesis = Yoik sac, spean, liver in fetus.
 Blood Bank of human body = spleen
 Graue yard of RBC = Spleen
 Major lymphatie organ = spleen
 Function of RBC = Transport of Blood gases
 Normal HB = 14-16 gm.
 O2 + HB = OXY HB
 Co2 + HB = carb HB (carb. Amino compound)
 Co + HB = Carboxy HB
 1 HB molecules carry 4 molecule.
 Iron is in Ferrous stage in HB & OXY HB.
 Bilirubin & Bilirdin = waste product of RBC Break down.
 Epithelium tissue is an Avascular tissue.
 Skin – largest organ of human body.
 Liver – largest gland of human body.
 Thermo – regulating organ – skin.
 Thermo – regulating centre – hypothalamus.
 Respiratory, B.P., HEART rate centre = Medulla
 Blood is a connective tissue . oblongata.
 Maximum amount of tissue in human body = Connective tissue.
 Minimum Regeration power = NERVOUS tissue.
 Synapse = The junction by which neurons communicate with each- other.
 Nature of cell – membrance = semi – permeable.
 Cytoplasm contain 70% of water.
 Rough E.R = Protein synthesis
 Smooth E.R = Lipis synthesis
 Golge apparatus = packaging and transport of protein.
 Lysosmes = suicidal bag of the cell.
 Microtubules & microfilaments = cytoskeleton.
 Ribosomes = protein factories.
 Nucleus = controller of the cell.
 Metaplasia = Transformation of one type of cell into another type of cell.
 Total Body fluid = 60-70% of total body weight.
 ICF = 70% (K is present at maximum amount)
 ECF = 30% (Na is present at maximum amount)
 pH of blood = 7.35-7.45
 Amount of blood = 7-8% of body weight.

 1ST Heart Beat – 5 wk gestation

 Corpus Leuteum survival – 12 wk.
 EMBRyo – 8 wk
 1st Dopler FHS – 8 to 10 wk
 Genital identification – 12 wk
 Fetal Thyroxin – 12 wk
 Placenta development – 12 wk
 HCG maximum level – 8 to 10 wk
 Amniocentasis – 14 to 16 wk
 Amniotic fluid formation – 12 wk
 IUD – 20 wk
 Roll over test – 28-32 wk
 GTT for GDM – 24 to 28 wk
 Lighting Multi 30 wk
Primi 38 wk
 Triple test – 15 to 18 wk
 Hegar sign – 6 to 10 wk
 Germ cell concept – 8 wk
 Fetal urine formation – 12 wk
 Alsortion – 22 wk (WHO)
 Quickning – 18 wk
 Non motile sperm in semen Nacrozoospermia.

 Trichomoniasis is most common vaginitis.

 DUB is both avular and anovular.

 Most common PID is solpingitis.

 Remote complication of forceps is Bockache.

 GDM complicated in Labour manage by dextrose an insulin.

 In placenta previa PV is contraindicated.

 General orthopedic intervention is REST (immobile)

 Open orthopedic injury manage by external pressure.

 Buck‟s is skin traction used in tibial fracture

 Russells traction used for Femur Fracture.

 Compartment syndrome character involve „6P‟ in which initial intervention is to

remove compress

 Below knee amputation should be placed in elevate

 Most common arthritis is osteoarthritis.

 Most common spinal curvature abnormality is scoliosis

 Bone healing involve 6 steps.

 Radial Neck shaft angle is 15o-25o.

1. Nursing process word used by Lydia Hall.
2. Assessment is the first and most important phase of nursing process.
3. Prioritize nursing diagnosis according to Abraham Maslow hierarchy of basic
human need.
4. Inspection>auscultation>percussion>palpation is the order in case of abdomen
5. Diurnal variation of body temperature is 0.5-1 degree Celsius.
6. Clinical thermometer was invented by Thomas Clifford Allbutt.
7. Clean thermometer bulb to stem before assessing body temperature.
8. Assess apical pulse for full one minute.
9. Place stethoscope at 5 left intercostals space at mid clavicular line.
10. Use diaphragm of stethoscope to auscultate high pitch sound.
11. Narrow, loose cuff & slow deflation of cuff may cause falsely high Blood
12. Mean arterial Blood Pressure is 93.3 mm of Hg.
13. Difference in between Systolic BP and Diastolic BP is called pulse pressure.
14. Normal pulse pressure is 40 mm of Hg.
15. Trendelenburg position- Pelvic surgery.
16. Knee chest position- Sigmoidoscopy.
17. Sim‟s position-Enema.
18. Sequence for CPR is
19. Assess carotid pulse for 5-10 seconds while assessing an adult patient for CPR.
20. Compression -ventilation ratio for adult in one or two rescuer is 30:2.
21. Compression -ventilation ratio for child or infant in two rescuers is 15:2.
22. Heimlich maneuver used to remove foreign body from upper airway in adult.
23. Size of Endo-trachial tube for adult is 8-9.5 mm.
24. Size of Endo-trachial tube for newborn is 2.5-4 mm.
25. Prolong suctioning of trachea may cause hypoxia and bradycardia.
26. Highest fraction of inspired oxygen delivery method is Non Rebreather Mask.
27. Most accurate method of oxygen delivery is Venturi Mask.
28. Retrolental fibroplasia is a common complication of oxygen in preterm newborn.
29. Pain, coolness and swelling show fluid infiltration.
30. Normal saline, Ringer lactate and 5% GDW are isotonic solutions.
31. Ringer lactate contains sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride
and sodium lactate.
32. Allen‟s test is done prior to take blood sample from radial artery.
33. Respiratory function indicator is carbon-dioxide gas.
34. Metabolic function indicator is Bicarbonate ion.
35. Acidosis causes Hyperkalemia.
36. Alkalosis causes hypokalemia.
37. Measure length of Naso gastric tube from nose to earlobe to xiphoid process.
38. One millimeter is equal to 3 Fr.
39. Catgut is natural absorbable suture material.
40. Silk is natural non absorbable suture material.
41. ST segment depression, flat T wave, prominent u wave in ECG represent
42. Widen QRS complex, flat P wave, prolong PR interval & Tall T wave in ECG
represent hyperkalemia.
43. Hot application is contraindicated in acute inflammatory conditions.
44. Stupes, poultice & Sitz bath are moist heat application method.
45. Temperature of water in Sitz bath is 43-46 degree Celsius.
46. Most reliable site to take body temperature is rectum.
47. Flow rate or drop per minute=Volume to be infused in ml/Total time in
hours*Drop factor
48. Application of drug over skin by friction is called inunctions.
49. Anchor catheter at upper and inner thigh.
50. Continues bubbling in water seal chamber show air leakage.
51. Kayexalate is used to treat hyperkalemia.
52. Whole blood stored for 35 days at 2-6 degree celsius temperature.
53. 60 mg is equal to 1 grain.
54. Antidote of Lead is Dimercaptosuccinic acid(DMSA) or calcium disodium edatate.
55. Antidote of iron is deferoxamine.
56. Antidote of heparin is protamine sulphate.
57. Tyndallisation is done at 100 degree Celsius for 20 minutes.
58. Blister formed in second stage of pressure ulcer.
59. Benedict test is used to detect sugar in urine. Non-reactive to sucrose.
60. Relative bradycardia found in typhoid.

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