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US 20120282563A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0282563 A1
Filius (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 8, 2012
(54) ROTARY KILN LINING AND METHOD (52) U.S. Cl. .............. 432/14; 432/118; 432/119; 29/428
(75) Inventor: Joel R. Filius, York, PA (US) Provided is a rotary kiln having a cylindrical shell having an
inner cylindrical Surface and a longitudinal axis and a kiln
(73) Assignee: Magnesita Refractories Company, lining disposed on the inner cylindrical Surface of the shell.
York, PA (US) The kiln lining includes one or more radial portions of a first
size of shaped refractory material disposed on the inner cylin
drical Surface of the shell along the longitudinal axis for at
(21) Appl. No.: 13/101,642 least a portion of the shell and one or more lifter sections
comprising a second size of shaped refractory material that
extend along the longitudinal axis for at least a portion of the
(22) Filed: May 5, 2011 shell and are between radial portions of the first size of shaped
refractory material, wherein the second size of shaped refrac
tory material is greater than the first size of shaped refractory
Publication Classification material. Such that the second size of shaped refractory mate
rial extends orthogonally from the inner cylindrical Surface
(51) Int. C. for a greater portion of the diameter of the shell than the first
F27B 7/14 (2006.01) size of shaped refractory material, the second size of shaped
B23P II/00 (2006.01) refractory materials thereby forming a series of blunt faces.
F27D L/6 (2006.01) Also included are methods of processing materials using the
F27B 7/28 (2006.01) inventive kiln lining, and methods of assembling the inventive
F27D I/06 (2006.01) kiln lining.
Patent Application Publication Nov. 8, 2012 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2012/0282S63 A1

Patent Application Publication Nov. 8, 2012 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2012/0282S63 A1
Patent Application Publication Nov. 8, 2012 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2012/0282S63 A1
US 2012/0282S63 A1 Nov. 8, 2012

ROTARY KILN LINING AND METHOD try in the lifter section of the inventive kiln lining. These
refractory shapes, never before used in rotary kiln applica
FIELD OF INVENTION tions, form lifter sections that are durable and effective even
0001. The field of invention relates to rotary kilns, and in the highest temperature Zones of the rotary kiln. Embodi
more particularly to a rotary kiln having an improved lining. ments of the present invention desirably agitate the material
passing over the inventive kiln lining, resulting in a flexible
BACKGROUND and cost efficient solution for a kiln of any diameter.
0006. In a first embodiment, a rotary kiln is described that
0002 Rotary kilns are employed to pyro-process materials has a cylindrical shell having an inner cylindrical Surface and
Such as lime, cement, clinker, alumina, and other calcined or a longitudinal axis. The kiln also includes a kiln lining dis
burned products. Conventional rotary kilns include a refrac posed on the inner cylindrical surface of the shell. The kiln
tory lining of brick or monolithic casting. The refractory lining generally includes one or more radial portions of a first
lining protects the outer shell against deterioration due to the size of shaped refractory material disposed on the inner cylin
extreme temperatures at which pyro-processing occurs, while drical Surface of the shell along the longitudinal axis for at
concurrently mitigating heat loss through the outer metallic least a portion of the shell. One or more lifter sections com
shell of the rotary kiln. Artisans have long constructed refrac prising a second size of shaped refractory material that extend
tory linings for rotary kilns comprised of refractory bricks or along the longitudinal axis for at least a portion of the shell
blocks of uniform shape by Successively laying these shapes separate the one or more radial portions of the first size of
according to methods well known. The VDZ and ISO sched shaped refractory material. The second size of shaped refrac
ules teach the shapes known in the art for rotary kiln applica tory material extends orthogonally from the inner cylindrical
tions, which include wedges, arches, keys and other designs. surface for a greater portion of the diameter of the shell than
0003 Conventional rotary kilns may also include a lifter the first size of shaped refractory material. In this manner, the
section, arranged parallel to the length of the kiln, which second size of shaped refractory materials forms a series of
agitates the material passing through the kiln. Lifters cause blunt faces. The compressive forces resulting from this
this desirable agitation by capturing a portion of the material arrangement assists in maintaining the position of the lifter
upon rotation of the kiln, carrying it upwards along the wall of sections.
the kiln before releasing it as the lifter rotates towards the 0007. The one or more lifter sections may alternatively
uppermost point of rotation. As the material falls off the lifter comprise multiple sizes of shaped refractory material, each
and towards the lowest point of rotation, it passes through the greater than the first size of shaped refractory material. These
hot gases existing in the kiln. Thus, as a consequence of multiple sizes of shaped refractory materials are arranged in a
increasing agitation, the lifter section enhances the heat trans tiered configuration Such that the orthogonal height of the
fer from the rotary kiln to the material so processed. shaped refractory material ascends from the outermost
0004 Prior art designs of rotary kilns linings have shaped refractory material to the innermost refractory mate
included lifter sections comprising a single brick attached to rial.
the inner shell by way of metal rods and installed for a certain 0008. The inventive rotary kiln may include one, two, or
portion of the length of the overall kiln. More recent designs more lifter sections. In a preferred embodiment, the lifter
include lifter sections formed of monolithic castings of sections run along the longitudinal axis of the shell for at least
refractory material. These inflexible prior art designs require the burning Zone portion of the shell. In order to withstand the
specific set-up procedures to ensure the survivability of the extreme conditions of the burning Zone portion of the shell,
base material which, in general, limit the application to the the shaped materials of the lifter sections are preferably com
cooler regions of the rotary kiln where the effectiveness as a prised of materials such as: between about 58 to about 95
heat transfer system is minimized. Put another way, prior art percent by weight MgO, between about 1 to about 39 percent
designs have generally excluded lifter sections from the hot by weight CaO; between about 0.5 to about 3 percent by
test portion of the kiln, known as the burning Zone, because weight ZrO; between about 0.5 to about 2 percent by weight
the extreme temperature and compressive forces of the pro SiO2; between about 0.1 to about 1.5 percent by weight
cessed material adversely affect the integrity of the structure. Al-O; and between about 0 to about 1 percent by weight
This exclusion, however, causes wasteful heat loss as it pre FeO.
vents Sufficient agitation as the material traverses this portion
of the rotary kiln. Also, because the burning Zone is typically 0009. In another embodiment, a method is provided for
located at or towards the discharge end of the rotary kiln, the processing materials in a rotary kiln. The method includes
material may exit these prior art kilns with less than a suffi feeding a burden of material to be processed into a processing
cient degree of mixing. Zone. The processing Zone comprises a cylindrical shell hav
ing an inner cylindrical Surface and alongitudinal axis. One or
SUMMARY OF INVENTION more radial arrangements of a first size of shaped refractory
materials are disposed on the inner cylindrical Surface of the
0005. The present invention identifies and overcomes shell arranged along the longitudinal axis for at least a portion
multiple deficiencies of the prior art. As stated above, the of the shell. One or more lifter sections comprised of a second
prior art lifter designs can not be implemented in the hottest size of shaped refractory materials extend along the longitu
portions of the kiln. Moreover, monolithic castings prove dinal axis for at least a portion of the shell and act to separate
costly and difficult to repair should only a portion of the the radial arrangements of the first size of shaped refractory
casting degrade with use. It has now been identified that, by materials. The second size of shaped refractory materials
combining refractory shapes from the steel industry with extends orthogonally from the inner cylindrical Surface for a
conventional rotary kiln refractory shapes, a rotary kiln lining greater portion of the diameter of the shell than the first size of
and lifter design can be assembled. In particular, the present shaped refractory materials. In this manner, the second size of
invention employs refractory shapes known to the steel indus shaped refractory materials forms a series of blunt faces that
US 2012/0282S63 A1 Nov. 8, 2012

extend above the radial arrangements of the first size of 0013. It is understood that the foregoing general descrip
shaped refractory materials. Next, the processing Zone is tion and the following detailed description are exemplary, but
rotated such that the blunt faces lift the material along the wall are not restrictive, of the invention.
of the processing Zone. In a preferred embodiment, the pro
cessing Zone is located in the burning Zone portion of the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES
rotary kiln. 0014 FIG. 1 illustrates a perspective view of a rotary kiln;
0010. The processing Zone may comprise more than one 0015 FIG. 2 illustrates a cross-sectional view of the rotary
lifter section. Further, the compressive forces resulting from kiln lining according to the present invention;
the cylindrical configuration can maintain the positioning of 0016 FIG. 3 illustrates a top-down sectional view of one
the lifter sections. In some embodiments of the present inven of the lifter sections depicted by FIG. 2;
tion, the lifter section of the processing Zone comprises mul 0017 FIG. 4 illustrates a partial view of the gradual tran
tiple sizes of shaped refractory materials, each extends sition of one of the lifter sections; and
orthogonally from the inner cylindrical Surface for a greater 0018 FIG. 5 illustrates a longitudinal view of the rotary
portion of the diameter of the shell than the first size of shaped kiln lining.
refractory materials. The multiple sizes of shaped refractory DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
materials are arranged in a tiered configuration Such that the
orthogonal height of the shaped refractory materials ascends 0019 Rotary kilns process a wide variety of materials used
from the outermost shaped refractory materials to the inner in a number of industries. FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a
most refractory materials. The shaped materials of the lifter rotary kiln 10 according to the prior art. The rotary kiln 10 is
sections are preferably comprised of materials such as: characterized by a long cylindrical shell 11 which, when
between about 58 to about 95 percent by weight MgO; viewed in cross-section (not shown), has a refractory lining
between about 1 to about 39 percent by weight CaO; between which extends longitudinally for a portion or all of the length
about 0.5 to about 3 percent by weight ZrO; between about of the shell 11. Referring back to FIG. 1, shell 11 sits at an
0.5 to about 2 percent by weight SiO, between about 0.1 to incline of 3-5°, or at an elevation sufficient to cause material
about 1.5 percent by weight Al-O; and between about 0 to charged at an inlet 12 to move towards a discharge 14. Rotary
about 1 percent by weight FeO. kilns may be constructed in a variety of sizes, with typical
0011. Yet another embodiment includes a method of
diameters of 4-15 feet and lengths of 75-500 feet.
assembling a kiln lining comprised of a substantially horizon 0020 Generally, rotary kilns process materials by heating
tally-oriented cylindrical shell having an inner cylindrical them to extreme temperatures, as would a furnace. By way of
Surface and a longitudinal axis. First, one or more radial example, the rotary kiln 10 is described below with respect to
arrangements of a first size of shaped refractory materials are the pyro-processing of lime. At extreme temperatures, the
disposed on the inner cylindrical surface of the shell along the calcination of limestone to produce Hi-Cal Limestone/quick
longitudinal axis for at least a portion of the shell. Second, one lime occurs according to the following chemical reaction:
or more lifter sections comprising a second size of shaped
refractory materials that extend along the longitudinal axis 0021 Temperatures within the rotary kiln vary by loca
for at least a portion of the shell are placed between radial tion, but can reach 2700°F. or more in the burning Zone
arrangements of the first size of shaped refractory materials. portion 13 of the kiln. The burning Zone portion 13 is typically
The second size of shaped refractory materials extends located proximate to the discharge 14 of the rotary kiln, and
orthogonally from the inner cylindrical Surface for a greater may extend for approximately the last third of the length of
portion of the diameter of the shell than the first size of shaped the shell 11. In addition to exposing materials to the tempera
refractory materials. The second size of shaped refractory tures described above, the rotary kiln rotates at an adjustable
materials thereby form a series of blunt faces on the inner speed, facilitating the transport of the material from the inlet
Surface of the kiln lining. 12 to the discharge 14. The discharge 14 may be in series with
0012. The inventive kiln lining, while not limited in loca a cooler (not shown) Such that the material so discharged is
tion, is preferably located at least in the burning Zone portion immediately cooled.
of the kiln. In an exemplary embodiment, the kiln lining may 0022. Within the rotary kiln 10, four discrete factors con
comprise more than one lifter section. Further, the compres tribute to the heat transferred to the processing material. First,
sive forces resulting from the cylindrical configuration can radiative heat transfer occurs between the hot gases and the
maintain the positioning of the lifter sections. In some material. Second, convective heat transfer occurs between the
embodiments of the present invention, the lifter section of the hot gases and the material. Third, radiative heat transfer
kiln lining comprises multiple sizes of shaped refractory occurs between the refractory lining and the material. Finally,
materials, each greater than the first size of shaped refractory conductive heat transfer occurs between the refractory lining
materials and arranged in a tiered configuration Such that the and the material. As a general rule, the large majority of heat
orthogonal height of the shaped refractory materials ascends transfer occurs according to the first and second mechanisms.
from the outermost shaped refractory materials to the inner 0023 Turning now to FIG. 2, an exemplary embodiment
most refractory materials. The shaped materials of the lifter of the present invention is depicted. Here, the cross-section of
sections are preferably comprised of materials such as: the burning Zone portion shows the rotary kiln to rotate in a
between about 58 to about 95 percent by weight MgO; counter-clockwise direction. As the material passes through
between about 1 to about 39 percent by weight CaO; between the burning Zone portion, it passes over the refractory lining
about 0.5 to about 3 percent by weight ZrO; between about 15 and is captured by lifter section 16 as the rotary kiln
0.5 to about 2 percent by weight SiO, between about 0.1 to rotates. As the lifter section 16 rotates towards the uppermost
about 1.5 percent by weight Al-O; and between about 0 to point of rotation, the material is released and falls back
about 1 percent by weight FeO. towards the lowest point of rotation.
US 2012/0282S63 A1 Nov. 8, 2012

0024. The refractory lining 15 is disposed on the inner from the outermost shaped refractory materials 23 and 24 to
cylindrical surface of the shell 11, and includes one or more the innermost shaped refractory materials 26 and 27. The
radial portions 17. In the embodiment illustrated, the radial orthogonal height of shaped refractory materials 23, 24, 25.
portions 17 are formed by successive placement of refractory 26, and 27 also increases circumferentially from the outer
bricks 18. most shaped refractory materials 23 and 25 to the innermost
0025. As shown in FIG. 2, refractory lining 15 further shaped refractory materials 26 and 27. While this specific
includes one or more lifter sections 16 which separate each of configuration is disclosed, rotary kilns employing different
the radial portions 17. The refractory bricks 19, which are combinations and sizes of shaped refractory materials will
slightly larger than the refractory bricks 18, provide a transi become apparent to those skilled in the art.
tion between the radial portions 17 and the larger lifter sec 0031 While the burning Zone portion 13 should include
tions 16. Refractory bricks 18 and 19 are preferably sized the lifter sections 16, the entire rotary kiln does not need to as
according to the dimensions described by the VDZ or ISO illustrated by FIG. 5. Indeed, other portions of the rotary kiln
schedules. 10 may have a uniform cross-section comprised entirely of
0026. The lifter sections 16 are formed of shaped refrac refractory bricks 18. FIG. 5 illustrates a longitudinal view of
tory materials employed in Steel refining and previously the inner cylindrical surface of the shell 11. The lifter sections
unused in rotary kiln applications. The lifter sections 16 may 16 are disposed on the inner cylindrical surface of shell 11 and
include a combination of shaped refractory materials, such as extend longitudinally for some but not all of the length of the
shaped refractory materials 20, 21, and 22. Each of the shaped shell 11. The refractory bricks 18, which are shown surround
refractory materials 20, 21, and 22 extend orthogonally from ing the lifter sections 16, have been removed from the remain
the inner cylindrical surface of the shell 11 for a greater ing surface area of the inner cylindrical surface of shell 11 in
portion of the diameter of the shell than the refractory bricks order to clearly illustrate the lifter sections 16. It should be
18 forming the radial portion 17. In the configuration illus understood that the depicted exposed inner cylindrical Sur
trated by FIG. 2, the orthogonal height of the shaped refrac face of the shell 11 would, in practice, be fully covered by the
tory materials 20, 21, and 22 ascends from the outer most refractory bricks 18.
shaped refractory materials 20 to the inner most shaped 0032. Installation of the inventive kiln lining can be
refractory materials 22. The shaped refractory materials 20, achieved through methods known to those skilled in the art.
21, and 22 thereby form a series of blunt faces 23 and 24 that An exemplary method of installation involves the Successive
define the profile of the lifter sections 16. laying of refractory bricks 18 and 19. Upon placement of the
0027. At least one, several, or all of the refractory bricks shaped refractory materials 20, 21, and 22, wooden pogos are
18 and the shaped refractory materials 20, 21, and 22 are employed to maintain the position of these larger shapes. The
preferably tapered, i.e., these refractory materials have an wooden pogos are removed upon completion of the cylindri
outside dimension greater than the inner dimension so as to cal arrangement, which arrangement produces a compressive
form a keystone effect. This keystone effect generates com force that maintains the position of the lifter sections 16.
pressive forces between the radial portions 17 and the lifter 0033. The foregoing has described the present invention in
sections 16, thereby maintaining the configuration of the kiln but one of its forms. It should be understood that the present
lining 15. Other means of affixing the refractory lining 15. invention is not so limited; rather, it is susceptible to various
however, may also be used. modifications without departing from the illustrated prin
0028. Therefractory bricks 18 and 19 as well as the shaped ciples.
refractory materials 20, 21, and 22, should have a material What is claimed:
composition that exhibits good load and compression resis
tance, especially under extreme temperatures. For example, 1. A rotary kiln comprising:
materials having a composition Such as between about 58 to a cylindrical shell having an inner cylindrical Surface and a
about 95 percent by weight MgO; between about 1 to about 39 longitudinal axis; and
percent by weight CaO; between about 0.5 to about 3 percent a kiln lining disposed on the inner cylindrical Surface of the
by weight ZrO; between about 0.1 to about 2 percent by shell comprising:
weight SiO, between about 0.1 to about 8 percent by weight one or more radial portions of a first size of shaped
Al-O; and between about 0 to about 1 percent by weight refractory material disposed on the inner cylindrical
FeO, have exhibited sufficient properties for use in the Surface of the shell along the longitudinal axis for at
inventive kiln lining. least a portion of the shell; and
0029 FIG. 3 illustrates a top-down sectional view of one one or more lifter sections comprising a second size of
of the lifter sections 16. From this vantage, refractory bricks shaped refractory material that extend along the lon
18 and 19 are shown to have a substantially rectangular cross gitudinal axis for at least a portion of the shell and are
section, while shaped refractory materials 20, 21 and 22 have between radial portions of the first size of shaped
a Substantially square cross section. refractory material, wherein the second size of shaped
0030 FIG. 4 illustrates a partial view of a gradual transi refractory material is greater than the first size of
tion from one of the radial portions 17 to one of the lifter shaped refractory material. Such that the second size
sections 16. The gradual transition between the orthogonal of shaped refractory material extends orthogonally
height of the radial portions 17 and the lifter sections 16 from the inner cylindrical Surface for a greater portion
occurs in the longitudinal direction as well as in the circum of the diameter of the shell than the first size of shaped
ferential direction. In this particular embodiment, the lifter refractory material, the second size of shaped refrac
section 16 is formed of shaped refractory materials 23, 24, 25, tory materials thereby forming a series of blunt faces:
26, and 27, each having different dimensions. This embodi 2. The rotary kiln of claim 1 wherein the one or more lifter
ment illustrates that the orthogonal height of shaped refrac sections is held under a compressive force by the one or more
tory materials 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 increases longitudinally radial portions.
US 2012/0282S63 A1 Nov. 8, 2012

3. The rotary kiln of claim 1, wherein the one or more lifter rial and arranged in a tiered configuration Such that the
section comprises multiple sizes of shaped refractory mate orthogonal height of the shaped refractory material ascends
rial, each greater than the first size of shaped refractory mate from the outermost shaped refractory material to the inner
rial and arranged in a tiered configuration Such that the most refractory material.
orthogonal height of the shaped refractory material ascends 14. The method of claim 9, wherein the lifter section com
from the outermost shaped refractory material to the inner prises:
most refractory material. between about 58 to about 95 percent by weight MgO;
4. The rotary kiln of claim 1 wherein the rotary kiln has a between about 1 to about 39 percent by weight CaO;
burning Zone, and the one or more lifter sections extend along between about 0.5 to about 3 percent by weight ZrO;
the longitudinal axis for at least the burning Zone. between about 0.1 to about 2 percent by weight SiO,
5. The rotary kiln of claim 1 wherein the rotary kiln has a between about 0.1 to about 8 percent by weight Al-O; and
burning Zone, and the one or more lifter sections extend along
the longitudinal axis for only the burning Zone. between about 0 to about 1 percent by weight FeO.
6. The rotary kiln of claim 1 comprising at least two lifter 15. A method of constructing a kiln lining for a rotary kiln
sections. comprising a cylindrical shell having an inner cylindrical
7. The rotary kiln of claim 1 comprising four lifter sections. Surface and a longitudinal axis comprising:
8. The rotary kiln of claim 1 wherein the second size of placing one or more radial portions of a first size of shaped
shaped refractory materials comprise: refractory material disposed on the inner cylindrical Sur
between about 58 to about 95 percent by weight MgO; face of the shell along the longitudinal axis for at least a
between about 1 to about 39 percent by weight CaO; portion of the shell; and
between about 0.5 to about 3 percent by weight ZrO: placing one or more lifter sections comprising a second
between about 0.1 to about 2 percent by weight SiO, size of shaped refractory material that extends along the
between about 0.1 to about 8 percent by weight Al-O; and longitudinal axis for at least a portion of the shell
between about 0 to about 1 percent by weight FeO. between radial arrangements of the first size of shaped
9. A method of processing materials in a rotary kiln com refractory material, wherein the second size of shaped
prising: refractory material is greater than the first size of shaped
feeding material to be processed into a processing Zone, refractory material. Such that the second size of shaped
wherein the processing Zone comprises: refractory material extends orthogonally from the inner
a cylindrical shell having an inner cylindrical Surface cylindrical Surface for a greater portion of the diameter
and a longitudinal axis; of the shell than the first size of shaped refractory mate
one or more radial portions of a first size of shaped rials, the second size of shaped refractory materials
refractory material disposed on the inner cylindrical thereby forming a series of blunt faces.
Surface of the shell along the longitudinal axis for at 16. The method of claim 15 wherein the rotary kiln has a
least a portion of the shell; and burning Zone, and the kiln lining is located in at least the
one or more lifter sections comprising a second size of burning Zone portion of the rotary kiln.
shaped refractory material that extends along the lon 17. The method of claim 15 wherein the kiln lining com
gitudinal axis for at least a portion of the shell and is prises more than one lifter section.
between radial portions of the first size of shaped 18. The method of claim 15, wherein the one or more lifter
refractory material, wherein the second size of shaped sections are held under a compressive force by the one or
refractory material is greater than the first size of more radial portions.
shaped refractory material. Such that the second size 19. The method of claim 15, wherein the one or more lifter
of shaped refractory material extends orthogonally sections comprises multiple sizes of shaped refractory mate
from the inner cylindrical Surface for a greater portion rial, each greater than the first size of shaped refractory mate
of the diameter of the shell than the first size of shaped rial and arranged in a tiered configuration Such that the
refractory material, the second size of shaped refrac orthogonal height of the second size of shaped refractory
tory materials thereby forming a series of blunt faces: material ascends from the outermost second size of shaped
rotating the processing Zone such that the blunt faces lift refractory material to the innermost second size of shaped
the material.
refractory material.
10. The method of claim 9 wherein the processing Zone 20. The method of claim 15, wherein the second size of
includes a burning Zone. shaped refractory material comprises:
11. The method of claim 9 wherein the processing Zone between about 58 to about 95 percent by weight MgO;
comprises more than one lifter sections. between about 1 to about 39 percent by weight CaO;
12. The method of claim 9, wherein the one or more lifter between about 0.5 to about 3 percent by weight ZrO;
sections are held under a compressive force by the one or between about 0.1 to about 2 percent by weight SiO,
more radial portions. between about 0.1 to about 8 percent by weight Al-O; and
13. The method of claim 9, wherein the one or more lifter between about 0 to about 1 percent by weight FeO.
section comprises multiple sizes of shaped refractory mate
rial, each greater than the first size of shaped refractory mate c c c c c

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